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1. 泡沫待爆 2012-08-07 11:04:42
今天的高樓價是泡沬,最主要原因是低息所至。因為低息引至人產生容易入市的思維及誤導人作長線炒賣的慨念,即是無論置業及投資的成本均低。但當不久之將來回到正常之加息周期,供樓負擔轉重,置業及投資意慾急轉直下,再加上樓宇供應量大增,市民及投資者無需再以高價買樓,再加上持貨多的物業投資者减持穫利  (可能現時正承高位在進行中) 及炒家散貨,到這時樓市的氣氛會轉化為越遲沽,價越低,連鎖反應,樓市急速向下大跌,此乃市場恒久不變之定律,即泡沫爆破。大家平心而論,現時的樓價還有多少上升空間 ? 樓市不升便會跌,要小心那些只為個人利益不斷叫人入市買樓的人。我們不是永遠不買樓,置業是大家都追求的目標,只不過不是在現時非常大機會摸頂的情況下用超高價錢買而矣。只要保留實力,有錢你荒無樓買?
2. 模頂王 2012-08-07 11:24:52


3. Billy Tom(俾你劏) 2012-08-07 11:37:43

同意 1 樓 [ 泡沫待爆]



4. 皮膚 2012-08-07 11:37:43



5. 回皮膚 2012-08-07 11:45:34
如果經濟差導致樓市下跌,建築費還不會下調?建築材料價格和建築工人工資不下調?還需3000元 一平方呎建築成本?
6. 就係你呢D人 2012-08-07 11:50:08
2007 講到2012 叫人唔好買樓, 幾多人聽你地隨口up幾句不負責任, 搞到交左幾十萬租不特止,仲睇住心儀屋苑由 200萬升到500萬, 就算有首期都買唔到, 因過唔到壓力測試~ 我見唔少你呢d人呢頭講完果頭升市就冇左影,年年係度唱, 你次次買細,實有一年俾你唱中既, 唔好再扮救世者啦唔該, 好多上車客新手就係聽你呢d人講等下一年又一年等足七年,錯過哂入市機會,睇住d 親人朋友資產大增值個個上哂岸,同你資產相差幾倍至十幾倍,你就仲日日係度等等等,等死等世界未日等全港人失業, 香港衰左有十年, 你仲要睇衰多十年? 又低息又通漲叫人唔好買樓? 你sure 利息幾時回升咩? 幾時回返上正利率? 幾時先有通縮? 幾時先借到有銀行有debt crisis? 你有冇實際數據丫? 得個吹字,冇出息. 等幾耐? 一年,兩年,五年,十件年, 你估十八廿二丫咁多年等, 等到果時又怕失業又怕再跌又怕負資產call loan, 係唔係再要等到跌谷底再回升下次牛二先開始買? 好彩我早兩年買左冇聽你d懦夫廢淡亂up,唔係我依家都交左幾十萬租!唔係還左十幾萬principle! 仲冇埋個H+0.7 plan!
7. 樓上 2012-08-07 12:07:33



但好奇怪~ 用差不多月供既價錢(甚至貴過)去租又ok喎 突然間又變到冇晒要求個喎其實點解呢?
點解唔用租樓既心態去買呢? 還是真係要冇要求先有資格做業主 ???

8. 平民 2012-08-07 12:21:29
筆者估計空置居屋有50000個 ,我相信計錯數 ,現時居屋大约三十萬户即六分一空置 ,你看看每一層是否有2個空置 , (平均每層12伙 ) ,因此白表5000買家無法全數成功購入單位 !
9. i do what i like & i like what i do 2012-08-07 12:24:39
i can see that the inflation will only increase in the coming 5-10 years due to the high throughput of
USD and EUR note printing; i also see that the economy is getting worse
because the supply of the commodities is much more than the demand, but
that's the reason the money printing machine needs to keep in operation.
in other words, the actual gold / property value doesn't change in its use value,
the change in price only reflects the depreciation of face value of the money.
(that echoes Lee Superman claimed the construction cost will surge 30-40% in the coming years)

the US needs to keep the low prime rate a long period of time (5 years or more)
to ease the property and the credit market then the labor mkt, and the US is actually happy to see the inflation and the deprec. of USD as this can lower the actual value of the bond debt

in view of this and applying the above to the property market, the rent / price will still increase because of demand increase, though not a big jump

otherwise if the econ recovers, the price will still go up but not big jump due to the increase of prime rate
10. 就係你呢D人 2012-08-07 12:27:43
11. i do what i like & i like what i do 2012-08-07 12:28:36
welcome for rational discussion! thanks~
12. Peter Paker 2012-08-07 12:28:50

