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1. 採用馬英九表現 2014-04-02 09:17:58



2. 亮劍-----閉關政策的惡果 2014-04-02 09:29:16

  十八世紀下半葉, 清朝經歷「康乾盛世」後, 到了乾隆晚年, 由盛轉衰。

  由於皇室揮霍無度, 軍事廢弛, 吏治敗壞,。 由於盛世時人口劇增, 因此在土地兼併日甚的情況下, 失業失耕的情況日趨嚴重。 政治腐敗、民生凋敝, 令漢人反清情緒高漲, 民變迭起, 動搖了滿清的統治。



  清初厲行海禁, 至康熙二十三年(1684年)弛禁, 但仍限制中外海上貿易。 到乾隆二十二年(1757年)又全面推行閉關政策。

  當時因工業革命迅速發展的歐洲國家, 開始積極地在中國開拓市?, 而清政府尚囿於自給自足的觀念, 以為對外貿易, 實無必要, 對世界形勢的發展一無所知。

  由於來華之歐人到處滋生事端, 清政府在對外關係上甚具戒心, 不但對通商事務加強控制, 對教士東來傳教, 嚴令禁止。 為有效防制外人, 只許廣州一處對外通商, 並設置 "公行" 來批查。 英國多次派使商談, 欲加改善, 但均告失敗。


  清政府的閉關自守政策, 孤立於正在興起的工業革命世界之外。 這種政策使中國和先進的西方國家的差距越來越大, 且夜郎自大的氣焰卻有增無減, 終於引起中外之間日益頻繁的磨擦和衝突。

  中國由先進變為落後, 最後因落後而捱打, 受到了歷史的懲罰。

3. k仔 2014-04-02 09:43:57
大陸 cut 香港回鄉証,並要香港人上大陸每次要申請簽証,未使去到 cut 水 cut 糧,香港經濟都可以死得,果班驅蝗人士先係蛙米大蟲,有破壞冇建設
4. 我有人養,吹呀! 2014-04-02 10:00:46



5. 台灣反服貿是藍綠之爭 2014-04-02 10:06:35

反服貿的兩位學生領袖, 是蔡英文所創立的民進黨青年團的骨幹成員. 同香港的泛民一樣, 一切為反而反. 無論給他們什麼回應, 他們都只會反反反.

學生理想主義容易被利用. 當然, 大陸絕對係想用經濟誘因去慢慢吞掉台灣, 但這過程會是漫長和相對和平的, 到時大陸的政治環境是否有變亦未可知.

以前亞洲四小龍, 香港和台灣排前二. 今天, 香港因為政治爭拗而停步不前. 而台灣, 人工比香港平一半以上. 電子產業基本上都跑到大陸了, 還拿什麼跟人併?

以前我經常要到台北和新竹公幹, 那裡的5星酒店, 很多都殘殘舊舊幾十年沒有翻新的樣子. 市面的一般建築更不用說了.

可能台灣人比較有"文化"吧, 追求心靈多於銅臭. 可是, 這個世界是講求實力的, 弱國無外交已不用多說. 沒有經濟實力的台灣, 無錢交保護費, 只會更容易讓人吞掉.




6. 引刀一快 2014-04-02 11:48:57
7. 引刀一快 2014-04-02 12:29:29
8. 金城之友 2014-04-02 14:02:00
9. to 8 2014-04-02 14:25:21
尋日陶醉哥都有講過, 供得起自住冇問題. 我的看法是, 負家產對人的最大威力, 是那種如墮入深淵不見天日的無形壓力, 自我感覺唔會良好. 加上資訊不對稱, 買貴左又輸在起跑綫, 一般小家庭不是識得長期鑽研下哩類 blog 嘅, (借九城)靠父母科一成首期份工又唔穩陣果時就傻更更蝕價賣甩自住樓, 諸如此類. 正苦免補地價, 結果地價補左俾上手業主...
10. 引刀一快 2014-04-02 17:51:08
11. 胖虎 2014-04-02 19:31:15
今日笑爆咀無出來,好悶!  >_<

