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1. 轉軚 2012-03-29 11:17:23
2. 湯豬頭不一定是壞人 2012-03-29 11:34:42
3. 70後 2012-03-29 11:36:52
筆者此文, 倒屎嘅都睇唔落去, 嗰班鄉紳, 政客, 生意佬係真係覺得只狼嘅能力好, 所以投佢, 定係受壓力下支持, 然後再獻媚呢???? 睇電視都睇到喇....涼福嘅強顏歡笑同只BEER喺道大解(諗起佢地反對^僭建嘅惡形惡相).....真係嘔心.....轉軚梗唔係壞人, 但有啲出賣港人求榮祿嘅奴才樣啫.....
4. 鄭家純是最好的樣本 2012-03-29 12:05:58
5. ABC 2012-03-29 12:13:37
There are historical reasons why Chinese deeply dis-trust our own government, but what are the options for HK & China? ........have a revolution?shed unimaginable amount of blood and started everything all over again from scratch with an unknown result?  or evolve ?
I am also puzzled why CCP need to involve in the election in such a high profile way, infact all they need to do is to make some phone calls.
Well..........I think both TT & CY are not evil guy, but now CY will be in power soon, so shall we rally behind him and let see how he will govern HK. Moreover, if CY turn into a monster he wont last long.
6. 逸瑤 2012-03-29 12:16:29
7. cy一樣住得豪爽、食得豪爽 2012-03-29 12:17:26





8. ABC 2012-03-29 12:25:11
Please remember extremity on faith or on a person bled horrid.
Hilter in germany
Stalin  in russia
Christianity in the middle age
Mao in china
Kim in north korea
etc etc etc.............
9. ABC 2012-03-29 12:37:50
HK people feels better to blame all the economic ill from (1997-2003) on 85,000, and why not? it always feel better to blame fault on something or someone else rather than ourselves.
Everyting being equal, 85,000 itself, isnt the culprits on collaspe of the property market
10. 有同感! 2012-03-29 12:38:09
11. ABC 2012-03-29 12:47:05
12. ABC 2012-03-29 12:51:27
reply to 11
Thank you for using my nickname.
But no discussion are necessary & possible if it get irrational.
13. CHANGE 2012-03-29 12:59:37
14. Simple math 2012-03-29 13:18:52

To 真相 and ABC.

85000 is the cause of the property collapse. It is strictly supply and demand. We are talking is 85000 units per year and 425000 for 5 years. Would you know how buildings has to be built in one year? Let say 264 units for one building , we need to build 322 blocks of building. It would holds 297,500 persons (85000x3.5 perons/household). This would be more than the population in Tai Koo Shing. In addition to these, we still have the supply from the private sector of 15,000 units per year (which is normallly planed to be 23,000 per years.)

Hong Kong's population is growing at a rate of 1.5% - 2%. We will have an increase of population of 100,000 to 140,000 per year. With a density of 3.5, we need approx. 34,285 units (120000/ 3.5) With the 100,000/per year, the supply is close to three times  double its need. (2.98 times.)

How can the market not be collapsed? People and Investors buy or sell based on expectation. Who goes to buy when the market is expected to be falling? In addtition,  In Murply's Law, when things goes bad, everything goes bad. When we were at 2002, we have SARS in the 2003 for icing. Please check your calculation on supply and demand.

Furthermore, please also check what kind of capacity of the Hong Kong Government's work force can handle. Let say a project last three years, with the overlapping, the government work force need to handle 3 times its target units. ( if 85,000, it would be 255,000 units or 966 blocks on any given year.) 

To me, the government builds 25000 units/per units would be more than sufficient.

15. ABC 2012-03-29 13:27:59
To 13
"who dont want power' True!
But I think people should not be in power just for power sake. A good leader in politic  should truly believe that  he/she are in power to make a difference for the betterment of the majority of the people.
16. ABC 2012-03-29 13:33:00
to 14
Are you sure that Tung's was going to build 85,000 public unit per year? i dont think so.
17. ABC 2012-03-29 13:44:25
to 14
I am sorry, you are correct, but the 85,000 included private and public.
18. Simple math 2012-03-29 13:48:33


It was the information of most people received. In addition, CY said the 85000 unit per year was a good policy If Mr. Tung carried on with his 85000 per year, we would not have the so-called buble today , but we are all dead.

19. ABC 2012-03-29 14:00:28
Sorry guys, I admit my ignorance. I thought the 85000( public +private) was for his term of office. no wondered the price kept on falling when I was buying. LoL
My  apologies!

20. ABC 2012-03-29 14:05:42
It should be better if they dont give out a figure of 85,000.
Al they need to announce is the government will build up our land bank and housing units to regulate the market when it get out of control on both side ( Up and down)

21. Hongkong People 2012-03-29 14:30:05
To Simple Math,

I like your wordings, "we would not have the so-called buble today , but we are all dead."  That's so very true.
22. Hongkong People 2012-03-29 15:13:47

Yes, it was so stupid that Tung Administration flagged out "85,000" so strongly that ate up all recovery momentum of the property market.  Even after Tung admitted the dead of "85,000", their action sometimes indicated that "85,000" was still there.

