1998年5月或之前,金管局冇公佈 LTV%,第一粒 LTV% data 係1998年6月,約59.86%
LTV in Nov 2014 : 54.1%
LTV in Jun 2009 : 65.9%
LTV in Jul 2002 : 68.5% (record hi since Jun 1998)
I just make a wild guess that in 97, not many property were fully paid. Now, 6x% are fully paid. So the total macro LTV are different.
LTV at inception 本身反映唔到首期來自自己 saving,定係借上借拓番黎。但正面按揭信貸資料庫係2011年4月才成立。理論上,過去3 - 4年買樓人士的首期理應好少來自借上借
此外,2010年11月出 SSD,樓冇得短炒,SSD 後應好少用借財仔去短炒。長楂借財仔更冇可能,因此過去幾年買樓人士的首期大多係荷包D 錢,而唔係借上借(不過我冇絕對証据)
Yes. The LTV ratio can also with leverage in 97, now difficult.
1997 整體空置 3.8% (A類 2.4%, B類 4.4%, C類 5.9%, D類 4.8%, E類 4.9%)
2003 整體空置 6.8% (A類 4.5%, B類 7.8%, C類 9.1%, D類 6.8%, E類 10.7%)
2013 整體空置 4.1% (A類 3.5%, B類 3.6%, C類 4.5%, D類 8.9%, E類 11.5%)
所以,我不認為當時有屋無人住。至於你認為今天 "好多人無屋住",that's correct
Thanks for your correction. I checked and in the following, Prof Yiu stated that low vacancy cannot implied no bubble.
<4> 現在就算癲升是必需品挾淡倉LTV低噴井............... 厘句唔明,唔知點回覆
My view is that the CCL will rise and consolidate and rise until difference between demand and supply decreases.
I want to argue that even if now CCL hugely increases to 180, the subsequent drop will not be sharp due to low vacancy( not valid, Low vacancy does not imply no bubble), low LTV. This argument needs further consideration and other factors (like negative real interest rates, future land supply, construction cost) need to be included.