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1. 有人話 2011-08-25 11:21:31



2. 王先生 2011-08-25 11:56:56



3. 80後銀行從業員 2011-08-25 12:01:08

湯博士所言甚是, 近期租金持續看升, 而樓價普遍經已回軟3-5%, 租金回報率亦合理化..足以支持樓價止跌回升. 愚見認為要精確地計算租金回報, 不能只簡單地將1年租金除以樓價, 因為這個計法沒有考慮到利息因素.....租金回報的公式應為 = (淨租金 - 相關租期利息 - 物業稅) / 樓價首期 x 100%. 以一個3成首期的200萬單位, 出租7,000元為例, 差銄管理費1,000元, 月利息2,000元, 稅收5,000元, 租金回報 = [(7,000 - 1,000 - 2,000) x 12 - 5,000 ] / 600,000 = 7.2%.....比傳統計法要多出3%.

至於息口方面, 何以伯南克有足夠信心維持超低息多兩年?必有其它貨幣政策同步推行. 兩年之後美國依然面對今天的問題, 最多只會稍為改善而不能徹底根治...從10年國債和2年國債Yield spread僅2厘便知定息市場如何預測息口走向了.


4. MCC 2011-08-25 12:27:34
5. Martin 2011-08-25 13:12:06




6. mini 2011-08-25 13:26:51

If the rental return rate is 7.2% that can compare with the U.S. 30-year Treasury rate around 3.6% and the Hong Kong current inflation rate above 5%, and if an university couple have an average monthly income of HK$48000 and really want to buy a house of HK$2M ~HK$2.8M, then the house price to their earning ratio should be between 3.47 and 4.86. (i.e. well within the safety range of 3 ~ 5 and well within the common mortgage period of 15 years). Particularly, the Japan, U.S., U.K. and Europe have been printing a huge amount of electronic money around the world.

I do NOT understand why the university graduates go to apply for Public Houses or other people who are waiting for the assistanship from our government !

7. 80後銀行從業員 2011-08-25 14:16:57

university graduates go to apply for Public Houses

這只是局部現象吧, 我不相信大部份大學畢業生都跑去申請公屋....不過有一點倒是真的, 如果某大學畢業生家境不錯, 父母可以協助其上車然後自己供; 和大學生自己儲首期上車卻有天淵之別. 因為供款壓力在低息環境下不算大, 不過拿出幾十萬甚至幾百萬首期卻需要長期的儲蓄

8. 南菜園 2011-08-25 14:35:07
9. 平實小子 2011-08-25 15:12:53

很認同博士之言論, 多謝分享本人乃收租型長線投資者, SARS後膽粗粗購入第一間物者, 全因有自住需要, 既然價錢已達可負擔程度, 想多無謂。當年 peer group冇人會買樓, 還笑我供樓自困。


胡裡胡塗於「好位」入市, 令我鍾情投資物業, 但我從不短炒, 也不摸貨, 只作長線收租, 穩中求勝。我亦很同意博士所言, 現時樓市仍有下調壓力, 但相信不會大跌, 香港現時的情況特殊, 不能與以往跌市情況相比。此外, SSD在這個時候亦發揮了作用, 畢竟少了炒家於市況不穩時急走貨, 未有做成火上加油的局面.


本人不敢大膽叫人買樓, 但絕不鼓勵朋友輕易賣掉自住的物業, 畢竟, 租金是「純支出」。而我最大的理念是:長輩於二十多年前買入一港島藍籌屋苑單位,經歷過97、亞洲金融風波、科網股爆破、SARS、金融海嘯及美國被降級等等,現時,物仍升值了十倍。土地是limited resources,只要不貪心,長線持有,有什麼好擔心?

10. To #6 2011-08-25 15:34:33

1. The gross average rental return rate now is nowhere near to 7.2%, which, say, represents a monthly rent of $18K for a $3M flat (there are such flats, but few). Accounting for regular related taxes, maintenance fees, transition periods, commissions etc., the actual net return is considerably lower.

2. Long-term rental yields are NOT guaranteed, NOR the nominal property price level. The U.S. T-bill rates are underlied by FULL-TERM designated coupon payments nominally, and such bills are notionally protected for holding to maturity. With the HKD/USD peg assumed, T-bills are regarded as safe as HKD here. Note that if the U.S. T-rates increase later on (i.e. T-bill prices go down), the property market will as well face jeopardy.

3. Not the majority of individuals as univ. graduates enjoy monthly wages over $20K for their first few years in the job market, saved for certain prosective professions. Their current situations may bar them from owning flats safely - no one can guarantee stable and low mortgage rates, continuation of  the HKD/USD peg, pleasant economic environment, acceptable food price level etc. in the long run.

