1. 解決樓價高企的問題 2012-12-18 14:00:06 |
http://mytv.tvb.com/news/newsmagazine/138727#page-1現時樓宇供應短缺,最主要原因是政治問題:地區人仕,區議會,環保團體,80後他們一致大合奏,齊聲反對任何發展,他們會用各種理由eg.環保,保育,交通負荷,反對發展,令到大量珍貴土地荒廢,令到香港發展停滯不前!!!共貧之 要解決樓價高企的問題最重要是增加市區土地供應(尤其是港島區),其實可以將黃竹坑,柴灣的工廠大廈改變用途,改做商埸或住宅,但議員動不動就說地產霸權,官商勾結,八十後又保育又環保,現在港島區樓價租金高企,怪誰? |
2. 淡友小朋友和楊生對炒家的謬誤 2012-12-18 14:01:09 |
我想在這裏指出淡友小朋友和楊生對炒家的謬誤: 謬誤1樓價大跌炒家會破產: 絕大多數炒家是在SSD生效前入貨,好多過左SSD限期已出左貨,即使而家仲有貨,租金>供款,而家賣出去普遍利潤50%-120%,即是說要樓價大跌超過50%,炒家才蝕錢! 謬誤2樓價是由炒家炒起: 炒家只是順勢而行,過河濕腳,絕冇能力炒起樓價,如果唔係97年就唔會O甘多炒家破產 |
3. 加息 2012-12-18 14:03:45 |
被稱為對沖基金之神、管理著1200億美元資產的Bridgewater Associates創辦人達利奧(Ray Dalio)亦認為:「QE功效漸失,即將推行緊縮措施,明年底將會加息,市場風險增加。」 聯儲局表示,除非失業率降至6.5%或更低,加上通脹預期維持在接近2.5%水平,否則自2008年12月以來的超低息政策不會改變。據儲局經濟預期及儲局主席伯南克表示,估計於2015年失業率才會回落至6.5%水平之下,其實亦與儲局過往口徑相若,不代表儲局看法轉趨樂觀。儲局更指,只要未來一兩年的通脹不超過2.5%且通脹預期受控的話,上述新利率承諾就不會改變。 就業市場復蘇即可出手
有分析指新的利率承諾將令貨幣政策更具彈性。儲局早在70年代已定下兩大職能範圍:維持物價穩定及促進就業最大化,但在2008年前確實較少提及就業,主要是調控通脹。雖然今次利率承諾看似沒有實質改變,其實已令貨幣政策調整的時間更具靈活性。若就業市場比儲局預期的更快復蘇,儲局收緊貨幣政策的時間就會早於2015年。 穆迪首席經濟師Mark Zandi指,儲局今次動作較預期大及重要。現時美國貨幣政策已進入自動導航的階段,除非經濟出現突變,否則這亦是伯南克最後一次大動作。 但亦有分析指儲局將政策轉變與失業率掛鈎,會更添麻煩。因為若以現時失業率回落的趨勢線來看,失業率可能在2013年中,就能夠跌回6.5%。再者,在失業率回落的同時,因為工人退出勞動力大軍令勞動力參與率(labor force participation rate)亦不斷下跌(見圖),故不代表就業狀況已有明顯改善。德銀分析師Alan Ruskin亦估計,失業率或較市場目前預期早18個月跌至6.5%。高盛總裁布蘭克費恩則警告投資者,不要對現時低息環境掉以輕心,一旦經濟成長加速,低息環境逆轉,很多投資者都要輸錢。
4. 香港炒家沒有能力炒起樓價 2012-12-18 14:27:12 |
香港炒家只是順勢而行,絕冇能力炒起樓價......袛是搭上高通貨膨脹順風車...... 資金充裕泛濫...... 銀公:熱錢亂竄 「磚頭」勢成目標 (綜合報道)(星島日報報道)近日資金湧港有加劇之勢,自10月以來,金管局已多次出手,沽出近千億港元。 雖然有財金官員認為,資金流入本港樓市機會不大, 但身兼匯豐香港區總裁兼銀行公會主席的馮婉眉在北京接受訪問時表示,全球央行加碼放水, 銀行結餘破2380億 熱錢湧港股 掀百億集資潮 令本港銀行體系結餘於周五將會增加至2380億港元。
5. to 1 2012-12-18 15:03:02 |
其實香港仲有幾多工業呀?工廠大廈都用晒來做寫字樓,迷你倉 |
6. 資產主義 2012-12-18 15:04:29 |
最新消息係美國又延長零息至2016年,基本上係沒有加息時間表,歐美日經濟都有排唔會好,低息將持續10年以上,最壞情況下,隨時像日本一樣低息超過20年。 奧巴馬連任,伯南克必定繼續無限QE,現在係時候買多幾層樓收租,班冇殼蝸牛根本就係租硬樓,必定會全心全意幫你供樓,租金年年上升複利效應下,等於班冇殼蝸牛送多幾層樓俾你,唔買就笨! 低息加供應嚴重短缺,樓價未來幾年將上升80%,車位都過百萬一個啦,樓價實在太平,唔買就笨! 現在QE4都來了,利息跟失業率和通脹掛勾,印證歐美日經濟衰落,根本冇加息時間表,再迷失十年都已經係低估了,香港租金和樓價下年肯定爆升,盤源超級短缺,手快有手慢冇!
