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1. rolexdc 2012-10-01 10:00:54

if 樓是不會升,是沒有人會買的.
2. KOW 2012-10-01 11:36:26

想香港樓市冧的人, *佢地想住地方*一定係樓市平,冇 乜人係街.....



3. HK guy 2012-10-01 14:49:38

The most horrible thing for property price falling 50% in HK :

1) Government rely heavily on the land selling and related tax, if the property price is falling, land value will follow, if you remember 2003, Civil servants had to cut salaries, government need to simplify the structure by recruiting less people because the huge net loss per year could go up to 100 billions, so after 4 years (the financial reserve is only 400 billions), HK government can go bankrupcy !

2) Government tax is simple and very low in HK, yet most of land selling surplus were being used to support public housing, subsidy housing, medical, education, social welfare and civil servants salaries, do not underestimate its expenses, currently these spending altogether could be up to 200 billions per year

3) If the property price going down  by 50%, bank will call loans, thousands of property owners would turn to negative assets, everyone will keep the spending to minimum, so the economy shrinkage would be huge than anyone could imagine;

4) Instead of lending money, banks will turn off the water supply to keep alive, they would not only call loans for property owners, they would also call loans from the commerical organizations, some middle or lower organization would turn bankrupcy, causing chain reaction and unempolyment rates to go up in a rocket launch speed ;

5) So for those who want to make property price dropping 50% and try to buy back, I am sure they will dare not to buy back when the price did really go up by 50% because he may lose a job, even they got a lot of real cash, They would rather keep themselves alive by safeguard this cash rather than buying anything !

When the HK government financial really collapse what will happen is the vicious cycle follow up :

1) cut social welfare, cut civil servants salaries, increase tax for all levels, cut medicial and education subsidies, increase huge tax for commerical organizations and in return lay offs follows later on...

So who will benefit ? Everyone AND All Level in HK has to suffer in certain extent ! Think about it before you want HK property price drop by 50%


4. Guy 2012-10-01 15:12:00

 IF people memory is good, you may remember during 2003 in Tung Chee Wah's time,the following is the real that ever happened :  

 *HK government has cut the civil servants salary after market comparison and assesssment between private sector and government jobs nature, previously there is no such a study between private organization and governement organizations;

 * HK government at that time resume the investigation of Product Selling tax and would like to introduce this tax some experts in U (actually bookworms) at that time claimed the tax coverage in HK is too narrow that it could be balance the loss ;

* HK asked to cut certain % of funding to all the universities in HK, not sure if anyone remember;

 * HK government also cut social welfare to some levels ...

 From the top richest to the lowest class , everyone has to suffer ! if you remember, Mr Lee stock asset had signficantly dropped in SARS times, some of my friends' relatives who losed a leg and permanently can't work remembered the monthly disable subsidies has dropped 20% during the most difficult time.

Working class salary system cancel double pay and all turn to bonus base, I believe many companies had changed to this at that time.

 Lay offs had been heard every end of year where company will cut the 10% low performance head counts;

 The painful and sufferings from 97-03 has been a cycle of learing to HKSAR Government  



5. 住樓與環保 2012-10-01 15:12:25
6. Tommy Leung 2012-10-01 15:19:01
7. xx 2012-10-01 15:41:19
For those bullshit people who keep on wishing the property price drops and think of different way to rob the money from the property owner (e.g. extend the SDD, strength the SDD, set up regulation for the rental market etc.), they should read this article and comments from 1 - 6 twice or more to understand the impact on HK for 'killing' the property market and punish the property owner before they provide those stupid and rubbish suggestion on this matter!

PS, I am not a fan of Dr. Tong, but I agree with him totally on this time!
8. O 2012-10-01 16:38:55

  Before you want HK property price to drop 50% :

Pls think who give you the following :

1) Everyone got 6 K cash in HK ;

2) 600HK$ travel subsidy for all low wages workers ;

3) 2.2K Fruit cash will likely give to every elderly;

4) KAi Tai with seaview Public housing or many new urban public housing  ;

5) Very low tax rates with a lot of allowance;

6) Social security and welfare to those poor.

All of these and many more is benefiting from the High Land Value policy in HK ! Who can decline this ? The salary tax is less than 1% of Government income while majority coming from Land , Why ? Think about it carefully.

 THose against the new development zone/New town scheme is actually the real enemy of HK total interests while Oil / Gold is making money, HK is actually touching stone as gold.


