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1. 曾先生 2012-05-05 11:18:35

香港雖小, 但在地產市場上亦分為不同的區域, 不同的區域有不同的人口架構 和地區的經濟發展條件, 切不可只是把全港看成鐵板一塊; 香港的東部(將軍澳、西貢)和西部(屯門、元朗)便是兩個截然不同的地區。


另外, 誰人不把大陸因素計算在香港的發展軌跡的話, 誰就是大笨旦。 所以, 看香港地產發展的話必先看珠江三角洲的地圖, 最新的地圖, 便可以看出重大的線索, 比如說國家在這區域的基建發展。


君不見大地產商現在的力度大都集中在屯、元地區嗎? 他們是春江水暖鴨先知呀! 不明白,不相信的話, 三、五年後回頭再看便會知道的了!


一句話, 魔鬼在全局!


2. 周顯 示文 2012-05-05 13:02:20







3. 亮劍 2012-05-05 14:11:56






4. 轉載蘋果日報----世紀 21中華物業有限公司董事 楊官華 2012-05-05 14:50:18



二手樓盤鬧盤荒,情況已去到極嚴重的地步,全港私人住宅單位約有 110萬個,假設其中7成為自住物業短期內不放賣,即餘下三成約 33萬個盤活躍於市場。
由 2010年 11月至現在,根據地產資訊網 property.hk資料顯示,成交 16萬個單位,並被納入 SSD範圍內被鎖死而未能釋放於市場,另餘下的十多萬活躍盤,因為以下幾種因素也封盤不賣:
1.租金爆升,過去一年已升約 15-20%,業主見收租回報好又怕落錯車所以觀望。
2.以前做超低利息按揭的業主,利息是同業拆息+0.7,即按揭利息少於一厘,相等於借 100萬分 20年期還款都只是約需 10萬元利息開支,但如果他們將此物業放賣再購買新的便不能再亨有如此超低優惠利率。
以上種種因素直接或間接導致放盤斷層,在七除八扣下,可供出售的二手樓盤數量祇得幾萬個,以全港 18區平均分配計算,每區就只得 2千至 3千個二手樓盤,做地產代理想話貨如輪轉都幾困難,缺盤嚴重地步是近十年從未見過的。
樓價乾升,政府又出招,過去為了打擊樓價推出 SSD、收緊按揭成數,取消國內投資移民等,現在更使出撒手鐧,就是當年 1997年出口術 8萬 5政策,直接令到樓價下跌,負資產出現,民不聊生。上星期政府重施故技出口術發放消息到各大媒體,未來三年新樓供應 6萬 5,直接引致過去週六、日成交馬上停頓,有發展商看到勢色不對,即時把陳年貨尾勁減價出貨。
適量調整是好事,長遠而言樓價軟着陸普天同慶,但政府粗暴打壓樓市,有經歷過 97負資產慘痛經驗的香港人一定不會忘記。筆者寄語下屆政府,勿忘記 97帶來的痛苦,對二手樓市政策三思而後行。

5. K 2012-05-05 15:33:21
6. K 2012-05-05 15:43:27
7. govt pension 2012-05-05 15:56:45
Senior officials going to retire really want property prices to fall so that they can use their pension to buy a big apartment. That is the real reason. Our hong kong civil servants only cocern their pension in making all policies.
8. 股民 2012-05-05 18:47:26




9. stkmkt 2012-05-05 23:19:08
Invest in stocks bound to loose money as you can observe share prices are manupilated by hedge funds coupled with bias analysts' frequent reports released by big brokerage houses to the mass media for no checkand balanced publishment to cheat small investors. You can only play small in stockmarket for entertainment just like going to a casino. Longterm everything rises. To make big money it must be property which give you a leveraged and 100% full time investments of your money with rental yields. Any listed company can go bankrupt and their account reports are not trustworthy. But a property always survives. It is good for you to be unable to sell it for profit during sluggish atmosphere like now as price will rise in next cycle.
10. 蟹民 2012-05-05 23:29:49
股市爆升在即,國際市場正醞釀新一輪宽鬆貨幣政策,製造一片歌舞昇平氣氛,以配合各大國政權順利過渡,連偉大祖國亦已默默微調借貸政策,曲線參與其中!! 而來屆親中政府豈能不配合!!至於地產行業為經濟寒暑表,本地房屋政策,短暫回應政棍吵鬧策略在所難免,但大方向因貨幣寬鬆引致資產價格爆升是必然結果!! 而大量建設公營房屋,只會更加分離基層於經濟巨輪外,令基層更難以脫離其基層位置,而私樓持份者,則乘風破浪坐享身家暴漲來臨,。。。商品資產價格升勢,非一招半式行政手段可以阻撓,反而造就空隙給予商家屯積待價而沽!!  香港從開埠以來就是外向型經濟模式自恃,國際大勢方向,就是香港大勢方向!! 香港從來就是跟着走,只怕跟遲走慢罷了!!
11. ANGRY BIRD 2012-05-05 23:45:16


