1. 小人物 2012-04-14 10:23:38 |
只能說句 "no country for old man" . 香港的低稅率無疑比其他發達國家更具競爭力, 但缺點就是大家退休後要自求多福啊. |
2. 市民 2012-04-14 10:45:02 |
高官有長糧咬,唔要求高,每個月旅行都得,足夠有餘,退休生活無憂了。況且又有邊個高官冇樓?咁多年高薪足夠買中上價樓有餘了。 |
3. retired government employee 2012-04-14 11:05:49 |
The lump sum pay in full among to several millions dollars before the retirement and the generous retire pension for life will be more than enough to live the life like a million air without border to go to work every day, not to mention some of us to start our own business or to go to work in private sector to get some additional income. The government employees do not need your worry about their retirement life. We only worry how to spend the pension and enjoy life like a million air. |
4. 寄生虫 2012-04-14 11:06:22 |
博士你係資本家在財務知識一定比中產基層好,但政府高官都只係打工仔, 佢地比我們好既, 只係有份高收入既工, 生活無憂咁解, 財務教育方面, 我唔覺得佢地好中產同基層幾多, 如果唔係佢地都會選擇成為資本家而唔係公務員啦! |
5. 向饭民说不 2012-04-14 11:14:23 |
以前港英的退休俱乐部,其实也是正面的。只是现在香港人反对。 |
6. 向饭民说不 2012-04-14 11:23:22 |
1楼:公务员有很高的退休金,所以不能叫自求多福。 不过以现在的政治环境,要这些退休高官管理好自己的财务,好容易会出现利益冲突。 还有全民退休计划,证明了会令经济崩溃。会在以下的情况下轮回,永不超生; 大派福利----收支不平衡---大量举债----经济进入临界点----经济崩溃---货币大幅贬值----经济复苏---大派福利 直到永远。 我们中国人的传统是前人种树,后人乘凉。全民退休计划是,前人砍树,后人凄凉。 |
7. 樓民講場:資助房屋唔應該炒 2012-04-14 11:28:44 |
每次見到地產新聞話某某公屋破天價,就無名火起。明明已經有份分阿公錢(住政府樓),還可以賺錢。 香港的資本主義,確實徹頭徹尾,連屬於福利的部份都可以炒一餐。當年起公屋是為了安置貧苦大眾,到你飛黃騰達,就算唔回饋都無理由賺多轉吧?點估到公屋都天價,其他私樓自然貴得有道理。 要怪,就怪當年賣公屋時,以為「大幅度的補地價」就行,而沒有諗深一層:政府福利根本不應該有任何增值功能。正如社會「關愛」貧家小孩去遊學,但小孩唔去,將個位賣給別人,又得唔得? 居屋情況亦如是,今時樓價爆升,個個話要建居屋,但小弟記得樓市轉差時,居屋不但滯銷,有些人中了籤更不去揀樓,「需求」一下子就不見了。顯見在普羅市民心目中,居屋豈止是阿公樓,它根本就是阿公贊助的投資。 小弟認為,公私物業有必要劃清界線,私樓由市場主導,但公樓必須回到真正的福利規劃上,把發了財還死抱「風水屋」的富戶趕走。不過,公屋票多勢眾,小弟除了哼幾句,還可以找誰請命? 讀者 崔瑞皇 |
8. 向饭民说不 2012-04-14 12:01:11 |
楼上,你讲的其实就是计划经济,必然有的特权利益。 在资本主义下,大家追求金钱,在计划经济下,大家追求特权。 以前共产党对干部,有所谓的特供。 |
9. mini 2012-04-14 13:34:04 |
Refer to the latest news from local media, we should note that the most expensive unit in the public housing estates of Tsing Yi in HK was sold at HK$2.85M. It reflects the mismatch, planning, coordination from the housing policy, immigration policy as well. The global market environment really changes a lot, including currency, demands from mainlanders, land values, etc. For the retired officials, it is very difficult to push them to stay in Shenzhen Districts such as Futian, Lo Wu, Nanshan , Yantian and the remaining 6 districts, even there are connection rails linking our MTR network to the heart of HK. There is no quick fix. |
10. LI 2012-04-14 21:59:22 |
In the my belief, we can enjoy an appropriate livings if we concentrate in our own industries . Currently, the problem is , even we are in the top posts of own industries, if we don't involve in property investment, we cannot affort an appropriate housings. How can we teach/ educate our next generation?? |
11. LI 2012-04-15 14:30:25 |
我們只要專注本身的專業, 努力工作. 我們不須要學醫,也可享用合適自已的醫療. 我們不須要學厨,也可吃到合適自己的佳肴. 我們不須要學飛行, 也可搭乘合適自己的航班.... 但我們不學物業投資,就要屈就一下, 住細D, 住舊D, 住遠D. 萬般皆下品, 唯有炒房高. |