1. 湯文亮 2011-08-13 11:24:26 |
各位, 星期六的事慢慢展開,故事大多數圍繞著一班朋友的瑣碎事,亦會講一些飲食的藝術。當然,置業的消息亦免不了,希望各位欣賞,多謝。 再此請各位在這平台發表意見,亦可提問問題,小弟才疏學淺,不過,定必會有網友解答。 平台瀏覽人次剛超過300萬,而7月份大約有95萬人次,再次多謝各位。 |
2. 無奈 2011-08-13 11:51:20 |
這是一個極好的例子,香港青年、尤其是大學畢業者更應該北上、今天的中國,正處於發展的初級階段、情形就似三、四十年前的香港和台灣,機會有的是。在那裡,是英雄用武之地,肯捱,無不成功之理。 |
3. anggietse T. 2011-08-13 17:08:39 |
Hi all, That's a very good article for Hongkies 60's - 80's, those that still didn't buy an apartment/because they cannot afford one. Meet some decent young overseas graduates(mid- to late 70's), as you know their parents can afford their studies in abroad that their original family must be abit well-off & above average. That's why when they graduated, they still think they belong to middle-upper class that they spent 1/2 million in wedding & photo-taking, fancy honeymoon trips to Maldives.....Years later, they're surprised to find that their salary hasn't been increased much(if they're not really professionals in a certain field but taking a simple white-collar indoor job that requires bachelors qualification) Salary is between, 20K-40K and family income no more than 60K or 70K per month. While you may think that seems quite good compared with the rest of HK, my story hasn't finished. Then they still think they're middle-upper class that they bought a car & travelling continues......Life is harsh, now they're close to mid-late thirties & they still cannot afford an apartment they want. (all dream houses are similar:3 bedroom ensuite with maid's room & over 1000sq ft, preferably islandside) Honestly unless their parents are super rich to pay for their downpayment or give them one for free, they can hardly afford what they want. That's what I say:"fake middle-class" phenomenon, you can buy a car, go travelling, designer bags & clothings but when it comes to houses........No lol! |
4. 不才小人物 2011-08-13 19:03:21 |
最近看見有些人"唯恐天下不亂" 胡亂去評擊別人,實在覺得沒有意思的。 令我不得不留言支持一下湯博士。 我不是湯博士的fans,也只是個還在努力的80後。 其實我本身也沒有看文章的習慣。但數月前無意看過湯博士的文章之後。 天天也像在追看電視劇集,欲罷不能 感覺看了您的文章令我的思考擴闊了。 也增加了一些對經濟活動的智識。 期待湯博士能夠繼續寫一些對現今投資的看法的文章。 好讓我可以吸收一下成功人仕的經驗和看法。 |
5. 無奈 2011-08-13 19:11:37 |
Hi, anggietse T. : Here comes your another good message. Good point! What can they do as we all know they can't help giving up their noble life.According to a government report, among the applicants of applying public housing, 50% of them are u-graduates. If, by any chance, some one conducts a survey of young teenager , I can garantty more than half of them expecting all kind of social wellfare when they are grown up.Simply worst to come and no eye see! |
6. anggie T. 2011-08-13 21:28:35 |
Hi No.5, Further to my investigation, those 70's that do not have the luck of parental support to go abroad for studies(sorry, I'm exactly falling in that catergory), they have to stay here & becoe local graduates. I'd say 80-90% of my classmates(similar qualification & background)have already bought their apartment. I found it sooooo interesting & cool social phenomenon. I summarize it up in a few pts: 1)Most of us have to earn extra money in our teenagers' time, almost for sure that my university friends all have their part-time to make extra money since they were teenagers. Early exposure to earning & saving & handling of money, that helps to develop a mature approach towards personal finances. 2)Down-to-the earth expectation. As we all came from middle-low classes, we can see our parents have to work hard to make a living. That drives us we really want to achieve something & we do not expect "dream houses". We do it step by step, start buying apartment we can really afford.(under 3 million as a start & we target at a conservative approach to pay-it-off within 10-15 yrs time) Later when job has changed & salary raised, we then do the upgrading. 3)We beat ourselves up to be productive & able to make money. As we knew it already we came from poor family & parents are not able to help us financially. Making money is not a interest & hobby but a must. I'm now at my semi-retirement stage but since age 17 til even now, there's not even one month I do not have income! Cash flow is sooooo important in our dictionary. We just cannot afford to wait/hide ourselves at home til I find a suitable job.