1. 又等睇戲 2012-03-30 13:00:51 |
好多人曾話過基層上位後會貪腐, 今次有錢佬示範何謂大貪:P |
2. 多多學習 2012-03-30 13:06:20 |
治亂世,用重典。 香港若要保持廉潔之都的美譽,現時立法局要重新制定行賄和受賄的刑罸,才能收阻嚇的作用,我之前已提議過以下的刑罸: 1.行賄和受賄超過十萬元,判以死刑。 2.行賄和受賄九萬元,判監九年。.如此類減,直至行賄和受賄一萬元以下,判 監一年。 3.一經定罪,個人財產全部充公,作為善用途。 我可以肯定不出半年,官商勾結,利益輸送的事件,將可減至最低。 |
3. 多多學習 2012-03-30 13:06:21 |
治亂世,用重典。 香港若要保持廉潔之都的美譽,現時立法局要重新制定行賄和受賄的刑罸,才能收阻嚇的作用,我之前已提議過以下的刑罸: 1.行賄和受賄超過十萬元,判以死刑。 2.行賄和受賄九萬元,判監九年。.如此類減,直至行賄和受賄一萬元以下,判 監一年。 3.一經定罪,個人財產全部充公,作為善用途。 我可以肯定不出半年,官商勾結,利益輸送的事件,將可減至最低。 |
4. Macau何 2012-03-30 13:21:56 |
'肥'到著唔到襪ge人最鍾意飲咖啡:P |
5. HKG 2012-03-30 13:27:53 |
16萬月租租住4000呎豪宅, 香港需要這種官嗎? |
6. 燦好香港 2012-03-30 13:59:16 |
核心價值是甚麼一回事,看來要視呼某位人士而定,未免太無所適從,甚而無濟於事,不如找法庭先叛核心價值的定義,才決定其間最後的依據。香港一定有望,可以有不同精進出心出力的。 |
7. 何謂核心價值? 2012-03-30 14:12:11 |
若果思歪 硬推23條,是否等於破壞了核心價值? 現在出動胡椒嘖露,將來若果出動「防暴隊」又是否破壞了核心價值? 又例如有朝一日,我們都不能在此暢所欲言,又是否沒了核心價值? |
8. 香港人 2012-03-30 15:35:05 |
一句说完,香港胜在有ICAC。 |
9. ABC 2012-03-30 16:07:34 |
「自由、人權、民主、法治」 are not exclusively nor unique HK core value. Those are actually western core value, which we tried to mimic. Perhaps, we should added our Chinese core value " manner, loyalty, uncorrupted, shame" to make it uniquely HK. ? Just a thought. |
10. HKP 2012-03-30 16:29:51 |
core value in HK is to make money as much as possible. Benefit receivers want government to give them as much as possible for life without bother to work for it. Civil services want salary increase every year and decrease work load and not subject to citizen's complain. Properties developer want government to side with them to control the supply of land and anything that can help to increase the price and value of their assets. What is HONG KONG people ? How do you identify yourself ? If it is not the Chinese government , you don't have any identity in this world. You owe the Chinese people a lot and still yelling at the Chinese government. Those Philippine house mate can proudly tell the world they are Philippine nationals. They are much better than what you are calling Hong Kong people. Stop dreaming that you are under the protection of the British. |
11. Hongkong People 2012-03-30 16:45:46 |
"Stop dreaming that you are under the protection of the British."
Don't worry! We won't. They are too busy protecting themselves. |
12. ABC 2012-03-30 17:05:13 |
To HKP Perhaps some HK people are too 'Tough Love' on China, and perhaps some really discriminate our own Chinese people. But I think the majorities of HK people do love China , that's one of the reason why we are harsh on Chinese government. I do not have any doubt that the majorities of HK people would love China to do good, and be one the greatest nation on earth! |
13. HKP 2012-03-30 17:10:56 |
Don't try the game of brinkmanship with the Chinese authority. Once the bottom line of the Chinese regime is broken, you will meet with unforeseeable brutal crack down and all you core value will be gone forever. Who will come to help you to get back your core value. USA? if not the British. |
14. mini 2012-03-30 23:13:41 |
Li Dream Bear / Former Education Minister's team let us know how to buy dreams during the election ! Li WHITE became Li BLACK ! Confucius was from Japan or Korea,not from Shandong! The Politicians gave No Comments to the public because they did not remember or did not know at all ! That's good for education for next generation ??? |
15. 路過 2012-03-31 00:28:10 |
14樓, Watt ai u talking about?? |
16. kakaka 2012-03-31 00:49:17 |
14樓因為淫豬輸了,可能冇糧出,現在已精神分裂,有時忘記食藥,小心會咬人! |
17. ABC 2012-03-31 00:56:13 |
To HKP So what's the bottom line of the Chinese authority? |
18. HKP 2012-03-31 06:23:33 |
Your New CEO will let you know. I am not sure. meanwhile you former British colony citizens can comtinue to try to test the Chinese's bottom line and play your go out to the street game. Be advised, if while you are protesting in the street and you feel something abnormal is happening, eg you find there is no police in the street, you better left the crow and go home. Anyway, you are not stupid, something is abnormal, you will know. Good Luck continue to protest and have fun. Enjoy. |
19. See Why!! 2012-03-31 09:34:08 |
天網恢恢,疏而不漏,呢個世界因果循環,報應不爽。 觀選後洗太平地運動,最後終告給身有屎的人!
20. See Why!! 2012-03-31 09:56:48 |
21. 示威大過天 2012-03-31 10:16:53 |
示威係香港1997後的核心價值!四月一日遊行、五月一日遊行、六四又遊行、七一再遊行 ,個個無野做,職業係遊行。 |
22. ABC 2012-03-31 12:10:32 |
To HKP I dont think the Bristish have the power to incite HK people to stir up protest in HK. You seem to have the idea that HK people love the Brit's much more than China ? Sorry, I have to disagree you on this. |
23. ABC 2012-03-31 12:19:25 |
HKP You seem to be implying that the Chinese authority cannot tolerate the HK style of protesting? |
24. hahaha 2012-04-02 11:04:43 |