1. TOO LONG TERM VIEW 2013-07-14 11:41:46 |
Dr Tong's based on an assumption that the present C Y Leung HK govt can still stay for so many years even they can no longer secure a majority to enact in the Legco twice within this month. I suppose the market is highly betting on Plan B now. |
2. 法子 - 落得太遲 2013-07-14 12:08:02 |
CY今日落台,我也覺得太遲。 |
3. 689 completely rubbish 2013-07-14 14:15:24 |
689 is completely rubbish and he should step down immediately. |
4. 第一個出來支持 2013-07-14 17:19:20 |
若果講撤招,都是由CY自己講比較好,已經有人分析CY較早前言論,..... 好消息!!! 壞消息??? 議員質疑樓市辣招干預市場運作 有議員質疑,政府推出的樓市辣招,干預市場運作。梁振英指,銀根充裕,利率偏低,不是一個人可以控制,當單位供應充足,他會第一個出來支持取消樓市辣招。 |
5. 對手給他更強 2013-07-14 17:31:53 |
梁振英 先生有機會連任2017年選舉......未來二三年他醒悟到埋在身邊定時炸彈,當他順利拆除就會扭轉轉機........除非他的對手給他更強......... |
6. Biu 2013-07-14 23:57:47 |
湯x富豪遲早步入精神病院,日日望CY早撤招又數臭代理狗的老千的行為,因你對班雜種狗恨牙切齒,被班低等狗騙,而你那種自認有深度丶有智識的高等大老千,竟會有雜種狗夠膽經常來昆你個大老千,你話何等恥辱在心頭不是三言兩語可以說出的感受。 |
7. 撤招啟示錄, 如有雷同實屬天意 2013-07-15 00:05:49 |
董建華任特首初期民望偏高, 梁振英都係. 董建華任特首初期樓價偏高, 梁振英都係. 董建華為民望而出招而鋤樓價, 梁振英都係. 董建華面對兇險環球經濟狀況, 梁振英都係. 董建華經濟政策失敗, 梁振英都係. 董建華民望愈來愈低至不合格, 梁振英都係. 董建華因經濟極差,民怨日深時突然稱 "八萬五無咗啦, 無人話你知咩?" 梁振英???? 董建華被斥查找不足,脚痛落台, 梁振英???? 董建華宝座由副手自動補上, 梁振英????
8. To 7: TUNG KIN WA 's 85000 2013-07-15 00:25:47 |
Before Tung Kin Wa announced that he forgot 85000 and the 85000 policies had been silently disappeared and abolished in 2002 or 2003, his sons and family members had already bought a number of houses at the Peak. If you don't believe me, check with the estae agents or land office. They might have used off shore companies to buy these houses in the peak. As CY Leung had been Tung's front runner horse, we hope he will not follow to do the same thing on the timing of abolishing SSD BSD & DSD and mortgage tightening. |