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1. Richard Parker 2013-02-21 12:22:54
DR Tong, could you please elaborate how exactly is the conflict between the governement and major property developers in HK? Now CKH is the leader of rebel against the disabled government of CY administration. What would happen to the property price if this continues to evolve further? Will CY use his ultimate administration power to establish tax on increment of asset value?
2. 送一幅牌篇 高瞻遠矚 2013-02-21 12:55:52

政府推出買家印花稅BSD...的設計師: 是否梁振英先生為原創思念者???還是另有其人扭計師爺???如果是梁振英先生為原創思念者:  我們是否應該送一幅牌篇給他: 例如: 高瞻遠矚......騎虎難下......


以謠言推翻政治家:   (春節外遊的鬧劇)

傳聞 : 說政府在星期五再出招,新辣招包括BSD增加至30%,第二套加5%SSD,800萬以上物業只能按至5成。到星期四,一般市民都知道,有人話是金官局發放,亦有人話是C.Y.近身放料。總之,一切似層層,好多市民都相信。

  當這時候,C.Y.出門,林鄭處理,這樣的調動更加令人誤會政府會出辣招,甚至比傳聞中更辣的辣招。星期五放工,乜事都無,警務處說有人做謠生事,要立案調查,……… 是否陰謀論的猜疑???


3. 窮友 2013-02-21 13:31:00
是否應該有一個買賣物業的利得稅, 以取締BSD及印花稅?

Correct me if I am wrong.
4. 明白 2013-02-21 13:42:10
5. 法子 2013-02-21 13:55:01


新加坡「睹場」科、「GST」科、「煉油」科、「重工業」科就爆燈。所以新加坡升中六時就選了「BSD」班,drop 咗「自由市場」科同「地產」兩科,但點解香班又要走去讀「BSD」班?
6. mini 2013-02-21 13:56:47

In the long term, the officials/ the responsibles should increase the daily turnover of financial products such as funds, bonds, etc., in HK. 


Say, the turnover is HK$200 billion per day, then the government can obtain related tax revenues by HK$200 billion X 0.001 X 2 X 250 working days. Finally, the annual tax from sales will come up with HK$100 billion, and the HKG will not only focus on the property sector and /or land sales any more.


It is time for our society to review the other issues such as immigration / population, housing, medical, aging and environmental impacts, new businesses such as Chinese Medicines, TMT., etc,


We do NOT want to hear any F lauguages / foolish proposals from some lawmakers in Legco.




7. 陳淨心:我係咪建制派關你X事呀? 2013-02-21 14:03:40

It is near the end of 689, we are sure!!

8. 又要威、又要戴头盔 2013-02-21 14:04:20

It is near the end of 689, we are sure!!

10. 亮劍 2013-02-22 08:45:00
11. 法子 2013-02-22 09:05:17


12. To:10/F 2013-02-22 10:51:57



13. Hongkong People 2013-02-22 11:50:08
To No. 12,

You listed 2 two very good analogies.
14. 地震報告 2013-02-22 12:13:12
15. 馬粗人 2013-02-22 12:19:03
澳洲藉馬恩國在立會對住譚妖宗,長毛講粗口: (fucking Chinese),他罵的是中國人,並非罵長毛,因長毛是香港人。
16. lies and bigger lies to cover the first lie 2013-02-22 13:30:58
Right in the beginning 3 years ago the top finance ministers lied to the public that the property prices in HK had been pushed up by speculators and not by the stuborn $7.8 US Dollar peg. If there is no such peg, inflation and property prices in HK caused by the prosperity in the PRC could be cushioned by increase in interest rate and increase in the value of the HK$. But unpeg the HK$ will decrease the power of the HK Monetary Authority (bureaucracy). Therefore mortgage tightenings, SSD1, SSD2 and BSD are laws and policies to cover lies.
17. Popular Govt Definition 2013-02-22 14:41:33

No govt will be popular if that govt wrongfully suppresses the value of its own currency. In Hong Kong, the HK Monetary Authority just gave up its power to adjust the value of the HK$ to the US Govt. That is why the US rating agencies always comment that the HK$ 7.8 peg is right and correct because it benefits the US. The US has 100% say how much HK$1 should worth and I think this absolutely stupid for the HK Govt to allow bearing in mind HK is a major financial centre of our beloved motherland, the PRC.

Furthermore, no govt will be popular to penalise its citizens or even ovesea investors who bet on that conutry ( in HK that City). Betting on that country's property means betting on that govt could rule well and prosperous. Vice versa, does it means the HK govt in effect is encouraging and urging its citizens and oversea investors to sell short HK? Bad laws should be admitted as bad and changed. Afterall in HK no matter how wrong policies have been implemented, withdrawal of which would not cause the ministers who were responsible to resign. Just say sorry and bow to the public admitting and withdrawing wrong policies, the next day you can still sit at your office earning millions of salaries and pension.

18. SSD/BSD pushed money to lose in the stockmarket 2013-02-22 15:38:28
I am glad to see the stockmarket crashed from 23945 (4 Feb 2013) to 23101 (8 Feb 2013) and from 23477 (8 Feb 2013) to 22675 (22.Feb 2013 this morning). I suppose a lot of people lost money from thse two about 1000 pt falls. Thanks to the introduction of the SSD2 and BSD implemented by the finance ministers in HK that pushed and pushes the HK people's money from the property market to the stockmarket for the big foreign hedge funds sharks to cheat HK people's money