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1. 亮劍 2013-12-14 10:40:27


我估計阿婆應該唔會走去成立公司買樓自住,合理計她只係多付 3.75 % DSD 啫,而且呢一筆發展商可能幫手找數。

2. 非常時期已過一年 2013-12-14 10:54:12

記得BSD或DSD推出時(約一年前), 當時曾財爺說那些辣招是非常時期非常手段。但經過這一年香港都沒有什麼財經上或居住問題上可稱得上非常事發生。


3. fan 2013-12-14 11:48:53
4. 冷眼 2013-12-14 12:02:16
5. mini 2013-12-14 13:04:24

點解Milk Powder Formula開徵BSD,DSD & SSD !

We are all from moms !

6. Alan Pepper 2013-12-14 14:07:57
Landlords provide accessibility and mobility to flats. 
Recently the discussions have heated up between two sides concerning rent control and 3D. Rather than constructive discussions we are seeing a lot of cursing and complaining from both sides. I would like to try and calm down the hatred between the 2 with this post. 

First and foremost let me state my interest. I'm both a landlord and a tenant. I lease out flats for investment and rent commercial properties for business, there's also a mixture of commercial and residential properties in my investment. Compared to Dr. I'm only a tiny fraction of his enterprise. So I'm still trying to make a living myself. I agree to SSD but oppose to BSD and DSD. Because SSD deters a lot of unqualified individuals to make a quick buck who may adversely affect the market (I do admire their 勇氣 however) . I oppose to rent control in today's economy but if there's a feasible and cost effective way to rule out 租霸 and unreasonable landlords I will support it (this probably only happens in an utopian society) . 

Anyway, I want to discuss the role of landlords in an economy like Hong Kong. Instead of brandishing them as 奸商, I would like to in their defence present their contributions to the economy. Here's an over simplified calculation:

Let's say one city's government has land. And there's only 1 property developer, who has $100. The cost of building each flat is $100. It takes 1 year to build flats any number of flats. The rental of flats is $10 per year initially. This means in the first year the developer can build 1 flat and rent it out to 1 tenant. And it will be 10 years until the develop collects enough rent to build the 2nd flat. Another 10 years to build 2 more (total 4) flats. This is already been 20 years. 

Now let's say there are investors in this economy. Who has $120 each. And let's for argument sake  ignore supply and demand for a moment and pretend they line up to buy property year by year and prices stay the same.  That means in the first year. The developer will build a flat and will to sell to investor A, for $120 because he can gain $20 immediately. So in the second year,  the developer builds another flat and sells it for $120 again. In 5 years the developer should have $200 and can build 2 flats at a time. In 10 years 4 flats, and in the same 20 years 16 flats each year. That means in the same 20 years there will be hundreds of flats instead of 4. 

This calculation is obviously exaggerated and over simplified. But the logic is intact. I'm not proclaiming that landlords are doing the community a service and are 大仁大義. But they are providing utility, accessibility and mobility to the economy. 

I would also like to speak for the tenants side. I have to rent commercial properties for business. I'm extremely fortunate that my landlords are very kind to me. By all means they do not charge me any less than other tenants, maybe at most 10-20% Sometimes? Over the years my rental has increased on average 10% annually and I do have difficulties maintaining the business. But 食得鹹魚抵得渴. If I'm going to succeed in business then I have to find ways to overcome these difficulties. I am fortunate that i have been able to do it in the past and still remain confident to do so in the future. At the very least my landlords have not vacated me for lucrative rents. And I have been a good tenant to them for many contracts. Sometimes I have no choice but to increase rental more than I wish to but that's the way it goes. 

I have also heard many stories of bad landlords, some claims are believable but some are without merits. In my experience most landlords are negotiable and some are very stubborn. I'm also very fortunate that my landlords opens the door to negotiate with me. 

In any groups of people, landlords, tenants, employees, employers, young, old, men or women. There ought to be ethetical and unethetical individuals. We do not need to brandish a certain group to be one or another. These are all isolated cases. I hope to see productive discussions in the forum and learn from all brothers and sisters here. Please take this post into consideration whenever we post anything in the future. Thank you very much. 
7. 妙奶粉 2013-12-14 17:19:07
近日妙奶粉比人炒貴1倍, 建議政府劎仿傚地產, 徵收DSD重稅.
8. 辣與不辣非二分法 2013-12-15 00:03:52












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9. Oscar Lam 2013-12-15 09:47:19



1. 每人限購一套,以個人名義購買。
2. 政府雖有規定購買者需於上海工作滿一年,但地產代理有方法解決這一問題,不用擔心。
3. 銀行按揭可經過代理介紹當地的外資銀行,如:匯豐、恆生等借入美金。利率大約在3.8%-4%,可借6-7成。
4. 建議持有物業超過5年后才出售,這樣稅金會少很多。

1. 嚴格很多!只能以公司名義購買,即投資者需於上海設立一家外資獨資公司。
2. 不能按揭,需要full payment!
3. 理論上該寫字樓只能是公司自用,不能出租。但實際上許多海外投資者均將物業出租。當中涉及法律灰色地帶,這裡我就不多說了。
4. 所交的稅金比住宅為高。