Sometimes the market will react upon the stance of the govn't, even no serious action taken.  So, it is very important for the policy makers to correctly manipulate the market expectation....it is not an easy job but person in power should try to do that.
23. 真相 2012-03-29 15:21:11

"Sometimes the market will react upon the stance of the govn't, even no serious action taken.  So, it is very important for the policy makers to correctly manipulate the market expectation....it is not an easy job but person in power should try to do that."

Agree! Very true!
24. 識時務者轉軚後,要幫手推廿三條? 2012-03-29 17:35:01
湯博士都話「良禽擇木而棲,賢臣擇主而事」 CY是良木,明主嗎?道不同不相為謀,遑論效忠。
25. 蕭鳴 2012-03-29 18:54:38








26. 那些年 2012-03-29 20:06:15



27. 何須寫幾日文章? 2012-03-29 20:53:43



28. fully, strongly, total and completely agree (7) 2012-03-29 20:57:48
see above
29. mini 2012-03-29 22:27:48

No Matter What Central Leaders Frequently Said To Us As Below :

Think What People Think !

Listern What You Said & Watch What You Act !

Request Citizens To Tell The Truth !

All of these were meaningless to 7.07 Million citizens ! 2012 CE Election was completed , but it was under a strong interference in 1200 qualified voters...

325 was a good day ! We are not interested in any Chinese History, Chinese Literature, Chinese Museum, ABC, etc. We Love To Be Hongkongers !

Because Mr Li Dream Red together with former Education Minister worked as a Dream Pair during the Election. They  let us know how to destroy the fairness and the rules for 1200 qualified voters. We are so frustrated about Chinese Poets & Scholars such as Li WHITE or Li BLACK,  Confucius, may be Japanese or Korean ! Even these great persons did not exist in China ! Confucius was not from Shandong Province, he might be from Mars !

One Sentence: Liars are Liars !

Having said that, Liberty Party & Pan-democratic Party should cooperate each other for the best benefit for HK & our country.

30. mini 2012-03-29 22:30:03

85000 Units were Excellent Plan, Many Citizens Could Buy More Flats !

Probably saying, it is the Best of the Best in the World !

31. CY 2012-03-29 22:40:54
Calm!Calm!Calm! TT lose already! Angry no use!

32. ABC 2012-03-29 22:51:35
But still i truly believe the good intention of Tung's. Too bad  & sad that he miscaculated & over  estimated the needs of the masses. Well......the buck stop with him and he have to bite the bullet!
However, I still believe the Asian financial crisis and SARs  contributed to at least 1/3- 1/2 of the drop in properties price (1997-2003)
Beside, should we expected an class of asset that would forever go up but not down?

33. ABC 2012-03-29 23:08:04
Could anyone kindly give me the detail breakdown of 85,000?
As i guesstimated 20,000-23,000 was build by the private sectors, the government was already building another 20,000 odds on or before 1997?  so the extra is around 40,000-45,000?
We need the detail breakdown to put fore our point of view!

34. mini 2012-03-29 23:09:18

During the CE Election, two important points were observed :

1. Admission tickets required for approved candidates; and

2. Announcements of group of votes from HK Federation of Trade Unions & DAB which gave strong signals for change.

CY apparently won the election, our country actually lost the reputation. It shows us how the rulemakers have become rulebreakers !

How to get back Taiwan to China ? (i.e. ABC)

How to let our Education Minister to teach Chinese History and /or Chinese Literature in future ?   Li White was Li BLACK !

How to educate the Next Generation ?

How to do businesses with overseas people without Trust or using our RMB ?

How to implement the policies in compliance with Laws ?

The following route map can tell us the Hopeless Life in HK Future : -

To Tell The Truth = 7.07 Million Citizens Listen What You Said, Watch What You Really Act=

Value Exchanges or Latent Benefits Transfer or Off-shore Exchanges = Laws Freeze or Stay Away With Laws or Where is Department of Justice ? = Corruption , Corruption, and Corruption = Continuous Interferences = 150-Year Foundations Eroded & Management Systems Failure = Back To One Party Talk = One Voice, One Voice Recording Machine & One Answering Machine = One Dream = You CANNOT expect the True Liar(s) to tell the truth anymore !

No matter what you said, the Liberty Party makes senses in line with the Public Opinion.

325 Election has finally become a real part of HK History.

35. mini 2012-03-29 23:15:15
As Hongkongers, We are proud of ICAC !
36. CY 2012-03-29 23:18:06
Calm!Calm!Calm! TT lose already! Angry no use!

37. ABC 2012-03-29 23:30:41
TT & CY election seem like a reflection on the polarization in our society. So sad.

38. CC 2012-03-29 23:49:31
39. 酒香 2012-03-30 00:14:01
40. Hongkong People 2012-03-30 00:39:23

No one will doubt Mr. Tung's good intention.  Though everyday I blamed 85,000, I also agree that Mr. Tung is very kind-hearted.  And he was best boss ever....remembered during his tenure of CE, one of his subordinate had did something wrong and he tried to protect him all the way.   I also wanted a boss like him and surely I will be loyal to a boss like him.  

