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1. 路過 2013-01-18 15:57:49


2. 目标三间屋 2013-01-18 16:11:45


你是不是说 “ 所以,贊成政府出招的是少數人,但政府又從善如流,變成數服從數,似乎這不是民主的表現。 ”


3. 你呃人 2013-01-18 16:26:41
"全港有超過一半人有私人物業,這班人怎會要求政府將樓價壓下去,而另外的一半則大多數住公屋"-- 那沒有人租私樓了. 百萬業主都沒有, 因為 炒家 / 投資者隨時手持10個8個物業.
4. 狗頭貓 2013-01-18 16:27:00
給博士一個贊. 遲來的文章, 寫出大部份業主的心聲. 全世界大城市樓價都高企, 小業主雖然自住, 也不想資產被落後於人的. 立法會議員有利益衝突, 不方便表決, 影響某類議案因人數比例改變, 而得出非主流或相反意願, 確值得留意.
6. EK 2013-01-18 17:12:46
7. 應效法新加坡政府 2013-01-18 17:19:36
現時市場資金泛濫﹐加上聯繫匯率的限制﹐令資金源源不絕湧入香港﹐推高一切資產。 不過﹐這個情況不可能長期維持﹐因為政府亦意識到這會嚴重地令社會分化。因此﹐相信未來陸續會有防止資金流入炒作的政策, 香港政府應推出打擊工商鋪買賣政策.

8. 路人甲 2013-01-18 17:20:45
9. 2014年中加息 2013-01-18 17:38:03





10. 法子 2013-01-18 19:21:21


11. FOR EXAMPLE??? 2013-01-18 20:34:08




!!! 公  屋 政  策  不  是  請  客  吃  飯 !!!   


12. 公屋富戶齊舉報 2013-01-18 20:37:35





!!! 公  屋 政  策  不  是  請  客  吃  飯 !!!  



13. 亮劍 2013-01-18 22:17:33

14. nobody 2013-01-18 22:20:55

回應標題==> 輿論是否真的會變成真理?

15. 每天擔心特首砍刀砍落來 2013-01-18 22:38:58
16. anggie T. 2013-01-18 23:01:19

Yes, pretty much my opinions too.....

Just have some thoughts tonight after having dinner with my husband, we went to a cozy Indian Restaurant in Sheung Wan on 1/F of some old commercial bldg that they still can offer you a set dinner for two for $208 including 7 dishes & two drinks(beer included).  We both almost have our eyes opened-wide & couldn't believe it!(the food was excellent no kidding!!!)  I told my husband the Rest. was there for at least 15-20 years & we then jump to the conclusion, the owner must have bought the place & his running cost is so cheap that he could offer the food so cheap......

Actually there're also different dim-sum places in Sheung Wan that are not charging customers market price(market price for me means you'll have to pay at least $100 per head for lunch to get some reasonable things to fill up your stomach)  Try your luck to find them!  Again we as Sheung Wan working people concluded the owner must have owned the place!

So what's my point here??  My point here is to encourage the people to manage their finances properly & with great responsibility!  So not just you yourself can benefit from it but the Zone 1 people that you interact with(what Zone 1 people? Your direct family, your customers/clients, your subordinates, people that rely on your pay-check/indirectly affected by how much you make)

I believe not everyone can afford to own their own property but they should at least try to own one, and if possible own extra one/two properties& make yourself more settled financially.  Then you don't have to go crazy & increase so much of your rent if you have a good tenant.  We have all our apartments the "below market rent" ranging from $2,000 to $7,000 per month. Yes, we're abit crazy people but we're having good cash flow & there's no need to drive our tenants crazy too!!!  For those who just wanna complain here, if you can give it a bet to change your destiny, try your very best!  Otherwise, pray that you have a landlord like me........

17. anggie T. 2013-01-18 23:01:19

Yes, pretty much my opinions too.....

