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1. 80後的蟻民 2012-04-18 12:24:52
人道立場, 人地大肚唔俾人生, 係咪有問題
你可以無香港居留權, 但唔可以拒絕接收囉我認為

如果外傭有左如何 ?
如果外國人有左如何 ?

2. BB 2012-04-18 12:31:53



3. 朕有辦法 2012-04-18 12:46:25




4. B 仔媽咪 2012-04-18 13:25:59
將香港比如你的家, 你的住所, 地方有限, 收留親朋好友住一段時間無問題, 如果佢地想雀巢鳩佔, 一定要同佢死過,
5. St. Andrew's 2012-04-18 13:28:07

為了把弯的木條扳正,有時須要把木條弯向另一方  ---  就是 矯枉過正的意思 !


我看見了CY   已經針對性地  回應香港目下的各種社會不公平、不公義現象 :

-    官商勾結  

-    地產霸權  

-    雙非產子  


當然這些社會不公平、不公義現象不會一夜間消失;但總得為社會稍舒民怨民愤。也總比 BT 政府 隻眼開 隻眼閉 ” “不干預的政策聰明,起碼政府表態 Do Something


6. CC 2012-04-18 13:37:08
7. 寄生虫 2012-04-18 14:19:28
8. 螢火虫 2012-04-18 14:36:33
9. 中間人 2012-04-18 14:48:08
I agree with #1 too, 只要高調立法不發居港權便可, 到時福利問题便解决,而自自然然也自動减少来港分娩人數, 其實最令人反感是那些中介和衝閘的同胞,至於依足情予提早申請私家醫院的,本人反而覺得問题不大,其實分娩也只是手術的一種,很多人有時也會選擇到外國做手術,可能因某某醫生比較有名,或那醫院設備比較先進,再者,香港的人口老化也是一個大大問題,乘男乘女比例高,己婚的生小孩也是一個起兩個止,再過一兩個十年,問題完全出現就己經很難解决了,希望CY不要為求民望而作出一些短視而害港的政策,而這也是本人最害怕CY的原因,只要香港好,那怕特首又貪又下流.... 房屋增加, 人口减少, 到時何此跌三成, 五成七成都仲得......  
10. 60後港牛 2012-04-18 16:02:30
同意1, 2楼.
11. someone out there 2012-04-18 16:09:01

"當然這些社會不公平、不公義現象不會一夜間消失;但總得為社會稍舒民怨民愤。也總比 BT 政府 隻眼開 隻眼閉 ” “不干預的政策聰明,起碼政府表態 Do Something。"

Come on.  If you really want the government to do something, you first have to do a lot of consultation in HK.   Or at least do it in the correct way.

I don't know why a lot of people complaint about Donald Tsang's government, indeed he is working quite good, under such a worse situation.

If CY only listen to the loudest voice in HK, he may just ruin our future.  Take an example, if you don't have to work and still get a good reward, you won't work, will you?  The majority ( like those in the EU ) may choose enjoy everyday then work hard everyday.  Why bother as you have CY!  So, CY should listen to them or not?

Personally, I appreciate Donald.

12. 無明 2012-04-18 17:23:53




13. 過路人 2012-04-18 17:46:02

双非是一个人口政策問題. 如果政府有無限資源, 又想港人土生土長. 港人出生正率低. 這是一法.

 但是要想深一点, 如這嬰兒在港出生, 他是港人. 他將有權申請其家人, 父母, 兄弟......... 到香港定居及得到港人的福利. 這是是一个嬰兒那麼簡單?

政府是應該用双非嬰兒是配額去優化港人口. 如在科學上, 藝術上, 工業上, ...等. 否則香港只有地產, 金融 和服務業.

我贊成CY 火速處理双非問題.

14. Why Tsang Gov't did nothing 2012-04-18 18:13:16

 Quote No11  "If you really want the government to do something, you first have to do a lot of consultation in HK. "

This is exactly Tsang's Gov't did. A lot of consultation, When he received opposite opinion or confronted by adversary. He would put issue aside for futther studies. As result, none of his promises in infra-structure was delivered. His only accomplishment was having the Government headquater built. He did no wrong. He can say "I tried to do a good job, but someone or parties would not let me."

Would that be right for a leader?

15. St. Andrew's 2012-04-18 18:37:21

11   :   Of course I can feel that you appreciate BT.


I can also feel that you are a guy like to play around “formalities” (all those consultation things, paper work, etc.)  But think for day, HK people have lost their patience in these consultations / paper works for the past seven years, eventually you should have seen the fury on property hegemony, collusions, having voiced out from the general public.  Can everyone blind to see these social development ?


There is nothing wrong with CY who tried to address these issues in first priority.  Afterall, CY’s campaign is to make “Changes”.  Don't forget that CY also needs to win support from general public.  Lets do not mind his intention, but at least he is addressing but not avoiding the issues.


