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1. 粉絲 2012-06-18 11:42:40
2. Raymond lam 2012-06-18 11:47:33
Doctor Tom 

You are absolute right !!

3. anggie T. 2012-06-18 12:24:09

Honestly, no one knows exactly what kind of impact C.Y. will bring for the properties market.  One always has to play defensive side as well.  There's nothing wrong to say so.  But for small self-owned properties, I don't see a big reason to make any change or move unless the adjustment is over 20%. 

Unless you are not staying in H.K. for good, a PAID-OFF apartment should be your ultimate goal(upgrade, 2 bedrooms>3 bedrooms, N.T. >Islandside), you talk later when you have the $$.  And of course, one's real financial picture, cash flow(any apartments rent out, your job stability, savings, or do u keep a lazy wife at home not working?)all contribute to whether you can still hold the apartment.

I'm thinking as a buyer & seller, we have already six, have to pay attention abit, but since we have strong saving & investing ability(in simple words:we make like Top3% in H.K. but live like lower class!) it seems like apart from apartment appreciation we are also fine.  Actually we expect a major dump in 3 yrs time & by that time want to buy some more on islandside........

Let's see!

4. 長線物業投資者小心、小心 2012-06-18 12:37:54

楊兄FB這樣說 : 自由行消費力減弱 本地零售業亮紅燈




5. 扫把头 2012-06-18 14:24:00
广东省严厉打击官员腐败, 原来首当其冲是香港的零售和豪宅, 情况和1998年董特首一样, 物极必返,钟拜理论, 历史重复又重复.
6. Peter Paker 2012-06-18 22:45:42

Per CY, he would propose to build the public estates in the old urban areas.  He said in the TVB news interview that he would even consider to build single storey of public estates in these old urban areas.


It is the time to pay close attention to his house policy, especially he said to control free entrance to HK by more PRC tourists

7. Peter Paker 2012-06-18 22:49:48

How to acquire those lands in the old urban areas??  purchases from private owners??  Do you think the private owners in these old urban areas will lower the selling prices to the govt for building urban / single-storey public estates???

8. A 女子 2012-06-27 00:51:00

  香港樓市近20年係炒家樂園   人人玩緊傳火棒遲早燒死哂    無哂工業   無生產  無創意 近來氣氛好似回到97  而且樓價已超越