1. Passer-by 2012-04-16 12:29:48 |
Obviously Dr Tong does not know politics, not to mention Taiwan politics. Dr Tsai Ing-wen is a Law Professor who graduated from LSE, UK. She is simply not a English teacher like you said.
Probably Dr Tong should keep your column focused to property only. While I respect your vision on HK propery market, it is just amusing to see you commenting on political issues. |
2. yes 2012-04-16 13:48:26 |
i agree with #1, this is a web about property, not political issues, just like Dr.Tong always said, those finacial people who make forecast about hk property, should concentrate on economics and finacial issues instead, and i think its same to Dr.Tong himself as well. |
3. 阿馮 2012-04-16 14:00:25 |
請你別把香港這個被高度干預的小圈子選舉比作外國民主選舉! 在不公平的情況下,C. Y. 贏了,就算他有多好都只是一小撮人的傀儡。我們要求一人一票選出我們的特首! |
4. 螢火虫 2012-04-16 14:53:14 |
政客一定要擺個有利姿勢, 可以爭取多少少籌碼!!! |
5. 《成報》停劉銳紹專欄 2012-04-16 15:11:46 |
成報》再次踐踏本港言論自由。上月竄改時事評論員劉銳紹專欄文章的《成報》總編輯魏繼光,上周突以改版及節省開支為由,暫停劉的專欄。記者協會對此深表憤怒,直斥《成報》再次自我審查,相信真正原因與劉銳紹本月初在專欄撰文悼念異見人士方勵之有關。劉對暫停與《成報》合作不感可惜與遺憾,寄語傳媒及市民繼續守護香港核心價值—新聞言論自由。 "官員們何嘗又不是希望有一個強政勵治政府?" - 湯某,就是以上這樣子是最好的,對嗎 ! |
6. 不知道、不清楚、不記得 2012-04-16 15:26:22 |
曾鈺成上周爆出有現任主要官員婉拒梁振英邀約留任多一屆,於是被游說「捱義氣」做半屆亦可,因梁要撐過七月一日,以穩定局勢。梁振英隨後否認曾鈺成的說法,他說本身未與現任官員洽談留任與否的問題,因此不存在誰人願意留任,誰人拒絕或留任半屆的情況。 又是另一個羅生門。你相信曾還是相信梁? 李怡
7. CatCat 2012-04-16 15:49:31 |
博士 " 俊傑" 到好難睇 |
8. BB 2012-04-16 16:05:53 |
大家应还记得引致国民党连-宋分裂的黑手是谁吧? 不是连战和宋楚愉, 也不是台湾民众, 是佢地的老顶, 李登辉 香港建制派分裂, 谁是黑手---当然也是建制派的老顶啦!!!!!!!!!! 要修补裂缝, 得----------派糖啰 |
9. 黃丹尼 2012-04-16 16:13:20 |
蔡英文輸了台灣總統選舉,民進黨仍要在議會內做事,民進黨仍會推出他們的候選人參選各級議會,一個不尊重選舉制度的組織,一些缺乏民主操守的政客,輸掉了所謂的"選舉",誰會感到婉惜! 如果唐先生真的想為香港服務,就算沒有多少選民的支持,但至少亦有部份人的擁戴,就算他未能站出來面對群眾,他所屬的組織亦不應放棄,在哪裏跌倒,檢討過後,改善過後,就在哪裏站起來... 唐先生似乎敗走了,那他參選只是為了個人的權位,而不是為香港服務,這樣的人,敗了,誰會惋惜呢! 自由黨到今時今日這樣的田地,與其領袖的視野與胸襟好有關係.... 我們看民建聯在03年大敗後,並沒有走了,改善過後,檢討過後,再進一步.. 自由黨 以此為鑒 以史為鏡 |
10. 上善若水 2012-04-16 17:22:02 |
有一個問題大家可以思考:CY是否真心要和解?真心希望唐營的支持者加入新一屆政府的管治團隊? 這次特首選舉,建制派有兩名參選者,立場互異,代表的社會階層也絕然不同。中央允許兩名這樣的人參選,其實已經預料到建制派的分裂。中央最終選擇CY,顯示了中央決議放棄建制派內的既得利益者,顯示了中央對港事務的態度轉變:希望新一屆特區政府更進一步聽命於中央;要積極參與本港的社會、經濟、文化運作;要更注重財富的分配。總之目前的“大市場、小政府”的形式將一去不復返! 至於溫總理、王光亞和CY屢次放風要建制派大團結,純屬冠冕堂皇的政治套話。分裂是由中央一手造成。小弟最近一直認為,現時中央已經不那麼需要本港的既得利益者,如果部分既得利益者願意聽話,願意做“俊傑”,那就安排一席職位給你。如果你依然自恃自己是什麼金融專才、經濟天才,而要與新一屆政府的政策唱對台戲,NO WAY!CY的理念、處事作風,非常適合作為上述改變的操盤手! 時至今日,大家都已心知肚。現時的既得利益者,有人選擇做“俊傑”,亦有人認為“道不同不相為謀”,或許也有人認為“士可殺不可辱”。不過在香港社會,選擇最後者的估計只是極少數而已! |
11. LI 2012-04-16 18:16:56 |
12. LI 2012-04-16 18:16:57 |
13. mini 2012-04-16 18:37:40 |
