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1. 70後 2011-07-06 10:46:32
獵人帶獵狗上山打獵, 但不幸跌落山坡, 獵人腳斷了, 當他們把食物色完後, 獵人開始將斷足給獵狗充飢, 當獵犬食完後, 兇性已被引發, 最後連主人也食了!  始終畜牲冇性, 誘發牠的兇性, 只會反噬自己, 養狼狗,au心口!   
2. DT 2011-07-06 11:02:24


Most of buyers will not sell their property within 2 years because of this premium cost. The supply is decreasing, in resulting the property price surges.  This is an unintended consequences by the visible hand of the Government.  Afterwards, the Government thinks it doesn't work, relaunching the OHS to the market. The phenomenon is to trigger some property profit taking because some owners bought the houses for over 5 years, some bought for 25 years.  It generates a hundred or thousand millionaires in a very short period in Hong Kong. 

What is this chain reaction?  It may trigger more property owners to take profit by selling the property even at a discount.  The buyers may hestitate to buy because fear of the price will fall down further.  A free fall will be happened in the middle property sector because most of the owners belong to middle class level.  A very strong temptation is selling a house will become a millionaire.  

How about the luxury property sector?  There are still buyers in the market and the developers remain a pretty good price.  Temporarily, it remains calm.  Calm before the storm? Hope it is calm after the storm.

Horrible! This visible hand!

3. 居屋唔係政府想起 2011-07-06 13:29:43

2 樓: 係呀阿爺叫先話"會起", 當奴曾同你斑地主一樣都係見利忘義既人,

只係想問博士一個問題: 唔管銀行, 唔管樓市, 改為監管你地斑地產佬每年代理物業既數量好唔好?

4. DT 2011-07-06 14:39:25

The HK Housing Authority issued a memorandum, paper HA57/2001 in which telling the following facts.

On 3 September 2001, the Chief Secretary for Administration delivered a "Statement on Housing" setting out Government's assessment of the present state of the housing market and how it intended to deal with the problem of over supply and an apparent overlap between the target group of HOS and that of the private residential market.


Since 1978, 300,000 families became the owners undder HOS or PSPS. However, the Asian Financial turmoil started, the private residential market was close to a 11-year low in terms of transaction volume.  The overlap between HOS and private residential market began an issue, of course it jeopardised the margin of property developers. 


The HA is insensitive to market conditions when determining the HOS income and asset limits was therefore not valid. As a result, HOS overhauled. Why, because there are two key variables, property price and interest rate that the Government didn't fully aware how it works.


This visible hand didn't understand fully how the free market runs.  When the economy recovers, all are suffering because the property price surges.

This is an unintended consequences.  Do we like to see this awful thing happening again?

5. 數字遊戲 2011-07-06 19:53:11

樓房價值只不過是一個参考, 樓價大跌也不是你一個人的事情, 一天你還是住在自己的房產.樓價升跌對我們來說是沒意義的. 一天當你發現一個飽包需要一千大元的時候, 你的房產價值一千萬也徒然...

那管政府出手與否, 還是筆者一句, "世事如此,大家亦毋須介懷,只要依自己的能力置業便可以"

兒子問:[ 何以十幾噸鋼筋水泥如斯值錢? ]

父親 :[ .................... ]

6. 向泛民說不。 2011-07-06 21:07:07

3樓, 泛民才是見利忘義既人,這批人只會以犧牲中產的利益來換取選票。




7. HK 2011-07-06 21:44:50
“雲兄”講得好:泛民班渣滓,乜嘢祟尚自由, 享受自由, 歌頌自由. 但在房子問題上, 卻不愿承擔自由的後果. 是輸打贏要。。,
8. 70後 2011-07-07 00:50:20
9. 需求遠遠大於供應 2011-07-07 08:48:23

就 算有充足土地供應(唔可能),根本全港市民一齊做擔泥扎鐵都唔能夠滿足大陸13億人的市場需求,他們目的都係要將錢搬離大陸(因為個個都驚共產黨),搬到 香港就最方便,所以買樓就最好,起碼來到香港可以不用住酒店訂房咁麻煩。睇睇成交,有唔少大陸豪客係買多過一間,有些係買十數間作長線收租,香港地地產才 是最有錢途。香港豪宅供應短缺,根本就可以肯定起豪宅係賺硬,發展商自然全部樓盤都會豪宅化,唔憂賣,幾萬蚊呎都係濕濕碎。

大陸豪客好多都係full pay,根本就唔需借貸,始終供應都冇可能滿足13億人市場的強大需求,所以消化完這些政策後,樓價又會大幅上升。商廈商舖供應更為短缺,受自由行帶動,零售暢旺,
10. 需求vs供應 2011-07-07 09:50:37
回9樓: 富起來就一定全部想買香港樓?咩邏輯?咁美國70%既人富起來(即係超過2億人),係咪全部一齊買紐約樓?你真係覺得全中國只得一個發達城市?論發展機 會、創意、經濟潛力、空間、甚至綠化等,中國好多城市比香港優秀,發展機會高加上生活指數較低,好多你所講既大陸富戶根本唔會考慮來香港。當然,香港係有 佢吸引之處,但事實就係上年內地人買香港樓都唔超過總成交10%...

講多個數據你聽:現在香港樓宇空置數目達21萬間,什麼需求遠遠大於供應根本就係Bull Shit! 同香港政府自小灌輸我地香港地少人多既假像一樣:香港有75%土地仍未發展,除40%郊野公園外仍有35%,即係仲有多於已發展地區既一倍土地!夠香港發展多50年,到時一國兩制都早已完結...
11. 香港樓市死亡前的最後探戈 2011-07-07 12:53:45
講咁多做乜, 你地斑死地主同地產佬比心機係度XXX啦, :p