That’s what I said “DO SOMETHING”.


On a bigger picture, if China thinks that they have lost 15 years time failed in changing the hearts of HK people ; think what China will do in the next 35 years. 

16. after 25 march 2012-04-18 21:17:39
before 25 march, 有個人天天踩CY
after 25 march, 有隻豬日日擦鞋
17. 雙非 2012-04-18 21:28:49
18. Hongkong People 2012-04-18 22:31:59
Agree with No. 9, 11 and 17.

Without HKID for the new born is a good way to resolve 雙非孕婦 issue.  But, zero quota for private hospital is a brutal interfere to the private business.  And, it hurts the core value of HK as a free economy.  So, govn't should be cautious for that.

Some thoughts and suggestions for the govn't.

Medical service can be a future growth engine for HK other than financial services, accounting services and etc.  

Remember that during Mr. Tung's administration, he tried really hard to develop HK as a Hi-tech Port, Chinese Herb Port and etc, etc.  But all those port development became an empty claim and white elephant.

But now, medical service is a natural demand owing to poor medical services in our motherland.  Any visionary gov't should take the chance and promote HK as a medical port for them.  To accomplish that, gov't should quickly push out lands for building hospitals, spare more funds for training medical professionals.  Those lands need not to be subsidized and private hospitals shouldn't enjoy any tax benefits as they will know that it is a money driver business.  But of course, gov't should impose all kinds of limitations and quotas for their hospitals.  They will adjust themselves according to the demand.

Income from the land sales and taxes of private hospitals can then be chipped in to public hospitals to further improve services to serve local citizens.

In case of temporarily shortage of medical professionals, govn't should consider allow certified medical professionals to enter into HK by contract terms.....

HK people always love to compare with Singapore.  FYI, Singapore govn't decades ago started promoting their medical services and education services to their rich neighbours i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia.
19. Hongkong People 2012-04-18 22:33:27

gov't SHOULDN'T impose all kinds of limitations and quotas for their hospitals
20. CY 2012-04-18 23:08:13
21. A70s 2012-04-19 02:03:28









22. Herman Larm 2012-04-19 08:48:27
認同您的見解, 期望上述事項真的能夠按照其急切性及好好運用香港市民意的支持度去做出成績來吧.
23. 無可奈可 2012-04-19 09:18:52

私院每年都起政府拿取一定的資助,而且佢地根本就唔會無飯食,因為香港有很多人都需要醫療,未爆雙非之前都有好多人去私家醫院求醫,再唔係就發展其他業務例如醫學美容吧,唔係間接利用香港福利去牟取暴利,有些人話只要唔俾香港身份俾出生起香港的嬰兒便可,但到時又會有一大堆訴訟,到時又浪費公帑了, 倒不如雙管齊下,又唔俾私院收雙非,要求佢地主要服務本地產婦, 以及唔給予身份證予所有父母皆不是香港人的嬰兒身份證,我諗問題應可大致解決.

24. 全力支持CY拆咗禮賓府起公屋!! 2012-04-19 10:05:13





25. 新手 2012-04-19 10:23:47

agree with #1, 9, 11, 17 and 18

Re: 14,

At least there are six out of ten Major Infratructure Projects are now in progress.

26. Good good 2012-04-19 10:51:53


 LIKE 爆~~~~

27. 代理 2012-04-19 10:59:42

28. CC 2012-04-19 17:24:04
29. 無明 2012-04-20 14:30:05

基本法起草香港居民身份與落實寫出基本法時出現了差異, 是誰的責任?


就是這樣便出現莊豐源案例, 香港的高等法院及終審法院按香港的法律精神都判決雙非莊豐源有居港權, 成為案例, 這是法治精神, 亦是香港遵守法治這核心價值, 就算梁愛詩這麼愛國, 亦不能因為對香港人有影響便口輕輕以說話去否定雙非的居港權, 全世界都不會這樣做。


但CY未上任, 未認真睇清楚, 便硬說"不保證有居港權", 那麼, 終審法院的案例是否要架空? 是否等如不保證莊豐源案例有效? 是否香港7月1日以後的話事人不保證香港終審法院的案例有效?





30. 勤力人 2012-04-21 03:01:11

某日睇"新聞透視"講2011年香港移民有 15%..新加坡有 11%..新加坡的 11%新移民全是大學程度...而香港只有 1%有大學程度...其餘 14% 則可能去社署囉綜緩..有良心 d 兼勤力小小就有做下野

31. JOC 2012-05-03 12:13:30

咩嘢都假,揾多D錢最實際;正研究兩個揾大錢項目有興趣Add我詳談,skype: joc0206 , QQ: 1736615307