4. Japan and the U.S. themselves are lively examples about discouraging property price trends. Japan's property market remains sluggish for well over 10 years, while that in the U.S. has been exhibiting fall in price level since 2006 (or 5 years ago). Increased money supply and low interest rates haven't reverse situations under real economic growth threats (woeful stock markets reflect people's pessimistic anticipation about their economies' future, regardless of what's going to happen).

What I state above are not unknown to many univ. students. Their counterparts studying finance or economics have probably been sharing such info. with them under their recent 'public housing application mania', itself being moral or not, a glory or not, a social threat or not.

11. 王先生 2011-08-25 16:40:11
12. DT 2011-08-25 16:42:49

Behaviour change in Generation Z.

They grow with the internet and iTechnology. Their communication takes place in the facebook, iPhone and so forth. They develop their friendship in the online community. As a result, they are neither good listeners nor having interpersonal skills. They live in a small space and their living is in the visual world.

They used to be living in a small space lonely.  Is it a reason why our graduates like to apply for the publich housing?

13. 80後銀行從業員 2011-08-25 16:58:31

這個當然, 我自己都有物業收租.所以十分明白你的說法....

從銀行風險管理角度看, 每一名按揭申請人都有入息證明及通過壓力測試才批出貸款, 而且按揭成數越來越低...換句話說, 這批買家都有若干持貨能力, 除非經濟突然急劇衰退, 否則即使加息, 供樓負擔也在可承受範圍.

樓價偏高是事實, 但感覺到港人在經歷了這麼多經濟週期, 金融危機之後, 對物業的"偏好性"提高了...例如以前你會相信投資股票/債券/外幣, 但長綫回報如何呢?倒不如學誠哥話齋, 今天買覺得貴, 5-10年後回望就覺得十分吸引了 

14. 雲在青天水在瓶 2011-08-25 18:07:14
2006年連租約買入尖沙咀一樓上小商舖, 作價28萬, 加上交易費用, 成本約28.50萬。
假如這28.50萬存放在銀行, 以當時銀行利率(50萬以下)1.50%計, 年收益4,275.00; 買入此商舖, 收租3,000.00/月, 減去管理費及差餉, 實收2,085.00/月, 年回報率8.80%。租約到期後, 已加租至3,600.00/月, 減去管理費及差餉, 實收2,685.00/月, 年收益32,220.00(2,685.00 x 12), 回報率11.30%。
以2008年通脹率4%計, 存放銀行實質負利率2.5%, 將會出現7,125.00的減值[285,000.00 x (-2.5%)]。而買入物業則有實質7.30%(11.30%-4.00%)的回報, 扣除通脹減值後實得益20,805.00/年。一減一加, 兩者相差27,930.00。不用細講, 這樣的結果必然是將資金趕入資本市場。
又假設條件不變, 以跑贏通脹率50%計, 租金回報率為6%, 則物業價值為32,220.00 ÷ 6% = 537,000.00, 即升值252,000.00, 升幅達88%。
投資股市, 要看個股的股東資金回報率; 投資樓市, 要看物業的租金回報率。計清楚回報率, 便可計算出其內在價值, 心中有了價值的天平, 便不會迷失。投資不需要高深的理論, 只需具有小學的數學基礎, 並加以熟練運用即可。
買入時曾經匡算過, 需時11年回本。經過幾次加息後, 現在的租金回報率已達15%(與成本比較)。回本期大為縮短, 估計再有2-3年, 此舖位就是白送的
用不了多長時間, 估計此舖可升至200萬上。計算依据很簡單, 現時租金水平約為3500-4500/月, 以月租升至6600/月以上, 租金回報4%計, 市場價值約200萬。
商場旁邊正在起一間有400個客房的酒店, 對增加人流有很大作用。持續的低息, 也對物業投資以正面影響毫無疑問, 我的未來不是夢!
15. 向饭民说不 2011-08-25 18:14:39
16. Frankie 2011-08-25 18:44:37
就是裨你們這班人嘅取態, 令到今日的樓价無止境的攀升, 到達失控的險境; 讓那些貪得無厭的投機分子, 混水摸魚、有機可乘。那些所謂经濟学者、投資專家和乜乜垃圾專家的廢論, 加上現政府的無能管治、官商勾結等是造成今天的樓价脫離現實, 一般市民根本無法負擔的始俑者; 在這環境下, 社會豈能和諧共處。須知房屋乃每个人的基本生活條件和權利, 唯一解決深層次矛盾就是消除社會不公現象, 焉能任意给一少撮自私短視之徒, 罔顧公衆利益, 藉故散播謬論、製造假象、欺騙無知、推高通脹、民不聊生, 最後造成社會分化和動蘯不穩的嚴重後果。 
17. mini 2011-08-25 19:14:30

The teachers / professionals always say the Prices are subject to Demand and Supply. Since 1997 handover, Hong Kong has become a part of China. Actually, it belongs to part of Guangdong Province of our motherland. If there is no major mistake, 100 million population in GD, and 1350 million population in the whole country. Starting from 2003/2Q, we had an approval to allow individual visitors to Hong Kong  from the mainland, further from 2005 July, we knew the RMB that needed to flow, up to now, one HK dollar should be 0.8 RMB. In short, the local housing market is facing at least 100 million population of GD, not only for 7 million population of  Hong Kong !