To: 1/F


Undoubtedly, low interest rate is one of the key reasons for higher property prices nowadays.  But, you miss many other factors (e.g. low borrowing / gearing ratio, vacancy rates, difficuty to secure future land supply, demands from local HK and mainlanders, etc).  Hard to explain all factors here.  I will try to shed some lights on interest rates.


You said that lower interest rate boosts current property price and interest rate will rise eventually.  When will the interest rate be on an upward trend??  You did not mention and explain.  This really indicates that your understanding about interest rate is NOT DEEP enough.   The below is my viewpoints about interest rates:



US Federal Reserve said that low interest rate environment will be lasted till the end of 2014, at minimum.  It may likely extend beyond the end of 2014.  Many people know this.  So I won't elaborate further.



HK interest rate is linked to USA interest rate under linked exchange rate system.  As far as I am concerned, USA interest rate is closely linked to its property market and its job recovery.


<USA Property market>

Topics of USA property market are very wide.  I just want to discuss several key points.


Firstly, the S&P / Case-Shiller Home Price Index is on the long-terms downward trend. If you look to the index trend, it is quite hard to believe that USA property market will be recovered in the near future (within future 3 years).  For the index trend, please click to the below link at Wikipedia.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:

Secondly, I want to discuss the future supply of USA property market.  USA home supply comes from 2 sources, (1) existing new home inventory and (2) shallow inventory arising from foreclosure (i.e. 銀主盤).  According to Chart 1, the existing home inventory is just 10 months of the overall demands.  This is very normal.  However, the shallow home inventory arising from foreclosure is almost 60 months of the entire demands.  If the over-supply inventory is not fully absorbed, the property price is hard to go upwards.


Chart 1

<USA Job Recovery>

Since the 2008 Financial Tsunami, USA lost approximately 13 - 14 million job positions.  Chart 2 shows the trend of USA job post losses since 2008. 


Chart 2

Deep-blue coloured line is the actual accumulated job loss since 2008 Financial Tsunami.  Red-coloured, green-coloured and grey-coloured lines project the time needed to fully recover USA’s job losses, with different recovery speed.


Red Line

In 2000’s, the maximum monthly job creation is 472,000 jobs.  With this assumed speed in mind, USA still needs 2 years to fully recover its job loss in 2008 financial tsunami.  That is, USA’s job loss will be fully recovered in 2014.


Green Line

In 1990’s, the average job creation is the top in 1994 (i.e. 321,000 / month).  With this speed in mind, job losses will be fully recovered in 2016 – 2017.


Grey Line

In 2000’s, the best year of job creation is in 2005 (i.e. 208,000 / month).  With this speed in mind, USA job market will be fully recovered in 2024.


However, I have a question.  Do you believe that USA job market can grow in the above speeds??



If you trust the above research on USA property and job markets, do you still believe that USA interest rate will hike in the near future???  When discussing about interest rate, please add more substance.  Don’t just say that interest rate will rise eventually (鬼唔知阿媽係女人)

13. Peter Paker 2012-08-07 12:31:46

Don't know how to insert diagrams to the discussion areas

14. Peter Paker 2012-08-07 12:43:12

Want to share the Charts 1 and 2.  Don't know how to insert.  Suen la....

15. cy 害人, 影響一生 2012-08-07 12:58:17
16. 博士乖D啦 2012-08-07 13:02:04
寫番呢D咪好囉, 睇下隔離隻木頭就係亂寫野, 前車可鑑;

