1. 中市民 2012-06-28 12:07:15 |
2. ABC 2012-06-28 12:14:24 |
美國有一個好處,就係政府唔會控制供應,發展商起幾多房都得,租房長期處於極平水平,普遍市民都容易負擔,送車房花園,才約HK$5一實用呎租,況且好多時因工作都要經常搬遷到其它省市或州份,根本無需買房。 |
3. 亮劍 2012-06-28 12:21:44 |
如果連香港大型發展商點去經營拒哋盤生意嘅手法都一知半解,咁就走去評論樓市,就好容易以偏概全。 係度講長江先,作為 Big 4 之一,拒哋取得嘅土地發展權好多樣化:- 有收舊樓重建,但呢度唔係四叔嗰皮! 有農地改用途,四叔同郭氏兄弟彈藥多過拒好多! 有公開招標及競投 ,但面對例如信和等同行競爭,要用「市價」入貨! 仲有更改土地用途,例如將船塢及發電廠係補地價之後變私人屋邨,但在九十年代發展完海怡半島之後,無以為繼! 現在長江以合作發展形式取得土地發展權為主,例如同大把地嘅港鐵同市建局合作,並向其奉上優厚嘅分紅條件,有啲項目甚至將超過一半嘅發展利潤畀呢兩個官僚機構,以斷其他發展商嘅後路! 又或者同擁有土地嘅民企合作,人哋出地,長江就出人材、資金、專業技術、銷售網絡等,而「峻瀅」就係由長實及捷和地產共同發展嘅最新例子。 長江呢種經營手法,都幾達唯我獨尊嘅地步,超人揾倒咁多大地主肯同拒合作,應該有獨到之處,可能拒嘅合作拍擋覺得,超人明益拒哋會係主因! 但超人作為華人首富,點會死錯人、計錯數咁「百知」,俾長江睇得上眼嘅合作發展嘅項目,會係啲雞毛蒜皮嘅濕碎料嗎?一千個單位係最低武力,賣樓狂賺,可能長江只係分多幾個億,但後果會係由於叫價過高而留低大把貨尾,咁捉蟲嘅嘢超人會做嗎?「低價開售」一炮過同你清袋,玩下一轉仲好過啦! 超人拒生意百足咁多爪,千多伙嘅私人屋邨第 2 時全都入伙,成個商場城哥仲唔玩晒,大把實客交义銷售,由朝到晚,驚你唔幫襯? 到時細水長流先慢慢執翻你夠本對利,但呢招一定要有地盆霸倒才能成事,所以超人要盡量在新樓度做大市場佔有率,咁呢個明蝕底,有着數嘅營商手法才能施展!! 「峻瀅」現在每間執少你幾拾個,等第時入伙先慢慢同你計清條數!! |
4. 中市民 2012-06-28 12:33:09 |
我看過楊先生的facebook,他很喜歡斷章取義式的拿一些新聞證明樓市跌3成,他很興奮的講峻瀅的新聞,但在香港有誰不知道這是李超人一向的售樓策略,為何他會這麼大驚小怪????他的評論經常前後矛盾,例如他叫人不要相信新樓的銷售,轉頭有不停講峻瀅劈價 |
5. LARRY 2012-06-28 12:51:59 |
“其實在金融海嘯以來,美國人一直有買樓,尤其是一些專業人士,而大家從新聞亦知道,美國按揭利率只是1%至2%之間,所以需求一直不是問題。” 我的美国朋友期间买楼按揭利率是 3-4%左右,从来没有1%-2%,可能搞错了吧。 |
6. mini 2012-06-28 14:04:46 |
To compare the real estates in HK and the USA, it is not quite appropriate in terms of population density, city planning, and culture... Everyone should know that we need to comment on the same ground from city to city, GDP per head, enconomic structures, currencies, property tax, designs on transportation, culture as well. Chinese still love houses. |
7. anggie T. 2012-06-28 16:56:59 |
