1. 梵谷 2012-08-14 12:17:59 |
我幾日前有在回覆討論過創業還是置業, 湯生應該是看到討論而寫了今日的文章. 湯生沒說錯, 這些都是創業的困難, 不過是不是擁有創業質素的人材, 都找得到一份年薪500萬的工作呢? 而且, 一家成功的公司, 盈利不會少於500萬一年吧. 所以如果是成功的創業者, 創立一家公司帶上軌道. 回報肯定高於500萬一年. |
2. 物業投資問題 2012-08-14 12:35:54 |
3. 上善若水 2012-08-14 13:10:31 |
年齡也是一個關鍵,若果年已40仍未有創業經驗(包括失敗的經驗),都不適合創業。不少人中年失業,被迫創業,又毫無經驗,幾乎100%失敗。 |
4. Yellow Man 2012-08-14 13:27:25 |
Yes the business start up cost is so high in HK, especially on rental. Ordinary people simply can’t afford it. |
5. anggie T. 2012-08-14 13:40:05 |
So Dr. Tong I have a question:if I have a stable job making over 5 M per year, then I shouldn't quit if I cannot guarantee success in my business??? |
6. Yellow Man 2012-08-14 13:57:47 |
There is no guarantee Angie... However making $5m a year can guarantee you and your family to have high quality lives. |
7. 上善若水 2012-08-14 14:44:35 |
趁著後生,若有機會,應該嘗試創業。創業成功固然最好,就算失敗,創業期間的經驗,累積的人脈也是寶貴的資產,帶著這些“資產”再去打工是很有幫助的,更重要的是能以老闆的心態去看待一份工作,工作上更容易成功。 現時香港的年輕人創業意願甚弱,而且學歷越高越是這樣。這當然與現時創業環境惡劣有關,此外,現時年輕人所受的教育、成長環境都不太鼓勵創業需要的特質。 還有,我身邊做生意的朋友,近10年來主營業務大多乏善可陳,賺到錢的多數與房地產投資有關,有的甚至拋棄主營生意,專做房地產投資,不過這種“塘水滾塘魚”的模式能夠持續發展嗎? |
8. anggie T. 2012-08-14 16:51:07 |
Most of the entrepreneurs are good sales people, it's easy to start up the business but as you develop further, just the connection & network is not good enough, you'll need to have good knowledge & ability to manage your company finance & assets. This most of the bosses die & suffer! Have a bible study last nite talking about parables of the talents:One master took a long vacation & leave the servants with 30,000 silver coins, 12,000 silver coins & 6,000 silver coins to handle, both the 1st & 2nd are able to do business & make a double while the last servant just buried the coins underground & did nothing!(of course that's the wicked & lazy one!) My group members are saying at that ancient time, it's easier to do business, you just need to have the capital(even 6000 silver coins may be equivalent to having 4-5M nowadays, not easy for a servant to save up that amount), not too much competitors probably........It's easier if you are willing to put in effort & work hard. Look at the environment these days, it's guaranteed more difficult & harsh(I'm sure doing business is the easiest way to lose money than any investments namely:properties/stocks) I've seen my boss spending stupid millions into the hands of stupid mainland Chinese in some areas he doesn't know & spend time. Result? Guaranteed loss you get! |
9. HK people 2012-08-14 17:58:56 |
In fact, both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are good Sales people. But they are different from ordinary Sales people, they know the technical bits and have visions as well. I see lots of good Sales people, but most are just good at "bluff their ways", so they can reach the position of "Head of Sales", bla bla bla, but can never be an entrepreneur. I also see lots of good tech people, but it's horrible when they do presentations, so these group can only sit in front of the machines. To be a successful entrepreneur, someone need to have a combination of different qualities. |
10. TRON 2012-08-14 18:49:32 |
To: anggie T. What the Bible said is true. I think its not only applicable to monetary level, but also to spiritual gifts level. Just a little sharing :) |
11. Marco 2012-08-15 03:16:04 |
创业在香港确实不易,尤其年轻人只得一股蛮劲,资金缺乏,无以为继,一两年时间已可以磨灭斗志,死死气去打工! 如果买了楼的后生仔更是无可能创业,因为输唔起,楼每个月都要供,生意未必好快有起色,更是不知能否支持下去,好快去打回工,政府、银行又唔支持,要成功难上加难!只有死了条心!
12. DD 2013-02-18 13:27:20 |
如两度在港投地的东南亚基金A&FCapitalManagement,其执行董事兼合伙人李英豪表示,基金选择来港购地发展,主要是看中香港楼市自由度仍高,政府卖地亦较其他地区更公开、透明,故希望在港长线发展豪宅项目。 睇永利威酒庄 Wing Lee Wai 老字号都系咁...支持打击团购无良商店@@..黑店无分行业..睇睇..香港d人越来越唔老实及无诚信...睇永利威酒庄 Wing Lee Wai 老字号都系咁...谓,月租30万加至60万,利苑粥面不敌贵租结业。香港核心区铺位租金飙升,不少有特色的老店铺不敌业主大幅加租宣告结业。屹立铜锣湾近42年的利苑粥面专家,因业主要求将租金从原本每月30万元,加租一倍至60万元,终於 |