0.18%的啓示 It should be dynamic, micro adjustment.
現在要樓價唯有寄望地產商開賣時大幅調低賣價,令致有部份小業主在惶恐之下放棄他們的物業,但如何令地產商低價賣樓,唯一辦法就是政府多推土地,待地產商知道就算他們將新樓賣走後可以從投地來補充土地儲備,雖然近日政府亦多推土地,反應亦不俗,但建樓需時,樓價是等待一會才會大幅向下調整,現在只希望政府在這段時間不再出招,我敢說:樓價一定會向下調整。 As described, we forgot the lessons of the proposal of 85000 units. That's: To fix one problem & create a series of horrible problems in society again..
To respond the needs from market, HKG should supply land in a reasonable order. Unlike the other cities, we have been living in a limited land area which contains a number of rocky mountains, hills, slopes & water reservoirs... Also, we can not only consider the supply of land, but also the pubic utilies at the underground, traffic flow, production rate of one single flat, etc...
In the medium-long term, HKG should develop more financial products such as government bonds, funds... change the daily transactions into T+0 day from T+2 working days... bring more IPOs from the domestic / state-owned enterprises/overseas companies into HK Stock Exchange...allow listed companies placing new shares when HSI running to a higher position...establish a visible, viable land bank for real estate development in HK...abolish DSD+BSD+SSD... review all policies & political reforms as soon as possible..
我地日日痾屎唔出: It is Constipation. As recomended, you need to take 6 ~ 8 glasses of water a day (around 250ml x 6 or 8) and to do more exercises. Hope it can keep a good BMI without creating any side effects...