As everyone knows there is no 100% guarantee in life. Having graduated from university, you don't have confidence in yourself, it could be a tough time to challenge with ove million of university graduates every year from mainland.  

Suppose I'm less than 2 m tall, I should not buy a house with a 3m ~ 4m high. In Summers and Winters, I can at least save a lot in the electric bills for cooling and heating respectively. For the other expenses on the property, we should also know about that before taking any action. Without driving a car, you can at least save HK$40 a day. Without eating out , you can save another HK$2000 a month. Without drinking a soft drink, you can still work hard and live as usual. Without the internet to the world, it doesn't mean you can not connect to the globe with 2 hours free in our public libraries. You really want to buy a house in your money, you must believe you can do that. It is just a matter of time !

18. 上善若水 2011-08-25 20:37:25





19. #10 2011-08-25 21:07:33

Without buying an expensive flat, one with mediocre income can dine well, drink with friends, own a car, travel in holidays, use quality goods, attend shows, spend more on health care, take fashions home and do much others. Many university students recognize this fact, and their way to preserve such desires is... make use of cheap public housing. They do not opt to trade-in a flat at the expense of so much others.

Population figures of any other regions have no necessary relationship with actual HK's housing demand. Recent transaction records suggest that rich mainlanders are not as active in HK's property market as some people believe. A few stories cannot portray the whole picture. In percentage, surge in property price level in HK far exceeds the appreciation pace of RMB. Flats here don't appear comparatively cheap to them.

20. 上善若水 2011-08-25 21:08:13

小弟兄,你曾問起: 請問 QE , 港樓供應, 人民幣升值 是否是次樓市上升元兇?   




21. 事實與偏見 2011-08-25 21:28:59
22. 小弟 2011-08-25 23:23:29
謝謝上善兄(#20)分折 !!
23. 疑問 2011-08-25 23:42:23


24. AIA 2011-08-26 00:20:52



25. 大王妹 2011-08-26 01:13:50
26. 機會隨處係 2011-08-26 06:31:57

放棄物業投資  -> 抱住一批現金了卻殘生? 未必, 食得驚風散, 選擇多的是呢!

買外幣 ~ 如做人民幣定期, 上大陸一年3-4%, 或澳元的, 一年5%找得到 ~, 買各地股票 ~ 如高息本地藍籌, 抽熱爆新股: 我07年單靠循環再用十萬位注碼抽股, 無孖展下翻番, 今年似乎唔多呢D, 但他日一黎料會再入場  ~, 買債券 ~ 如iBond: 大佬, 通脹成7%啦  ~, 買農產品期貨 ~ 我買過小麥粟米大豆等自己食得多的  , 亦可當實貨入夠錢唔孖展 ~, 買各種基金 ~ 如主題是新興市場的 ~, 加注落MPF ~ 我09年恒指低位時全轉作恒指追蹤, 升咗轉番保本等下次  ~,  買實物金銀珠寶 ~ 之前金都升得好勁, 之後唔知 ~, 供儲蓄保, 供投資相連保, 供年金, 風險承受力極高的可炒外匯, 炒各式期貨期權, 有眼光的可做生意買賣 ~  不少年青人開小食店, 開樓上cafe, 攪online shop, 入紅酒儲 ~, 上進的進修增值 ~ 有朋友攞個學位後轉行收入倍升 ~, 另類的炒 iPhone iPad ~ 見人入100部都成幾十萬本 ~, 買農產 ~ 雜誌介紹可在香港找中介買外地果樹, 回報主要在收成 ~, 識野的收郵票鈔票車票玩具CD寫真甚至名畫書法古董, 實在講唔完

當然, 無投資一定贏! 做咩都必須三思, 自己負責!

27. anggie T. 2011-08-26 09:14:16

To No. 23),

Yes, I think in the short term there'll be some correction.  Market speaks for itself, if I tell you the property prices can ONLY goes up, do you think there'll still be alot of discussions in this forum??

But the problem is:most of my relatives/friends/colleaques that are desperately looking forward to buy apartments, money is now being trapped in stocks/mutual funds.  Sometimes I ask them, so what kind of correction will make you take action to buy???  They answer:20%.  I say good, make yourself ready then.  By the time there's really a 20%, correction, they'll still hesitate 1)not enough downpayment 2)don't feel good to buy in downturn.

At the end, it's never a good time to buy for them!