But....kind-hearted is not good enough to be a CE and sometimes is bad character for a leader.  I would rather have a smart CE yet had an indifferent attitude.  As long as he can do good to HK, I am ok with his indifferent attitude.  

Regarding the fall of property market, Asian Crisis was the trigger point, 85,000 and govn't action worsened the case, SARS only accounted for another 10% drop.  You know why I am so sure about the SARS effect??  Because I bought a property in end 2002 and I closely monitor the property market and bought another one after SARS.
41. Hongkong People 2012-03-30 00:50:04
Add one more point.  Why do I blame 85,000 so hard?? Because here in HK, no one could control over Asian Crisis and the attack of SARS.  But 85,000 was invented and implemented by our own govn't and their action were confusing and ambiguous even after they announced the dead of 85,000.  And this dragged further down by 30% with the stupid 85,000 and govn't action.  
To me, this was man-made disaster and unacceptable.  My humble request on our govn't at that time was "if you couldn't help, don't mess it further, please."
42. 仲達 2012-03-30 01:04:32



43. ABC 2012-03-30 01:34:13
To 40
I already knew you would bring fore the point that just being kind is not good enough to be a good CE, to some extend that's true, but without the kindness personality trait  the candidate should not be a CE at all, and sometime a good leader is not just to implement policies that would please the masses, but for the long term benefit of society as a whole, and yeah, you can say that in the long term we are all dead. LoL. But then, why not? if our future generation can leap the benefit.
We cannot really discuss in a level plain field without those facts n figures and the statistics, from my guesstimate property prices dropped at least 20% from around mid 2002 till SARS end.
So is DT's a good leader? just because during his era of governing the rich got richer?  & the economy seem booming?.... It's not easy to measure 'goodness' with a yardstick. Anyways, Tung's  term was cut short and never have a chance to prove his policies.  and apparently  the economy had recovered a great deal already before he quit.

44. ABC 2012-03-30 01:40:16
To 41
For me the cancellation of 85,000 was clearer then clear. I think it was announced by Tung's himself or a high level official. I dont know why u found the cancellation confusing and ambiguous.
45. ABC 2012-03-30 01:45:08
Do u think Tung's would retract his cancellation of 85,000 after he announced it in  public on TV?  If he retract he deserve to get fired. 
46. ABC 2012-03-30 01:55:24
Why the Chinese government adamantly cramping down on property prices?  Even with the risk of having a hard landing. Just because they want to practice communism ? I dont think so. 
47. ABC 2012-03-30 02:02:30
To 41
You are the beneficiary of Tung's 85,000 policy. Why are u complaining? LoL
just kidding la.

48. 路人甲 2012-03-30 10:39:23
一次不忠,百次不用, 轉軚遲了.
49. 向饭民说不 2012-03-30 10:48:09



50. Simple math 2012-03-30 11:26:54

85,000, TT supporters, CY supporters .....etc.,

Let put it aside now, let by-gone be by-gone. We have to look into the future and the welfare of Hong Kong. We just want to give some opinion and hope bad history does not repeat. (as much).

In an article of 經濟日報by 唐榮 quoted the Hongkong Housing Department estimated the need of all housing would be 190,000 for 5 years ( 38,000/ year) This is co-inside with my simple math.

From 真相 fiqures, the supply of housing unit from private section for year 2003 to now were only around 10,000 units/year. This are far below the planned unit of 20,000 plus unit.

Again supply and demand logic, the supply is consistently insufficient in the private sector, but we have great demand from new family and mainlander who are not qualified for public housing ( some exceptions). One thing that the government need to do is to sure that the supple of private sector reach 20,000 units / year for imposing restriction and/or incentive to the 4 big developer, or increase the number of small developer.

51. 兄弟 2012-03-30 11:31:02
原本是的兄弟朋友, 應該不忠二五仔, 能說人.
52. Hongkong People 2012-03-30 11:51:03

I think I have explained myself clear regarding your questions.  If you can't get it, guess you'll never get it.  So ah...guess you need to excuse me from stopping explaining myself.  It just make me feel so stupid....I think I have better things to do....

If you are interested in finding those answers, you can go back to my earlier postings to get yourself.  If you still don't get it, let's just forget it and move on....
53. ABC 2012-03-30 12:14:18
We need the facts and statistics. If the statistics proof me wrong, I would be glad to admit it.

54. 負家產 2012-03-30 12:45:40




55. ABC 2012-03-30 13:39:40
Probably , 「良禽擇木而棲」 & 'die hard loyalty'  are both noble virtue. It is a personal choice. 
56. 70後 2012-03-31 00:11:42
57. See Why!! 2012-03-31 09:40:47


58. See Why!! 2012-03-31 09:56:20