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1. 先知 2011-07-13 12:14:03
2. 先知 2011-07-13 12:34:38
3. 知先死先 2011-07-13 13:13:22
4. 博士安心, 我甚懮心 2011-07-13 13:19:24

「置安心」最引人究柄的地方不是政策上那麼簡單, 正如前港英中央政策組首席顧問顧汝德在接受無線明珠台訪問時表示, "苦果置安心計畫真的如政府所說是行之有效, 為何不大力推出而只計畫興建如此少量單位?".

港英時代發展居屋不是為了要讓人交出公屋那麼"淺薄". 而是要建立一個完整階梯把人從籠屋,到公屋, 居屋最後帶到私人市場.

博士認為市民可以租住「置安心」物業5年,心態是希望樓價在5年後大跌,越跌得多,他的樓價越便宣, 但博士有否想過, 5年後樓價亦真的大跌, 置安心物業和私樓樓價差不多的時候, 他們為何不重回私人市場?

最近知道榑士讀"岳陽樓記", 小弟不才, 但希望送此段給博士以表心意.



小弟感覺博士最近可能太忙碌, 出文量也太多, 似乎連起居屋的本質也搞亂, 還是休息一下, 小弟在此再一次感謝博士高論,期待更多好文章出現.


5. 向泛民說不 2011-07-13 13:41:59




6. DT 2011-07-13 13:46:03

2010-11 Policy Address on the topic of My Home Purchase Plan stated the following fact.

Any form of subsidised home ownership will only serve as a buffer.  In the face of short-term market fluctuations, it is appropriate for the Government to offer relief measures to potential sandwich class home buyers to give them time to save up.  In this regard, the Government, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), will introduce an enhanced scheme of subsidised housing known as the My Home Purchase Plan.

Under this Plan, the Government will provide land for the HKHS to build “no-frills” small and medium flats for lease to eligible applicants at prevailing market rent.  The tenancy period will be up to five years, within which the rent will not be adjusted. Within a specified time frame, tenants of the Plan may purchase the flat they rent or another flat under the Plan at prevailing market price, or a flat in the private market. They will receive a subsidy equivalent to half of the net rental they have paid during the tenancy period, and use it for part of the down payment.

Simply speaking, the Government tends to help people to buy time to save up the down payment so they can buy the property either from HKHS or private property market.  Saving is the objective of this plan!

Based on the case study from HKHS, a total $990,000 will be saved after 5 years.  If the down payment 30% remains unchanged in next 5 years, they can buy a flat not greater than $3.3mio. It is assumed that the total house income is $30,000.

How many choice can they buy a flat in the sum of $3.3 mio in the future? No matter the property price is up or down within the next 5 years.

7. 向泛民說不 2011-07-13 14:56:00

Any form of subsidised home ownership will only serve as a buffer. --- But it will never happen。

The situation will only become worse。For instance,no politican dare to challenge the problem of subsidised home. They only will ask to increase the supply of the public housing. Let more people can apply for the public housing and shortening the time to have the public housing. But the politican never have any suggestion as to let those people who become rich to move out the public housing. This is the problem of socialism. The problem can only be correct after the system is correct.

This is what is happening at Greece and Italy.

8. 阿麟 2011-07-13 15:24:11
4樓 - 係97前後因為香江樓市暴升,正苦因應泛民所求,除了居屋同公屋之外,重整左租者置其屋、首次置業貸款及夾心階層居屋合共五條階梯,後果係點?1)好多居屋同夾屋養老鼠拾年八年,在舊年才能清倒貨;2)好多首置同夾屋業主變負資產;3)正苦收回唔少租置屋同居屋;4)好多私樓、夾屋同首置業主因為層樓攪到係老麥食 2手包、妻離子散、破產、燒炭.............!而家香江樓市係咁升是因為美國QE2影响資金流向,係非常態,唔好話我烏鴉嘴,當政府將置安心及復建居屋這兩個"階梯"起得七七八八果陣,香港樓市將會由非常態轉常態,置安心及居屋係第二同第三選擇,係大跌市中真係邨長個女"你愛",我睇政府點自掘墳墓;而泛民點自圓其說!
9. 唔明 2011-07-13 16:17:40

唔明政府究竟是想決解市民的 [住屋] 還是 [置業] 問題?


如果是居住問題,首先應該幫助住劏房和棺材屋的人上樓.請房署的官員認真去查一查,到底有多少應該交出的公屋而沒有交出?另外像長毛這種富戶,冇理由仲佔間公屋, 對輪候公屋的人來講,他們需要的是間屋,而不是富戶所繳的[市值租金]



10. AIA 2011-07-13 18:07:27
11. 無奈 2011-07-13 23:09:08
12. fgd 2011-07-13 23:19:07
13. 住屋 2011-07-13 23:29:46



14. AIA 2011-07-14 00:41:31
美國出QE1,2 ,日本出QE3,現在看歐洲or美國有沒有QE4了
15. 沒殼蝸牛 2011-07-14 09:08:32
16. 反對民選政棍 2011-07-14 09:50:34


靠乞選票班政棍 一定歡迎,因為又有材料乞到大量選票. 乞到選票. 乞到選票. 乞到選票.

17. ply-9904 2011-07-14 15:22:26

18. 冇錯 2011-07-14 15:29:26