1. Kris 2012-08-16 12:07:24 |
買層樓仔收租好過,不過政府呢樣限嗰樣限,乜都做唔成! |
2. 梵谷 2012-08-16 12:11:20 |
湯生所舉的例子, 肯定是失敗個案 一個成功的團隊, 不單是要有能力融資, 核心成員一定要有相關能力才行 就如日前湯生舉出的另一個例子, 五星級大廚開點心店, 就算有融資能力都未必賺錢, 更何況連雲吞麵都不懂煮的年青人? 不過我也希望湯生多舉一點例子, 等有意創業人士作為借鏡 |
3. Marco 2012-08-16 12:44:07 |
银行是包赢不包输的行业,香港并不是适宜创业的地方!要创业去大陆吧!处处发展,机会处处,最重要本钱少好多! |
4. 陳大春 2012-08-16 13:05:50 |
5. 千錘百鍊出深山,烈火焚身若等閒 2012-08-16 13:53:52 |
白手創業需要鋼鐵意志 , 人要千锤百鍊才能成鋼 ! |
6. 啟豐 2012-08-16 14:16:40 |
湯博士的意思是看層樓份上才批出貸款﹖ |
7. 向饭民说不 2012-08-16 14:25:48 |
既然是这样,为什么不直接用层楼,做按揭,利息更加低呢? 用层楼,做按揭,利息税2.15%。微型貸款却要年息9%,真系食人只车。 |
8. 向饭民说不 2012-08-16 14:27:55 |
8楼,如果不是看在層樓份上,银行边有可能批出贷款。 但是既然是看在層樓份上,利息应该是2.15%。银行真的食左他只车。 |
9. investor 2012-08-16 14:56:40 |
DR. Tong, 真係唔知你係真唔識定假唔識, HKMC 既micro finance 係HKMC 擔保及批核, 銀行只係中介, 並無審批權的, 9% is for without guarantor, 所以係講既根本唔成立. If you don't know, please do your own research, I had done for you this time, please check on the following site. May be you have so much money and don't bother to do this, this is no problem, but please don't put some false info here as you mentioned, your site have many readers. http://www.hkmc.com.hk/eng/ pcrm/ourbusiness/mf.html |
10. Peter Paker 2012-08-16 15:22:51 |
To: Macro (3/F), I worked and stationed in China for more than 8 years. I understand that a HKguy, who is not familiar with local PRC regualtions and local mainlanders' habits, is hard to manage businesses in PRC. I can said the tax filing (e.g. how / where to get tax invoices) can make you extremely troubled. There are many troubling stuff, especially for catering businesses. So don't suggest people doing small businesses in China. Very easy to PK!! |
11. anggie T. 2012-08-16 15:56:29 |
Mr. Peter Parker has a point here......In PRC, if you wanna have your business running smooth, you need alot of C.O.I.s(centre of influences). People that have a say & power & can be your shining star there. Before I heard alot of my Fukien fellows went Shenzhen to do some businesses & have some factories there. Some are doing even better, some closed down already. If you're from head to toe Hongkie than I think more researches are needed & more relationships to be built up there before you wanna make a penny! |
12. Marco 2012-08-16 16:19:05 |
To Peter Paker,
创业路无论在本港或国内均甚为难行,但国内成本比香港少一半甚至七成,同一生意规模,国内可少七成,例如文中云吞面档,如此攵中事主就无须银行贷款,有机会成功,有机会PK,最坏情况,如果失败亦无须家人分担!当然如果对当地一无所知,最安全就是在香港打工算数! |
13. Peter Paker 2012-08-16 17:53:27 |
To: Macro, I am well experienced in China, especially for regulatory matters. In respect to the regulatory side, PRC is extremely complicated. In HK, costs are expensive, but start-up is easy. In China, start-up is unbelivably complicated especially you don't have any networks and relationship. Also, there are many hidden govt charges (legal ones) that makes your operating costs higher. For example, the minimum wage of Shenzhen doubled up since 2007. Secondly, social contributions paid by employers (including 養老、失业、住房公積金、医療, 懷孕, etc) = 22% - 23% of the salary costs, which is much higher than 5% MPF. 