Just have some thoughts tonight after having dinner with my husband, we went to a cozy Indian Restaurant in Sheung Wan on 1/F of some old commercial bldg that they still can offer you a set dinner for two for $208 including 7 dishes & two drinks(beer included).  We both almost have our eyes opened-wide & couldn't believe it!(the food was excellent no kidding!!!)  I told my husband the Rest. was there for at least 15-20 years & we then jump to the conclusion, the owner must have bought the place & his running cost is so cheap that he could offer the food so cheap......

Actually there're also different dim-sum places in Sheung Wan that are not charging customers market price(market price for me means you'll have to pay at least $100 per head for lunch to get some reasonable things to fill up your stomach)  Try your luck to find them!  Again we as Sheung Wan working people concluded the owner must have owned the place!

So what's my point here??  My point here is to encourage the people to manage their finances properly & with great responsibility!  So not just you yourself can benefit from it but the Zone 1 people that you interact with(what Zone 1 people? Your direct family, your customers/clients, your subordinates, people that rely on your pay-check/indirectly affected by how much you make)

I believe not everyone can afford to own their own property but they should at least try to own one, and if possible own extra one/two properties& make yourself more settled financially.  Then you don't have to go crazy & increase so much of your rent if you have a good tenant.  We have all our apartments the "below market rent" ranging from $2,000 to $7,000 per month. Yes, we're abit crazy people but we're having good cash flow & there's no need to drive our tenants crazy too!!!  For those who just wanna complain here, if you can give it a bet to change your destiny, try your very best!  Otherwise, pray that you have a landlord like me........

18. Peter Paker 2013-01-19 01:15:28

Singapore just imposed a new measure to tax local Singapore residents when buying the 2nd property.  .....非首次住房買家,房貸首付款,由樓價一成,上調到二成半。購買第二套房的新加坡公民,買方印花稅7%,第二套10%購買第一套住房的新加坡永久居屋,買方印花稅5%,第二套10%。.......


For details, pls refer to http://hk.centanet.com/icms/template.aspx?series=233&article=45372



In my opinion, HK will follow Signapore to impose the extra tax when buying the 2nd property. 



However, these kinds of measures cannot effectively cool down the residential property market.  This is because 在同一私人屋苑内 , 居於自罝物业的家庭數目佔该屋苑家庭總數 平均约 75 - 76%, according to 2011年人口普查.  That means the speculation in residential mkt  is NOT serious as many people imagine.  The current demands for house is 真正剛性住屋需求. 



Hence , if HK govt imposes new intervention measures, I think it cannot lower property prices eventually, unless hk can increase supply significantly



I will publish the data later on, after completing my analysis

19. 市區起資助樓 絕不公義 2013-01-19 09:35:15





20. 亮劍 2013-01-19 11:51:03


經過呢幾年政府多樣化打房政策折騰,嗰啲胆汁少啲嘅小業主,都應該俾 CY 三振出局,沽曬所有非自住嘅物業不特止,隨時連自住樓都賣埋等樓災者亦唔少!



實施埋打擊第二套房投資有乜東東嘢會發生?咁就使到那些擁有非自住物業嘅投資者,更加下定決心,「誓死不沽」!!因為賣咗層樓之後,根本無可能再買得翻,咁邊個人會做出這超高難度動作?這樣  2 手盤嘅來源會更加少,隨時一兩個對價格唔在意嘅買家,就可以將成個屋邨嘅呎價炒到飛起!

21. 順民 2013-01-19 15:51:54
今次博士言之有理﹐亦列舉出了實際例子來支持其並非虛言﹐不錯﹐來來去去只是小部分買不起樓的人不斷喧嘩﹐造成民意假象而已﹐這幫人就算樓價下跌五成都一樣買不起﹐應叠埋心水申請公屋好了。之不過總有部分人存在一種心態﹐就是別人做到的事情而自己做不到的﹐就視為是個人損失﹐就大叫要一律平等﹔要政府幫忙。就是這種人要有我有太公分豬肉的農民思維 ﹗