1. 木子 2012-07-28 10:32:40 |
2. 陳大春 2012-07-28 11:34:30 |
現在政府需考慮走回英國殖民地時代政策及97時政策:高樓/地價政策、搞租管條例、起居屋公屋、輸入外勞、搞首次置業貸款等等。 雖然現在樓價高企為一複雜問題,難於短時間內解決;但現在失業率低,乃可喜之事。就業是社會及經濟動力的核心。 |
3. 新紀元 2012-07-28 11:46:30 |
基建帶動經濟好,大家收入應會升,樓價被帶動而升,正常! |
4. 陳大春 2012-07-28 12:25:39 |
有冇發覺周圍好多朋友、親戚、甚至名人,結婚及生仔(孩子),結婚及生仔決定乃對前景的看法,另外結婚及生仔本生亦帶動很多相關經濟活動:過大禮禮物、婚戒、金器、酒席、租婚莎禮服、影結婚相、化妝、租車、婚姻監禮人、餅卡、發請帖... 蜜月旅行... 新居、裝修、傢俬... BB 身體檢查、孕婦衣服...........太多太多.......... 可創造的經濟力量不少 |
5. CY 2012-07-28 13:00:51 |
我覺得湯先生立場好似無再中立,而家親CY,成日幫CY講好話,猛插前特首。 |
6. 基層人士 2012-07-28 13:05:07 |
香港回歸以來轉左做知識型經濟,點會返轉頭發展工業啊?!香港人工貴地價貴咩都貴,生意佬響大陸設廠一早係趨勢,本地人唔係冇足夠ge就業即位,呢幾年本港ge失業率一直有改善,只係就業結構唔同左,從事第一級二級生產ge人愈來愈少, 個個到做第三級~即係服務性行業, 正苦話要搞1000萬主因有(2) 1.本港人口同好多大國一樣~有人口老化ge問題,退休人士比率愈來愈多,勞動人口比率少,咁社會靠邊個搵食?!so衍生出第2個問題; 2.需要國內同胞為本港注入新血,引入內地專才可以令本港人口ge質素提高,增加本港響世界上ge競爭力,只不過正苦話搞1000萬冇考慮到庸人&才子ge結構,其實佢本質就應該係想引專才,不過要實行又有困難,e.g.輪到本港高質市民但又唔係最top ge人不滿,不過多d內地新移民黎hk咪多左人從事土身土長ge人唔太喜愛做ge行業lor 既清潔,工業職員ge需求量早20年已經逐漸縮少,新移民擁入係會提高職場ge勞工供應,不過呢個都唔係香港大量基層人士陷於貧困的主要原因嗎?睇返果批人ge結構~有好多都係新移民黎ga,至貧原因係果批人適應唔到經濟轉型&改變唔到世代貧窮ge局面,所以淪落到飯碗朝不保夕!
7. 回5樓 CY 2012-07-28 15:17:01 |
湯玖上 |
8. To 7 2012-07-28 15:53:22 |
9. 泡沫待爆 2012-07-29 11:19:45 |
今天的高樓價是泡沬,主因是低息所至。因為低息引至容易入市的思維及誤導人作長線炒賣的慨念,即是無論置業及投資的成本均低,不久之將來回到正常之加息周期,供樓負擔轉重,置業及投資意慾急轉直下,再加上供應量大增,市民及投資者不會再以高價買樓,再加上持貨多的物業投資者减持穫利及炒家散貨(可能現時正承高位在進行中),連鎖反應,樓市下跌,此乃市場恒久不變之定律,即泡沫爆破。大家可以不相信,但平心而論,樓價還有多少上升空間? |
10. 雲在青天水在瓶 2012-07-29 19:45:22 |
11. 樓上的雲先生 2012-07-29 20:15:35 |
雲生,你是什麼?你視自己為權威?你視自己為神?? 香港樓巿的上升空間仍有一倍? 以中原指數計?可升至210點?時間估計在2017年前後?具體的計算和推理已講了多年?講了很多次就不再重複?。。。。。。。。。真荒謬!!大言不慚!!不負責任,啊!忘記你是不需負責任的!每日電視,電台,報章都有無數專家唱好唱淡股市,樓市,金市,匯市,,,你只不過是其中一個自稱專家的人而已。。。。。要信你?你話升就升?????升都是有可能的,但在大跌後。靠計算??靠推理??笑話!!! |
12. ... 2012-07-29 20:16:32 |
Do not underestimate the buying power due to the following reason : The more time US delay interest raise and the longer Europe still in fiancial and debts crisis, => US , Europe , England , Japan QE continues ...... China will be forced to QE as well to relieve the rising pressure of RMB... Also, the more HK people waits, and wait for price to fall, the more savings they inevitably created over the past 2-3 years, at least from 2009. If US delay another 4 years, and I know many HK people are now waiting the price to fall, so they save and save more every day. This accumulated buying power is in very low profile increasing without any sound. Do not be Over-confident that property price must be falling in near future. |
13. to ... 2012-07-29 20:27:48 |