乖D啦, 我得閒先番黎睇你下
17. 路見不平 2012-08-07 13:11:36
18. 反應社會 2012-08-07 14:58:16
取悅青年谷民望 建宿舍後遺多多
經濟日報 – 2012年7月31日星期二上午6:48
台經驗前車可鑑 港府應慎思
向青年送大禮 恐礙弱勢受助
1. 資源錯配,沒幫到最有需要的人
2. 黃口無飽期,製造多條輪候隊伍
19. Peter Paker 2012-08-07 16:15:26
1/F interest rate arguement 係無任何解釋及分析 , 乱 up 當秘笈 , 如果信錯佢 , 可以好大鑊 , 所以点解我要寫咁多野指正 , 正如好多 commentators 一样 , 冇做 research 及 study 就乱 up , 害人不淺 , 我唔敢我一定全对 , 但起碼我有做D野、揾数据去 support 我的 arguements....
20. 目标三间屋 2012-08-07 18:52:37

Support Peter Paker

We need backup our statement with data and research work.  Further, the timing of these statements differentiates how true or how wrong they are.  This is purely argument on facts / thinking and etc.  No "謾罵,侮辱,攻擊" is involved. 

21. to peter parker 2012-08-07 20:23:33
22. 回parker 2012-08-07 20:46:58
我只相信美國人信唔過,數據?研究?你信?你知美國欠債幾多萬億元?job creation?charts ? trust the research ? Dont be so naive, Peter.
23. Bolt 2012-08-07 20:51:06
I trust 1/F more than 6/F and 12/F.
24. 目标三千间屋 2012-08-07 20:53:31
support 一樓~~~~~~~~~泡沫待爆
25. Peter Parker read this 2012-08-07 20:57:47
Can Draghi do 'whatever it takes' to save euro? What evasive action will Mario Draghi take? (Left, with Spanish finance minister Luis De Guindos) More from Robert Another FSA probe at Barclays Lloyds shows cost of alienating customers Are British Gas's profits too big? Eurozone nations’ sovereignty v AAA As we wait to see whether Mario Draghi and the European Central Bank will tomorrow announce "whatever it takes" to save the euro (to use his resonant phrase of last week), it is worth reminding ourselves of the eurozone's unhealthy lifestyle (forgive my anthropomorphising please). Since 2009, its history has been of fiscal and banking crises that force eurozone leaders to make modest reforms, which provide calm for just a few weeks and months, till there is another crisis and more modest reforms. So if you were the eurozone's physician, here is why you would be concerned. The crises have become progressively more serious: the €500bn or so that Spain may need in a bailout is more than four times Greece's initial rescue needs in 2010. But there has been limited progress towards the kind of political union - or central control of budget-making, borrowing and supervision of banks - that many would see as necessary to the eurozone's long-term survival. So have the crises now reached such a magnitude that some time soon the eurozone's leaders will be jolted into taking the kind of serious evasive action which would see future shocks diminishing in their severity? Or are the forces of financial and economic contraction now so powerful that they are incapable of being solved by any of the tools likely to be at the disposal of the European Central Bank and government leaders in the foreseeable future? One strand of these negative financial trends has been elucidated by Morgan Stanley, in what it calls the balkanisation of the eurozone banking system. Its banking and money team have highlighted how the weaker eurozone economies - Spain, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and Ireland - have been progressively starved of credit as banks in the bigger, stronger economies of Germany and France have stopped lending to them. Here are a couple of striking and disturbing statistics. According to data published by the German central bank, the Bundesbank, net lending by German banks to Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Ireland rose from €67.4bn when the euro was launched in 1999 to a peak of €510bn in November 2008. In other words, banks behaved as though the eurozone was a seamless unified banking market. But since then, total net credit provided to these economies by German banks has more than halved, to €241bn in May - and there has been a net contraction of credit of more than €60bn in just the last six months. Or to put it another way, banks are increasingly seeing themselves as national institutions again, rather than euro institutions. As for France's banks, they have also been retreating back to their home market. According to Morgan Stanley, their net lending to the rest of the eurozone reached a peak of €742bn as late as April 2010, but has since plunged to €489bn. Morgan Stanley expects this repatriation of lending by French banks to continue - and warns this could be particularly deleterious for credit availability in fragile Italy. Or to put it another way, the unbreakable link between credit provision and economic activity means that recessionary conditions in Spain, Italy and the weaker eurozone economies will intensify, as French and German banks take their money back. Now there is only so much the European Central Bank and national central banks can do about this. It can flood domestic Spanish and Italian banks with liquidity or cheap loans. That stops them from falling over, at least until they run out of acceptable collateral (and see this previous post). But it can't compel those southern European banks, many of which are chronically lacking in confidence, to provide additional loans into the real economy to compensate for the sucking out of credit by banks from northern Europe. That said, there is an expectation that the European Central Bank will start to penalise banks for holding money on deposit with it, rather than using that cash to make loans, by charging negative interest rates for deposits. This could happen tomorrow or in coming months. However for Morgan Stanley, the risk aversion of German, French and other northern European banks is now so entrenched that it does not expect them to cease their withdrawal of credit from Spain, Italy and the other weaker economies, even in the circumstances where the ECB penalises them for sitting on cash. And for Italian and Spanish banks, in today's febrile climate there is a strong temptation to put any spare cash on deposit with central banks, even for a guaranteed loss on that money, because they don't want to double up on lending to households and businesses struggling to repay what they owe, and they don't want to be short of cash if capital flight intensifies. It would mean contractionary conditions in those weaker economies would be sustained and could intensify. That in turn would cause tax revenues for their governments to continue to shrink, such that reducing public-sector deficits would become a never-ending labour of cutting expenditure and raising taxes. In those circumstances, austerity programmes would become a prison with impossibly high walls, not a route back to rehabilitation and credibility in the eyes of commercial investors. In other words the solution is the same as it ever was, and may be as politically impossible as ever it was: the Germany government would need to provide official underwriting for the funds borrowed by the Italian, Spanish and other eurozone governments, what is known as mutualisation of borrowing, to reduce their borrowing costs and provide assurance of credit supply. If that potential solution remains some way off, how concerned should we be? Well the boss of a big global bank yesterday told me he is convinced that that the eurozone will continue to lurch from crisis to crisis but will muddle through - and that eventually the political reforms will be adequate. For him, the crises are the just-about-acceptable price of spurring eurozone leaders to do the right thing. Maybe he is right. But I feel obliged to point out that this banker - like pretty much all his peers - has for three years consistently under-estimated the magnitude of what has gone wrong in Europe's currency union.
26. Marco 2012-08-07 22:09:28
27. support 泡沫待爆 2012-08-07 22:25:33
有道理, 尤其是" 要小心那些只為個人利益不斷叫人入市買樓的人。Good post !
28. to Marco 2012-08-07 23:11:49
請問你有幾多楼? 很多?
29. 為湯生的健康擔心 2012-08-08 00:03:19

