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1. Don't fight the Fed. & Don't fight CY 2012-09-29 12:05:10
博士, 場show要來始終都會來, 你叫陣都冇乜用, 樓價始終都要大幅向下調整, 你都識講 "Don't fight the Fed.", 唔通就可以唔套用 "Don't fight CY" 咩? 等睇呢場show啦 !! 
2. 拒絕陪癲 陶冬賣樓 2012-09-29 12:07:01


3. 業主大幅加租簡直就是「殺雞取卵」 2012-09-29 12:19:51



建議CY一於向收租業主收取額外租務利得稅,按加租幅度增加額外利得稅,以阻止业主瘋亂加租, 秒殺香港中小企及小店生存權利, 保障多元化產业. 

4. BC 2012-09-29 13:18:03
If I had 2 units in Kowloon station like "陶冬", I would probably do the same way as he did. Sell one unit for profit taking and still keep another one for rental collection.
5. 市民 2012-09-29 13:20:35
6. 本港人 2012-09-29 13:26:03
7. 香港前途 2012-09-29 13:37:10
8. 七十後公務員 2012-09-29 13:38:37
9. 嘆 2012-09-29 14:28:20
10. 還是你最明白 2012-09-29 15:05:31
11. xx 2012-09-29 16:27:40
Some  people is this web thinks in a very strange way. In their mind, it is a sin to have a property and we should use different ways to punish these person. Please do not forgot that it is not easy for those people who own the property. They have worked very hard and need to save every penny in their life to get the property. They also contribute a lot to government in tax for owning the property. Why the society keeps on thinking different way to rob the money from the people?
12. 井水 2012-09-29 16:35:40
13. 睇穿你 2012-09-29 16:47:55
14. 捉虫 2012-09-29 16:51:17
15. 唔敢嘍囉 2012-09-29 17:01:01
16. 屯門樓一萬元呎 2012-09-29 17:17:11
---1---不要忘記97年的樓價是超級泡沫價,即 CCL-100點 本身就是一個反映超高價,癲價的指標。 所以與1997年比較,15年升了 10%,或是升了 50%,都表示樓市是有不同程度的泡沫的。---2--- 資產價格不斷飈升,資產泡沫已形成 。---3--- 美國有金融危機,又欠債累累,歐債危機只有拖延而没有解決,這些都是對全球經濟有極壞影響的恐佈大事,香港不能置身事外---4--- 將來如果美國宣佈加息,當加息周期一開始便很難停下來,大家是否已經忘記了97年時的息口嗎?---5--- 至於失業率問題,當全球經濟惡化至浮面時,香港可以獨善其身嗎?失業率還不飈升嗎?---6--- 樓市有沒有泡沫?在香港,當某些人(集團)要唱好散貨的時候,很多人會加入唱好,很多市民亦難以抗拒因而怍出入市之決定,只有少數人能保持清醒而堅持原則,所以才會出現盲搶樓、恐慌性入市、驚執輸的現象,因此,大家不要待樓市泡沫真的爆破的時候才相信,否則便會太遲了。
17. 睇得通 2012-09-29 19:12:49
在樓市稍為向上調升,已經再度出招,將按揭收緊至4成,   ......政府壓低按揭至4成是正確的.  ......免得未來太多銀主盤.............
18. 睇得通 2012-09-29 19:22:14
回答2題目論點:   瑞信亞太區首席經濟師陶冬直言,香港房地產和租金已進入「瘋狂狀態」,他為了不與瘋狂為伍,於日前將個人持有的物業賣出..........應該說:  將個人持有的物業賣出一部份,仍有一部份未賣出,.........應該說: 適當先賺取一部份錢先, ...........
19. To 11 2012-09-29 19:45:11
20. to 11 xx 2012-09-29 19:55:39
It is not a sin to have a property and people in this web are not using different ways to punish them. We all know that it is not easy for them as they have worked very hard and need to save every penny in their life to get the property. However, we need to educate them not to be so stupid to buy property with crszy price. Not to pay $8,000/sq.ft for a $4,000/sq.ft property. If we all become smart, then we can buy our own property with reasonable price and the market will develope in a healthy way.
21. To 20 2012-09-29 19:57:26
22. Hongkong People 2012-09-29 22:08:32
Our government is so eager to curb the appreciation of the property.  Can anybody tell me that HKD along with the depreciation of USD, how HK people can hedge the situation??  Anyhow, HK cannot avoid the inflation pressure as most of goods are imported from our neighbours where their currencies appreciated against USD/HKD.

