1. 大任 2012-08-24 11:23:52 |
「金管局說熱錢到港,並不是叫閣下買物業,待有所升值後伺機賣去,而是,不要沽去閣下手上的物業,尤其是自住單位,有人說這是遲來的關心,不過雖遲未晚」 對不起,不能苟同博士見解。事實是:這個陳德林比任志剛根本是不同level的人,現在才來關心,是又遲亦晚矣!妨且他根本沒有叫人不要沽去閣下手上的物業。 |
2. CCI 2012-08-24 11:27:52 |
現在是否應該追落後?華懋樓一般比同區其他住宅便宜20%,是否應該在這個時候買華懋樓?聽說華懋的陳年貨尾,也賣得七七八八! |
3. 亮劍 2012-08-24 11:32:27 |
仲係業主嘅你請注意- 現在港島壹手>港島弍手。 而港島弍手大約=九龍壹手。 而九龍弍手大約=新界壹手。 新界壹手>新界弍手! 當你係一個業主,你好驚樓市會泡沫爆破,攪到瞓唔着覺,你可以做嘅嘢係:- 1) 減持非自住物業,直到安全水平,例如負債佔資產淨值叁成樓下! 2) 只得一間屋自住者,睇下可否照上表咁由港島搬去九龍,或九龍搬去新界! 3) 如果因為唔想啲細路轉校,咁可否新轉舊,三房轉兩房? 4) 每月入息要強制性預 4成出來供樓,有多嘅話就儲起拒買盈富或 A50! 5) 請你撫躬自問,你投資係唔係醒得過 80 %以上嘅港人?如果答案係否或唔肯定嘅話,咁你就千萬唔好賣出自住樓轉租,否則剩係買驚風散都買窮你! 6) 超過60歲嘅業主如果要賣出自住樓嘅話,除非你嘅細路孝順到寫包單,可以俾間房你長住,直致你百年歸老,記住拒嘅另一半要加簽為實,否則無業主會招呼你,除非你去住劏房! |
4. 回CCI 2012-08-24 11:49:29 |
華懋樓多數用料差,實用率低,如果你計番實用呎價,根本一啲都唔平,奉勸你不要太睇好其出品了. 至於華懋貨尾,好多都要平價先賣得出,要反映番質素同折舊,唔覺有乜好. |
5. 亮劍 2012-08-24 11:52:55 |
做得基金操盤者,每下一個決定,都會主宰那個基金嘅成敗得失,亦同時主宰自己嘅去留、表現、分紅! 他們會根据大量數据,用作基本分析及整理圖表,SELL 老細同客! 贏面大---細細聲大大注! 贏面細---大大聲細細注;隨時反手做淡都得! 客觀形勢 CCL 上破 100 點,並成功企穩,如果我係外資基金操盤人,我會買上,直到真係起曬泡先走出來唱好揾下家接貨,順便沽下期指及期權! |
6. 螢火 2012-08-24 12:37:52 |
當供應增加, 租客自由走, 收租佬高價無人租..... |
7. BPEN 2012-08-24 12:43:23 |
里昂 several years ago, I remember in 2009, they are warning the HK property investors not to invest, as they are too expensive !! They claimed 2009 HK property price are as high as skyscrapers, as they were saying there is already 30% increase compared with the 2008 bottom. |
8. 一般香港市民 2012-08-24 12:55:40 |
"其實,樓市已在谷底,要再跌也不可能"??? |
9. 螢火虫 2012-08-24 13:43:40 |
"但全世界任何一種產品的升幅一定會大大超出此百份比" –例97手機全部=$0, 97時其它產有幾多有樓市的泡沬, 又同樣暴破??? "泡沬VS泡沬"比較, 但97時太古城是十几年樓, 現在是30年樓 , 同樣價錢, 點計??? |
10. 語不驚人... 2012-08-24 14:06:47 |
因為前幾年樓價太殘,最後由低位反彈,使人有錯覺樓價上升百份比驚人?? |
11. Hongkong People 2012-08-24 14:08:18 |
To No. 4,
Guess you need to be more open-minded. Have you visited any China Chem's property?? I lived or invested in Swire, Sino, Hang Lung, Hutchison, Henderson, Nam Fung and China Chem's properties. And now, I live in China Chem's property. I do have very good comments.. 1. their property has very good value (lower in price but with good view (unobstructed seaview) and spacious in overall estate planning). 2. the claimed efficiency is not very high but the actual efficiency is high (that means developer didn't cheat you on the efficiency). I once lived in Sino's property, the claimed efficiency is 82% but when I moved in, I measured the actual usable area....the most is 50% efficiency. I had no idea where the other 30% of area went. 3. they have lots of facilities in their estate but of course it is only a no-frill style. And the rental of facilities are very reasonable. 4. the best of all, the management fee is again very reasonable....is the lowest per square ft for all properties I ever lived. 5. flat layout and structure is good. ratio of bedroom, living area and washroom is good and you feel very comfortable with the flat. You don't see lots of pillars inside your flat and you will be very easy in planning your furniture and don't see lots of eyesore in the flat.