Another funny article read today wrote by the Prof. Wong of Finance from the Chinese University of H.K., he's living somewhere penthhouse in Olympic that costs 20something millions & rent 43K, he told his father & family to sell all their houses & say he has a point buying is too crazy at this point. Based on the calculation, 43K x12 x 20yrs(rent)=$10,320,000.00 but the market price is now over 20 Millions. Yup! Maybe it's not that attractive to buy that kind of houses with such low rental return, another point is:I bet he doesn't have the downpayment for over 10 millions something. In other words, my advice for Prof. Wong is he can't afford to stay there if he can only rent but can't afford to buy. Find somewhere else before you retire...... |
8. 70後银行從業員 2012-06-28 17:11:14 |
Dear Dr Tong, How do you comment the below speech by Wong Chak Kee? Newspaper cutting from Ming Pao today. 中大財務教授王澤基﹕現持「磚頭」 低回報高風險明報 – 11時前 【明報專訊】理性的投資決策,必要考慮回報與風險,曾任巴克萊、瑞銀、高盛及大摩等國際投資銀行高層、現為香港中文大學財務專業應用教授的王澤基就認為,現在持有「磚頭」,絕對是屬於低回報和高風險的不理性投資行為。 他更身體力行,不單繼續租樓住,更成功說服兄弟及父親出售自住物業。 王澤基指出,一般人買樓,往往混淆了自用和投資的需要,純自用太個人化,不容易說對與錯,但若然有投資成分,就必然要計算好回報與風險,才是理性。 他以現時租住的奧運站一帶的一個約1900呎複式單位為例,市值2000多萬元,月租約4.3萬元,表面看回報率有約2厘,但若扣除業主每月要支付的管理費、差餉、維修,以及建築折舊,實際回報率只有約1厘或更低。 若以此類比於股票的市盈率,便高達100倍,即往後如租金停留在現水平,業主現時持有「磚頭」,便等同要100年才可「回本」,「一般正常投資,絕不會買入市盈率高達100倍的股票!」 收租要100年才回本 賣樓誘因大 他進一步以財務投資角度分析,要衡量投資的回報與風險比率是否合理,一般會以其他低風險(或接近零風險)投資工具的回報作比較。 「比方說,如港人知道渠道,在內地銀行進行港幣定存,年息率可高達3.1厘,人民幣定存則為5.25厘,兩者風險都不大,相比投資物業僅有約1厘的實質租金回報,等同每年『倒蝕』4.25厘 |
9. 湯文亮 2012-06-28 17:20:38 |
To: 7 & 8, 我有看這段新聞,現在打算寫一篇「回報最低風險最高」的產品,明天見Blog。 Thanks! |
10. 扫把头 2012-06-28 17:33:48 |
终于有大炒家说出董特首年代, 楼价大跌的一个原因, 文中提到的银行, 除了多收利息, 同时帮大炒家逼97接货的散户货变成银主盆, 然后慢慢挑最好的, 在曾特首官商勾结的年代,享受财富转移. 不过, 风水轮流转, CY上台, 新的一轮财富转移游戏又开始, 看这里的文章, 很多香港炒家和炒楼高官都不相信楼市有大调整, 有这么大的利益在眼前, 看看这一次是谁先出手. |
11. HKPPL 2012-06-28 17:33:56 |
王教授 : 嗰D樓係要計千金難買心頭好架, 讀死書!!! |
12. 城哥fans 2012-06-28 17:42:48 |
城哥賣樓先賺一筆, 住戶入伙後, 發現只可幫親[百街], 個 franchise 唔駛錢不特止, 仲有錢落袋, 夠利夠本, 如此生意, 去邊度搵? |
13. 螢火虫 2012-06-28 17:49:33 |
你可以買幾層樓為保收入, 只會炒高!!! 超人至LIKE!!! 您那高貴的幾層樓都是留給自己學會 "分身" 住吧^^ 付租金的人是"打工仔"! 慘到個個住政府樓!!! |
14. 香港市民 2012-06-28 18:18:23 |
Like! 11樓.
