1. 俾你老闆 2013-04-14 17:53:27 |
想香港有普選,只要泛民能夠抽籤做下列三單即俾:⋯ 原來你儲名係美國間諜! 王郁人係大6無間道! 你棹人係十X哥馬仔! 河進人係攪亂泛民嘅黑手! 興姐係英國特務!
2. 長撈 2013-04-14 18:04:55 |
一樓⋯ 對曬五個出來俾補鞍䎤局長來做,另加兩普選制唔制! |
3. 煲浪追浪 2013-04-14 18:16:23 |
佔中事在必行,因大話英政權來自西環。 經已違反基本法港人治港大原則。 而狼鹰在位大話連篇,根本只是走狗一名。 大話英一砌一砌只為個人民望的政策。 巳將香港推向絕路。 只有佔中望中央明白港人祈望是真有港人治港。 港人唔希望傭人治港,唔希望走狗治港,唔希望大话变為政績。 唔希望高度自治变為高干獨治。 要人民有发声杈,所謂的是:不自由,毋寧死! 希望東方之珠重獲昔日光亮。。。。。 望大話傭官早日返歸去做反自己既破產ceo.
4. 大英帝國殖民地佔領軍倦養的奴僕 2013-04-14 18:52:00 |
如果他們是代表鴉片戰爭大英帝國的佔領軍,宣洩佔領中環的行動,中國政府有權遞解他們出境.....交回他們認領的主人...... 「佔領中環」的主謀者,的出發點根本形成了大英帝國佔領軍的行為,把香港引導進入一個動亂普選議程中……..… 「佔領中環」發起人、港大法律系副教授戴耀廷昨日說「佔領中環」行動並非要推翻中央政權,.....但是你給香港市民感覺是非理性主義者,是冇腦行為........... 香港現在很多市民已經醒覺, 「佔領中環」 行動發起人戴耀廷......給香港市民的感覺: ..........公民不醒覺爭取普選,….. 戴耀廷給人的就像似叛離國家主義的推動者,…..充滿著似大英帝國殖民地佔領軍倦養的奴僕...........重溫大英帝國佔領軍如何「佔領中環」........再次向中央政府示威,代表大英帝國佔領軍倦養的奴僕價值觀........... 香港普選的問題很簡單.....基本法注明: 最終達致普選........最終就是2047年可以達致普選........因為50年不變承諾最終就是到2047年........之後香港就會失去50年不變承諾.........大家用寧靜心態去看待啦........ 可以解釋為...........基本法: 最終達致普選,香港50年不變最終年期2047年度才可以達致普選......現在啃定難以推出普選...........不要做夢了........... 普選是共產主義主張…… 百年前: 第二共產國際的托洛斯基(百年前)主義主張推動實行普選, 普選是第二共產國際提出要實現的目標綱領..…..香港人似乎過早胡裡胡塗提出了這是一個香港人無法解決的議題......
「佔領中環」的主謀者,的出發點根本形成了大英帝國佔領軍的行為,把香港引導進入一個動亂普選議程中……香港大英帝國殖民地倦養的奴僕想重溫惜日舊夢......大英帝國佔領軍如何「佔領中環」........不值得稱讚........... 「佔領中環」 行動發起人戴耀廷......給香港市民的感覺就像似大英帝國殖民地佔領軍倦養的奴僕...... |
5. ling ling 2013-04-14 21:04:29 |
人生最大的無奈不是被騙, 而是明知是騙局但偏偏無法逃!!! There are so many liers in some investment groups which claiming to teach readers to get profit from buying properties, such as a organization which sited in Jordon area. I am totally agreed to mr Waymond's point of view. I was perusade to group together to buy a flat with other readers,lucky, later discover the flat was originated belong to our lecturer. Too many Liers and Frauders@ any where. Take steps to think or even ask the lecturers or X sir to give evidences. |
6. ling ling 2013-04-14 21:04:34 |
人生最大的無奈不是被騙, 而是明知是騙局但偏偏無法逃!!! There are so many liers in some investment groups which claiming to teach readers to get profit from buying properties, such as a organization which sited in Jordon area. I am totally agreed to mr Waymond's point of view. I was perusade to group together to buy a flat with other readers,lucky, later discover the flat was originated belong to our lecturer. Too many Liers and Frauders@ anywhere. Take steps to think or even ask the lecturers or X sir to give evidences. |
7. Brother Wong Chun Yu 2013-04-14 21:09:00 |
TO: Ling Ling, Are you talking about FC..? X sir =King sir? |
8. 向CY說 yes 2013-04-14 21:17:39 |
If you do not want 大話英, who is a perfect choice according to your preference. How about 港大法律系副教授戴耀廷, if you prefer British running dog instead of China running dog ? or Ho Chung Yang or Long hire etc. All of them report to their British master or CIA master even though they get paid from us (Tax Payer). or Better still request Great Britain to appoint a new Governor to rule Hong Kong, than everyone will be an obedience citizen.