Frankly speaking, I haven't got a chance to buy any SHK property for both investment or personal use cos' most of their property locations are inferior in that area, or if in prime area, they will charge a super premium price that leaves no or little upside for the buyer...
Lots of people have bad impression about the China Chem. I don't blame you. Me myself also had a bad impression about them and refused to view any of their property at first. Thanks for the property agent whom forced us to view the unsold units of my estate. And finally, I bought a second unit with full seaview and have lived there more than 2 years. And so far, I am happy living there. And for your info, if I decide to sell my property, I can reap a % profit more than % gain a Taikooshing unit for holding the same period.
12. 螢火虫交租交到索左 2012-08-24 14:15:05 |
螢火虫成日係度發開口夢。 |
13. To: No. 11 2012-08-24 14:15:19 |
Thanks for sharing. I lived in Chinachem properties too. The environment is very good and the price is very reasonable. Some people just have wrong impression to the Chinachem developments. |
14. Nelly 2012-08-24 14:20:55 |
To: 11/F Which one do you think is better for investment? Shatin Pictorial Garden or Sham Tseng Hong Kong Garden? |
15. 2011年開始 2012-08-24 14:23:39 |
我亦住過華懋樓幾年,同意11樓所述。 |
16. 我的故事 2012-08-24 14:28:53 |
同意11楼 當初我父母親選擇入住沙田富豪花園, 我們兩兄弟都極度不滿, 一來是華懋樓, 二來由港島區搬往沙田...唉! 但父母喜歡都沒辦法......至今都住上六年了, 終於發覺住在此處之優點, 空氣之好, 環境靜局, 又不會樓對樓, 間格都幾實用, 我和哥哥患了多年之鼻敏感和哮喘症狀居然大大改善! 至於商場內之卡拉OK, 我覺得對居民無什麼影響, 都是一些小朋友去玩罷, 長期又有商場之管理員看守嘛!
每當站出露台, 看著超級開揚之河景 (已經沒有臭味喇 :p), 真的覺得之住人的環境應該如此!
想起朋友們為了名牌效應, 以絕對不值之價錢入住超級舊區的半新樓如傲雲峰, 港灣豪庭等半, 周圍是廢紙廢鐵回收的舖頭, 車房, 眾多印巴人士聚集, 用枓差, 交通亦不見很方便啦! 人家常常批評華懋樓之質素, 我又不不得以上樓盤的用料很好呢!
我越來越喜歡富豪花園之居住環境呢, 我與未來太太亦準備購買富豪花園作為愛巢呢! |
17. Hongkong People 2012-08-24 14:31:09 |
To No. 8,
From a global investors' point of view, Hong Kong's property prices are still in a low side.
You think US property prices are very cheap after the financial Tsunami?? But most of the properties are priced more than 3 folds of the prices of 1997.
You think UK's property prices are low?? But the fact is London's property prices are in record high now and are more than 3 folds of the prices of 1997.
