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1. Big Four 2012-11-19 12:21:27
Simple, it is not the big four's interest to have the small and mid size companies to participate in the land development. Even, China would give incentive to people who bring in investment to China.
2. PETER PAKER 2012-11-19 12:23:29

In fact, HK does not have enough land supply to meet the demands for private residential, public estate, hotels and social welfare, commercial, etc.  That's why HK Gov't does not have guts to sell those land in 勾地表. 


The only thing CY should do is to create lands.  However, it won't be easy becasue of so-many stakeholders, including 原居民, 低产量 / 值的非原居民農夫, 垃圾会议員 (尤其飯民), 环保觸觉, 反中共、反大陸份子, 地产商, etc.  Please think how to fulfill all of their needs, especially when some of them are not willing to give away their "so-called" core principles.  It is impossible for them to talk and compromise.  The end result is to keep everything remained unchanged.


The only thing I foresee is expensive property / rental prices in the near / medium future.  There is no hope to turn around the hosuing problems.  Conflicts among low, middle and upper class will be intensified.  Landlords and property owners are the winners in the medium future. 


However, every HK people will become losers at tge end.  After so many enless disputes and arguments, HK will lose many development opportunities and will be of very low competitiveness in comparison with Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Singapore.  HKroperty price will drop eventually, not becasue of unaffordably high property prices, but becasue HK loses its competitiveness to survive.  Although property prices will drop a lot at that moment, low-class people and those who shout loudly are still unable to have their dream houses on the ground that they lose their jobs earlier.


Although I don't want to see the above happening, it appears to me that HK will certainly and unavoidably follow the recession path of Tokyo / Japan merely due to endless political and meaningless disputes.  The only uncertainty is the timing.  As for an upper middle-class and a landlord with several properties, I can do nothing to change the currently bad social environment except for earning more and accumulating more wealth at the present moment for my future.  I strongly believe that in case of the recession, I am not the ones who "die" first becasue I have $$$, enabling me to withstand in tough environment for a while.   Those who "die" first is 夾心階层 and low-class people. 


Maybe, in case where HK follows the recession path of Japan in remote future, I think I may accumulate sufficient wealths and retire at that moment.  I don't really need to care my career paths and future.  I really hope you guys, especially the ones who shout loudly now, can have a brightening and graceful future.  I really hope you guys need not worry about your survival / your jobs / your future.

3. 舊樓 業主 2012-11-19 12:42:24



請問博士是否指強拍, 如答案係"是", 會否變相另收購者較想用強拍代替與小數業主協商收購價?

4. To: 2 2012-11-19 12:48:13

Very good!! Thank you!

5. 法子 2012-11-19 12:49:37
6. 好主意 2012-11-19 13:17:45
博士的確好主意, 希望政府從善若流. 而不是剛愎自用.
7. xx 2012-11-19 13:17:47
To: 2/F.

Totally agree with you. I have the exact same comment on current HK situation.  垃圾会议員 (尤其飯民) is the killer of HK future.
8. 香港樓價下跌20-30% 2012-11-19 15:52:24


9. 巴克萊發表報告 2012-11-19 16:06:05


10. to 2 / F 2012-11-19 16:51:52
Agree with you. However, the property price will still drop 30% , at least.
11. 公屋租金貴過私樓 - 租務管制迫在眉捷 2012-11-19 17:14:04



12. 應盡快推出 - 空置稅及暴利稅 2012-11-19 17:18:25
13. 雲在青天水在瓶 2012-11-19 17:47:36
加收BSD, 無疑對需求產生很大的壓抑作用. 但作為發展商來說, 由於勾地時並未考慮這一因素, 售樓時卻諸多限制, 因而會有被玩弄的感覺. 在以後的勾地或投地時就會反彈, 較多地加入考慮政策因素, 也就不會積極投地, 進而影響到建屋計劃. 在建和已建成的樓宇, 售樓計劃也會更改. 嘉華國際陳玉成先生表示將原計劃出售的特色屋轉售為租, 就與我之前的分析吻合.