7. c9 2012-12-18 15:07:54 |
to 1 區區都有廢棄建築物,但政府同你講冇地起樓 |
8. 市民 2012-12-18 15:08:30 |
9. 寧願市民瞓街 2012-12-18 15:11:45 |
to c9 那些廢棄建築物寧願養小強都不給人起樓住,政府是否寧願市民瞓街 |
10. 憤怨的租客 2012-12-18 15:20:07 |
我在柴灣租樓住3年搬了5次屋由藍灣搬去新翠搬去樂軒台搬去山翠苑搬去仁樂,越搬越CHEAP,原來政府同發展商官商勾結,明明有地扮冇地 |
11. 憤怨的租客 2012-12-18 15:24:21 |
打錯了應是6年搬了5次屋 |
12. 解決房屋問題及增加土地供應 - CY團隊一車車政策出台了 2012-12-18 15:43:31 |
13. 小業主 2012-12-18 15:43:57 |
其實現在最眼紅我地小業主係財政師和一班高官、議員和學者,佢地一直以為自己薪高糧準,係社會精英,但卻錯失樓市上升大潮,結果跑輸我們一班物業投資者,所以現在大合唱出招打壓樓市,想共我地產,不過出極招樓價都繼續升,吹我地唔脹,現在是「百萬業主匯香江」出來吶喊的時候了! |
14. 房屋視為頭號優先政策 - CY 加油! 2012-12-18 15:46:59 |
支持CY政府把規劃的標準放寬,包括放寬地積比率,提高樓宇密度,好讓批出的土地能興建更多住宅單位供應市場。 |
15. 周顯: 樓價真真假假 2012-12-18 16:03:08 |
朋友Alan 剛買了一間新房子,在黃埔,大約是1000 方呎,全海景,價錢是923 萬。誰知,昨天他在手機看到資料,說他的單位的成交價是1100 萬元。 他說: 「可知地產代理的公布買賣價格是多麼的假!」當時我們是在大埔運頭街的陳漢記吃煲仔飯,那裏是名店,以煲仔飯和玻璃腸粉著名,排隊要排成個鐘,才有得吃。在坐還有一個小伙子,小伙子問: 「是故意報少數嗎?」 Alan 說: 「有時報多,有時報少,很飄忽的。有的盤開價很低,但你卻永遠買不到,因為根本沒有這個盤。」我說: 「當想引買家落疊時,就有一些低價盤,先吸引客人來電詢問。另外有一些則標到有咁貴得咁貴,是專門吸引賣家賣樓的。」 資深炒家陳清白的說法是: 「而家的樓價好假,全都是老千!」
16. 巴士廠 2012-12-18 16:25:23 |
To 11, 你先不要這麼憤怒先,那個巴士廠是中巴和太古合資起,將來就算重建成功都不會平,你都係乖乖租樓住算 |
17. 路人 2012-12-18 16:35:23 |
18. 楊衞隆 - 人口老化不利香港樓市 2012-12-18 16:56:14 |
Dr. Tong - please comment 楊衞隆 - 人口老化不利香港樓市 半年前,香港取代日本,成為全世界最長壽的地方。日本女性平均壽命縮減至85.9歲,低於港女的86.7歲。港男港女都是全球最長壽,反映香港人口老化問題嚴重。 日本樓市被人口老化催殘到體無完膚。2011年,香港人口年齡中位數是41.7歲,而且年齡中位數不斷上升。年齡中位數超過40歲是樓市需求下降的轉捩點。請想像一下,如果有人買了住宅,20年之後,香港人口年齡中位數接近50歲,到時,還有甚麼人會上車。需求減少的同時,房屋供應量大增。70歲以上的老人在人口中的比例大升,他們之中,很多人會轉到老人院去住,或者去了別的地方住,不會單獨佔住單位。老人放棄的單位會不斷增加。 人口老化會直接打擊樓市供求,壓低樓價,降低物業的流動性。在香港買入住宅,長期持有,不是明智之舉。請看日本的情況,樓價和人口老化的關係非常明顯。日本的情況也是在年齡中位數40歲左右開始出現樓市向下調整,跟著一沉不起。 在人口老化的地方買住宅,長遠而言,樓價會像石沉大海。不要期望你買的物業是浮水石。 |
19. 迷失30年 2012-12-18 18:18:21 |
美國=日本=迷失30年=日元強勢=美元強勢 |
20. 大吉 2012-12-18 18:20:39 |
太古樓起碼2萬一呎 |
21. 你吹我又吹之:樓市下跌兩大因素 2012-12-18 20:39:13 |
樓市熾熱,政府出招多年,現在樓價開始降溫,政府所用招式,已經不是打擊炒樓那麼簡單,而是要應大衆市民期望,擺明車馬,要將樓價壓下去,但又不至傷害香港經濟。其實,炒家控制樓價,何須如此暴力,如果溫柔一點,政府乜不需一而再出棘招。招式要用得準確,以柔制剛,沒有什麼好得過SSD,BSD了,又不會傷害香港經濟,何樂而不為。 |
22. 自大博士 2012-12-18 20:51:18 |
博士話:““就算失業率降至6.5%,美國亦無條件加息““ 好似全世界連美國都要聽博士的說話做,唔准加息,幫博士托住個樓市,等佢同埋啲炒家唔洗輸,哈哈!!! |
23. 回應博士和炒家 2012-12-18 21:00:55 |
““以供應來控制樓價,又何需那些BSD,SSD等““ 炒家最懼怕 SSD 和 BSD ,所以取消不得! |
24. 回2樓 2012-12-18 21:18:01 |
我想在這裏指出炒家小朋友和湯生對市民的謬誤: 謬誤1:樓價大跌炒家不會破產: 絕大多數市民都知道,有很多炒家是在SSD生效後入貨,有些聰明的炒家已於SSD限期前已出左貨,所以現時持重貨的盲丙炒家,驚到鼻哥冇晒肉,即使而家想出貨都難,因為炒家數量多,市面上有大量炒家貨,而家焗住出租吊炎水,炒家如果同一時間要大量賣出去,普遍要減30%-50%,即是說樓價要大跌超過30%,炒家才散到貨,所以注定要蝕錢甚至要破產! 謬誤2:樓價不是由炒家炒起: 炒家不會只是順勢而行,過河濕腳,他們還會利用媒體日日唱好托市,絕對有能力誤導市民高追接火棒,想不停炒起樓價,但係佢地估唔到政府的決心很大,要大力打擊炒家,先後推出SSD同BSD,因為政府唔想樓市好似97年炒到瘋狂,令到市民倍炒家一同破產。 |
25. 24/F是楊生的忠實fans 2012-12-18 21:49:30 |
24/F是楊生的忠實fans |
26. Richard Gear 2012-12-18 21:53:36 |
To: 憤怨的租客 6年搬了5次屋. This is your problem. Landloards have the right to ask you leaving after mandatory lease tenor. This is landlord's right. If you were that profit-making landlords, I am sure that u will force tenants to leave and move out. Don't blame to landlord. If u want to blame, u should blame yourself why u don't buy a property long time ago!! |
27. ^^ 2012-12-18 22:17:49 |