湯生說: [C.Y.推出幾項利民政策,其他如生果金等不必累述]




美國聖母院大學(University of Notre Dame)心理學教授Anita Kelly,邀請了110名人士參與一項為期十星期的研究。他們被分成兩組,一組是誠實組,另一組是對照組;兩組研究對象須每周接受身體狀況進行評估兩組人的身體狀況。結果發現,誠實組在生理和心理健康均有改善,如減少頭痛、喉嚨痛等,亦減少低落情緒。少說謊者更認為自己人際關係有改善。

Anita Kelly表示,小小的謊言同樣可傷害身心,故建議大家少說謊,例如有參加研究的人不再為遲到和做不完的工作找藉口。

30. 7 樓講得好 2012-08-08 00:13:57
31. 29 樓有無攪錯? 2012-08-08 00:19:19



32. 回8 2012-08-08 00:24:54
33. 湯博士高招 2012-08-08 00:53:42




34. 目标三间屋 2012-08-08 01:25:24

楼价肯定有一天会大跌.  肯定的.  可是会在那年?  没有说明的话, 这就变成最经典的费话.

其实只要经济没大问题和利率低迷, 楼价下行的风险便不会高.  看起来未来两年这两个问题不会太大.  所以, 这在有物业在手的不用急.  反过来, 没有的人回面对倆难.  没有过去的涨价, 新上车的确实有一定风险, 因为SSD会把物业冻结两年.  (战争的风险没包括)

所以, 有楼的不用急卖, 没楼的就要自己先想清楚. 

还有, 感觉上这里的包租公不少, 他们哪有空叫大家买楼?  要不然, 谁租房?   哈哈. 

35. Admin 2012-08-08 08:30:06

To: 12/F Peter Paker

請電郵圖表至 admin@property.hk ,我們會盡快將有關圖表貼上您的留言。謝謝!!