12. 法子 2014-04-02 20:24:00




13. middle middle class 2014-04-03 13:10:47
To 法子, "馬英九是政治家,而梁振英只是政治抽水員".  You are just too kind to CY.  Indeed, I believe 馬英九 is a leader, while CY is an actor and our Legco members are 政治抽水員.
14. mini 2014-04-04 19:23:55
YouTube OOCL Seawise Giant World Longest Supertanker 1979


The Seawise Giant was a 564,763 ton super super-tanker. She was the longest and largest man-made creation on the sea — recalls the erection over 2,000 years earlier of the Great Wall of China — longest and largest man-made creation on the land. Tow wonders of the old and new worlds: the Great Wall, relentlessly forging its way up and down mountain ramparts for 3107 miles on its interminable vigil of guarding an ancient land; the Seawise Giant, sailing ever onward in her vital role of carrying oil across the endless sea.

15. mini 2014-04-04 19:39:57

Watch How C.Y.Tung's done a lot of remarkable achievements, contributions and continuous investments & sacrifices made by their family memebers to Hong Kong, China... Just one word: " Less Talk More Work "

So, Business is Business... Don't Blame Businessman in HK !

YouTube MegaStructures - Megaship, OOCL Atlanta (National Geographic Documentary)

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MegaStructures - Megaship, OOCL Atlanta (National Geographic Documentary)
MegaStructures - Megaship, OOCL Atlanta

16. mini 2014-04-04 19:54:48

Another Hongkong Businessman made a great achievement for HK, China...

Right now, citizens can experience the world's expensive shopping zones at Causeway Bay,HK Island and at Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon...

Yue-Kong Pao

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pao Yue-Kong 包玉剛
Born(1918-11-10)10 November 1918
Zhenhai, Ningpo, Chekiang, China
Died23 September 1991(1991-09-23) (aged 72)
Hong Kong
OccupationFounder, World-Wide Shipping Group
Net worth>11.5 billion HKD (1990)[1]
Spouse(s)Pao Sue-ing
AwardsKnight Bachelor (1978)[2][3]
CBE (1976)[4]

Sir Yue-Kong Pao CBE, JP (Chinese: 包玉剛; pinyin: Bāo Yùgāng), often referred to as "Sir Y.K. Pao" or just "Y.K.", was the founder of Hong Kong's World-Wide Shipping Group which in the 20 years from purchasing its first second-hand ship in 1955 became by far the largest shipping company in the world with over 20 million metric tons deadweight (DWT). Astutely anticipating the seriousness of the shipping downturn starting in the late 1970s he drastically reduced his fleet and was able to pay off associated debt and raise cash to diversify his interests notably through the purchase of a controlling stake in The Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company Limited (now known as Wharf (Holdings)) and later Wheelock Marden giving an exposure to Hong Kong real estate, shipping terminals, retail, ferries and trams. He was noted for his unmatched access to leaders in both the commercial and political arenas and was equally at ease with Western political leaders and the Chinese leadership in the run up to Hong Kong's ceasing to be a British colony in 1997 (for example Margaret Thatcher wrote the foreword to his biography published in 1990 and he was appointed a Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee planning Hong Kong's constitution after 1997). He was also a generous philanthropist notably in educational projects (helping set up universities, libraries and scholarship schemes). He died in 1991 but his corporate legacy continues to be controlled and run by his family.

17. mini 2014-04-05 14:41:41
The world's most expensive shopping zone is in HK Island...It is so fabulous !
18. mini 2014-04-10 19:54:25

Largest port operators[edit]

This is a list of the world's largest port operators in terms of total cargo tonnage handled.

Dubai Ports World was the 6th largest port operator before acquiring than 4th-placed Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company in 2006.