自我感觉良好! |
28. 非常憤怨的租客 2012-12-18 23:23:38 |
應該即刻沒收巴士廠起公屋居屋,實施租管(限制租金升幅),加大bsd,ssd,收供樓利息稅 |
29. 非常憤怨的租客 2012-12-18 23:26:40 |
應該即刻沒收柴灣巴士廠起公屋居屋,實施租管(限制租金升幅),加大bsd,ssd,收供樓利息稅 |
30. 楊生FANS : 年尾跌三成...吹牙 2012-12-18 23:47:56 |
31. Peter Paker 2012-12-19 00:14:58 |
38. Peter Paker2012-12-19 00:08:47 | | to: 36/F 非常憤怨的租客 Rental controls are not effective in resolving the problem of high rental charge. This is because: <1> The rationales behind the high rental charge are insufficient no of vacant apartments. If the govt executes the rental controls, landlords' incentive to lease out their apartments are very lower. As the rental returns are restricted (less attractive) and insufficient no of apartments, landlords may choose to use their own flats instead of leasing out. After implementation of rental controls, you may find it very hard to find a vacant apartment, even though you are willing to pay higher than the restricted rental charge. <2> Given the insufficent no of houses, landlords may charge the tenants extra fees (e.g. key money, request tenants to buy rubbish furniture at higher prices, etc) to compensate the rental loss due to rental controls. Otherwise, landlords will choose not rent a flat to you because landlords have right to lease the flats to you or the one who is willing to pay key money. <3> Due to less attractive rental returns, landlords will lose incentive to provide proper repair and maintainence. Standard of living by tenants will be affected. The entire society will also suffer from poor maintenance The above are partial disadvantages of rental controls. My above predictions were happened in HK in 1960's. At that moment, huge no of immigrants from Mainlanders entered to HK, resulting in house shortgage and unaffordable rental charge. HK UK govt imposed rental controls to restict the rental increment and amount. However, landlords may find some ways to compensate the rental losses, which can comply with regulations of rental controls. At the end, tenants cannot enjoy any rental cut from rental controls while the entire society needs to bear the social costs of the rental controls. Also, many researches over the past decades studied the effect of rental controls to lower tenants' burdens. They find that rental controls are useless. Professor Steven Cheung Wu Sheung did a research to study the rental controls of HK in 1960's. What I said was quoted from his book / research. If you have time, I suggest you reading more books during leisure time. Reading can not only help you distinguish the right from the wrong, but also upgrade yourselves in the society. Maybe, reading can help you earn more to improve your life. If you don't have knowledge, you always cannot turn around to a better life. If you still say something that does not make any sense, it is a pity...... | |
32. Peter Paker 2012-12-19 00:32:50 |