36. Peter Paker 2012-08-08 09:31:28

To 21/F and 22/F,


The research I cut is not done by me.  I just read and learnt these from financial magazine and seminar.  I cannot verify and prove its accuracy.  But, in comparison with your 口 up up and 吹吹水, my work is more solid and has substance.

37. Peter Paker 2012-08-08 09:37:13

To: 25/F


Your article is too long to read.  That would be great if you can divide it into several paragraphs.  I recommend reading shortly.  Easier to read!!


After preliminary reading, I guess that you want to mention how serious is the euro soverign debt crisis.  I think that if its crisis / bubble really bursts in future, they will do whatever to save their systems.  These may be out of everyone's imagination.  Take it easy....

38. 船頭 2012-08-08 10:48:29
其實宜家D居屋真係貴左好多, 到時真係唔知做唔做到按揭

新聞日日都賣有天價居屋, 好擔心到時就算抽到去買都做唔到按揭!!
39. 新加坡明寸香港!新加坡政府宣布兴建20,000间组屋(公屋)单位。 2012-08-08 10:59:51


40. 幫你變成害你 2012-08-08 12:35:50
政府插手, 沒有好結果
41. 陳大春 2012-08-08 14:04:10



42. 亮劍 2012-08-08 14:13:05
瑞銀:2012年 樓價再升四成








43. 亮劍 2012-08-08 14:39:05

我係呢度提出一個合理而可行的新土地政策,由今日開始,每年政府由公佈,例如伍千個住宅單位,可以俾工廠區業主以免地價嘅方式,叫發展商起樓俾啲年青人,而地價就用分期付款方式,於樓宇建成入伙之後,由呢班小業主繳納,以一個新界市值 2百萬嘅單位為例,建築成本連地產發展商利潤當一百萬,可以去銀行用 9成半上會,咁首期連使費十萬銀應該有找,1百萬補地價金額就當地租咁每月收例如3千,置業人士就可望付出一個較低的樓價「上車」,而政府又可以收租代賣斷,而地產發展商同銀行可以繼續做拒哋嘅生意,請行政長官 CY考慮有關想法。




而現在持有物業嘅小業主,呢個 (Hire-purchase) 方式對你哋嘅影響已經係最少,除非你持有大量中小型單位出租嘅包租公!


44. 師奶秘傳發達秘笈 2012-08-08 14:47:13
仔又好,馬上拿錢買多三間屋, 房價崩潰前全部賣掉 , 崩潰後再買返, 如果你敢做又眼準手快, 發達其實不難, 可現在多, 所以發達總是屬於少數.
45. 回上,上上,上上上 2012-08-08 15:13:34
46. 回上,上上,上上上 2012-08-08 15:13:35
47. 回上,上上,上上上 2012-08-08 15:13:37
48. 梵谷 2012-08-08 15:24:54


補地價是一次性因更改土地用途而將地價差額付給政府, 而你所指"每月交租給政府"是地租差餉

事實上, 香港有類似的方案, 而且比你的建議更有彈性, 就是HKMC推行的居屋補地價按揭計劃.

而師兄的建議, 小弟覺得最大問題係, 市值200萬的樓, 用100萬購入, 按95%, 另外的100萬, 以地租方式分期收取

買樓的100萬不用還嗎? 假設每月還3000, 地租亦要付3000, 倒頭來每月依然要付6000吧.

事實上, 每一家公司都希望賺最大的錢. 又不希望定價太貴而沒有銷量

要給予工廈地主誘因去改建, 又要改建後低價賣出, 最後一定要政府主導購入地皮, 再以成本價建屋, 才可以壓低賣出價.

所以, 政府已經開始在工業區興建居屋.

49. 亮劍 2012-08-08 15:47:15


 發展商全包(地價加建築成本加發展商的利潤) ,其實就係香港樓價高企嘅核心!


但實行我嘅 (Hire-purchase) 方案,政府可以要求發展商「價低者得」,同之前私人參與居屋一樣,咁發展商嘅風險及利息支出會降低唔少,隨時政府自己起埋都仲得!





50. 梵谷 2012-08-08 16:02:03

亮劍兄可不可以解釋一下, 假設為一個置業者,

如果購入/租住你所建議的樓, 是每月如何還款/交租?