Australian property prices are more than 2-folds of the prices of 2002. (let's ignore the currency appreciation which doubled in these years)
Canadian property prices are 3 folds of the prices of 1997. (And the currency appreciated around 50 - 60%).
China's property prices are more than 4 folds of the prices of 1997.
Set a global mind, you will look things differently and help yourself making wiser decision. Good luck!
18. 陳大春 (Chan Dai Chun) 2012-08-24 14:31:21 |
衡量樓價高底: 1. Top-down approach > Current market price 現在市場交易價 2. Bottom-up approach > Purchasing power 購買力 有關Bottom-up approach, 如工資升幅與樓價升幅方向一致,便沒有問題。 如15年前已買樓的人士,如今天已供完,即使其薪金升幅只有3-5%,因他們不再需要供款,其可使用工資(disposable income),有機會大升30-50%,大大增加購買力。 故在樓價平穩之時,可以參考老人家的說話:「最好樓換樓」,意思是說先上車,日後才換心水單位。不過,現在市況很難觸摸,考起好多老師父。 |
19. Admiralty 2012-08-24 14:36:37 |
Full agreed with No. 17 viewpoints!! |
20. 全是政府的錯 2012-08-24 14:36:53 |
香港樓真實價值其實變無到, 樓價升只是嚴重通脹所造成的假象, 在嚴重的通貨膨脹裡,政府可以印鈔票,但不能印房子,因此房價上升反映其真實價值. |
21. Beverley 2012-08-24 14:41:19 |
深井豪景花園家陣仲系3000幾蚊一尺,陰功! |
22. 亮劍 2012-08-24 14:42:31 |
當居屋綠表價都去到每呎 3xxx,咁深井豪景花園仲係叁仟幾,已經叫做抵傢啦! 鬼唔知瓏璽正到無朋友咩,差一分就攞滿分喎!但係呎價同管理費都係天價呢! 講自住上車來計,呢個豪景有山有水有園景,弍佰零萬已經有樓俾你揀,仲想點? 我唔係經記,但我有親朋好友住嗰度,兩年多前百多萬入,現在弍佰幾,衰衰哋都可以做到同大市同步,如果脫下有色眼鏡,你會見倒另一個天空! |
23. Carmel 2012-08-24 14:46:10 |
呢度好多人為華懋樓大平反。 。 。 。 。 |
24. Dominion 2012-08-24 14:49:17 |
To: 22樓
下一浪,有可能炒到豪景花園! ! |
25. Estoril 2012-08-24 14:52:35 |
97年,炒到豪景,就係水尾! ! |
26. Fontana 2012-08-24 15:04:42 |
我覺得炒華懋樓,好過炒居屋。 |
27. Grenville 2012-08-24 15:09:08 |
大家認為屯門、深井等200零萬細價樓,是否仲有水位?再能升多少? |
28. Hoover 2012-08-24 15:15:16 |
香港人比較現實,知道CY無料到,仲吾快D趕住去入市。呢度都無人再講CY。 |
29. Imperial 2012-08-24 15:21:21 |
This news told you that Chinchem property is better than Sun Hung Kai property. 富豪蟹貨鬆綁賺190萬 【新報訊】1997年樓價攀上高峰,當日高位入市的業主,今日轉售單位的獲利表現截然不同。代理指,富豪花園一個頂層連天台單位,剛以1,080萬元成交,原業主在1997年7月購入單位,轉手賺190萬元。不過,東港城一個「九七貨」極高層單位,業主轉手帳面蝕91.4萬元離場,單位貶值16%。利嘉閣地產經理李坤豫指,沙田富豪花園嘉美閣頂層相連連天台的特色單位,面積1,970方呎,剛以1,080萬元成交,呎價5,482元。原業主在1997年7月,以890萬元購得單位,持貨接近14年後轉手,帳面獲利190萬元離場,賺幅逾21%。不過,並非每個「九七貨」業主均可鬆綁離場。利嘉閣地產高級經理劉卓豪表示,將軍澳東港城2座極高層H室,面積796方呎,新近以476萬元易手,呎價5,980元。據悉,原業主在1997年6月,以567.4萬元向發展商一手購入單位,持貨至今易手,帳面虧蝕91.4萬元,期內單位貶值約16%。 |
30. 長實 2012-08-24 15:27:52 |
華懋樓現在不比長實差。 |
31. Jade 2012-08-24 15:39:46 |
華懋淺水灣百合花,算是華懋樓皇。 |
32. Hongkong People 2012-08-24 15:47:40 |
To Nelly,
From rental return perspective, both Pictorial Garden and Hongkong Garden offer more or less the same return with around 3.3% per annum. From sq. ft. price, the average for Pictorial Garden is around HK$4,600 to HK$5,200 and Hongkong Garden is around HK$3,600 to HK$4,200 (excluding the price of first hand units from developer).