...不如又計下買10棟200萬樓收租啦. |
15. 大角咀 2012-06-28 18:41:27 |
黃教授的意思興是現在他住的單位租好過買. 在一个新區往往是這樣, 因為租盤多. 租約完後, 租金会不一樣. 他的搬遷費, 佣金, 家人的時間 還末算進去. 他真的是寄居者, 或者他是在等機会入市. |
16. PN 2012-06-28 19:33:38 |
Few comments here: - US people normally use fixed rate mortgages (30y etc). the rate I see in Freedie Mac's web page is 3.7% for 30y ARM and for 1y ARM..... 2.74%. Not sure if the 1%-2% is floating rate and since the rate is so low, the loan is subjected to margin call. - as for the professor's rental: "1900呎複式單位為例,市值2000多萬元,月租約4.3萬元" so a "複式單位" in city just sold for 10k / sq feet? no way. I am happy to pay 20% on top of that to buy that apartment but I am sure somebody else will pay more. 月租約4.3萬 = $22 / square feet. again, I am happy to pay 20% premium to rent that. <more likely to be a high-floor rather than duplex> - over long run, whether such rent over purchase strategy works depends on inflation I belive |
17. HK guy 2012-06-28 20:39:03 |
Agree with NO. 11, Professor WOng may be frog under the well or a book worm !! He did not know some important details. I just take a real example, I bought an apartment somewhere in NT end of 2009, just 1.2 million, and rent is 5000 HK$, at that time, the interest rate is H+0.65%, I paid only 300,000 as 1st payment. What is the capital return rate ? 5000 - 500(management fee) - 150 (land rent) -700 (interest rate from bank) 0 (property tax, sorry I had several children so I can put into personal income) = 3650 per month income Payback return = 3650x12(month)/300,000 x 100 = 14.6 % close to 15 % !!! Of course not 1% ... You may ask When the interest rates go up , What happens 2 years later ?? Ans : OVer the past two years, I had saved another 200,000, I can save another 200K in next 2 years, IF the interest rates go up, do one thing, return most of the loans to the bank immediately! What happens when interest go up ?? After two years, I give you a government official to be !! |
18. 小市民 2012-06-28 21:38:36 |
香港D樓不一定是住, 用來賺錢更重要......你沒有聽過特首在09年10月講過樓價回落很多業主唔開心,就可以知道佢份工主要的任務是保住投資物業者的利益, 有邊種生意有政府擔保實賺而又無風險? 買樓. 這是過去七年的事. |
19. To 17/F HK guy 2012-06-29 09:42:21 |
To 17/F HK guy, I think you are not really good at finance. You compare the organge and apple. You use the leverage and so must get a higher return than Wong's example, just another example, if you borrow 100% (the rest can be borrowed by relatives, parents etc), then you can get can get infinity return coz your capital is zero and the return is positive. What a good investment!!! Infinity return. Please, there is no free lunch, you get higher return simply coz you take more risks by using leverage, 利大本無歸. Like Buffet said, you can only know who dosen't wear swimming suite after the tide goes. I believe the tide will go very soon, good luck to those use high leverage. PS. All my properties are fully paid already. |
20. To 17/F HK guy, 2012-06-29 09:50:14 |
You must be very old school. In the investment field, noone will use the ROE concept as all we know this is misleading by the leverage. All inevestment banker or analyst look at ROA (return on asset), that's exactly what Dr. wong's calculated. Please update your investment knowledge, or you really exactly that frog. |
21. To 17/F HK guy, 2012-06-29 09:58:55 |
If I and you buy your flat together, and we contribute 50/50, but I don't borrow and you borrow accroding to what you said, you will get higher return on capital than me coz all my share is capital. Can I say that your investment is better than me? Come on, our investment is the same, you get 50% rental income and so do I. Then you know why you get higher return? Think. |
22. 亮劍 2012-06-29 10:14:49 |
其實王澤基係明報呢段嘢旁邊,仲有一段平衡報導,呢篇拒就話女仔如要個老公聽聽話話,愛你一世,就要夾個老公去買樓,咁為左供樓,個麻甩佬就會好唔得閒,就會生生性性! 唔怪之得咁多女人要男人買樓先肯嫁啦,原來如此!! |
23. Tony Wong Hoi Ming 2012-07-09 20:26:27 |
Hi Mr Tong, Your article is always a delightful read as it is both informative and interesting. I am confused with one of the points you have made today and I wonder if you can shed some light on my query as I fail to understand why "若果樓價不跌,他們(銀行家)便沒有利潤". Many thanks in advance. Tony |
24. 美國人 2012-07-10 10:55:45 |
美國省市破產錄續有來,美國樓市有排都未見底,大蕭條將重臨,到時買炭多過買樓。 |