社保局 can add new items of social security that easily run out of budget. Also, after implementation of 新勞動合同法 , length of staff probation period depends on employment contract's tenor (time). If the employment contract lasts for 3 years, probation period must be less than 6 months. Also, probation cannot be renewed under 新勞動合同法. In HK, probation extension for bad staff is legal. However, probation extension beyond the legal limit is ILLEGAL in China. Let me tell you the consequences of illegal probation extension. Once the staff performance is bad and you want to fire him. He can complain to labour dept for "違法解雇". If employer violates this rules, wants to fire that staff and that staff works for 7 - 12 months, employers need to compensate that staff one-month termination compensation becasue he works < 1 year. As this case is illegal, this compensation will be doubled. If you pay one-month 代通知金 , you have to pay 3-month compensation. If you don't know this rule of probation extensiion, u will incur 3-month compensation la.... If you do a small trading business in Shenzhen, tax dept is relucent to sell VAT invoices to a new company, because tax dept is afraid that you sell VAT invoices illegally and then liquidate the company. Without VAT invoices, you cannot bill. If you cannot bill, how to make money?? If you do dmoestic PRC sales, their competitions are crazily keen. You cannot imagine how they do cut-thoat price war. They can survive with 1% net margin. For a HK expensive guy, 1% net margin is not enough to maintain / feed him. For small local sales in China, they are very common to provide rebates to buyers. I think a normal HK guy will be very hesitated to do this. But, for a local china salesperson, this rebate is a piece of cake. Hence, please don't think doing small businesses in china is as easy as you imagine. Becasue we are big companies, we are able to have sufficent supports to cope with all troubling stuff. For small business owners, impossible to have such kinds of supports. |
14. PETER PAKER 2012-08-16 17:58:48 |
To: Macro, Your thought is theory. You cannot imagine how hard is doing business in China. You don't know proactical difficulties. You have no practical PRC experience. I still have many stories (Traps) to tell you... |
15. Marco 2012-08-16 19:28:13 |
To Peter Paker,
I know what your difficulties facing in PRC, I agree that it is hard to earn a lot money if you follow all the rules and regulations in PRC, but you cannot deny other people can earn in this tough business environment!
To be a rich man, you must have "Nuts" first, then cash and other factors are second considerations.
"just do it ", " never know if you never try" are my belief ! So I bought 2 flats in hk 3 years ago, I set up a small company in PRC last year, now it can run automatically, and earned some this year! I think there are a lots opportunities for young people to start their small business in PRC ! Of course, if in PRC you must leave HK, and enter a totally new city, you may face a lots issues and difficulties, if you cannot overcome them, you cannot be success easily! That is what I think!
16. 給Peter Paker 2012-08-17 00:31:15 |
很佩服你對在大陸做生意的知識,但有一小問題想請教。 你在13樓說 They can survive with 1% net margin 如果回報得1%,為何不做定期存款賺3,4%息? 回報低得太厲害,就不值得做生意吧。 No offence,純粹好奇,希望你可以解答。 |
17. Marco 2012-08-17 00:37:49 |
Thanks for your sharing, Peter Paker! |
18. 上善若水 2012-08-17 00:38:25 |
現時世界並不缺錢,缺的是良好的營商環境。金錢苦無出路,現時年孳息率只有1.82厘的美國十年國債依然大把人爭住買。銀行創業貸款利息要9厘,還要諸多講究,還要人擔保,當然是乏人問津了。 這邊錢太多,那邊廂可能缺錢,但擁有其他導致成功的因素,兩者撮合,就可能成事。平時做個有心人,到處走走、看看,可能會發現好機會的。 |