From unit size perspective, Pictorial Garden is skewed towards larger unit size (with 920 to 1600 sqft) where Hongkong Garden has a wider range of side from 525 to 1890 sqft). So, the lowest investment amount for Pictorial Garden will be over HK$4 millions where that of Hongkong Garden will start from HK$2 millions. So, your budget might determine which garden to choose.
From transportation point of view, both gardens do not offer MTR and rely on estate shuttle, mini bus and bus services. For car drivers, Hongkong Garden will be more preferred given there are several expressways connected to Kowloon (around 15 mins to reach Kowloon Station and Tsimshatsui) & Island sides (20 mins to reach Sheung Wan) efficiently. And best of all, tunnels or bridges to reach Kowloon are all free and without any bottleneck.
For infrastructure development perspective, looks like Hongkong Garden will also have better stories to tell. Firstly, there is a new MTR line (between Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun via Castle Peak Road) undergoing discussion. And supposingly there will be a MTR station at the doorstep. But this is a bit far fetch. But in 2016, the HK-Zhuhai-Macau bridge will be commenced to use. So, given the convenience to Tuen Mun, there will be new demand from people who need to commute between HK and China. Actually, you will find lot of cars with China-HK License Plate in the carpark because of the proximity to Shenzhen Wan Port.
For Shatin, there will be no prominent infrastructural development in the future. So, from potential wise, I will recommend Hongkong Garden more.
Facts for thoughts. Hope it helps.
33. Kingston 2012-08-24 15:48:08 |
同意30樓的觀點 |
34. Nelly 2012-08-24 15:51:57 |
To: Hong Kong People Many thanks to your detailed analysis. In fact, I do think Hong Kong Garden is better. |
35. Lincoln 2012-08-24 15:53:29 |
To:32/F I never heard this MTR line. Where can I find more detailed information about this MTR line? |
36. 亮劍 2012-08-24 16:05:34 |
呢個世界,一分錢一分貨,永無死錯人嘅! 你長實啲樓起得衰咩,咁你就要平啲先出倒貨囉! 但係呢幾年買新樓樓花,真係令好多人領左嘢,大市係咁升,樓花入伙無錢賺不特止,仲要攞錢出來埋單呢下先衰,今日又睇見東涌富婆要虧本出咁幾件新樓減磅,可想而知上幾年啲發展商嘅新盤食到個價幾盡!真係見曬骨! |
37. Manhattan 2012-08-24 16:05:36 |
To 32/F, HK$3XXX / ft. is still available in Hong Kong Garden. It is still very cheap at this moment. |
38. Nina 2012-08-24 16:07:13 |
To 36/F, Do you think Hong Kong Garden should worth HK$4000/ft? |
39. Hongkong People 2012-08-24 16:16:56 |
To Lincoln,
You can find some of the detail regarding the line. I forget the exact link which the govn't posted earlier for consultation regarding this MTR line and many other future project. |
40. Lincoln 2012-08-24 16:22:36 |
To Hongkong People Thanks for the information. Hope this new MTR line can be implemented shortly. |
41. Orient 2012-08-24 16:28:21 |
42. 青山公路投資者 2012-08-24 16:30:07 |
