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1. 亮劍 2012-05-10 14:13:44
2. 西九龍公屋豪宅 2012-05-10 14:35:28
3. Peter 2012-05-10 17:48:53

Dr Tong.  I'm a post 80.  Lucky enough to have acculumated some capital for downpayment of property. No debt at current. All my assets are money at bank. What bother me is the high inflation rate. I find that my increase of salary will hardly enough to cover it.  I don't have any property investment experience and i have no property on hand.  I'm living with my parents and no urgent need to move out.  To have stable cash flow and to achieve some capital gain, I want to buy an apartment for rental.  For my case, is it worth to buy now?

4. anggie T. 2012-05-10 18:36:57

Hi Dr. Tong & all buddies, would somebody kindly explain to me how the Asset/Liability ratio works???  Is it the Net Cash flow of company + Property Downpayment/Liability(money borrowed)???  Just discussing what it means 25% with my friends & I guess our ratio is much more conservative than yours........Would like to play more aggressive & seems like your advice also it's not qute yet the time......We are just buying to invest & collect the rent, not for self-use.

Cause we know we're not any experts & we better play safe la......

5. 無明 2012-05-10 20:27:29

I guess 博士說的資產負債比率25%的計法是:-



當年買入價 =$3.0m

現在市價 = $4.0m

現在餘下按揭金額 =$1.0m

資產負債比率 = $1.0m / $4.0m = 25%

6. anggie T. 2012-05-10 21:13:57
Thank u No. 5).  But I wonder whether in company balance sheets you count the existing market price of your properties also, coz' it's not any sold properties & your profits are not taken yet.
7. 無明 2012-05-10 23:37:48

To 6

Still Guessing.

Guess 博士的投資物業是用市價計算, 會計師行說這叫做"Mark to Market", 未賣,但又好像全部以市價賣出一樣。聽說由美國投資銀行發明, 將上市公司所有投資物業以市價計算, 在股價反映出來, 避免被低價敵意收購云云。每年升值部份會在每年的資產負債表處理, 是Profit 或者是Reserve, 就要問吓會計師。




8. 柏拉圖 2012-05-11 00:21:23
資產負責比率,應該是, 資產有10元, 和銀行借(負責)2.5元。 所以25%. 當然, 你的資產是物業, 可能會因應市場還境而改變。
9. Marco 2012-05-11 02:08:12
10. 資產負債比率 2012-05-11 08:53:16
資產負債率= 負債總額 ×100%

(quote: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%B4%A2%E5%8A%A1%E6%AF%94%E7%8E%87 )

The debt-to-asset ratio is to evaluate the liquidiaty risk. But it is just one of the numerous ratios. We should take other ratios into account when we come up risk managemnt decisions, such as current ratio and more conservative acid test. In fact no matter which ratios we are looking at, maintaining cash flow is of the utmost goal. I believe this is what Dr Tong did in the crisis.

11. 資產負債比率 2012-05-11 08:53:26
資產負債率= 負債總額 ×100%

(quote: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%B4%A2%E5%8A%A1%E6%AF%94%E7%8E%87 )

The debt-to-asset ratio is to evaluate the liquidiaty risk. But it is just one of the numerous ratios. We should take other ratios into account when we come up risk managemnt decisions, such as current ratio and more conservative acid test. In fact no matter which ratios we are looking at, maintaining cash flow is of the utmost goal. I believe this is what Dr Tong did in the crisis.