51. 亮劍 2012-08-08 16:37:59





而地價因為以分期 50 年支付形式運作,以自用為主,無曬炒作成份,成本點會唔降低?






52. 亮劍 2012-08-08 16:42:31

政府現在賣地,係一次過賣斷例如 50 年嘅土地使用權,政府有兩個方法收回呢筆錢:一




而樓價可以去銀行用 9成半上會!

53. 亮劍要馬上收口 2012-08-08 17:56:45
你的提議比 八萬五的殺傷力大幾倍!
54. Peter Parker read this 2012-08-08 22:24:26

Madonna appeal over Pussy Riot

US singer Madonna has appealed for the release of three members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot during a concert in Moscow.

The singer told a crowd at the Olympic Stadium on Tuesday night that she was praying for the women's freedom.

She briefly wore a balaclava - in a nod to Pussy Riot's trademark outfits - and had the group's name on her back.

Prosecutors have called for the women, who are accused of inciting religious hatred, to be jailed for three years.

The judge is expected to start delivering her verdict on 17 August. Announcing the verdict could take days, correspondents say.

Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, played a song attacking Russian leader Vladimir Putin in front of the altar of Moscow's main cathedral on 21 February.

They said it was a reaction to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, publicly backing Mr Putin in elections.

Addressing cheering fans at the stadium, Madonna said: "I know there are many sides to every story, and I mean no disrespect to the church or the government, but I think that these three girls - Masha, Katya, Nadya - I think that they have done something courageous."

"I know that everyone in this auditorium, if you are here as my fan, feels they have the right to be free," she said.

Other international musicians including Sting and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have also appealed for leniency.

Artist Yoko Ono has spoken out in support of the band.

In a Twitter post, John Lennon's widow said: "Mr Putin you are a wise man & dont need to fight with musicians & their friends."

In a closing statement to the court on Wednesday, Pussy Riot's lead singer, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, said the court was carrying out a Stalin-era "political order for repression".

She said that the authorities had refused to listen to the group, and that it was "not a trial over Pussy Riot but of the entire Russian political system".

The three women have been sitting inside a glass cage at the courtroom.

Last week, Mr Putin, who was re-elected president in March, called for leniency towards the women during a visit to London for the Olympic Games.

There are fears among Russian opposition activists that the trial is part of a crackdown on dissent since Mr Putin's return to the Kremlin, following the biggest anti-government protests in recent Russian history.

Pussy Riot's performance inside Christ the Saviour Cathedral was captured on video.

The women danced and sang a song which parodies a Christian prayer, imploring the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Mr Putin.

Defence lawyer Mark Feygin argued on Tuesday that the case against the women did not stand up because they had been charged with hooliganism under Article 213 of the Russian penal code yet no violence or damage had occurred or been threatened.

'In the beginning, there was no Europe,’ writes Professor Norman Davies in Europe: A History. In the beginning all that existed was an unpopulated peninsula attached to the western edge of the world’s largest landmass (Asia). But after humanoid settlers arrived between 850,000 and 700,000 BC, Europe’s temperate climate and unthreatening environment would make it ripe for agricultural exploitation and the birthplace of great civilisations.

It was in Greece and Rome that the continent’s two great ancient societies arose. Greece (first emerging around 2000 BC) was renowned for its philosophers (Aristotle, Plato, Socrates) and democratic principles. Rome – boasting brilliant politicians, and writers like Cicero, Ovid and Virgil – spread its influence by military might. At its peak, the Roman Empire stretched from England to the Sahara and from Spain to Persia.

By the 4th century AD both empires were in terminal decline. Greece had been swallowed by Macedonia under Alexander the Great, then by Rome itself in AD 146. Although Roman emperors in Constantinople (İstanbul) hung on for another 1000 years, the empire’s western half fell to Germanic tribes in 476.

This marked the start of the Dark Ages in Western Europe. From 768 Charlemagne, King of the Franks, brought together much of Western Europe under his rule into what would later be known as the ‘Holy Roman Empire’. After this territory passed into the hands of Austrian Habsburgs in the 13th century, it became the continent’s dominant political power. Elsewhere, an alliance of Christian nations repeatedly sent troops to reclaim the Holy Land from Islamic control. These unsuccessful ‘Crusades’ (1096–1291) unfortunately set the stage for centuries of skirmishes with the neighbouring Ottoman Empire as it took control of Asia Minor and parts of the Balkans from 1453 onwards.