I like

12. MS Fu 2012-05-05 23:55:59
. 周顯 示文2012-05-05 13:02:20 說得太好!
13. CC 2012-05-06 00:12:34
14. peter paker 2012-05-06 00:15:43

I don't really think the coming note-printing parties will boost up the stock market.  If you trusted more money led to stock market prosperity, this would be totally wrong.  The fundamental driver of stock market is enterprises' PROFITS.


If developed countries continue to printe more notes, it will only bring about INFLATION, rather than increase in real demands.  Note printing can simply make limited resourses more expensive and expensive, becasue speculators use unlimited money to buy limited resources (e.g. natural commodities, properties, etc).  Acts of printing money are costless.  Given that money is more than before, if people then turned these printed currencies to stock markets, increase in demand for stock would drive up stock prices.  Right??


Yes.  If the stock prices go upwards, more people will be attracted to print more shares.  It is easy to understand.  Printing shares is as easy as printing notes / money.  Extra money will only chase limited resourses, not stock.  So please don't believe that QE3 will make stock market prosperous.


Moreover, more printed money will go to "limited" resources (e.g. gold, silver, land, oil, food, etc).  These raw materials will in turn get more and more expensive.  Labour prices will also follow to grow up.  Labour costs, land costs and raw materials will go upwards greatly.  In short, there is no doubt that enterprises' burdens on costs are getting heavier


However, at the current moment, real demands do not recover from financial crisis in 2008 and 2011.  People and governments are of heavy debts and deleveraging is in progress.  People's desire to spend money are shrinking.


If enterprises' costs are heavy and the market demands are languid (weak), how would enterprises get good profit performance??  Performance of stock market is profit.  According to recent result announcements, most of result announcements are not good especially for small enterprises.  If enterprise's profit is not good and share is easy to print, why would you still trust that money will flow to stock market after QE???


USD600 billion were printed during the QE2.  Hang Sang Index started to drop from 24000 - 25000 in Nov 2010.  The recent bottom of HSI after this is around 16000 - 17000.  Now HSI is struggling around 20000 - 21000.  HSI does not move up after QE2.


Do you still believe money printing can help you make easy money in stock market??

15. SSD 2012-05-06 00:39:59

SSD only help big developers to pre-sell new development flats without competition from those purchasers who have just bought the same new development from the same developer. The most idoit can tell and I wonder why our Financial Secretary MR TSANG TSUN WA still insist he was correct in his introduction of  SSD.

Is he a accomplice of MR HUI SZE YAN? I hope not and the mass media should find out.

16. kow 2012-05-06 00:46:18

我同意湯博士的話法...太陽 東起 西落  什麼時候看到日出,什麼時候看到日落



17. Sugar 2012-05-06 12:49:38

To 14. Peter Paker,

Your view for the relationship btn QE3 & stock market is great!

I predict the HSI will reach 24000-25000 in 2012,but not for long.Now I only doing short term trading with strictly limited budget.I feel that the stock market is a geart casino full of opportunities for speculators.I know it's only small profit,still I like to get involved  a bit   :)  

18. MD 2012-05-06 19:30:25
供應 - 公樓私樓, 在建待建房屋都會増加
需求 (注意: 是能負担目前樓價水平的需求):大陸客減少; 資深投資者散貨; 高收入族包括從事金融、投資、國內廠家, 出口商人 ... 收入減少; 手頭累積了點資金的,在樓價高踞不下,等了又等的情況下,在這次齊聲唱和的散貨小陽春, 都入埋市 ... 唉!
19. 老友記 2012-05-06 20:57:53

老人家說: 風暴來臨前通常都是風和日麗...............

20. 老友記 2012-05-06 20:57:54

老人家說: 風暴來臨前通常都是風和日麗...............