(the suitable job is the one that I got my pay-check regularly & reasonably) 4)Sense of responsibility to family, sorry that I noticed that most of my poor 70's local graduate fellows have to pay back to parents(I know the new generation nowadays maybe do not have the habit anymore, that's why they're more free on doing all kinds of crazy shopping) There're some extraordinarily good fellows even bought their parents a house to settle down(like Mrs.Kuk, even I didn't do that)That means one thing: they really have to do their budgeting & be good at managing their money. Anyway, that's what I observed from my peer groups, some typical Hongkie girls are soooo fond of staying home family life that they quit their job after giving birth to babies, provided the husband is making less than $50K and they still haven't saved enough for down-payment.......It's abit toooo much a luxury!(that's sense of responsibility to own family) Where are those hard-working mums that can stay home take care of 5-6 kids & still have financial contribution to the family(plastic flower handy works?) Really miss them! |
7. 雲在青天水在瓶 2011-08-13 22:59:13 |
高壓和利誘, 是令他人按你的意願從事的不二法則. 雙方實力懸殊時, 強大一方可用高壓手段去達到目的, 如美國入侵伊拉克, 占領阿富汗. 或如中國用行政手段去調控經濟. 雙方實力接近時, 較強的一可用利誘的手段去令一方接受自己, 如本文所提到 "開廠的朋友", 鼓勵年青人置業, "他們便會努力為工廠工作" . "哪裡有壓迫, 哪裡就有反抗, 壓迫越深, 反抗越重". 高壓並非長久之計, 所以我們看到美國想從伊拉克和阿富汗撒軍, 中國也越來越多地使用經濟手段和金融手段來調控經濟. 利誘比高壓高明, 它可以讓另一方自覺地接受你的意見, 減少磨擦, 雙方在利益共通情況下良性亙動. 希望香港政府在房屋政策和樓市問題上, 多一些利誘, 少一點高壓. 也希望社會多一些包容, 少一點眼淚氣. |
8. 上善若水 2011-08-14 00:02:04 |
我平時接觸中港兩地的人,發現雙方置業的態度有一些區別: 1)香港人較看重物業的投資性,絕大多數人對現時自住單位值多少錢是非常清楚的,對樓價的升跌非常敏感,國內多數用家對價格並不太敏感,當然投資者例外。當我告訴國內的朋友08年金融海嘯時,不少香港人認為樓價將大幅下跌,因此將唯一的自住單位賣出,然後自己租樓住,以求在低位再買入,國內的朋友多數難以理解。當然他們也難以想像在97-03年間,香港的住宅樓價普遍大跌70%,他們缺乏樓價大跌的概念。 2)香港有不少高收入的人士選擇長期租樓住,國內同樣階層的人幾乎都有自置居所,他們也很少去計算租樓與供樓何者較著數,認為有能力就應該有自己的居所,可以對單位進行適合自己的裝修,購買長期使用的傢俬。 3)雖然香港和海外不少傳媒極力詆毀中國內地的拆遷政策,認為是掠奪人民財產的強盜行為,但據我親眼所見,拆遷戶都能獲得巨額賠償,以致他們能夠購買比原來居所好得多的單位,當然不少人是自私不知足的,所謂“釘子戶”,依我看來,多半是他們要求高得不合理的賠償而已!拆遷賠償金額是內地一般工薪階層一世打工都賺不到的,這種情況在內地無論大中小城市、甚至農村都普遍存在。大量拆遷戶是內地樓價高企、與收入脫節的一個重要原因,可能也是消費旺盛、通脹的其中一個原因。 4)在國內,一般人在戶籍所在地應該都有屬於自己的居所(哪怕只是爛屋一間),租樓一般只存在於離鄉工作的人。我在國內曾經出租住宅單位,租客清一色都不是本地人。本地人要租樓,地產代理和業主一般都會問多幾句。 |
9. AIA 2011-08-14 01:08:19 |
補充:內地的80後,要求的只是買最平的樓,不用寄人籬下就可以了,這目標不難達到, |
10. imoney 2011-08-14 11:15:05 |
汤先生, 70将沈振盈的文章放上你的网批判,你怎么说成是沈生看你的网页浏览人数多而把他的文章放上你的网?????????????? ???????????????? 你这不是打击别人,抬高自己的伎俩吗??????? 如此博士,实际好一个博X人士, 沈大C看市有错不出奇,他又不是神,但他推介的赌业股大升,前半年在 my-radio 上推介的股票很多也上升又不见你讲。 乱除我的回复文章,证明你心虚。 人在做,天在看,请谨记 |
11. Mr. fair 2011-08-14 14:05:14 |
i really wanna x the writer. i am an Australian hk, been worked in china manufacturing 7 yrs, Shanghai, GZ...etc. this article is not real, i cannot see the hk and PRC youngsters very happy and enjoy working in a factory. Indeed, the inflation is so high in china, they can't even afford an tiny little apartment,,hehe....moreover, hk people have no choose to work in prc, because hk has no engineering jobs,,,,, in fact, the writer must is a xx idiot and just same as the hk real estate developers, an "MONEY VAMPIRE" All people are looking for steady and happy life, but not work for just an apartment for whole life The 湯文亮 is turning around the principle of living,,,,really sucks article |
12. 向飯民說不 2011-08-14 16:59:46 |
樓上應該是做engineering job吧。香港engineering job 也有輝煌時期,上世紀95年之前,當時大陸剛剛改革開放,需要人才,需要購買外國器材,而香港就變成一個踢腳板,所以當時大量engineering job,返大陸每日又有補貼。在加上香港的工業北移,所以當時做engineer其實都幾好景。 但是95年之後,大陸的科技開始發展起來,不需要香港的人才,還有香港的工業是連根拔起的移到大陸,在加上香港廠商因為只需要廉價的勞工,就可以賺錢,不需要高增值的產品,同時港英政府又玩高地價政策和PEG系統,但是卻高舉不干預政策的牌匾(極端的自欺欺人),結果是香港的高科技產業完全被週邊國家拋離。香港經濟完全空洞化。 97年之後,董建華其實想改變,想引入高增值的產業,但是產業要建立,有些可能需要10年,8年先見成效,港人習慣馬上有回報,所以得不到市民的支持,還有飯民搞鬼,結果老曾上台,有走回頭路,一面搞高地價政策,一面叫積極不干預。 香港現在是走進一條死路,只有一直吃高地價政策這個興奮劑。 |
13. Mr. fair is Right 2011-08-14 22:34:03 |
估計港幣兌人仔要回到70年代,10兌3左右,才會自由兌換,到時聯匯才可脫勾改掛人仔 |
14. anggie T. 2011-08-14 23:10:03 |
Hi all, Agree with No.12 that HK is getting into a river of no return.......Seems like the Land policy implanted is not easy to change within short period of time. Honestly, we're not looking forward to seeing people unable to afford an apartment......But making a breakthrough for ownself how to survive in a city/country that's at high speed development. Being critical & negative is not getting you anywhere. Hong Kong spirit is to look for ways out & solve problems, complain alone's not gonna do anyone any good! |