come on. Youu have to pay bsd. |
come on. Youu have to pay bsd. |
3. 向饭民说不 2013-05-04 12:25:27 |
楼上废材,用公司买楼,第一次当然要比BSD。但是之后,公司买卖就肯定不要了。 如果公司买卖也要比BSD,甘你买任何股票,都可以要比BSD,因为上市公司肯定都会持有物业。 你买汇丰,要唔要比BSD。 |
4. 向饭民说不 2013-05-04 12:26:47 |
汇丰手中有银主盘,你买汇丰,等于拥有这些银主盘的权益。你需要比BSD吗? |
5. 亮劍 2013-05-04 14:01:28 |
長毛話唔拉布都得,政府攞長退保出來傾作交換囉,一句到尾,傾你老毛! 香港人均壽命八拾幾,可以搵食嘅年齡加埋係四抬幾,一對夫婦平均生一個左右細路,一半嘅人要政府補貼各種福利之餘仲抽唔倒佢哋稅! 稅收高度集中喺拾零%嘅人身上,加稅會迫佢哋想辦法逃稅,攪全民退保會邊個埋單,答案仲唔明顯?講到尾即係搵中產老襯,呢個搵笨建議在全世界都走入死胡同,竟然仲有後生仔支持,佢哋個腦係咪生滿草? |
6. mini 2013-05-04 14:56:06 |
Hong Kong is an open and attractive city for operating businesses with low taxation, less regulations & rules in Asia...We do not understand what is HKG afraid of... Also, why some people always think about the Total Retirement Protection for HK. With the HKD exchange rate with RMB (1:0.789 yuan),mainland chinese/businessmen/domestic enterprises should take this advantage later. If they can buy more real estates here, and then restructure it as their business trust funds... Let's wait & see... |
7. anggie T. 2013-05-04 17:05:15 |
Yes, the retirement scheme in H.K. is better prepared by people according to own affordability & ability to save & invest rather than Gov. taking the responsibility for you....... If you don't have to take any responsibility in your life you'll never grow up. My sister-in-law(48 yrs old) in Europe still takes his father's retirement pension close to HK$10K as living expenses. Why??? She has a job as Headmaster in Kindergarten, I also wanna know why??? Needless to say a number of bad credit card debts to pay.......Whose fault is it??? The Government or herself?? Totally ridiculous "Long hair"!!! |
8. Shimin 2013-05-04 17:26:35 |
長毛之流實是把香港推向社會主義,變成有香港特色的資本主義,基本上跟中國特色的社會主義是一樣,到時候,香港就完全融合到中國大陸,香港人醒醒吧! |
9. LH 2013-05-04 17:57:40 |
The retirement schem same include those who own properties as well. So why do you people so worry ? The retirement scheme will not be as generous as those in some overseas countries and the retirement age will be much older, say 70 not 50 as in Greek. It probably give some basic needs for basic food. If it is the case, those who own his own property will not worry have to sell his only property to fund his own retirement. People will be more eager to buy theire own home instead of living in gov house to wait to qualify for gov payment when they are in their working age. I think it will stimulate the property market.
10. Shimin 2013-05-04 18:13:40 |
Hong Kong should continue its well established policy for providing a safety net to those in need. The retirement scheme would just encourage people to rely on government to support their retirement life. Mainland China has already been through the painful test of “做又36,不做又36”. Why are we following the suit and suffer the pain again? |
11. anggie T. 2013-05-04 18:58:23 |
To LH) If I can take care of myself, I don't need any extra Gov. resources to make me feel good to spend today. I feel good everyday already because I make good plannings & being responsible for my own future. Not one dollar from the Gov. is needed. Let the Inland Revenue reserve keeps for needy families & people. But if people don't have the sense that their future is in their own hands & are dreaming for Gov. subsidy & help, bad points more than good ones. I myself came from public housing & in my generation people work hard to improve their ways of living. Today the mentality of public housing people have a very different approach, they are very stereotype, hate the Gov, not providing enough, hate the rich but never try to review what they could have done better. I totally agree the Gov. needs to reserve resources to help poor families that no matter what they do, can't improve the living conditions. For those that they can still work hard & produce, why don't you encourage them & give them a chance. As a financial analysist, I can assure you that our future will not be anything easy, don't miscalculate yourself! |
12. LH 2013-05-04 19:36:24 |
Have you read my post probably? I am talking about retirement scheme not myself. Those who already in gov housing is guarantee to be in the gov funded retirement scheme. Those who own there own home, which they work so hard for their life without gov support, at the end they have to sell their only house to fund their own living. This sames very unfaire to this group of people. At the end they lost their home and when the money run out they have to go for gov payment. they may as well start to live in gov house at the start and don"t worry to buy their own home. It is absurd for people not to work at all and wait until 70 to get some basic retire money.