所以, BSD的副作用, 與SSD相似, 在減少需求的同時, 也會影響新建樓宇的建造, 令新樓供應(包括建成後轉售為租)減少. 那麼, 這個副作用有可能會變成主要作用.
14. 回11 2012-11-19 18:13:25
15. 點解會冇人勾地? 2012-11-19 19:40:09
16. 稅制改革 2012-11-19 21:21:53

1. 由於差餉係稅基層面最廣闊而行之有效的收入來源,應該優化這重要稅制,增加政府收入。以樓價

2. 開徵銷售稅,亦以銷售價格高低,以累進形式計算稅率,但必需括免民生必須食品和用品,並不時檢討其括免清單。
17. 建築成本謊言 2012-11-19 21:45:34


建築成本真相 :(2012年) 

普通住宅1000-1200一呎 ,


18. to 17 2012-11-19 22:38:54
ha ha ha........1200.-??????? how can even worker payment up to 1300/day.
19. 小人物 2012-11-20 00:00:02
建議博士整理一下近日的幾篇文章再send 封email去 budget@fstb.gov.hk, 
上書力陳民粹對庫房之害, 稅基之窄面對人的貪欲無限, 扶貧變成鼓勵繼續貧, 限呎限量地如何打擊庫房收入, 寶貴市區地皮起乜垃圾公屋居屋搞壞個市, 香港政府不是欠了公屋申請戶...

回看我上年所寫而又最後成真的, 只有林奮強入局. 增加生果金又搞到一波三折. 
醜既靈好既唔靈, 誠可笑也.
21. anggie T. 2012-11-20 09:42:29

To No 17)  I have a relative from mainland that's really doing damn good these 10 years because of the construction industry.  He's a sub-contractor & has 2-300 people working for him. According to him, land price 3-4K(public & open), cost for construction 3-4K(building materials, labour cost & don't forget these days, construction workers are paid on average 20-30K per month, more than what you have invested in your son/daughter that has the U-grad. qualification!  You think everyone that has worked 10 yrs after post-grad. can make that money???  You dream on, another issue buyer beware why crazy parents invest so much on their kids on tuitions without thinking if they could truly afford & what they should really teach their kid???)

Last but not least, the developers they also make another 1.5K-2K per sq. ft, so adding up you can tell why even in N.T. the new apartments cannot cost under 8K per sq ft or even close to 10K.......Unless the prices for all these capital costs would reduce, more land supply......New apartments becomes cheaper.  And properties in the second hand market will have to drop also.....But you think it's really that easy to have A +B happening at the same time?

22. 掹車邊80後 2012-11-20 10:20:23
真係好憎呢班大行經紀, 點解d行可以由佢地金毛, o係條街度大大聲講粗口, sorry, 我始終對呢班大行金毛agent有偏見


23. 平常人 2012-11-20 10:39:57



24. 租客 2012-11-20 11:01:53
25. 平常人 2012-11-20 11:13:54
26. PETER PAKER 2012-11-20 12:37:24

To: 10/F

Let's see what will happen to property and rental prices after 2 years.....

27. TO PETER PAKER - 你眼光好得過前財爺嗎?? 2012-11-20 14:08:40



28. PETER PAKER 2012-11-20 15:01:01

I am not sure whether my views are better than Mr. Leung Kam Chun or not.


I work very hard to gather data and figures.  I don't know how much efforts are inputted to gather figures by Mr. Leung, before making his comments.  So I cannot conclude if my views are better or not!! 


I am striving to gather many different sources of data and figures to formulate my views.  I will try to find other counter-arguements against my preliminary views.  If there are no valid counter arguements, I will trust data and figures.  This is my principle I am committed to.


