Thank You Dr TONG. I read Dr Tong's message every day in the morning and sometime I will feel unhappy if the message was not publish early. I agree with you that the darkest hour is that before dawn. In fact, the policy is not for the sake of the benifit of the whole Hong Kong. If you look back after ten years later. The Government had driven into a wrong direction that very difficult to return even they know.
Your message in fact can alert the Government should carefully think about that most people purchase property within this 2-3 years were only user and they were struggling for paying the bank installment every month.
I can hear many friends start worrying about the suddentlly drop of property price will turn their all life long accumulated money into a big debt. If the property price really droup 30%-40% like the Top Government officers or so call fanicial expert expect. I am sure those tragedy of suicide will be recurred just like the year of 2001-2003. 2001年—2003年有很多負資產跳樓時是叫天天不應,叫地地不靈???
Dr. TONG's message is now the only support of those property owners to stand untill the dawn come. I hope the Government should always alert by Dr. TONG's message and we should bring this messge to the CE Mr LEUNG CHUN YING and the group of top government staffs every time they voice to enhance or maintain the 3D policy against property .
When the dawn come, will Dr. TONG's also invite all supporter including me to the dinner?