This time is different ! Unlike Taiwan's Election, CY wins the election under Beijing Consensus together with helps (interferences) from the West House, HK Federation of Trade Union, DAB as well. Obviously, our country has lost reputation in History ! Chairwoman Liu/Lau is a tough lady who has to be responsible for Liberty Party, voters, and public opinion poll according to the latest events happened during the 2012 CE election. She just thinks what people think ! Listens what you said & watches what you act ! Responses to the current voice / public opinion poll of 7 million citizens. What's wrong with her ??? Without having harmony dinner / harmony wine, there is no big deal ! She still eats herself with the public canteen at any time ! Her act is telling to the citizens that there is no latent benefits exchange at all after the election ! She is great for working class and citizens ! |
14. LI 2012-04-16 20:09:28 |
It is prefectly all right for Chairlady Lau to " EAT HERSELF" or even directly confront with C.Y , provided she is only representing herself. However ,the circumstance is that, she is representing a political party which is emphasising itself as part of the constituency. |
15. LI 2012-04-16 20:19:33 |
唐先生是, 人生在世不稱意, 明朝散髮弄扁舟. 何其快哉. |
16. 好文章 2012-04-16 23:39:59 |
利字當頭:尋租老味 2012年04月16日 領匯減租,甚麼人最得益? 「當然是小商戶啦!」今時今日,好多人像中了降頭一樣,一講到加租,就是一定要加「大業主瘋狂」五個字在前面。不過,沒有另外一些租客說可以付出更高的租金,業主可以瘋狂加租嗎? 「當然,大財團可以負擔得起更高的租金,小商戶都被趕盡殺絕了。」毫無疑問,本錢多的企業,有許多優勢,例如規模大帶來成本效益,讓他們能夠做得到許多小企業做不到的事。這才是大財團可以付得起更高租金的原因。當然,小商戶也有自己的生存之道。首先,就是不要正面和大財團競爭,人家做甚麼,你就做一點不一樣的。 小商戶有盲點 再者,小商戶也要有壯大自己的心;很多人說只想平平凡凡做小生意。對不起,這種想法,盲點是以為世界是不變的。就算沒有大財團用更有效的方法去跟你競爭,消費者一旦變心,獨沽一味做小生意的小商戶,還是有很大的機會被淘汰。 說遠了。近來有許多人說,領匯應該減租,去幫那些快要被淘汰的小商戶。悲情一點說,就好像是要保護瀕臨滅絕的稀有物種。對不起。事實告訴我們,以前的公屋商場,租金大折讓,結果益了名副其實的尋租者( Rent seekers):無心真正做生意,入標抽公屋商場舖位當博彩數,中了之後,美其名找合夥人,其實就是有人不勞而獲,變相轉租。據說,當年房委會管理的商場充斥着這種尋租行為,尤以診所、街市和酒樓這三類,問題最為嚴重。領匯出現,才杜絕了這些問題。 又或者,有些人真的很懷念這種所謂老香港的味道?
17. Catcat 2012-04-17 09:20:14 |
18. Stupid 2012-04-17 10:06:27 |
Because Dr.Tong thinks most readers are stupid and un-educated.... as usual, not surprised |
19. 皇甫槎 2012-04-17 10:22:07 |
若論個人能力和表現, 蔡英文肯定勝於學歷及地位均高於她的馬英九。可惜蔡英文在政治上與台灣民眾背道而馳,因而落選。 政客的立場是受制於其政治理念的,奈何。 (原文中引 '仕大夫' 一詞有誤,應改為 '士大夫'。近人誤用者越來越多,忍不住要指出正確用法。) |
20. admin 2012-04-17 10:57:38 |
謝謝19.「皇甫槎」,錯字已更改,,謝謝! |
21. 反对領匯上市的poor guy 2012-04-17 11:07:04 |
說遠了。近來有許多人說,領匯應該減租,去幫那些快要被淘汰的小商戶。悲情一點說,就好像是要保護瀕臨滅絕的稀有物種。對不起。事實告訴我們,以前的公屋商場,租金大折讓,結果益了名副其實的尋租者( Rent seekers):無心真正做生意,入標抽公屋商場舖位當博彩數,中了之後,美其名找合夥人,其實就是有人不勞而獲,變相轉租。據說,當年房委會管理的商場充斥着這種尋租行為,尤以診所、街市和酒樓這三類,問題最為嚴重。領匯出現,才杜絕了這些問題。 |
22. 感覺不同了 2012-04-17 11:45:52 |
現在每次進來看,已經不是想看博士文章, 而是評論,尤其是上善若水兄的評論,仍 是以往的好. |
23. 50步笑百步 2012-04-17 12:00:24 |
"蔡英文只不過是一位英文教師,臨危受命,以一個女流之輩,粗一點說一位師奶尚且有如此的政治水平" - 話人地係師奶,自己咪係滿身銅臭麻佬一名 ! |
24. Hongkong People 2012-04-17 12:52:55 |
Dr., I can't agree with what you say about the Liberal Party " 誓死效忠" TT, so they chose not to join that dinner. I don't think " 誓死效忠" is the real reason that the Liberal Party doesn't approve CY.