21. Peter Paker 2012-05-06 22:25:33

To Sugar (17/F),


I am not good at speculation.  So my return from stock market in recent years was very bad.  Year 2011 is the first year I lost money, since 2003.  Also, I sold 40,000 shares LINKS (823) at $25 at the beginning of 2011 which was previously bought at $22.  This sale decision is super stupid and foolish.


22. Sugar 2012-05-06 23:45:10

To Peter (21/F),

Your so called "stupid" action already earned quite a lot!I can buy a very nice handbag with the profit.

I think any ordinary people who dares to invest a mill in the stock market really has guts. so,I appreciate"火燎森" a lot.I keep my stock level at around 300,000 HKD constantly,I feel that I can't handle more.I'm in the stock market just 2 yrs and would like to learn more thro short term trading.

23. PETER PAKER 2012-05-07 12:04:07

To: K (5 - 6/F),


If you go to watch flat, you may understand how tight is the number of residential units available for sales.  Don't just shout up anybody without thinking!!

24. PETER PAKER 2012-05-07 12:09:07

To Sugar,


I am struggling with how to further my portfolio.  I build up HK$3 million (including properties, net of mortgage loan) wealth from zero, through hard-working and stock investments.  However, when I achieved $3 million now, I find it hard to grow up further.  Maybe, it is due to bad and boring stock market, my bad stock tactics, poor economic environment, etc.


I don't know the exact reasons.  But, making money from stock market now is not as easy as 2004 - 2007.

25. Sugar 2012-05-08 21:14:49

To Peter,

From zero to 3 mill, & mainly thro investing stocks...that's very outstanding!You have my great admiration(i hve some rich friends & relatives but none of them success in trading stocks)!

I guess,the stage fr zero to 1 mill is most tough and risky, you have to be very aggressive in order to get the 1st "bucket of gold".When you've got 3-5 mills,you will become more cautious,so it's natural that ur wealth seems stop growing.But I think @ this stage,risk control is of utmost important.In fact,according to 7/2 rules,you are likely to reach 10 mill in 10-15 yrs time anyway(depends on ur yrly investing return),so there's no reason to be too hurry.

Compared to you,i'm only a nobody.But, i try to drop a few lines.just don't laugh at me.

1.HK property market:on the high side,only hold 1-2 apartments,better just one for own use.

2.Hve a look at the US property market.Seemingly start to recover.For ur interest,pls go to www.zillow.com. You can buy a villa with ~US$300000 only.Of course the drawback is the long distance and the relatively high land tax.

3.Keep an eye on the mainland property market(esp.上海,珠海,重慶).At the moment. HK citizens are not allowed to buy any real estate in a lot of provinces.However,the condition will be changed in 2013/2014(who knows ) maybe.For more info,feel free to email me.

4.Commodities.If London Gold down to 1300-1400,i will buy in with not more than 10% of  my cash.

5.HK stock market.Stick to short term trading strategy.

Just for ur reference.Good day  :)



26. peter paker 2012-05-08 23:15:27

to Sugar:


Thanks for your compliment.  To be sure, around 40 - 50% of my wealth comes from my career.  I work for 12 years since my university graduation.  Over this period, my salary has grown by 6 - 7 times.


Also, the best periods of the stock investment are before 2007 and after Oct 2008.  Before 2007, the global and PRC economies were prosperous.  I made much money from disposals of 941, 388, 1919 and many IPO exercisesduring 2007. 


I sold all stocks since the end of 2007.  In Oct 2008, I almost held cash and bought stock around 12000.  So I made money from buying stock at the buttoms.  I was lucky.


I think stock market in the coming 1 - 2 years will be very volatile.  No significant upwards movements in HSI are expected.  It is hard to earn easy money recently.  However, I strongly recommend you to work hard and excel your career paths.  If you have stable job and stable cash flow, you would be able to invest aggressively without too much hesitation.


As my weath base is big and the salary increment is slow now, the struggling stock market makes me hard to make money.  That's why I do not manage to increase my base after getting $3 million.

27. Sugar 2012-05-08 23:47:05

Thanks,Peter.Great chatting w/ you.

I'm just deeply hooked to to the stock market.It's such a wonderful world,so exciting!It's not easy money at all.$ from the property market is much more easy.

I never worry about $,for my demand for material is very low.A bottle of  Scotch is enough to make me happy.I worked in an profession that earned pretty much but i quitted the job and went to Europe for quite a while...I earned ~2.5 mill in 5 yrs,so I 'm a speculator.I use the $ to buy my "freedom",not shiny diamonds or trendy Gucci bags.