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1. 亮劍 2013-03-11 13:14:50
早幾日我咁同何文田幅地計數『生蟲機在2O1O年中,投得何文田佛光街及忠孝街地盆,呎價 1254O,嗰陣好似仲可以發3成水,加建築成本 4仟,每呎成本在發水之後是 12778元。
星期五截標嘅何文田地可建樓面係 114.2萬平方呎,如果出每呎九千,就係 1O2.8 億,成本就計發水一成,建築費計夠4仟5,縂數每呎是 126OO 元,而呢年多整體中大型住宅約升咗弍成多,表面有折讓,但計及呢幅地平均質素唔夠佛光街,加上各項SD及供應大增影響,互相抵消之下,所以出一百億多少少就係合理價』!
現在幅地有 6 份標書,就開估,結果有下例幾個。
2. 戰國之後, 就是暴秦 2013-03-11 13:31:52
大袋高價投地, 庫房水浸;樓市續升,大袋投地後,一樣有萬七個理由唔起樓, 你波仔打開石地落到大草場跟本玩唔起;蚊蠅地袋接二連三收皮. 最後又係大袋玩晒, 可憐有人一樣樓照買唔起, 秦滅六國橫徵暴儉十數年, 這就是香港今後的命運!!!
3. homebloggerhk 2013-03-11 13:48:37




現況:母親已滿60 ,本人可除名買私樓而政府唔會收回間公屋;小弟32歲,從未置業/妻子28歲住屋要求:實用面積330尺已足夠收入:本人每月$19000/妻子每月$16500兩人每月均可儲人工一半(有孩子後另計)資產:本人已儲現金30萬/母親已儲現金112




如何善用依筆資金?樓價仍然高企,應否現在買樓?如果買,買保值但實用率低嘅私樓,還是實用率高嘅居屋? 還是依家比私樓便宜及實用率高的村屋? 






先要步驟都要計算兩人之購買力,在家庭月入$36500下,可撥最多月入50%作首套自住房的按揭供款,即$18500根據現時按揭年息2.15%,分30年清還每一萬元供款可借入約2.65mil,讀者可借盡1.85*2.65=4.90mil。當然這假設了借款人無重大欠債及買入樓齡25年下之樓房。樓齡太高之樓宇如35年,一般只可做(55-35)=20年之供款,當然美孚新村或太古城的屋苑會有例外,錦鏽花園或康樂園的業主做按揭亦有機借足九成上會。買入村屋不好選擇附近連路都無一條的,更要問DD/LOT NUMBER,先可準確地將估價給後,再評估是否能「上會」。










4. Nelly 2013-03-11 13:55:43
Good analysis, thanks Dr.
5. Andy 2013-03-11 14:27:33



6. Andy 2013-03-11 14:52:37
我D公屋亲戚都系烦紧住边间、开边架车(太多选择)点样用(=投资)D钱,私楼朋友就烦点样揾钱供楼 :)
7. 阿正 2013-03-11 15:58:55
8. 心理學博士 2013-03-11 19:19:37
9. mini 2013-03-11 20:12:45

In the globe, we have seen G5...G7...G8...G9...G20 how to build a huge debt and how to live on it by attempting all methods to hold all the resources in the past dates...


In China, the M2 supplies above the ground level went to $99.9 trillion RMB dated 28 Feb 2013 from $13.0 trillion RMB since 2000, according to the data from central bank...


In HK, we are still living on a little land area of 1100 sq.km facing excessive liquidity from around the world and tremendous stresses from the population, the continuous demands from natural resources such as water, food & fuel supplies, and clean air supply. This area is not a flat one, it is a hilly profile with various types of rocks, stones, soils, trees, water reservoirs, slopes, transmission towers for electricity, and connecting roads/paths...


We cannot only focus on providing land any more , we do need to consider the balance of the economic structure in HK by introducing more businesses such as Chinese Medicines, TMT, Logistics, Researches (In Mandarin, Cigarette & Wine !),  etc. The more land the officials plan for public housing / delux properties for over 200,000 applicants, the less space will be available for new businesses and/or the middle classes in future...


10. 痴忍扇 2013-03-11 21:29:56
11. middle middle class 2013-03-12 07:49:45

I believe Dr. has deep negative feelings against our ex-CE Mr. Donald Tsang.  He is trying his very best to put all the blame on Donald in the hope of leaving CY noble.  He is trying to make CY as the victim.  I seriously suspect Dr. has received some kind of advantages from the CY team.

Dr. is completely wrong.

If CY cannot do anything to turn around the housing supply, why he promised so during his election campaign?  Why DR. never challenged CY for this?  A strong and capable leader can make something differently, unless CY is only good at talking.

I don't mind to give some more time to CY, but I deliberately object his idea of increasing government intervention to the market.  Bureauracy will do us no goods.

12. Havilland 2013-03-12 08:36:15
Agreed with 11/F. Government intervention is detrimental to the market.
13. PW 2013-03-12 08:55:14
I share the same thoughts as 11/F (1. Dr. has bias against DT 2. CY did not keep his promise 3. CY has putting too much intevention to the market which does make harm to the business environment. Thank you for voicing this out.
14. mini 2013-03-12 19:02:45
26. mini 2013-03-12 19:00:59

As described, it reflects CY has one more problem in confidence ! Last time, we mentioned 3 elements for a leader: hard work, capability, and integrity.

Hard Work. A guy who has got over 3 decades experience in real estates/properties, including over 15 years sitting in the central government offices as an observer/traineee, what we have seen from his recent Policy Address ? False, Big, Empty ? Here, we always say: " work harder, and work smarter." Otherwise, we should pick up a cow, even a mad cow as our leader !

Capability. BSD15% could lower the demolition rate of the existing old buildings, land planned for higher education / Chinese Medicine College could be changed without any formal announcement, inappropriate handling of formula milk powder for chinese parents, legal action against local media, but not to his yo-yo friends, ..What are indications: - To Solve One Problem, But Also Create More, Horrible Problems in Town !

Integrity. So far, we have seen the verdict on the disclosure of interests in the West Kowloon Investment Project, illegal structures in his houses, the responses to his election last year. Think about if a CEO & CFO who do not communicate with the public/journalists, do we need to waste our time on the financial report that they made ?

To Support CY: To Support Cheating You/ To go the main street, if necessary...

Note: The maximum capacity of 29 facilities for providing correctional services for prisons is around 9100, according to the fact sheet of HK Correctional Services Department...