Dear Dr. Tong, You are a very experienced investor in property market. As I know, it seems that you have not written any article about the rental controls (租管). Could you please analyze how the rental controls affect the landlord's behaviour and the overall market?? You are able to write a better article of this topic from landlords' perspectives. To be sure, I am a student of Prof Cheung and read his views (i.e. economist's view) many times. If there is another angle to study this topic from investor / landlord, that would be a great learning opportunity. If you have time, I am looking forwards to your article about the rental controls. Thanks for your consideration!! Peter Paker |
33. 以鄰為壑 2012-12-19 02:01:22 |
楊衛隆,IMF,關炤耀,陶冬,這些是應邀做gov的打手。 打倒香港樓價,gov可以向BJ交差,但是,住公屋與劏房的人肯定越來越多! 四個字:以鄰為壑,大家可想像一下,廣東樓價如果大跌7成,勢必引起港人瘋湧去投資買樓,這才是港人的出路。 可惜,許多港人的智商有限,竟然天真以為香港樓價下跌,港人可以有出路了? 香港成為中國的度假屋與免稅島特區 元朗成為香港版向西村,雞襃處處. 誰得益?國內同胞! 那些買不起樓的,你們醒醒吧! |
34. 你估我吾到 2012-12-19 02:42:04 |
“打倒香港樓價,gov可以向BJ交差”,吾好傻啦,大陆跟本就吾想楼价大跌。 注意:系吾想大跌,小跌可以,大跌万万不能。 留意下北京上海既楼价,已经静鸡鸡反弹。 老实讲,系大陆揸得最多楼既系边个? |
35. 樓中人 2012-12-19 09:30:21 |
to: 29/F 非常憤怨的租客
幾年前柴灣D樓仲平過元朗樓點解你唔買?就算而家相對其他港島區仍然低水,你睇藍灣如果放係其他港島區一定唔止呢個呎價 |
36. 柴灣人 2012-12-19 09:35:14 |
to 44, 柴灣公屋,居屋多,O益唔起價 |
37. 香港仔 2012-12-19 10:10:25 |
to 柴灣人香港仔夠多公屋居屋,貝沙灣夠係華富村隔離照賣2萬元一呎 |
38. 非常非常憤怨的租客 2012-12-19 10:58:45 |
應該即刻沒收柴灣巴士廠起公屋居屋,實施租管(限制租金升幅),加大bsd,ssd,收供樓利息稅,限制私人樓呎價 |
39. 死角車位 半月升值 33萬變66萬 2012-12-19 11:13:44 |
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20121218/18105788 【本報訊】政府辣招壓樓市,發展商推售車位吸納市場資金,令車位價格在上月屢屢破頂。今次被揭發高價賣「死位」的華懋碧麗苑,車位在政府出招後價錢急升八成三,上月全港多區車位亦屢創新高;但有地產界人士指車位供應回落,估計熱潮快將結束。碧麗苑在政府出招前的9月底曾有車位成交,當時價錢為36萬元;政府在10月26日宣佈出招,兩周後就有曾姓買家以每個60萬的價錢買入兩個相連車位,僅個半月間就升價六成七;以66萬元售出的49號「死位」計算,升幅更達八成三。利嘉閣李國輝指出,政府出招後發展商推售車位,由於價錢較平,回報又較其他投資有保證,故市場反應熱烈。華懋變現逾7000萬元華懋初時推20個車位測試市場反應,迅速售罄後就將餘下500多個再推售,當中包括荃灣豪景花園、大圍金獅花園和碧麗苑等,曾創出單日售逾200個車位紀錄,估計為華懋變現逾7,000萬元。 上月車位價格屢屢破頂,將軍澳日出康城首都,就創出112萬元車位成交紀錄;連位於港鐵站上蓋的青衣盈翠半島,都創出125萬元新高;英皇位於石塘嘴的維壹,更有225萬元天價成交。不過李國輝指出,新鴻基於上月推出約500個車位後,市場上只剩零星貨源;有經紀亦指近日睇樓人數開始回升,估計炒車位熱潮將退。 |
40. On clerk clerk 2012-12-19 11:46:56 |
本人為八零后(公斤), 孩子小的時候在41校網供了一間三房的方便孩子在九龍城上學,當時二佰幾萬,現在孩子長大了,樓也供完了,之前聽博士說三間樓賣一間之政策, 把這間樓賣了, 得六佰幾萬,其中二百萬给英國大學的兒子買了House屎, 二百萬给女兒结焝買樓做首期, 剩下二佰幾萬兩老搣搣吓, 一次過滿足三个願望, 正. 如果年不買樓買其他產品,如股票或基金,或甚至花光,现在每人只可分一條毛. |
41. To : 你吹我又吹 2012-12-19 18:43:42 |
奇怪為什麼“你吹我又吹“不願意將Peter Paker 的留言调轉頭黎寫,真的不明白啊! |
42. 你吹我又吹之 41樓之 idiot 2012-12-20 22:05:04 |
Dear Dr. Tong,
You are a very experienced speculator in property market. As I know, it seems that you have not written any article about the rental controls (租管). Could you please analyze how the rental controls affect the speculator's behaviour and the overall market?? You are able to write a better article of this topic from speculator's perspectives.
To be honest, I am the master of the idiot at 41/F and I always teach him not to look down people with his dog eyes. However, he is so stupid and cannot understand it. So, if you have time, I am looking forwards to your article about how to implement the anti-speculator measure "rental controls" so as to tackle the crazy rental price caused by the f**king speculators. Thanks for your consideration !
