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1. 前景不明朗 2013-03-09 16:27:48
2. 路人 2013-03-09 18:03:35
四大之中 , 一個現在表態支持官府 , 並且減價以示响應 , 另一個願意捐出菜地贖罪 , 餘下兩個 , 一個買大真係開大 , 一早入左營 , 另一個官非多多, 有排要捱烤煎炸焗之苦 , 其他人等只能戰戰兢兢 .
3. 美女 2013-03-09 18:28:58
4. 我老婆 2013-03-09 19:47:13
5. mini 2013-03-11 20:22:15
9. mini 2013-03-11 20:12:45

In the globe, we have seen G5...G7...G8...G9...G20 how to build a huge debt and how to live on it by attempting all methods to hold all the resources in the past dates...

In China, the M2 supplies above the ground level went to $99.9 trillion RMB dated 28 Feb 2013 from $13.0 trillion RMB since 2000, according to the data from central bank...

In HK, we are still living on a little land area of 1100 sq.km facing excessive liquidity from around the world and tremendous stresses from the population, the continuous demands from natural resources such as water, food & fuel supplies, and clean air supply. This area is not a flat one, it is a hilly profile with various types of rocks, stones, soils, trees, water reservoirs, slopes, transmission towers for electricity, and connecting roads/paths...

We cannot only focus on providing land any more , we do need to consider the balance of the economic structure in HK by introducing more businesses such as Chinese Medicines, TMT, Logistics, Researches (In Mandarin, Cigarette & Wine !), etc. The more land the officials plan for public housing / delux properties for over 200,000 applicants, the less space will be available for new businesses and/or the middle classes in future...