9. Boss Yim 2013-04-14 21:29:08 |
地產吹水區,攪成政治討論,樓價下跌中, 多謝市民貪勝不知輸.大鱷在惡劣的環境下依然樂此不彼表示:「政府的新招很辣,令炒家亂了陣腳,但只要悉心選擇,依然可以找到具投資價值的物業,我相信當人人都喊貴收手時,更加應該伺機入市。」 |
10. 香港市民不是每一個是傻瓜冇腦袋思考問題的人 2013-04-14 21:30:49 |
在過往香港袛是代表鴉片戰爭大英帝國的佔領軍,宣洩佔領中環的行動,.... 「佔領中環」的主謀者,的出發點根本形成了大英帝國佔領軍的行為,把香港引導進入一個動亂普選議程中……所以難以得到香港市民認同.......當然有外國政治獻金政客活動者側是例外........ 香港市民不是每一個是傻瓜冇腦袋思考問題的人........... |
11. 煲浪追浪 2013-04-15 00:18:54 |
何必指鹿為馬? 普選一定是外国勢力所驅動? 普選是否英国人普選,或是港人普選? 港人唔夠足夠智慧選出一名爱国愛港的特首? 既中央不信任港人能有足夠智慧選出爱港爱国之能仕! 那又何要港人想信中央所指派的大話精? 如何能令台海相信一國两制高度自治? 鄧爺爺的偉大構想是否能實現? 况且又港人普選出之特首仍需中央任命最後把關! 能人会因時代及机緣產生,唔要大話英並代表香港没有有能力及爱國愛港之仕。 一如邓爺爺所說:管黑貓定白貓,能爪老鼠便是好貓。 至於大話英是否好貓?極其量只是狗。。。。。一條好狗。 |
12. 戴後廷 2013-04-15 12:41:31 |
低能仔佔領中環,小學雞都不如。 |
13. 巔佬正傅(狗仔) 2013-04-15 13:48:49 |
Really, don't know about the objective(s) of their occupying Central protest, even after ready the newspapers. What I got was that, this campaign is intended to gather groups of people who do not feel happy about their lives or who do not feel happy about the Government coming out to stage Central. It so, the objective is not clear and the way of organizing this compaign/protest is not constructive and is seemed questionable. |
14. wham 2013-04-16 10:33:57 |
香港公民意識不足 連權利義務也不懂 怎可以民主? 爭取民主現已被演譯爭取自身利益的手段 |
15. 反對佔中 2013-04-16 10:59:52 |
佔領中環根本就係一班偽民主廢人為了自身利益的煽動群眾行為,傻的才會跟,有吉屎的就去佔領美國大使館抗議美國支持日本侵佔中國領土啦 |
16. observer 2014-01-05 20:51:33 |
To me the best that hk people love doing as I can see on TVB is, in chinese term "dog bites dog's bone". The media in HK still have got a lot to learn from the west to serve for the interest of the country. Some idiots are so naive and over exited in perfecting freedom and democracy to show it to the world and the western countries. Unfortunately, there is no real freedom and democracy in these countries, you idiots. You're just bringing shame to your own country and your ancester and acting like a group of clowns to the western world. |