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1. 亮劍 2013-02-23 14:39:12
而除非你擁有超過一個物業以上,而又鐵心割禾青走人,再唔喺可見將來入翻巿,否則由今日開始單計厘印、兩次買賣佣金及律師費,係咁 2 計就最少跌壹成先叫做打和,仲有SSD鎖三年及H按一厘變P按要兩厘幾未同你計數。
政府在推行減低需求之同時,政策對減低供應嘅效果可以話更顯著,我   推斷後巿成交將要再大幅縮減,但價格就在高位反覆。
現今樓巿喺高位,首置客已經有心無力或買唔落手,而炒家、大陸客及公司客,在之前已俾 SSD及BSD雙辣椒打到飛埋牆角玩失蹤, 現在攪到投資客都無得買磚頭抗通貨膨脹,中介仲唔俾 CY 攪到無啖好食?睇來地代唔摺埋一半政府都唔知死。
2. 裝修佬 2013-02-23 14:40:31

你又真係講中我地班裝修佬炒家仔係SSD後, 好多都無在玩番新單位短炒!

不過好彩我剛剛出SSD時唔撚怕買多三個收租, 宜家平均個個單位都賺六成以上!

不過算啦! 都炒到差唔多啦! 係時候落雨收柴! 哈哈哈!


3. 不明人 2013-02-23 14:44:43

現在總稅率已經提高至  BSD:15%,SSD:20%,Double stamp duty (DSD)8% = 43%。這麼高的稅,沒人買樓,沒人賣樓。也不用再起樓,也不用再賣地。




4. Gorcott 2013-02-23 15:39:47

Government wants the property owners to let out their properties, do not sell.  Those marginal buyers will not buy properties and keep on rent.  A few years later, the markets turns down with sufficient supply and let those marginal buyers to rethink worth to buy or not.  Government tries to protect marginal buyers, government worries they will be suffered over 10 years.  The government does not care the rich because she knows those people will lost a bit, but they are able to win back in some other ways.  But the government worries those marginal buyers will become “angry men” which will impact on society.

5. eric wong 2013-02-23 15:54:30
Agree!最仆你個街係余耀鎏/油漆佬的鬍鬚余,唔係你個仆街,整天說政府冇料到,政府都唔會亂出招,肥佬湯文亮不要再話那個大言不慚小炒家,make profit小 小,give him a way out.Last but not the least,689帶同傻強/盲炳/阿茂亂出招玩書呆子做實驗,樓市死啦!

6. Lego Seats 2013-02-23 16:06:56

Yesterday's govt policies don"t respect property rights and infringe the Basic Law. There is a need for all the small property owners to set up a political party & get elected for some seats in the Legco to counter balance the present government's suppression. Bear in mind there are 1.25 Million private flats in hong kong and that carries a mandate of over 3 million voters. If each donates HK$100 to this new political party then there will be HK$300 million to use for election compaign. Such a political party with 3 million suppoters and HK$300 million to spend in the next Legco election in 2016 can get 5 to 10 seats in Legco to counter check and balance unreasonable govt policies.

7. Legco Seats 2013-02-23 16:22:21

Forgot to count the industrial and commercial sectors, then there are at least 1.6 to 1.7 million privately owned properties and the mandate will be at least 4 Million and the fund for compaign to set up such a political party will be $400 million. Then this new property owner political party will at least get 8 to 15 legco seats in the election 2016 to counter balance this HKSAR govt for their disrespect of property rights in hong kong.

8. mini 2013-02-23 16:24:54

In HK, the land area is currently less than 1000 sq.km., it is difficult to identify who's investor, speculator, and/or private homeowner in the past dates,  but we have at least 1 million of population that will be added in the long term.    Right now, we are facing over 200,000 applicants for public housing ! We are all  living in a tiny place !


In China, the officials had already announced a plan called "EYT" for over 10 years. That is no more Free Lunches/Free Houses to state-owned enterprises. They have to buy their living flats in private market, the government officials need to focus on the establishments for basic housing, education & health systems... In the coming years, the state policy is to double the personal incomes...


In the globe, there is around $90 trillion debts in the advanced and emerging countries, as well as high unemployment rates in some regions, according to the presses. The experts keep saying: huge debts, low economic growth. That means Inflation is False, Currency Devaluation is True...


Believe or Not...

9. 多卵魚 2013-02-23 16:36:12
10. 法子 2013-02-23 16:50:09
CY 的唯一邏輯

表面上看來, CY 話樓價過高,有下跌風險,但又推出津貼房屋,叫小市民上車,好像不合邏輯。

表面上看來, CY 一路出招壓抑須求,一路幫人上車,增加須求,好像不合邏輯。

表面上看來, CY 一路話造大個餅,一路閉關鎖港,固步自封,好似不合邏輯。


但從 CY 個人政治利益角度去看,所有政策都是挽救民望,增加個人聲望。

大家還不知 CY 心想什麼,是什麼人嗎?