如果你真係去睇過樓,就知道豪景花園未必真係咁好......當年的華懋樓用料參差,實用率六成七左右,電梯大堂的電線及喉是外露,似公屋多過私樓. 計番實用呎價係唔低,當然銀碼可以細,如果鍾意住青山公路,有錢些會住深井區,唔介意住遠些可住帝濤灣黃金海岸. 呢個留言有機會得罪人,但係講緊事實,如果豪景真係超好又筍價,呎價一早升晒. 要記住,呢個世界無咁多隻蛤乸隨街跳,各區都有投資者,係筍野一早有人識貨,無咁多滄海遺珠. |
43. 亮劍 2012-08-24 16:34:39 |
豪景花園嘅選擇花樣繁多,上車盤又有,換樓盤又有,我話 3xxx 嘅盤只係講上車盤計,4xxx 以上者當然有啦,睇坐向囉!值唔值真係見仁見智,無可否認現在揸住 2 百幾「不直」真係無乜屋邨式俾人揀,連屯門新樓都要 7 m! |
44. Pheonix 2012-08-24 16:36:38 |
To 42. 青山公路投資者 Which one in Sham Tseng is good for investment? Are Lido Garden and Rhine Garden good for investment? They are still cheap at this moment. |
45. Queen 2012-08-24 16:43:25 |
In view of the future infrastructure development in Sham Tseng, I reckon the Sham Tseng properties are worthy for investment, especially the cheap and small apartments in Hong Kong Garden, the budget is only slightly over 2M. It is really difficult to buy an apartment in large estate with this small budget at current. |
46. Rhine 2012-08-24 16:53:08 |
你的名字叫青山公路投資者,我估計你也是青山公路屋苑的炒家。你是否好像博士所說的外資基金一樣,唱衰豪景花園,等你自己平價入貨,或者是擔心其他人去同你爭? |
47. Yellow Man 2012-08-24 17:00:15 |
深井MTR won't happen any time soon - it does not give much benefit to NT West and the HK Government at this moment. The government is focusing the northern line now (i.e. the line between West Rail and East Rail) as they are keen to develop several satellite cities at the north. Even so the northern line will only happen in 2020, so if you buy a property in 深井 you will have to wait for a long long time until there is an official announcement (if there is really one). |
48. Samuel 2012-08-24 17:02:53 |
各位,其實豪景花園就是股票市場裡面的3、4線股一樣,一個上升週期內,總有一次大升的時光。 1997年後豪景花園沒有大升過,現在是否適當時機,大家意見如何? |
49. 你呃人 2012-08-24 17:07:02 |
"他們大舉進軍地產,香港人不明所以只不過是港人在夢中矣。不單香港市民在夢中,連政府亦在夢中,連番壓抑樓價,禁制香港人買樓,令到資本雄厚的基金予取予攜,大量購買香港物業"?? 美資基金 AEW持有的觀塘創紀之城3期26樓全層,8140方呎,剛以7326萬元易手,呎價達9000元,創區內商廈分層呎價新高。 AEW亦售出22樓全層,成交價7082萬元,呎價8700元。 |
50. GOGOGO 2012-08-24 17:14:38 |
"連外人也睇好香港股市,為甚麼香港人自己不眷顧,在此種情況下,熱錢湧入當然被視為一個極之利好因素"?? 內地豪客在港消費意欲減退,大型商戶叫停擴充租舖。六月至今,核心區月租過百萬元的舖位租賃罕有地只錄數宗。儘管銅鑼灣有新商場開幕,惟未能「沖喜」,消息稱,利園山道單號一地舖,租客遷出近半年,業主意向月租約20萬元,議租空間達5%。 |
51. LARRY 2012-08-24 17:14:43 |
结论非常好 |
52. 青山公路投資者 2012-08-24 17:16:58 |
我想澄清,我對華懋無偏見,而家華懋新樓質素唔錯,THE LILY仲係地段及用料超好的豪宅,豪門和御豪門亦不差.所以唔好覺得我針對華懋. 不過,各位以為我可以唱衰豪景自己入貨又太抬舉我,施老闆講野都有好多人唔信,一個論壇入便三唔識七的人,講野有乜份量? 青山公路咁多盤,逐個評論無時間,只可以話落後一定有原因,例如去年至今年,深井比青龍頭升多好多,真金白銀的成交,反映樓宇質素差距. 但係,要上車豪景的確係好平,睇下你買樓用途,投資就咪搞. |
53. Tony 2012-08-24 17:31:20 |
估吾到,開始輪到豪景。瘦田無人耕,耕開有人爭。各位執生啦! |
54. Hongkong People 2012-08-24 18:28:28 |
To No. 52,
I am not sure how much experience you have in investing property?? According to your logic, we should always go for blue chip property developments i.e.Mid Levels, Island South, the Peak or even Taikooshing. There must be a reason why those properties are priced much higher than those in Castle Peak Road, so, we need to stay with them and never explore other places cos' they will always ahead of the market. In this case, why do you invest in Castle Peak Road?? Obviously, Castle Peak Road is more inferior to those areas.
