1. 炒友 2013-05-27 11:55:46 |
政府應該讓樓市自行炒爆,現在應該放寬所有辣招,讓有錢的人加快入市,大家自由自在地炒個痛快,相信贏輸自己會負責,不用政府操心,到炒爆樓市,樓價便會自行調節,跌到阿媽都唔認得,周而復始,萬象更新,多痛快。 |
2. 吳急賣 2013-05-27 15:09:11 |
3. Pat Pat 2013-05-27 15:19:44 |
To: 1/F 炒友 Agreed with your view , 多痛快 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
4. 顛佬正傳(狗仔) 2013-05-27 16:13:32 |
現在政府的政策,已令樓市降溫、調整及下跌 為什麼政介冇聲出,唔讚吓政府? 支持吓政府的相關措施? |
5. 小散户 2013-05-27 16:32:38 |
请问各位。如果已用有限公司名拥有了一间房了。现在用个人名再买第二间房是否需付两倍印花税呢 ? 谢谢 |
6. 白痴狗 2013-05-27 16:47:41 |
洗吳洗讚下振遠哥???????????????????????????????????????????? |
7. To: 5. 小散户 2013-05-27 17:02:33 |
no. because in laws, your limited co is different from yourself as a natural person. If you buy a flat in your personal name, no BSD and DSD will be charged |
8. mrs yip 2013-05-27 19:36:59 |
there is a group of speculators in Tuen Mun, head with Hung Yxt Property agency ie fat woman Yung, her 2 daughters, husband and her daughter in law ie Ah Kin and mr cheung ( nick -name Repair Cheung)bought over 20s industrial flats from Mr Yan , Comp named Green Touch before Feb 22, now these properties need to have completed by June to August. They need money to settle, they will try their usual tactics to ask others to buy these flats or with lower price to sell out all. Thus, DO NOT buy Confirmor in TUEN MUN. Remember, this agency / group can get over 3 million commission if she could sell all out, exclude their profit difference gain in these properties selling. Price will drop. DO NOT BUY in this moment and wait for the " Final Sale or Final Reduction" |
9. 痴忍扇 2013-05-27 19:46:48 |
很多物業初哥難免會受到地產佬言論影响而賣樓,要怪就怪自已沒主見, 無耐力及無堅持原則.有損失可怪誰? 地產佬取易不取難,他們沒本事嚇倒狼英,亦沒有能耐認眞地團結業界去 向隻狼施加壓力,維護權益,唯有打一些驚青初哥業主主意.地產佬不期望 能除去壓在頭上的苛政,只望業主能減價讓其有生意做.與其只望業主打 救倒不如自救,堂堂正正在71街頭反影自身的困境.雖然狼英大都不聞 不問,睬你都傻,但起碼都算做過嘢,對得起自己. |
10. Dr degree from wcu 2013-05-28 09:30:13 |
If you were a potential buyer, you want to buy at a bargain price! So it is a matter of standpoint. |
11. 肥哥 2013-05-28 13:18:13 |
湯生標題讓我回想起三十多年前的港產爛片"鹹濕打椿機", 真是青春易逝, 歲月不饒人.
12. Dr Facts 2013-05-28 14:17:57 |
Only liars don't want to listen to the truth and face the facts... |
13. anthony 2013-05-29 00:06:40 |
Who is the lier? |
14. 缺口 2013-05-29 09:52:52 |
況且上車盤、細單位的呎租較同區大單位高 (以北角區為 , 單幢 200 - 300 呎細單位的呎租同和富、城市花園甚至塞西湖差不多) ,再加上出租細單位較大單位容易,租客對內籠亦沒有太高要求,再加上 DSD的稅率 會隨樓價上升而急速颷升,又加上車盤因公、居屋不夠而有強大租、買需求,再加上政府又要留番個活俾人上車。
投資者付雙倍印花稅購入河畔花園低層戶 (2013年05月29日)
【am730訊】市場連錄投資者付雙倍印花稅入市,中原招錦昌稱,沙田河畔花園E座低層7室,實用面積242方呎(建築368方呎),獲兩名準買家爭奪,最終獲投資者以273.5萬元承接,實用呎價11,302元(建築7,432元)。買家需付雙倍印花稅3%,即約8.2萬元,料月租9,000元,回報3.9厘。原業主於2010年以152萬元購入,獲利121.5萬元。 |
15. 齊齊懲罰討厭的打椿經紀 2013-05-29 14:18:47 |