1. 雲在青天水在瓶 2011-06-06 00:04:41 |
用國際貿易結算方式來比喻P按和H按, 不妥! 再者, 有幾個地產代理懂得什麼是L/C, 什麼是D/P, D/A? 對銀行來講,拆息按揭實際上是用短期資金用於長期放貸。在資金充裕時,始終可以拆借補漏,問題不大。但一旦資金流走,銀行就會陷入流動性短缺,解決的唯一辦法就是高息拆借或吸存。通常出現這種情況時,間間銀行為自保,均不會借錢出來。那麼,頂不住的銀行就會陷入危機,其他銀行也會受牽連而令金融系統不穩。 這樣解釋更容易令人理解, 冇必要轉個大彎去 "背對背"。還有, "信用狀" 是台灣的叫法, 面對13億人的市場, 香港跟隨大陸使用 "信用證" 會好一些。 |
2. e_kam 2011-06-08 22:34:11 |
You have a wrong assumption about the $ lent out to by H plan were not coming from bank deposit base but rather the bank is borrowing the $ from another bank using H rate. I don't think this is true. When saving deposit rate is 0.01%, H + 2% mortgage rate is a very profitable business.
If H rate is > than P by a significant amount, HK MA will need to come out and do something about it. For example, use the discount window to provide liquidity to the market. Otherwise, big speculator will use your "theory" above to attack our banking system in HK. In theory, HK hibor rate is generally about 50points above US Fed rate as HKD is peg to USD.
as far as I know, this condition does not exist unless the mortgagee failed to pay the mortgage payment for a while. "銀行當然有它的如意算盤,當世界經濟形勢一轉壞,香港拆息扯高,銀行便會根據按揭貸款條文,要求客戶即時清還貸款,在銀行與客戶之間數次商談結果,就算客戶毋須即時清還銀行貸款,但最低限度,利息封頂的條文亦會被要求取消。"
3. To #2 2011-07-13 04:25:39 |
The fact is, banks are raising H-plan rates to over 2% (say, H+2% seen these days), higher than the U.S. FED rate by over 100 b.p., and this may be due to general locally-made loan quality falls (i.e. credit default risk surges), the the widening gap can be deemed as a risk premium. Two possible reasons: local property market might have been over-bought and SMEs etc. from and with credit problems in mainland are draining funds away from banks here. |