If you are in Castle Peak Road long enough, you should know that Castle Peak Road or Tuen Mun was once far lagged behind the whole HK. Only these 2 years, they started to pick up and out run the whole HK property market. For those properties you mentioned, for Sham Tseng like Bellagio (HK$5,500 to HK$7,700), or Siu Lam 帝濤灣 (HK$4,000 to HK$5,200) or 黃金海岸 (HK$4,500 to HK$6,700), they are already pretty expensive and leave limited upside potential to new investors.
Under different market conditions, you should have different strategies. If anybody want to invest in properties in HK, the better way is to look for lagging behind properties, which have lesser downside but more upside potential.... |
55. Union 2012-08-24 19:01:21 |
To No.54
100% agreed your view. Hong Kong Garden is indeed very good for investment at present. |
56. Chinachem 2012-08-24 22:15:09 |
This blog becomes the Chinachem world. |
57. 路過 2012-08-24 22:31:08 |
47樓YELLOW MAN同青山公路投資者都係想叫大家冷靜啲暏,青山公路追落後係人都知,今年年頭已經開始,而家呢個價其實冇乜投資價值囉...... 荃屯鐵路,唔係新鮮事,係關心呢區的人一早就知,講左好多年,都未落實,近期政府先話成條路得8萬人口(唔計荃灣及屯門),經濟效益有限,要博呢樣野唔係唔得,但隨時要好耐。加上青山公路呎租其實好低,倒不如吼返市區不知名單幢舊樓好過。 最後講句,一分錢一分貨,華懋舊樓料差實用低,咪低價囉,好公平架,除非華懋新樓(不過好貴),如果係華懋舊樓,真係冇乜投資價值。 |
58. 一般香港市民 2012-08-24 23:31:23 |
多謝hk people賜教 |
59. 一般香港市民 2012-08-24 23:31:31 |
多謝hk people賜教 |
60. Hongkong People 2012-08-25 01:56:23 |
To No. 57,
In your point of view, which /area/district in HK you think will have higher investment potential?? Could you mind to share with us??
In terms of efficiency of ChinaChem properties, the unit I live is not that bad. The claimed efficiency is 75% and I feel quite comfortable with the layout and overall efficiency. Nowadays, each developer will have their own way of calculating the efficiency and the claimed efficiency doesn't really have any relavancy to the actual efficiency. So, it's important for you to feel the efficiency while you are viewing the unit. And the intuition can only be developed through viewing more property units.
One thing people might have a misconception that the remaining unsold units of ChinaChem's earlier developments are sold in discounted price. This is not the case, all those remaining unsold units were sold at a premium with at least 40% over the second hand units. But ChinaChem has done some cosmetic changes or touch ups on the units/block.
In my point of view, the second hand market in those developments actually is suppressed owing to the reluctancy of property agents especially those from big agencies as ChinaChem very aggressively rewards them with any transaction of the first hand units. So, whenever, there is a potential buyer, they won't show them the second hand units but push them to buy the first hand units. This is what I observed in these 2 years.