11. Property Owners 2013-02-23 17:03:03
Maybe it's the time for us to go out and strike.  We are just being too quiet so, there is nobody care about our right and benefit.....
12. Legco Seats 2013-02-23 17:28:04
The first step is to set up a march by property owners & family members (4 million people). If a quarter of them go the march will be 1 million people calling the HK govt to withdraw all mortgage tightening policies, SSD1, SSD2, BSD and DSD and calling for the resignation of those finance ministers in the Treasury and the HKMA responsible for these wrong policies. In the march discuss about formation of a new political party to protect propperty owners. Set up such a political party to run the next district council election in 2015 to gain experience for the Legco election in 2016 for sure win. No power no say noone cares about you owners
13. Legco seats 2013-02-23 17:46:51
Once a march can be done as said above. The Hk Govt could immediately see the quali of the hk property owners. They will withdraw all these unreasonable policies & those ministers responsible will step down even before the political party is formed. Indeed, the PRC will be glad to see a political party of such background to be formed to take up the 20 seats in the Legco to replace the functional constutinencies which are supposed to be abolished in 2016 according to the Basic Law. So that the so called democrates could not get it.
14. 法子 2013-02-23 17:59:45
15. 法子 2013-02-23 18:01:26

16. Legco Seats 2013-02-23 18:15:16
Karl Marx and Communism always wants its people to go through revolutions. They always say revolution has not yet succeeded. So a march by property owners in a communist's point of view is absolutely the right thing to do to resolve  a social conflict. If you do not come out and shout who knows you are suppressed to an extreme. So march in the street to show your greiveance is a proper and poltically correct communist approach. To get political power in Legco to have say for the hk property owners is the only way to survive in HK.   
17. Legco Seats 2013-02-23 18:56:52
Can any knowledgable person(s) advise how to apply for permission from the police to hold a political march? I hope that a march can take place within 4 weeks from 22/2/2013.
18. 上街吧 2013-02-23 19:22:47

19. 八萬五 2013-02-23 19:24:34
梁挀英 ,曾俊華 , 陳德霖 3 個人就可玩殘香港百萬業主 , 利害 !
20. 689 下台吧 2013-02-23 19:39:59

689 和飯民共產黨,根本就是一致的利益。飯民共產黨要打擊水貨客,他們就打擊,飯民共產黨要打擊樓市,實行計劃經濟,689就執行。


21. 洪量流 2013-02-23 20:28:20
最新收緊按揭已連上車人士成為犧牲品,被迫繼續租樓為業主供賣, 好慘。高官出這麼多招,無非要任何市民不要買樓,來掩飾高官無能力去找地,高官人工高,抽業主交稅交差餉地租地價,到頭來打番業主,唉!
22. 689 下台吧 2013-02-23 22:09:25



23. DSD Discriminate Singles 2013-02-23 22:20:05
If my household is married couple then I or my wife only needs to pay normal stamp duty to buy a second flat. But if I am a single household, then I have to pay duble stamp duty to buy a second flat. Accordingly, the new DSD discriminates single households and should be put to the court for judicial review on the ground of discrimination.
24. HUMAN RIGHTS 2013-02-23 22:29:40

The recent mortgage tightenings and SSD1 SSD2 BSD and DSD are policies against human rights as they tend to slow down transactions. As a result of which, citizens in Hong Kong have been deprived from the basic human right to move to a new home from time to time when they wish to do so.

25. 痴忍扇 2013-02-23 22:38:05







自己是陽萎. 沒有什麽大不了.

26. INHERITANCE 2013-02-23 22:46:30

DSD also affect those people who in the future inherite a property from their deceased parent(s) or spouse. 8.5% of the value of the property inherited goes to the govt.

Estate Duty was abolished in the last govt now this new govt brings it back in another name.

27. INHERITANCE 2013-02-23 23:03:27
DSD means 8.5% of the value of the property inherited without any deduction of any outstanding mortgage. Does it break the whole tax system in HK. Need Judicial Review! Certainly as DSD infringes human right, discriminates Single household and affect inheritance.
28. 2013年是進入停止投資房產年 2013-02-24 01:09:36




29. 雲在青天水在瓶 2013-02-24 12:33:50




30. 689的底 2013-02-24 14:17:54

31. 689的底 2013-02-24 14:19:08

32. 死 2013-02-24 14:22:34



但實際上是地價是天價 (天油圍都要3000元),建築費3000。你叫發展商賣多少???? 



33. Johnny 2013-02-25 12:13:16



同意你的說法。大批业主加入囤積大軍。不过同其他貨品囤一積不同,囤積其他貨品要蝕倉租同埋冇收入。在空置率其低的今天 (A類单位 2.7% 空置) ,要找租客是件 easy jobs,加上低按揭利率,业主囤積單住係有可观的租金收入,兼有強大防守力



34. mini 2013-02-25 18:32:36

Because of longer life expectancy and biological changes in future, so far,  we have not seen any policy on population ageing, the elderly people have already bought extra, little flats as their investments in nursing homes for covering medical spending and / or health care at home if necessary... Imagine the super rich around the world who will buy large flats in HK as their residence addresses for tax advantages. It is natural instinct...


Also, the elderly people do not expect the kawaiis who will take care of them. As noted, the kawaiis love to shop for cosmetics, perfumes, the other beauty treatments, foods & beverages. They could spend at HK$900 for hairstyling at TST ! They already booked tickets for travelling to Japan because of devaluation of Yen !  What they said, the government officials /the social welfare department/the public housing department will take of their parents... Again, it is natural instinct...


In the short term, we do face the potential buyers for small, and large houses in HK...