The market will punish the ones who make wrong predictions.  If I predict wrongly, let the market punish me.  However, I am well "prepared" to be punished.  How about you??  Do you prepare well for your wrong prediction??


29. TO PETER PAKER - 暗示樓價跌四成,你預備了嗎?? 2012-11-20 15:30:40



30. TO PETER PAKER 2012-11-20 16:00:37


前財爺審視環球回報項目之眼光,在這裡有識之士無人會質疑了,何謂值博率? 他正正清楚而簡單地全面舉証,高人也!


31. PETER PAKER 2012-11-20 17:06:39

To: 29 - 30/F


If you notify what I wrote in this forum before, you can find out a lot of data and figures I gathered.  It covers the forecast of US interest trends, HK vacancy rates, debt levels of HK property and HK overall economy, income levels of "real" buyers, etc. 


From my point of view, US, Japan and Europe properties are not worth to invest at this moment.  This is becasue the overall debt levels of their govt and citizens are still very high.  If they cannot repay and settle all of their debts, they will not have extra money to spend.  there are no hope for their property mkt to get recovered.  HK experienced this before.  Don't argue with me.


When did HK property recovered since 97 bubble burst??  Yes, 2003, everyone knows.  But I can tell you one more thing.  2003 is the key milestone that all loans  = all deposits in the HK banking systems.   This means HK ppl can better clear up parts of their heavy debts.  From 2003 onwards, HK ppl can have net deposits in their banking systems.  In 12/2010, HK has HK$35,000 億 net deposits in our banking systems.  HK$35,000 is almost 2-year multiple of HK GDP for 2010.  This illustrates not only how wealthy is HK economy, but also how big is the gap between the rich and the poverty.



Per HKMA, loan / deposit ratio of all HK retail banks as at 6/2012 is 56%, but this ratio in 1997 is 160%.  Pls check the below hyperlinks below:





If there are no excessive borrowings, how can you still believe in "bubble" in HK??  I strongly recommend you reading more books and understanding more about bubble.  Apart from the gearing (i.e. borrowing) ratio, you need to focus on vacancy rates especially when analyzing vacancy rates.  USA and Spain property bubble bursts are accompanied by unreasonably high vacancy rates.  If you want to know how vacancy rates determine existence of bubble, please read more books.


I won't tell you everything I know.  Please make some effort to search for.  If you want to know, you can check what I wrote in this forum.



As I said repeatedly, I don't mind the mkt to punish me if I make wrong predictions.  I am well prepared.  However, if you predict wrongly, are you well prepared if the property and rental prices continue to grow up in the coming future???

32. Mortgage 2012-11-20 19:15:22

To: Mr Anonymous (29/F, 30/F) and Mr Paker

Both of you are talking the facts of pro and con. I think both of you may be correct coz there are time gaps. It is the most difficult issue. Everyone is making a guess here.

By the way, I would be very happy if Mr Anonymous'd find a name yourself and be more confident to express your own views not only just quoting others' sayings.


33. 天公 2012-11-20 20:38:52
34. to:23 25 廢柴平常人 2012-11-20 23:24:31
死廢柴,你自己做左傻仔就想人地倍你傻,正五毛廢柴,測量界把建築費計左出嚟公開,1000 - 2000 呎,全行都知,不過人人買左貴樓唔想樓跌,淨得你個死廢柴公開死頂,你有好多貨未出咩?
35. to:廢柴平常人 2012-11-21 07:59:35
樓上23 .25,仲要提醒你,香港有一大班屎尿屁炒家,日日鬥吹呃飯食,教出大班時下屎片五毛。多啲用吓個腦,唔好加入廢青兵團,聲大無腦,腦大塞滿草,日日幫人唱好個市。
36. 3B 2012-11-22 19:59:33
見解有理。 好。
37. middle middle class 2012-11-26 02:37:23

Peter Paker,

As always, I appreciate your analysis and share with you.  I am sure a lot of readers support you.