13. homebloggerhk 2013-05-04 20:55:47 |
諗Sir! 你好!本人做建築,月入二萬餘,月儲八千,冇物業,幻想住火炭上蓋,平時喜愛買地產股,連股票有資產20萬。 我有感呢一行樓價貴買不起樓,樓價跌隨時飯碗不保,乃係夾心階層中嘅夾心。 曾側聞空姐會閒時玩下原油期貨對沖行業周期,做我呢行請問諗sir會推介何種投資策略? (如果有人創立借樓沽空呢種工具都唔錯xd) 感謝不吝指教! 打工仔上
ANSWER: 首先讀者之mindset是頗fancy的! 所以選在星期六貼出答文。關於「空姐會閒時玩下原油期貨對沖行業周期」,本人未聽聞。不過航空公司內確有盤手去買賣精煉油,確保公司盈利不會大受油價升跌影響。金、油是硬商品,金的「貨源」比油較歸邊,炒作味濃些少。油有實用性,惟開採成本及供應可隨時調節,亦不見得易炒。如果你真係要炒作,還掂你的資金根不未夠完整買入一張期油合約,你要涉足該市場便要開margin入貨,借錢令風險倍增。既然要做margin倒不如押注於外匯市場。外幣成交大於任何股票,亦無投資股票所要受之公司風險,走勢較貼近技術分析,學好指標有望搵餐飯食。近日各國央行不斷出力舞動本身貨幣匯率,令可預性稍減,不過如你想打好投資基礎,貨幣市場實是一個好開始,更有助你熟悉宏觀機制。 至於建築行業和樓市上落之關連性較強是同意的! 但你的問題不只是你一人獨有,銀行會計都是大上大落一行,你亦會上建築業平均工資較低,與金融業何干? 其實全港人都share緊同一個經濟周期,誰能在下行時候留位一點實力,全力出擊改變人生,是個人修行不太關於所在行業。至於你月儲八千,即三年可以儲28.8萬,由今天開始儲錢已能在三年後上會。多數人「儲極都買唔到樓」既關係,在於佢堅持唔到三年,或三年之間收入有所改變。試間三年內被人勸退或裁員的人,真係咁多嗎? 人人都係因為冇左份工或新找工作之人工大幅低下,令自己失掉與「銀行戶口的三年之約」嗎? 大家心裡有數。 本樣有個諗法,就是在homebloggerhk設立一個財務履歷表,等大家審視一下自己儲錢之progress,「嚴重」者真係可以大家見下面,入password login返個人履歷即可知個人情況再傾一下。給打工仔的建議是儲少d,月儲$7000,再搵$1000出黎投資下,輸左無問題,為了是避免你他日唔知頭唔知頭輸大錢。另外你的「火炭上蓋夢」不是幻想,不過要修改一下,先target旁邊之銀禧花園細單位向火炭工業區,現價都係$4,0mil,難保永遠唔跌。再行換樓至上蓋palazio向馬場大屋,咁就可以再鞭策你追尋馬主夢。你知道點先做到馬主嗎? 是要和Jockey Club申請,再經銀行證明你有能力養馬,才可到外國搵種搵色睇靚馬的! 搵到隻好馬可以一場幫你賺四百幾萬,當然另外賽事可賺更多! 雖然大部份馬主入馬主都唔係為贏馬賺錢,但是有搵到錢之可能。 至於沽空樓市是另一大課題,施老闊傾力策動都未能產出一種有效沽空樓市之工具,諗樣自然未有力幫你。不過施老闆和沽空樓市有何關係? 那樣最有效幫你對沖樓市下行風險?希望能結集在「樓市走勢看法交流會」中,希望有天能完成講義,再行舉辦講座。
14. anggie T. 2013-05-04 20:57:09 |
For all the people that support the Extended Retirement Scheme in Hong Kong, the economy in the future could only be more harsh than ever......People holding assets & have a sense of managing money is in no way gonna need any Gov. support(no need to be fair also, only idiots believe the world is fair, but the world needs justice, that's another topic) Our retirement scheme doesn't cost extra source to people living in Public housing right now also because they're living in their comfort zone right now & they will probably be sponsored by Gov. for the rest of their lives. So what the Retirement scehme is going to benefit is the"Pseudo-middle class", high/medium income, no assets/no much savings, wants all kinds of fancy dinners/trips/luxurious items/cars, I know alot of these people, do you guys know any??? By the way, if you have no objection of raising the income tax to 40-45%, let's sit down & plan an agenda for whole HK retirement scheme. My father-in-law in Europe is getting HK$20K per month but they paid close to 45% tax, are you OK with that??? With the low birth rate means you'll only contribute but no guarantee you get the pension back, are you OK with that too???? |
18. 天馬行空格 2013-05-05 01:10:13 |