Now, the first hand unit is about to be depleted, it should be high time for the second hand units to take off. This is my reasonable guess. Let's wait and see and let time to tell the truth.
61. Venus 2012-08-25 07:10:42 |
To 60
Thanks for your sharing. I also reckon Hong Kong Garden has very good potential. |
62. Winston 2012-08-25 09:33:20 |
63. Yuppy 2012-08-25 12:45:18 |
點解呢度甘多人唱好華懋樓? |
64. Xylophone 2012-08-25 12:49:54 |
因為華懋樓價錢平,大件夾抵食! ! |
65. Zebra 2012-08-25 12:54:55 |
What does this imply? 施永青1.36億沽企廣 8年勁賺8061萬 文章日期:2012年8月25日 【明報專訊】東九龍商廈交投持續暢旺,中原地產創辦人施永青亦趁機大賺離場。土地註冊處資料顯示,由施氏持有的九龍灣企業廣場2及3座7樓單位,上周以1.36億元易手,買家為浸信會醫院,預計該物業將作為後勤辦公室之用。 據悉,物業面積約2.6萬方呎,呎價約5216元,與同類價相若;施氏則於2004年以5500萬元購入,現轉手大賺8061萬元,物業8年間大升1.5倍。 樓面2.6萬呎 浸會醫院接貨 另外,由太古地產(1972)和中巴合作的柴灣道391號項目,過去因受到高度限制及環保團體反對影響,令計劃申請多年仍未能動工。近日太古再度向城規會入紙申請,將現址的舊車廠發展成一個提供780伙的綜合住宅項目,較04年擬定的1316伙,大減536伙,減幅達41%,樓層數目亦由當初的53層減至41層。地盤佔地約15.88萬方呎,可建樓面約為69.4萬方呎。 中巴柴灣車廠 減伙數再闖關 至於由長江實業(0001)發展的北角油街地皮,早前亦申請興建成6幢35至38層高的酒店及住宅綜合式發展項目,另設一幢39層酒店。長實為了令更多單位可享海景,故安排六幢住宅及酒店物業的下層約3至6層為酒店及大堂,其餘層數則均為住宅,將住宅單位「墊高」,令更多單位可享海景。計劃於昨日獲城規會通過,料將提供400個住宅單位及800間酒店客房。 恒基地產(0012)亦向城規會申請,將鄰近長實油街項目的北角京華道14至30號一個臨海地盤,發展成一幢樓高25層的商業物業,地盤佔地約3.76萬方呎,可建樓面約32.98萬方呎。
66. 一簽多行 2012-08-25 13:11:29 |
深圳市公安局前日突然宣布,由下月一日開始,當地非深戶居民毋須返回原居地,可直接在深圳申請「一簽多行」雙程證來港,預計涉及人數多逾四百萬。 Hong Kong property price is only 2% higher than 1997 price, which is very very cheap. The HK property price will double in the next 5 years. Go Go Go!!! |
67. Game Set Go 2012-08-25 13:16:31 |
深圳实施「一簽多行」雙程證來港,将会引进大量热钱进入香港,香港楼价必定会大升。 |
68. HKG 2012-08-25 13:52:43 |
刚刚查过中原近期成交,豪景有个单位768尺,卖212万,2760元一尺,平得好可怜!! |
69. Peter Paker 2012-08-25 18:05:47 |
70. CKK 2012-08-25 18:10:39 |
金管局說熱錢到港,並不是叫閣下買物業,待有所升值後伺機賣去。。。。。。。。。。正確。 |
71. 熱點 2012-08-25 18:21:48 |
無論熱錢溜入抑或溜走,目的都是想賺錢,賺了誰人的錢?賺了那些於人地熱錢流入時跟風入市,但又於人地熱錢溜走時走唔切,又或冇條件得走的接火棒傻瓜。 |
72. Nina Kung 2012-09-05 19:34:27 |
My developments are very good. |
73. To:72 2012-09-24 19:32:12 |
Are you still alive? |