Europe’s grand reawakening also began in the mid-15th century, and the subsequent Renaissance, Reformation and French Revolution ushered in enormous social upheaval.

The Renaissance fomented mainly artistic expression and ideas. The Reformation was a question of religion. Challenging Catholic ‘corruption’ in 1517, German theologian Martin Luther established a breakaway branch of Christianity, Protestantism. Struggles between Catholics and Protestants for supremacy were behind the bloody Thirty Years War (1618–48).

Forced to pick just one defining era and philosophy to sum up modern Europe, it would be hard to pass over the Enlightenment, or the so-called ‘Age of Reason’. This was the period in the 18th century when science and human logic for the first time took supremacy over religious belief. Heavily intertwined with the rapid scientific advances of the time, it ushered in the modern age with its move away from the church and its emphasis on logic, education, individualism and liberal social values.

Whole university courses are taught on the Enlightenment, its factions (eg rationalism versus empiricism), and its pros and cons. However, two thinkers closely associated with it were the antimonarchist, antireligious liberal Voltaire (1694–1778) and Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), who believed humans are rational and autonomous beings, so universal moral laws are possible. Kant was also intensely interested in how humans made sense of the surrounding world.

René Descartes (1596–1650), who famously declared ‘I think, therefore I am’, was one of the rationalist forerunners of the Enlightenment. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–78) started off as a believer but later fell out with the movement – whose main social consequence was the French Revolution.

The French Revolution in 1789 was about the populace’s attempt to wrest political power from the monarchy. But in the ensuing vacuum, plucky general Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) crowned himself emperor. Napoleon’s efforts to colonise all Europe ended in defeat by the British at Waterloo in 1815, but the civil laws he introduced in France in 1804 would spread the revolutionary ideas of liberty and equality across the globe.

Having vanquished Napoleon, Britain became a major world player itself. With the invention of the steam engine, railways and factories, it unleashed the Industrial Revolution. Needing markets for goods, it and other European powers accelerated their colonisation of countries around the world, bringing new and exotic riches back to Europe.

Meanwhile the death throes of the Habsburg Empire, or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were about to rock the continent. Serbia was accused of backing the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne in 1914 and the battle between the two states developed into WWI, as allies lined up on each side (Germany and the Ottoman Empire on the Austro-Hungarian side; Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the USA with Serbia).

Crippled by a huge bill for reparations imposed at the war’s end in 1918, Austria’s humbled ally, Germany, proved susceptible to politician Adolf Hitler’s nationalist rhetoric during the 1930s. Other nations watched as Nazi Germany annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, but its invasion of Poland in 1939 sparked WWII. During the final liberation of Europe in 1945, Allied troops from Britain, France, the USA and the USSR uncovered the full extent of the genocide that had occurred in Hitler’s concentration camps for Jews, Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, homosexuals, communists and other ‘degenerates’.

The Allies carved out spheres of influence, and Germany was divided to avoid its rising up again militarily. Differences in ideology between the Western powers and the communist USSR soon led to a stand-off. The USSR closed off its assigned sectors – East Germany, East Berlin and much of Eastern Europe – behind the figurative Iron Curtain. With the Stasi, Stalinist purges and more, many Eastern European citizens have appalling tales of political repression to relate from these times.

The ‘Cold War’ lasted until 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. Germany was unified in 1990. A year later the USSR was dissolved. Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania all grasped multiparty democracy shortly afterwards.

The downfall of communism had a terrible effect in Yugoslavia, where nationalist leaders seized the chance to stir up political unrest and war: some of the young independent nations there are still recovering. For the most part, however, the end of the Cold War has brought a sense of peace to Europe. A sense of cooperation is proving slightly trickier to locate. The EU was formed in 1957 as a trade alliance and has developed fitfully into a political entity since. At this stage, while 16 members have adopted a common currency, governments are having difficulty pushing through the European Constitution needed.


Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/europe/



55. 亮劍 2012-08-09 08:17:43
你的提議比 八萬五的殺傷力大幾倍!
56. 目标三间屋 2012-08-09 10:39:38
57. 亮劍 2012-08-09 13:39:17


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58. 亮劍 2012-08-09 13:42:30