If we don't hedge the situation with asset, we will soon become poor brothers of our neighbours.  
23. mini 2012-09-29 22:13:26

The latest powder ( land ) price is around HK$4100 per sq.ft. and the construction cost in average is about HK$3000 per sq.ft.on the basis of minimum wages & the rising incomes of the mainland chinese and the higher energy costs, so we should have to buy a single family house / unit@ 300 sq.ft. for HK$3Million ;  400 sq.ft. for HK$4M ;  500 sq.ft. for HK$5M; 600 sq.ft. for HK$6M; 700 sq.ft for HK$7M; ... 900 sq.ft for HK$9M and above... 

We should note that many existing old buildings should be demolished in Sham Shui Po /To Kwa Wan and the other districts in 20 years, and more babies/new families will come in town...

It is not an easy task to fix the needs for housing in HK... 


24. BC 2012-09-30 09:30:42
Owners don't want the property going down, but for those who don't have property request Gov to impose tighter measures on property market. If the HK economy turns bad like the period from Yr 1997 to 2003, salary has to be reduced, unemployment rate goes up. It will certainly affect all HK people. Is it really what we are looking for? Personally, I don't want to encounter that situation like SARS. For the poor, some of them were laid off. For middle class, salary was cut. No job security, working from 9:00am to even 9:00pm is not uncommon. Finally, for the rich, boss, they are certainly affected to some extent, but they still had a better living than the poor and middle class. So I agree to increase the min wage so as to bridge the gap between the poor and middle class for a amiable society.
25. From BC to Mimi on 23/F 2012-09-30 09:36:00
I really doubt that the construction cost is HK$3,000psf. I think it is the excuse for developers to sell their residential project at a higher price. Well, maybe Mr. Tong can give us a further picture on this regard.
26. public house owner 2012-09-30 10:27:13
5. 市民 it is an excellent suggestion. I think CY'team know it works, but they do not want house price to go down, they just not want the real bubble come and subsequent cause the collapse of housing market, in which most of his team also own quite a number of properties. He might as well does not allow anyone to borrow money from the bank to buy properties, so as to avoid properties collapse.
27. AGREE WITH 20,21,25 2012-09-30 11:59:50
28. A X R 2012-09-30 12:01:25
Also say no to property crocodile !!!!!!!!!
29. rolexdc 2012-09-30 12:46:11

僞善莫過如此 !! 無恥之人 !!
30. RE: 2012-09-30 17:05:48

What is REASONABLE price? What is CRAZY price.

If you accepted the selling price, pay & affort it, this is reasonable on your mindset.

If you can't pay & affort it, that is crazy price. Which is yours?????????

31. price 2012-09-30 18:04:39
What is REASONABLE price? What is CRAZY price. REASONABLE PRICE = 1998, 1999, 2000......... CRAZY PRICE = 1997, 2012
32. yy 2012-10-01 02:59:04
33. 外來因素更做對正 2012-10-01 11:16:36
34. yy 2012-10-01 14:45:31
35. Re: Price 2012-10-02 16:05:05

Which things selling price is back to 1998, 1999 or 2000?

Travelling fees? It's crazy, so don't take bus or taxi, even MTR.

Lunch or dinner? So don't eat.

School fees? So don't study.

Crazy or not depends on you can pay or not. If someone still pay for the crazy price and earn some, he is crazy winner. He might be 嬴粒糖,輸間廠。

I'm not a crazy winner, aren't you?

36. 向饭民说不 2012-10-02 19:09:05
所以炒賣要抽重税! 甘香港點做金融中心。真系廢物。
37. Re:Re 2012-10-02 20:58:23
Some bullshit people always wish the property price going up crazily. They think of different way to rob the money from the non-property owner (e.g. suggest to cancel/cease the SDD, objection to impose regulation for the rental market etc.). All those big property investers and agents are damaging HK as they are enlarging the bubble of the property market. They only want the citizen buying property with crazy, high and unreasonable price. They are providing the poison and worst suggestions to the citizen on this matter.
38. CBA 2012-10-02 21:03:59
I discover that for those who want the property price going up and express aggressive thinking about property price usually write emotional chinese articles. I believe that the majority of HK people really like the property price/trend stay in a healthy condition. However, a lot of bad people want the property market stay in a crazy condition so that they can earn more money from it.
39. tony J 2012-10-02 21:05:55
Totally agree with 37and 38.
40. 678 MMM 2012-10-02 21:08:14
For the sake of Hong kong, STOP THE CRAZY PRICE ^(**)^
41. 煲浪追浪 2012-10-02 23:15:16


42. fully agree 8. 七十後公務員 2012-10-03 00:13:19

fully agree 8. 七十後公務員

you are the best reply

43. 煲浪追浪 2012-10-03 01:26:22