"雙非孕婦子女無居港權" is a good way to resolve lots of issues, i.e. abuse of public hospitals, baby clinics and education system later on.
But, regarding his statement about "私家醫院不會收雙非" is inappropriate and kind of scary to private institutions. I think most people will agree that "free economy" is one of the core competitive advantage of Hong Kong. His point of view regarding about this issue is a brutal interference to "free economy" of Hong Kong. HK gov't has the right to set the policy for public hospitals. But private hospitals should have their own autonomy to determine who to admit and the quota to admit into their hospitals. At the end of the day, they are private business but just specialized in providing medical services.
My deduction about the real reason why Liberal Party is so against CY is that CY just doesn't have the mentality to respect/maintain "free economy" in HK and subsequently making the business environment deteriorate.....
Correct me if you think I am wrong. |
25. 無明 2012-04-17 13:23:13 |
Agree 24 Hong Kong People. |
26. 掹車邊80後 2012-04-17 13:36:33 |
To 22. 感覺不同了 Agree, 雖然仍喜歡看湯生的地產評論, 但他對CY的"隨風擺柳"真是愈來愈難看, 不斷合理化自己 |
27. 無明 2012-04-17 14:11:06 |
千里馬如果不是遇到伯樂, 便是一無是處, 平凡到極, 好打得的都應該明白這道理吧? 世界杯足球, 英國隊在麥卡倫領導下輸得幾肉酸就知道啦, 幾好人腳都無用。 現代版不食周粟, 是為下一朝。 |
28. LI 2012-04-17 20:42:36 |
Frankly speaking, HK private hospitals are not completely private. Most of them grant their land from Government with the cost of HK $ 1.0. and their profit are tax free. It is never a ' free economy' in the private hospital sector. |
29. Hongkong People 2012-04-18 12:32:59 |
In this case, take this chance and make it private. Surely, medical service is a future growth engine for HK other than financial services, accounting services and etc.
Remember that during Mr. Tung's administration, he tried really hard to develop HK as a Hi-tech Port, Chinese Herb Port and etc, etc. But all those port development became an empty claim and white elephant.
But now, medical service is a natural demand owing to poor medical services in our motherland. Any visionary gov't should take the chance and promote HK as a medical port for them. To accomplish that, gov't should quickly push out lands for building hospitals, spare more funds for training medical professionals. Those lands need not to be subsidized and private hospitals shouldn't enjoy any tax benefits as they will know that it is a money driver business. But of course, gov't should impose all kinds of limitations and quotas for their hospitals. They will adjust themselves according to the demand.
Income from the land sales and taxes of private hospitals can then be chipped in to public hospitals to further improve services to serve local citizens.
In case of temporarily shortage of medical professionals, govn't should consider allow certified medical professionals to enter into HK by contract terms.....
HK people always love to compare with Singapore. FYI, Singapore govn't decades ago started promoting their medical services and education services to their rich neighbours i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia.
30. Hongkong People 2012-04-18 12:35:02 |
Govn't SHOULDN'T impose any limitations and quotas in private hospitals.
31. LI 2012-04-18 15:49:16 |
A few points I would like to supplement, 1. Currently, I cannot see any ways that we can re-collect the land price of the existing private Hospitals nor the Govn't can Tax them. 2. I don't know the value of the Lands of, say St. Paul's Hospital , located in the centre of Causeway Bay. 3. If a new private hospital needs to pay trillions of $ for land in the initial stage of development and needs to pay profit Tax in its running. I would wonder its competitivity with the existing " private hospitals", who need to pay non for these. 4. or the existing private hospitals are making un-reasonable high profit margin. 5. I think we can develop whatever ports we like if we attach the product/ service with a hidden HK citizenship, say , if we wrapped a handful of sand from Repulse Bay and sell it to the mainlanders for HK $100,000. attached with a Citizenship, we can develop into a sand selling port. 6. Would it be the right thing we are looking for? |