Absolutely! Middle classes are the constructive building classes here. Hope people can understand that!!! I love the Democrats too......In a way I hope Mr. Tien could be the next CEO & my gut-feeling tells me that this is not impossible. Maybe the Central Beijing Gov. is observing them already also(that's why CY is so mad didn't show up with other Gov. officials in their annual dinner), then HK has hope again!!!
13. 向饭民说不 2014-01-03 11:32:50
今次占中游行只有15000. 投票只有6万,可见饭民已经走到尽头。
14. Hongkong People 2014-01-03 11:42:09
15. waste my time again!!! 2014-01-03 11:42:44
why you can write the same thing from time to time!!! please stop wrting article here!!! go to learn more from your elder sister first!!!
The core problem for the middle classes is coming from its nature. A majority of us do have a strong sense of responsibility for the soceity. We care about the society though we do not enjoy too much benefits ( if any ), look for development but still try to preserve the culture, being kind to those gross root but at the same time not jealous of those coming from the top ( upper class ). We hardly fight for ourselves.
So, where should we go?
26. xx 2014-01-03 13:23:46
This only way to have better life for the HK middle class and save HK is to dismiss the legco immediately and ask the son of a bitch CEO CY Leung to step down immediately. Then we should re-union the legco with the members who is REALLY CARE ABOUT Hong Kong and concern our effort in developing our ecnomy instead of wasting of time on endless argument on those pointless issues!
After we are strong in economy, we will become more and more important for Mainland China and they must listen to your opinions.If you are poor in the economy development and rely on their help, why they need to care about your opinion?!!!!
28. Grand father of Adam Smith 2014-01-03 15:08:45
The situation in HK is now extremely unfair to the middle class where middle class people pay tax, however, they have NO SAY in anything. In contrast, the people who live in public housing and the new immigrants have BIG voices all over. Very very ironic, the receipients (or their representatives) decide how to spend HK monies rather that the payers (tax payers). 現在是受資助人士主宰香港的財政,納稅人一D話事權都冇,付錢的人竟然沒有話事權。試問用錢的人不需理會收入來源,他們會如果洗錢?
29. Grand father of Adam Smith 2014-01-03 15:30:01
As a Hong Kong local born citizen, I am very disappointed that the HK Government has done nothing to protect the interests/assets of Hong Kong. HK Government has no hesitations to share Hong Kong people's wealth to all outsiders i.e. new comers, mainlanders, Southeast Asia comers. Aquino III (the President of the Philipines) KNOWS how to protect the dignity of his subjects, what about HK? HK Government? Legco members? Councillors? Executve Council members? Or, The Court of Laws protecting HK??
30. 不段打壓 不段派錢 2014-01-03 15:34:04
自從689 上台後, 689不段打壓辛勞工作的打工仔,
31. Grand Father of Adam Smith 2014-01-03 16:15:25
The only way to solve this problem is to "abolish salaries tax" in HK and "introduce sales tax" (while other taxes remain). Sales tax means that all purchasers, no matter which class they are, need to pay tax. By the time, there is no need for the middle class to pay salaries tax. Instead, middle class pays sales tax upon every item he/she purchases. At the time, all people in different class need to pay tax to support HK. Fair enough? It should be much fairer and healthier to Hong Kong all the way.
The grandparents finally ordered the HKG (Hello Kitty Government) to do something good for hongkongers.
From the case of the HKTV, CY (Cheating You) at least damaged 2 groups of hongkongers: They are the Artists & the Journalists from the colleges and/or universities ! It also implied that CY did not understand what TMT will be next industry for next generation !
For the case of 3D, CY at least did not respect around 36,000 real estate agents ! They work as a connecting bridge for doing /creating more businesses in an international city and spent a lot time for customer relationship in order to provide a better living for their family members / hongkongers !
Dr.Tom just gave people more opportunities for group brainstorming for new ideas, but not for brainwashing ! Just take it easy !
The Lawmakers and/or some citizens should NOT blame the fees for the public transports in HK if they can read the following news in the Great Britain.
At least, Hello Kitty Gov. officials should learn how the MTR and his team members dealt with various problems, individual demands and stresses from every corners, even suspended the operation of the rail line for 6 hours for 100% safety for hongkongers / tourists !
More than that, their seniors can STILL go to the RTHK for listening the comments from citizens in order to provide a world-class service...
The perception is that they don't escape any chances for a better development for next generation !
HKG officials should do more if they can read the attached news. There will be more VIP/ potential customers in town..Now, it is just the "tip of a rather large iceberg "...
Once again, chinese always love investing in houses/homes, and education
This "tree gun" does not know the current land value of the existing RTHK. High In & High Out ? HK$6B is a peanut when compared with the annual expenses for social welfare or others ! Again, it is the location & long-term investment ! Probably saying, Kowloon Tong is the Heart of Kowloon...
Like BBC, RTHK can introduce HK to the countries in the Asia Pacific Region !