Source wikipedia- This page was last modified on 6 March 2013 at 21:39
19. mini 2014-04-10 20:07:43

We cannot obtain a world-class service without giving a minimal costs for keeping talents for the global developments, designs, installations, operations including preventative maintenace & corrective measures for people riding on the MTR around the world...

YouTube The World's Top 15 Most Best Metro Rail Systems


The World's Top 15 Most Best Metro Rail Systems
In a major breather for the five million people of Pune, the Maharashtra government has given the green signal for the state's second Metro rail project after Mumbai here, a top official said. Here's a look at the world's 30 best metro stations


The Underground system is also colloquially called the Tube. As commonly used today both by Londoners and in most official publicity, this term embraces the entire system

As of 2011, the Moscow Metro has 185 stations and its route length is 305.7 kilometres (190.0 mi). The system is mostly underground, with the deepest section 84 metres (276 ft) below ground at the Park Pobedy station. The Moscow Metro is the world's second most heavily used rapid transit system after Tokyo's twin subway

Tokyo Metro trains are severely crowded during peak periods. During the morning peak period, platform attendants (oshiya) are sometimes needed to push riders and their belongings into train cars so that the doors can close. On some Tokyo Metro lines, the first or last car of a train is reserved for women during peak hours.

With more than 8 million passengers per day, Seoul has one of the busiest subway systems in the world.

Each station within the Mexico City subway is identified by a minimalist logo related to the name of the station or the area around it. This is because, at the time of the first line's opening, the illiteracy rate was extremely high, so people found it easier to guide themselves with a system based on colors and visual signs.
New York City

Many stations are decorated with intricate ceramic tile work, some of it dating back to 1904 when the subway first opened. The subway tile artwork tradition continues today.

The "Arts for Transit" program oversees art in the subway system. Permanent installations, such as sculpture, mosaics, and murals; photographs displayed in lightboxes encourage people to use mass transit.

Since the Métro was built to comprehensively serve the city inside its walls the stations are very close: 548 metres apart on average, ranging down to 424 m on line 4] and up to one kilometre on the newer line 14, meaning Paris is heavily pockmarked with stations.
Osaka Municipal Subway is the metro network in the city of Osaka, Japan, forming an integral part of the extensive mass transit system of Greater Osaka (Kansai region), having 125 out of the 1,108 rail stations (2007) in the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto region. In 2010 the greater Osaka region had 13 million rail passengers daily (see Transport in Keihanshin) of which the Osaka subway accounts for 2.29 million.
Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is the rapid transit railway system in Hong Kong. Originally opened in 1979, the system now includes 11.6 km (131.5 mi) of rail with 155 stations, including 86 railway stations and 69 light rail stops. The MTR system is currently operated by MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL).
St. Petersburg

20. mini 2014-04-10 20:15:54
21. mini 2014-04-11 19:48:17

See why British Government can accept HK Businessman to invest in the UK...

It reflects the British are pretty confident of their legal systems...

It shows how the Superman fully utilises his human resources  management on his global business under so many types of uncertainties and risks in the world ! 

Hongkonger should be proud of that. It is because your kids can have more chances to work abroad if the requirements are justified...

Port of Felixstowe

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Landguard Terminal in the foreground with Trinity Terminal in the background

The Port of Felixstowe, in Felixstowe, Suffolk is the United Kingdom's busiest container port,[1] dealing with over 40% of Britain's containerised trade.[2] In 2011, it was ranked as the 35th busiest container port in the world and Europe's sixth busiest. The port handled 3.74 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) of traffic in 2011.[1]

The port is operated by the Felixstowe Dock and Railway Company which was set up under an Act of Parliament, the Felixstowe Railway and Pier Act 1875 and so, is one of the few limited companies in the UK that do not have the word "Limited" in their name.[3] Much of the land on which it sits is owned by Trinity College, Cambridge which in the 1930s bought some land near Felixstowe which included a dock which was too small to be included in the National Dock Labour Scheme.