No one is over-confident that property price must be falling in near future. So please dont be over-confident that the price must be rising continuously....................By the way, global economic downturn cannot afford a over-buy HK property market. |
14. to ... 2012-07-29 20:34:30 |
Besides, if it is expected that the economic situation of HK, USA, Europe will become worse, people should save their money instead of putting into the property market. |
15. ... 2012-07-29 20:39:39 |
I believe someone should know from news that : 1) Spain, Italy, Greece are now having another round of troubles soon, and what Central European Bank already emphasized they will do everything possible to avoid the collapse of Euro , This statement means what ? Clearly they would buy, buy and again buy their memebers debts, no matter how much, how big is the figure, to lower down the borrowing rates - otherwise, this country GDP is not even enough for pay for interest when rates going up hugely ! Where is those money coming from ? By magic ?? Yes, QE magic => Print money again .... And the hole is bottomless ! What is the speed of making a new land and build housings on it ? maybe 5-10 years What is the speed of printing billions of Euro or US$ ? maybe a month or two |
16. to ... 2012-07-29 20:58:11 |
I (I think many people) know clearly what you have mentioned above, the debt crisis, the QE....etc. Dont mislead us. Printing ( US ) money means gold price will raise, global trade will be worse, global ( particularly Mainland and HK ) economy down down down. Therefore, HK property market will be down down down , just like a 1998, 2000, 2008...... |
17. to... 2012-07-29 21:01:37 |
by the way, are you 雲在xxxxx ? you two are the same person. |
18. 2011年開始 2012-07-29 21:26:15 |
經歷過97楼市因借貸過度輸哂,買 "I KILL U LATER"合約提早結束大难不死,股票市場太波動难于捕捉,債券唔熟悉,自问冇高超投資技巧,賺到的錢只放在楼市當saving,04/05年开始買楼,12年尾再買。 |
19. 回上 2012-07-29 22:21:32 |
唔好再睹了,咪以為樓市無風險,貪字得個貧。 |
20. 迴虫 2012-07-29 22:47:21 |
21. 回上 2012-07-29 22:52:30 |
認得什麽,你是誰?什麽香討?自作聰明!! |
22. 亮有一計 2012-07-29 23:28:24 |
23. 2011年開始 2012-07-29 23:34:38 |
唔賭,仲敢咩,用閒錢 |
24. 回22亮無計 2012-07-30 09:04:57 |
如果取消SSD,即等於市面上又增加了一大堆供應,即打擊了供不應求的籍口,令議價空間更加大降,到時唔洗爭,大把樓選擇,再加上大量炒家貨,所以宜家買楼就笨。 |
25. 回22亮無計 2012-07-30 09:10:17 |
如果取消SSD,即等於市面上又增加了一大堆供應,即打擊了供不應求的籍口,令議價空間更加大降,到時唔洗爭,大把樓選擇,再加上大量炒家貨,所以宜家買楼就笨。 |
26. 湯生是無恥的CY喉舌 2012-07-30 09:26:24 |
你真無恥! |
27. middle middle class 2012-07-30 10:42:50 |
湯生是無恥的CY喉舌! Yes, I started to dislike him now. |