19. middle middle class 2012-08-17 14:51:26 |
Successful SME business in China is not common, especially for those coming from HK / overseas. I have been working in China for 20 years, and I believe Mr. Peter Parker is trying to give some fair comment and neutral suggestions for those new comers. The chance is for the well prepared, especailly if you are locals. |
20. PETER PAKER 2012-08-17 16:43:23 |
To: 16/F , 我以前做 电子 manufacturing , 有出口 , 有內銷 , 內銷可能只有8% gross profit margin , 扣埋 admin effort、transportation、delivery , 我地D香港公司可能只執1-2% net margin 或更低 , 但係由於我條 production line 未滿 , 即使係無$賺的訂單 , 都可以帮我定下 D fixed overhead costs (e.g. 工人人工、电、indirect consumable) , 然後攤薄 average cost / output , 到接D毛利高但量小的出口单时 , "o米" 有得執 , 所以有时侯我地D香港廠都會同D local 大陸廠爭 , 其实爭赢都係慘勝 但是 , 香港廠 1% net margin , 係 D local 廠眼中可能係唔只1% , 因為大陸 local 人 捐 "loan" 捐 "啦" 的能力可以好強 , 你 (mean HK guys) 任唔會做、唔知点做 , D local 大陸人就得 la , e.g. 唔供社保 、無牌经营等 , 無所不用其技 ; 而你班港燦 又要 comply with 厘样、follow 個样 (e.g. 祉保) , 点爭?? 尤其做进口生产、保稅出口生意 , 大陸人可以大幅跨大海关物料消耗 , 從而 "偷" 料做內销 , 逃进口关稅、骗出口退稅 , 但港人係海关厘個 area , 人人都好怕死 , 冇人敢、会做D衰野 , 但人地大陸人唔怕死 其实如果有機會同D 大陸人接觸 , 有部份年纪大D的人 , 你会可以感受到佢地個种 "狼" 嘅做事方式 , 寸步不让 , 香港人係無厘种 "狠" o 正如人地会俾回佣大大方方 , 你班港燦又驚 ICAC 、police 拉 , 好多港商俾回佣要透中间人做、又要中间人开发票方便入账 , 比中间人食一浸、發票食一浸 , 俾左 "o甘" 多浸 , 食西北风?? 大陸 local SME 老細就唔同 , 係裤袋拎$$出黎 , 咩 complicated procedures 都唔搞 , 生意即刻傾掂 , 唔使煩 , 快靚正 |
21. PETER PAKER 2012-08-17 17:23:40 |
If you do servicing businesses, you need to pay 5 - 6% Business Tax 營業稅 (indirect tax) when issuing invoices. However, there are many hidden govt charge associated with this business tax (e.g. enterprises need to pay 5 - 10% of 營業稅 as 教育经费附加 , 堤圍防蘐费 , 城市建設稅附加 which are legal). Many HK SME bosses don't know the existence of these payments. Once the surpise investigation is carried out by tax dept, then they will ask you to pay penalty of 0.5x - 5x understated tax amout + 5/10,000 daily interest surcharge. Actually, a new HK comers are hard to know these, unless he has previous work experience. Notes: for serviicing industry, business tax system will be gradually moved to VAT system in order to alleviate tax burden of servicing enterprises. |
22. PETER PAKER 2012-08-17 17:26:53 |
However, the all-around guy (who is very familiar with HK and china business environment and knows how to "捐 loan 捐 啦") is very expensive. So SME is hard to afford hiring well-experienced professional like me |
23. PETER PAKER 2012-08-17 17:37:16 |
I wrote many things. But, I still have many stories and traps to tell you. I want to remind those new comers that please don't understate the difficulties in PRC. You must be well prepared before determining to start new business in China. Just "充勁" is not sufficient, but tactics, knowledge and experience.... |
24. 淺見 2012-08-17 19:12:07 |
無論在香港或中國創業, 應該是先評估一下本身的 "核心競爭力"罷? 有競爭力, 能賺錢, 任何的問題都不是問題. Peter Paker 說的 electronic manufacturing, 面檻低, 有 turnover 的1% net 已過得去. 因為electronic product 的 turnover較大. 100M 的1%有1M. 但最吸引的是 cash flow. Export 賣貨收 LC or TT, 買料就月結 120天 ~ 180天, 有很多錢可挪用的 |
25. 反A 2012-08-17 21:00:15 |
在這網站講創業,一定有好多(地產)人叫你唔好創,因為他們想你用所有積蓄去置業或投資於樓市,而不是用去創業,只想多些人幫手托住個市。 |
26. Paul Chan 2012-08-17 21:03:40 |
經營電子產品的風險非常大!因為變得太快,三幾月已經新一代產品出現。 |