In 1967, it set up Britain's first container terminal. The dock was developed into Britain's largest container port. In terms of freight volumes, Felixstowe is Britain's largest port handling 42% of Britain's container trade.[4]

Felixstowe is owned by Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group. The port has always been privately owned. In 1951, Gordon Parker, an agricultural merchant, bought the Felixstowe Dock & Railway Company, which at the time was handling only grain and coal.[citation needed] In 1976, Felixstowe was bought by European Ferries. In June 1991, P&O sold Felixstowe to Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong for £90m. In June 1994, Hutchison Whampoa's Hutchison International Port Holdings bought out Orient Overseas International's 25% stake in Felixstowe for £50m.[citation needed]

The port has its own Port of Felixstowe Police, fire, and ambulance services.

22. mini 2014-04-11 19:57:45

World’s largest container ships call at Port of Britain

15th October 2013

The Port of Felixstowe has handled four of the world’s largest container ships in 24 hours and become the first port in the UK to handle an 18,000 TEU vessel...

23. mini 2014-04-11 20:06:01

Watch How The World's Largest Container Ship Built In Asia :

YouTube Discovery: World's Biggest Ship


Find out more about the Triple-E series of ships here: www.worldslargestship.com
The team at Discovery follows the construction of the world's largest ever container ship as they push engineering boundaries to deliver the first Triple-E on time. This exciting preview gives a glimpse into the series.

24. mini 2014-04-11 20:18:00

For quick reference only, we cannot see the most energy efficient building, lists of consumptions ,   cost effectiveness, design lifecycle, etc...

From Wikipedia

Alternative measurements

Height to roof

Some prefer height to roof to determine tallest building in the world, as "architectural feature" is regarded as a subjective and less-fair measure. In November 2009, the CTBUH stopped using the roof height as a method of measurement for tall buildings.[27]

RankBuildingCityCountryHeight (m)Height (ft)FloorsBuilt
1Burj KhalifaDubai UAE828.0 m2,717 ft1632010
2Abraj Al-Bait TowersMecca Saudi Arabia530.0 m1,740 ft1202012
3Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai China487.4 m1,599 ft1012008
4International Commerce CentreHong Kong Hong Kong484.0 m1,588 ft1082010
5Taipei 101Taipei Taiwan449.2 m1,471 ft1012004
6Willis TowerChicago USA442.0 m1,451 ft1081974
7Kingkey 100Shenzhen China442 m1,449 ft1002011
8Guangzhou International Finance CenterGuangzhou China432.0 m1,417 ft1032009
9One World Trade CenterNew York City USA417.0 m1,368 ft1042013
10International Finance CentreHong Kong Hong Kong406.9 m1,335 ft882003
25. mini 2014-04-12 16:06:18

Watch What HK International Airport Done for HK...

YouTube World's Best Airports 2012 - Top 20 from Skytrax


This video presentation shows the final Global Airport Rankings in the World Airport Awards 2012 by Skytrax.

26. mini 2014-04-12 16:31:45

During the asian currencies crisis & bird flu happened in 1997/1998,

N.Y. Terror Attacks in 2001.911. & other related attacks in advanced countries,

SARS in 2003, Big Earthquakes in mainland & Global Fiancial Meltdown due to the U.S. in 2008, as well as Debt Crisis in Europe in 2010/2011

Huge Tsunami, Big Earthquakes & Nuclear Crisis in Japan in 2011.3.11.,

Hongkonger should be proud of CX, this airline keeps investing in HK and can stand firm & survive under so many attacks during the aforesaid period. That means CX has already proved to HK society what's the best british pilots & by using emergency plans for crisis management...

All these records show to the world, hongkongers can get businesses by Sea, by Land, and by Air on the basis of the legal systems of over 150 years, transparence, freedom of information around the world.  Never Sleep...

Note. Don't Forget : - The Crude Oil Prices hit the records at USD$140.. per barrel on/before the crisis !...