This morning a colleague told me they were there for animal rights. I hope they understand that even their intention was noble and innocent, their actions were used as a political weapon.
I actually think "轉寄來自移居美國的陳耀華教授夫人陳淑安女士" is a fake article written with the intention to fan flames. I will not forward it myself.
But on the other hand please think about your actions yesterday. Yes your intentions are noble and just and you certainly have the right to express your views. But do you realize that your attendance yesterday was 騎刧'ed by Pan Democratic and Occupy Central groups, who doesn't care about you at all? In fact ultimately they support what you are against, to take your 辛辛苦苦揾返黎既生活費度攞錢去養班不事生產既人??
You may be referring to 議員 as 不事生產既人. But what about the hundreds of thousands of people who are taking government subsidies? Are they not 不事生產既人? Do you think your actions yesterday promote these kinds of activities?
From your writing I assume you hold a job and work very hard and contribute to society. Good for you and please keep this up. As far as paying taxes and 養班不事生產既人? Please realize that every government and every city has freeloaders whom you cannot avoid. But HK is still the lowest taxed city in the world and there are plenty of opportunities for people like you. You just have to work hard, work smart, be creative and persistent. These political leaders does not care about people like you. Please don't let them use you as a political weapon!
32. To: 30/F 2014-07-02 13:17:45
I fully support 斬 CY Leung and 泛民議員 immediately, they only create trouble and problems to Hong Kong and no contribution at all!
Yes. I agree with you that those Pan Deom. are really rubbish. I hate them totally. Those guys are ensouring people, especially teens to get "JetSo" from the government, from our pockets. At the same time making HK as mess as possible and creating chances for themselve. 不事生產既人means those hundreds of thousands of people who are taking government subsidies! of course also those 議員. I hate Lee Chek Yan very much! I hate Long Hair very much!! So I think I have the similar stand as you. But besides those fucking(sorry that i say this word) 議員. Who i hate the most is CY. I have many friends are similar to me, starting to contribute the society, have little saving, staring to creat our own families. But the fucking(sorry again) CY stop all the chains! what we are doing is just working for the tax (even you say t is very low) and then contribute to those non working people. What will we have?? Nothing! not even a chance/hope to improve our own living standard! That's why i went on the street and let him know i dont like him.
Yes, you are right. Maybe when i was walking on the street. I was being used. But what can i do? The representative from this forum does not establish yet. Dr Tong not yet speaking for us. Can you suggest any ways for me to express my anger to this CheatEO?? Sorry i dont mean to agrue with you, i just express my own anger to this government only. Hope you will not mis-understand with this.
i like this forum, i spend a lot of time to learn here. But after those BSD DSD SSD, especially the restriction of the loan amount from Bank. I find that people like my situation is hopeless. Unlike you guys, you have a lot of bullets so you just need to wait for the chance. See what we have? nothing, my dad was just a worker. Who can i seek help?
Anyway, thank you for your reply to my post. hope can keep communicating! have a nice day!
I agree with Dr.'s comment about 鍾教授, who is an academic and suppose to be very serious on his work. It is not appropriate to say "大家無謂在數字上爭拗". Being an academic who involves deeply on the study of local public opinion, he needs to be neutral and spend his time on data analysis.
By the way, #31 Alan Pepper, your comment delighted me again. Thx.
你咁講就唔係啦~~湯生都無COMMENT過鐘教授,佢只係問"鍾教授,你說對不對。"之嘛~ (純粹搞爛Gag,唔好放係心度~ Have a nice day!!)
48. Alan Pepper2014-07-02 17:15:58
To: 27. 80後打工仔, brothers and sisters, and Dr. Tong...
I think there are a lot of hard working people like you in HK. Actually I still believe it is the majority, unfortunately this majority does not have a good channel to voice out our opinions. Like you. Some may have joined the demonstration yesterday without choice and let the political hypocrites use them as weapons. Yes, I have my opinions and reserves about the current government, but I STRONGLY DETEST the current Pan-Democratic and Occupy Central parties. Your action matter and yesterday's demonstration clearly and unintentially put you in the position of the Pan-Democratic parties. You did not have a choice.
A wise man once thought me that only concern yourself with things you can control. If you cannot control it, maneuver around it. That does not mean you don't care about what's happening in the world and you don't contribute to society. Working hard, working SMART, be creative and persistent, make a good life of yourself, that is the best contribution one can do in this world! With your attitude I believe and wish you will succeed!
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. If you are one of the above, good for you. If you are not. That does not mean we cannot contribute to society our own small way. Just know that if you become successful you will have the opportunity to give back to the society.
The Pan-democratic and Occupy Central parties CERTAINLY ARE NOT contributing to the society in any way, in fact I believe they have evil intentions and wish to destroy the current infrastructure for their own selfish benefits. Please do NOT give them your unintentional and 純潔的 support! I know you have anger and wish to release it, but please THINK AGAIN before you join any demonstration. THINK if you are contributing to the problems or fixing them? THINK who you are actually supporting in your actions.
Yes, I also have stake in HK, but my stake only prosper with a prosperous HK, not a damaged one. I'm sure this is the same for all of us.
其實,七一遊行呢樣嘢,已經失去哂佢為市民發聲嘅作用。正如有啲人買旗,睇都唔睇下邊個機構,總之買咗旗就當喺做咗善事。你對社會有咩不滿,就走去參加七一遊行,以為咁就代表發咗聲;原來你發嘅聲,根本冇人聽到;你嘅出現,只喺為大會設定嘅主題,加添一個造勢嘅人數,而你又唔一定支持或者完全支持大會果個主題喎,既然喺咁,點解仲要去俾人利用?我响呢度曾經多次狠批庸梁,喺人都知我好唔妥佢,仲好想佢落台添,不過我都唔去遊行,點解?我唔 LIKE 庸梁啫,但喺冇話支持公民提名,更加唔會支持佔中喎,點解要順便屈埋我呢啲嘢?
今日,睇呢度嘅留言,見到好多人都唔喺幾開心。我想同大家講,情況,唔喺各位諗咁差嘅!本來想搵啲嘢俾大家輕鬆一下,但喺又搵唔到喎,咁就搬番 HAPPY GUY 果段片出嚟啦: