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1. My Property Partners 2013-12-29 09:17:15
同意,仲有最諷刺的是當樓價真的下跌兩、三成的時候,果 D 等等跌的人又唔會買樓,親身經歷過身邊朋友在 2003 及 2008 年的時候有以上行為。
2. 是一位奸的成年人 2013-12-29 09:57:29


梁振英 沒有好好學習毛澤東語錄: 一萬年太久,只爭朝夕。.............毛澤東名言,警句,格言,語錄 : 一萬年太久,只爭朝夕。...................

3. Paul 飲杯咖啡,食個甜甜圈,懷緬過去一番 2013-12-29 11:00:54
Thank You Dr TONG. I read Dr Tong's message every day in the morning and sometime I will felt unhappy if the message was not publish early. I agree with you that the darkest hour is that before dawn. In fact, the policy is not for the sake of the benifit of the whole Hong Kong. If you look back after ten years later. The Government had driven into a wrong direction that very difficult to return even they know.
Your message in fact can alert the Government should carefully think about that most people purchase property within this 2-3 years were owner user and struggling for paying the bank installment.
I can hear many friends start worrying about the suddentlly drop of property price will turn their all like long accumulated money into a big debt. If the property price really droup 30%-40% like the Top Government officers or so call fanicial expert expect. I am sure those tragedy of suicide will be recurred just like the year of 2002-2003.
Dr. TONG's message is now the only support of those property owners to stand untill the dawn come. I hope the Government should always alert by Dr. TONG's message and we should bring this messge to the CE Mr LEUNG CHUN YING and the group of top government staffs every time they voice to enhance or maintain the 3D policy against property .
When the dawn come, will Dr. TONG's also invite all supporter including me to the dinner?
4. 堅守陣地就可以贏得時間/機會 2013-12-29 11:13:54


5. 備戰備荒為人民...... 2013-12-29 11:42:28
6. LIKE! 2013-12-29 11:49:34
Thank you Dr. Tong for the Sunday delight! Today's article and comments remind me the movie "Terminator" ... and that the "Terminator" being terminated in the end ... ; ) LOL
7. 無法適應高水位的恐懼??? 2013-12-29 12:14:35




2013年是等待年 2013-04-07 15:57:22



8. DEF 2013-12-29 12:41:57
9. 法子 2013-12-29 15:59:12

10. 其實是人權自由的問題 2013-12-29 19:16:19

樓市跟其他資本產業市場每天都有波動, 個市不是升就是跌無須政府管制, 資本主義就是要所有物品價格升到爆才可以跌到殘, 這樣環迴不息地延續落去, 香港有破產法例公平對代每一個香港市民。有人輸錢才有人賺到錢。直正的問題是根本上不需管的香港樓價政府走去無理用錯3D及緊按毒招去打壓市民, 結果是管制不到樓價升跌, 但就防外香港市民擁有物業及買賣轉換居所或投資的基本人權與自由, 這班高齡港官掌權多年還想拖至65歲才肯退休, 真的好心快些走吧, 不然每天香港市民都為他們祈禱希望天主早些請他們上天堂, 不過罪人可否上天堂?

11. mini 2014-01-13 19:54:10
Think about if the home prices/CCL indexes plunge into a certain level, the values of the property stocks of the world's largest developer of real estates, by market value, will go up or down, in view of land banks holding ?  How much their book values will drop ??