你吹我又吹 |
43. Peter Paker 2012-12-20 23:21:45 |
What I left in this forum so far is very objective. I use a lot of facts / data to analyze the property market. Based on my findings, the market is not in the bubble stages. Also, I quoted many research to predict the happening if the rental controls were implemented. These findings are true and have reference values. To be sure, implementation of rental controls cannot help tenants relieve from rental burden especially under the super-low vacancy rates (Class-A residential units: 2.7%). If the rental controls were in place, I am very sure that tenants (especially the ones who are unable to buy a self-use property) are very hard to find lease apartments. My words have empircal / historical findings to support. My advice in this forum is sincere and is not offensive. I hope my knowledge can help you guys gain more knowledge and know more about the place you are living in. More importantly, I want you guy to understand that shouting irrationally is useless in improving your life. If I were you, I would do more to enhance yourself. I strongly believe that knowledge can change your fate. This is very true to me who was born in a very poor family at public estate. To be sure, you can misappropriate my wordings. It can do nothing to enhance yourself. Maybe, you may feel happier for a while after letting out your dissatisfaction to the society. However, do you eventually resolve your difficulties / dissatisfaction after doing boresome things??? The answer is definitely "no". If I were you, I would rather take initiative to improve yourself and enhance your competitiveness instead of doing irrational misappropriation. |
44. Peter Paker 2012-12-20 23:21:48 |
What I left in this forum so far is very objective. I use a lot of facts / data to analyze the property market. Based on my findings, the market is not in the bubble stages. Also, I quoted many research to predict the happening if the rental controls were implemented. These findings are true and have reference values. To be sure, implementation of rental controls cannot help tenants relieve from rental burden especially under the super-low vacancy rates (Class-A residential units: 2.7%). If the rental controls were in place, I am very sure that tenants (especially the ones who are unable to buy a self-use property) are very hard to find lease apartments. My words have empircal / historical findings to support. My advice in this forum is sincere and is not offensive. I hope my knowledge can help you guys gain more knowledge and know more about the place you are living in. More importantly, I want you guy to understand that shouting irrationally is useless in improving your life. If I were you, I would do more to enhance yourself. I strongly believe that knowledge can change your fate. This is very