天馬行空格局???? 梁振英的命格算不差,他命宮在午宮,是天梁獨坐入廟,屬於機月同梁格局,天梁入廟發揮出天梁本身最好的優點。 天梁的特質是審察,察視,好的觀察細緻入微,而且有條理,細心,但刻版,固執性強,自我性極重,不好的是挑剔,刻薄,涼薄,自我心極重,不顧人情,。 但無論天梁入廟又或落陷,自身皆是極之注重自身利益的人,這種極度自我的性格,會給人一種反骨,不顧感情只顧自己的感覺,其實這正是天梁自執於審察的本質,只有不沉於感性,才會發揮出理事的理性。 比起貪狼,廉貞這類挑花星而言,天梁不但桃花性沒有這樣重,而且也沒有它們的感性。 天梁還有一種高傲性格,有厭惡卑下人事的特質,天梁喜歡沉於自己內心世界之中,甚至可以脫離現實,又或不惜自我放逐也可以,一些持才傲物的專業中人,隨時會是天梁坐命的人。 天梁不怕刻版,幾十年做同樣的東西,吃同樣的東西也不會厭,天梁不會認為改變是好的,相反固定,刻版式的工作,人事環境,反而是機月同梁所喜歡的。 天梁獨坐,必然有極度自我一面,對於自己喜歡的,或善長的,不會輕易改變,除了遇到變動的運限或星系,例如天機,殺破狼等星系時才會有激烈變動。 為便於不太有斗數基礎的讀者明白,筆者將命盤用數目字列出來,由1到12,以後會說出號碼,讀者按圖索驥好了。 由梁振英的命盤,驚奇地發現,他做的一切事情,人生歷程,全部也是在命盤中顯示出來了,這才是筆者覺得,梁振英這個命盤,是活生生的學斗數,又或研究人生命運的極好例子之一來的。 |
19. LH 2013-05-05 06:44:49 |
14. anggie T. I think your father in law is living in a close to a fair society. Probably he is an idiot according to your logic. I support there should be no gov financial support at all and not benefit only a group of people who know how to benefit from the system. Like your parent who benefit from the gov housing and at the end past the benefit to you. |
20. Hongkong People 2013-05-05 11:45:53 |
To LH,
Don't worry about people need to sell their home to fund their retirement. You know that 2 years back, HK launched "anti-mortgage plan" (don't know that exact name in English). The Plan allows citizens above 60 (can't remember clearly on age) to bring their property back to bank to "anti-mortgage", applying certain interest rate, that citizens can continue live in their properties, yet collecting funds from the bank to support their living. That is the only good policy Hong Kong launched in this few years.
If you are really that LH, you know to broaden your knowledge about what available in Hong Kong. And if this point is your key argument for Extended Retirement Scheme, obviously, with "anti-mortgage", your support is invalid. And we have no point for Extended Retirement Scheme. And stopping selling your "sugar coating trap" to general people. Let your conscientious out before your act, for God's sake.
21. 肥婆四 2013-05-05 15:22:09 |
嗚呼!滅六國者,六國也,非秦也。族秦者,秦也,非天下也。嗟呼!使六國各愛其人,足以拒秦,秦復愛六國之人,則遞三世,可致萬世而為君,誰得而族滅也,秦人不暇自哀而後人哀之,後人哀之而不鑑之,亦使後人復哀後人也。 港人又哀之! |
22. 掹車邊80後 2013-05-06 10:17:59 |
唔係50%咩? 又收緊左?? 咁儲錢要儲到幾時......... |
23. 亮劍 2013-05-06 12:14:44 |
最新按揭成數上限,有未完全償還按揭貸款的申請人,如主要收入來自香港,按揭成數由50% 降到 40%! 同樣如有未完全償還按揭貸款,申請人的主要收入若並非來自香港或以「資產水平」為基礎的貸款,按揭成數由30% 降到 20%! |
24. 掹車邊80後 2013-05-06 13:38:47 |
25. 亮劍 2013-05-06 14:09:10 |
掹車邊80後 :----在表1B:按揭成數上限 (適用於有未完全償還按揭貸款的申請人) 不論物業價值最高係三成! 湯博士肯定係以「資產水平」為基礎新申請貸款,所以佢係對嘅! 有錢嘅唔俾人買,無錢嘅又買唔起,唔怪得無成交! |
26. 掹車邊80後 2013-05-06 14:17:36 |
明白 |
27. yy 2013-05-10 00:32:25 |
湯生說"香港房地產登記制度,一向是香港優越賣點之一",每宗交易可能祇是三四百萬(十年前是一百幾十萬),樓契文件幾吋厚,有何優異之處,利益祇歸律師樓所有,政府十幾年前已想改善此一弊端,改為業權登記制,一如的士小巴牌照,五六百萬的交易,祇須到運輸署辨轉名手續,律師樓為求自身利益才有文件登記制長存至今,你竟然說這是優越賣點? |