9. ABC 2012-10-01 21:36:33
I discover that for those who want the property price going down and express negative thinking about property price usually write emotional chinese articles. I believe that majority of HK people cannot guess the property price/trend correctly. Only a few experienced people win finally.
10. 為南丫島海難祈禱 2012-10-02 11:40:08



11. 路過 2012-10-02 12:32:11
so sad for 南丫島海難
12. ZZZ 2012-10-02 14:34:13
For those bullshit people who keep on wishing the property price goes up crazily and think of different way to rob the money from the non-property owner (e.g. suggest to cancel the SDD, to cease the SDD, to say objection to regulation for the rental market etc.). The people who made the comments from 1 - 6 are all big property investers or agents. They all want to make impact on HK by enlarging the bubble of the property market. They only want to persuade the citizen to buy property with crazy, high and unreasonable price. They are providing the poison and worst suggestions to the citizen on this matter! PS, I am not a fan of Dr. Tong, and I totally disagree with him all the time!
13. CBA 2012-10-02 14:50:19
I discover that for those who want the property price going up and express aggressive thinking about property price usually write emotional chinese articles. I believe that majority of HK people like the property price/trend stay in a healthy condition. However, a lot of bad people want the property market stay in a crazy condition.
14. 同意12 & 13 樓 2012-10-02 15:01:45
樓市冧,香港亦不會冧,只有炒家冧。 樓市冧,政府亦不會冧,只有同政府對着幹的人冧。
15. 路人 2012-10-02 16:51:39
16. 憑良心說話 2012-10-02 19:21:23
17. 睇得通 2012-10-02 20:03:21

發現:    16. 憑良心說話......原來香港也有:  憑良心說話......

有良心的人也應該放低自身利益,讚成及支持政府繼續打壓樓市,解決房屋問題。 ................


18. 又是路人 2012-10-02 20:27:26
19. 睇唔通 2012-10-02 20:37:05
20. 向饭民说不 2012-10-02 21:05:22
21. 煲浪追浪 2012-10-02 22:09:06


22. 儀儀 2012-10-02 22:30:25
認同樓上(16.)的觀點, 普羅大眾不會窮一身積蓄去買一斤豬肉、一隻雞或一個水桶,只會用畢生儲蓄去買樓, 所以作者用日用必需品的價格和樓價的瘋癲作比較是欠缺公度的,不應相題併論作為則疑政府打壓樓市的廹切性。
23. 周四,全港哀悼日 2012-10-02 23:36:38
24. 玖 2012-10-03 00:00:19

近來真的改善了, 不會下下擦思歪鞋.


25. 窮是因無腦, 普通是因無能 2012-10-03 08:30:29

26. 為香港默哀 2012-10-03 09:58:18
27. 我愛人民幣力量 2012-10-03 10:13:38

超級通 脹,中原CCL指數3年內好大機會升至180點,即比現在上升約70%,租樓住的必然首當其沖成為業主奴隸,因為未來幾年隨著舊租約到期,業主必定瘋狂加 租,再加上物價飛升,這些租樓住的人將會向下流變成窮中產甚至低下層。得一層自住樓的也不會好過,因為隨著通脹和租值上升,差餉、地租、管理費、維 修...等各樣開支也會大幅上升。

28. 掃貨啦!仲等乜! 2012-10-03 10:24:42


29. 炒商廈商舖 2012-10-03 10:34:30

30. Marco 2012-10-03 12:55:46

31. 心有餘而力不足 2012-10-03 13:20:34
同意, 港府只是一隻坡腳鴨, 只要美國不加息, 港府對樓價無為力.
32. 地產代理及業界呼籲 2012-10-03 14:54:10

現在冇樓或只得一層自住樓的必然會變成輸家。只有樓和貴金屬才能對沖甚至跑贏超級通 脹,中原CCL指數3年內好大機會升至180點,即比現在上升約70%,租樓住的必然首當其沖成為業主奴隸,因為未來幾年隨著舊租約到期,業主必定瘋狂加 租,再加上物價飛升,這些租樓住的人將會向下流變成窮中產甚至低下層。得一層自住樓的也不會好過,因為隨著通脹和租值上升,差餉、地租、管理費、維 修...等各樣開支也會大幅上升。

33. Wong MR 2012-10-05 15:52:26
Dr Tong: Let's be honest: you and those who own property of course wants the property market to go up all the way. You are basically threatening the Government not to do anything to reshape the economy of HK because of your wealth and established rights. Yes, if property price drops, HK will have to face some difficult position too - but shouldn't the government look after all HK people rather than those who already own property? Selfish guys like you are NOT trying to do any good for HK but making as much as money as you can.

It is people like you who make money through selling pain to others.

Yes, people who do not own property at this point of time of course wants property price to get back to a reasonable level. It is their right to. They are also citizen of Hong Kong!

HK$10,000 for one sqf is reasonable? You tell me. Property giant are earning money at the expense of the city.