true to me who was born in a very poor family at public estate. To be sure, you can misappropriate my wordings. It can do nothing to enhance yourself. Maybe, you may feel happier for a while after letting out your dissatisfaction to the society. However, do you eventually resolve your difficulties / dissatisfaction after doing boresome things??? The answer is definitely "no". If I were you, I would rather take initiative to improve yourself and enhance your competitiveness instead of doing irrational misappropriation. |
45. Peter Paker 2012-12-20 23:22:04 |
What I left in this forum so far is very objective. I use a lot of facts / data to analyze the property market. Based on my findings, the market is not in the bubble stages. Also, I quoted many research to predict the happening if the rental controls were implemented. These findings are true and have reference values. To be sure, implementation of rental controls cannot help tenants relieve from rental burden especially under the super-low vacancy rates (Class-A residential units: 2.7%). If the rental controls were in place, I am very sure that tenants (especially the ones who are unable to buy a self-use property) are very hard to find lease apartments. My words have empircal / historical findings to support. My advice in this forum is sincere and is not offensive. I hope my knowledge can help you guys gain more knowledge and know more about the place you are living in. More importantly, I want you guy to understand that shouting irrationally is useless in improving your life. If I were you, I would do more to enhance yourself. I strongly believe that knowledge can change your fate. This is very true to me who was born in a very poor family at public estate. To be sure, you can misappropriate my wordings. It can do nothing to enhance yourself. Maybe, you may feel happier for a while after letting out your dissatisfaction to the society. However, do you eventually resolve your difficulties / dissatisfaction after doing boresome things??? The answer is definitely "no". If I were you, I would rather take initiative to improve yourself and enhance your competitiveness instead of doing irrational misappropriation. |
46. To : 你吹我又吹 2012-12-21 07:55:37 |
呵呵,终於似番个中國人,在人哋地盆撒嘢之前,都懂得尊稱对方“親爱的湯博士'',俾个like你。 |
47. 你吹我又吹之-猛男稅 2012-12-26 11:07:42 |
猛男稅……猛男每晚都有得過瘾,我等虧佬無得過瘾之餘,更無權力去繁殖,現强烈要求特區政府執行猛男稅去平衡我等虧佬之心理缺陷,另用所得税款去購買偉哥和神油免費資助我等虧佬,性質如公屋、居屋、夾屋和SSD/BSD等等。 |
48. 資產主義 2012-12-26 11:22:27 |
莫非樓上46. 47. 就是狗眼看人低之 41樓 idiot ? 呵!呵!呵! |
49. 你吹我又吹之- 俊男稅, 猛男稅 2012-12-26 11:55:45 |
我煲浪追浪雖然不是聖人,做人又不光明正大,但我確喺名符其實嘅大話炒家,所以自然會有呢個鼠輩支持者痴忍扇。地產網站其身不正,炒家自然歪理連篇,此乃千古定律。我地啲鼠輩炒家嘅行為是唔怕引人發笑的。哈!哈! 人家炒樓家肥屋潤,好似物流廢,舖王柴等等。我(死實煲浪追浪)就真係唔死都冇叉用,講炒樓你同我都未夠班,淨係識做五毛,我地不如死七開哪! 博士話若利息升通脹升, 美聯儲就不用將利息和通脹掛扣了, 愚味無知之極, 這樣也能寫專欄哦~~~唔使煩博士哪,我廢柴煲浪追浪話你知:美國千方百計要抬起房屋就業,通脹遲早見,所以我夠胆講,好快看見加息~~~~我話嘅! |
50. 好友小朋友 2012-12-26 11:59:57 |
原來你吹我又吹就是煲浪追浪 |
51. 加息 2012-12-26 12:03:02 |
其實猛男稅是資產主義的文章就真。 |
52. 法子 2012-12-26 14:03:25 |