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1. Thanks for your advice 2013-01-02 12:08:51
Totally agree with you!!!!
2. Suggestion to the HK government 2013-01-02 12:29:41

I suggest a new policy that is to restrict all foreign people including the foreign company/funds to purchase properties in 2013 and 2014. This is a temporatory policy and it will be ended automaically in the end of 2014. It is the best policy to enable the government to "buy time" and then to increase the land supply. Also, it can preven the flat price to be too fluctuate during the time when the government is working hard to find land to increase the supply.....With this policy, then even the flat still up in 2013 and 2014, then it will be vey clear that this is the force from the local HK people and no one will blame on the HK government (with the assumption that the governemnt can show out their efforts and ability to find land and to increase the supply). Hope that this policy can be enforced in the coming future!!!

3. nobody 2013-01-02 12:34:06

博士, Happy New Year.




4. To: 2 2013-01-02 13:22:43
Based on your logic, you have also suggest HK government to ban all foreigner to enter Hong Kong and spend money in Hong Kong. Only HK citizen has the authorization to spend money in Hong Kong. Another 'good' policy for CY and legco members to cheat the vote but damage the future of HK. Anyway CY  and most of the legco menbers do not care about the future of HK and thus this is a 'good' policy for them.
5. Suggestion to HK government 2013-01-02 14:15:28
To 4: Thank you so much or your messgae and discussion. This is just a temporatory policy and enable the government the buy time to find land and increase the supply, and also, this can help the local HK people more easy to purchase properties. This kind of short term policy will not affect hk in the long run as this policy will end automatically in the end of 2014. I also believe that with this policy, it will not lead to collapse of the property market. This policy can enable the local property market to run in a more stable manner in 2013 to 2014.
6. 阿松 2013-01-03 09:34:54




