1. Allah 2012-04-28 10:47:15 |
多謝博士分享傅老榕三奶的教誨! |
2. Marco 2012-04-28 11:51:50 |
博士,本人看过该故事,应该可信性甚高,因为韩生做装修工人出身,银行不予按揭是正常做法,而且唐楼金额较细,按揭成数太少,只可现金交易!在那段时间炒楼的而且确可以赚钱,特别经纪代理或装修行业的人士。因为他们最先接触到平价盘 由8万到500万在基层社会是一个奇迹,当然对博士而言,只是很少数目。对穷人来说,却是发达一样!因为基数低所以回报极大! 当然沙士期间的楼盘到现在已大升特升,有的三四倍,有的更多,所以并不是没可能! |
3. 過路人 2012-04-28 12:22:48 |
我也覺得 8萬 嬴 500萬,機會是微乎其微 祗是一個故事罷了,看不看也罷 |
4. 亮劍 2012-04-28 12:50:57 |
5. Bb 2012-04-28 14:00:35 |
博士唔系未看过就否定两脚牛屎嘅奇迹. 而系歌仔唱嘅---用心良苦 唔想第二个SSD出台也 大家唔好吹得咁疯啦 |
6. 小人物 2012-04-28 14:39:55 |
新加坡市民可以用強積金供樓, 但新加坡90%的人都係住緊政府樓. 依博士之見, 新加坡的案例, 香港是否合適借鑒? 我老是覺得, 與其我每個月d錢強制利益輸送比d幫我輸錢又毫不眨眼的金融業, 為何不能用之黎作置業之一部份? 難道是因為此舉會令貧富懸殊差距會更大? |
7. 向饭民说不 2012-04-28 15:30:52 |
楼上,新加波人虽然好像住的比较大,但是在其他方面却牺牲了更多。第一,他们的收入一半要交税。所以可以支配的收入其实好底。第二,因为组屋供应量大,结果是接近8成人口永远被压制在所谓的中产,永远难以上游,永远帮李氏家族。 你喜欢吗?我就不喜欢了。 |
8. 向饭民说不 2012-04-28 15:33:35 |
6楼,还有新加波因为有8成人住组屋,结果他们的私人楼都是豪宅。 证明了香港的私人楼价贵,其实就是因为有一半人是公屋户。 |
9. Aggie Wong 2012-04-28 15:40:21 |
Totally agree with yr standpoints. |
10. Aggie Wong 2012-04-28 15:48:55 |
Marshall Hon, Long time no see. Why don't pick up my phone calls? Too busy in earning $$$ or with Girls??? I guess yr situation is like the main character in 2 and 1 half Man, right? Tata is organizing a BBQ for us......well, u know her well.......so pls call me back soon. Let me organize, really miss u and Chiu and Tim, George. I like such kinds of front settings, feel much more better than yahoo's news page. my dear old friend, u still know me well ma............. Thanks yr every effort again, but Marshall Hon, u r a little bit pk bor, put me on the table without giving me any prior notice. (擺我上神台) Feel a little bit unfair for me................ Waiting to hear yr apologize soon!!!!!!! Aggie |
11. 向饭民说不 2012-04-28 16:27:17 |
2楼,如果无按揭,没有杠杆作用,要8万变500万真系有点困难。 不过如果03年系港岛区,买了一些唐楼,现在发展商要重建,可能真系可以做到8万变500万。不过最少要转3次,我家里附近的唐楼,当时应该是40万左右,现在大概500万。 |
12. Gorcott, from zero to 2 mill 2012-04-28 17:08:29 |
Greeting Dr. Tong, This is a real case because this is what I did since 1999. I was graduated from overseas in 1999, during that time; it was so hard to look for a job. Finally, I got a job. It took me 3 months to find one. In 2001, I bought a very small apartment (630,000 HKD). I don't have any saving; therefore, I went to a bank to get a personal loan to pay for the deposit. I spent another 50,000 HKD to do decoration. 6 months later, I sold it at 830,000 HKD. I sold it because it was a big money to me; I cannot save such saving after 6 months. Also It helped me to save about 6 months rental cost. Afterwards in year 2002, I bought another one (1.73 mill HKD) and lived in there. In year 2005, I sold it (1.93 mill HKD). This time, I used 170,000 HKD as deposit (the money from previous profit + my little saving). This time, the apartment was a brand new, so I did not spend much on decoration. About this buy and sell, I did not earn much but I save some money because I did not have to pay for any rental. In 2005, right after I sold the apartment, I bought another one (3.16 mill) and sold it in 2008 (4.03 mill). As usual, I used the previous profit as deposit (10%). However, I found that the stamp duty was so expensive. I changed my tactic, I took the money to buy a cheaper one. In 2008, I bought an apartment (1.88 mill). This was the first time I could pay 30% deposit. In 2010, I sold it at 2.33 mill. In 2010, I used that money to reinvest on 2 apartments, first one was 1.94 mill (in Kowloon) and the second one was 1.98 mill (in NT). In 2011, before the SSD, I sold the Kowloon one at 2.6 mill. And I kept my current one because I don't want to pay for rent. Now I am selling my current one. It is because I am not able to find out the market direction. I wanted to cash out. From 2001 to 2012, almost 11 years, I am not able to save 2 million if I need to pay for rent. I am also a typical man to love to spend money, cars, LV, etc. and I am not a professional investor. However, the market helps me to save the money. This time I really want to cash out. May be I am wrong; however, this is the real case from zero to 2 mill. If I pay more attention on property, I am sure I can get extra 1 mill. But I did not. If someone like me to buy a property in 2001 and keep it until now, he also can have 2 mill net. The different is, his apartment is very old but I am living a brand new one. Some of my friends, same as my age, start to work in 1999. But they choose to pay for the rent, now the different between me and them, I don’t feel stress about my life but they do. They always complain local government is not able to help them? However, who help me? Actually, the government policy has already done something. They are unable to turn that policy into money. They work for money, but I choose money to work for me. That is my conclusion. Finally, Dr. Tong, please advise how to manage 2 million cash on hand? This time, I really no idea, I am just a young man, cannot retire now. Also I have started my own business 2 years ago. A normal business cannot make me wealthy but no cash stress. |
13. Misleading 2012-04-28 17:21:42 |
HK govt policies and ass media always mislead the public attention. See the recent allegation against Donald Tsang's lavish trips and presidential suites of just $50,000 per night at Brazil. What big deal is $50,000 after all presidential suites are supposed to cater for Donald Tsang or persons at that level. What's wrong with that? It should not be news at all. Last week's biggest news should be why the Chairman of HKEX and HKJC has to be seated by the same person and why he is suddenly appointed by the outgoing governemnt without reference to the upcoming government. HKEX and HKJC actually rules half HKSAR. |
14. Estate agents' conflict of interest 2012-04-28 20:05:11 |
Purchase of new property from developer in the present practice got conflict of interest since the estate agent appears to represent the buyer but their 2% - 5% commission came from the developer. Indeed buying newly developed flats are bound to lose money unless you hold it for 5 years or more. The estate agents for new developments are selling flats as if a salesman is selling a patek phillipe watch in a jewellery shop. |
15. 首次 2012-04-29 01:53:48 |
16. joe li 2012-04-29 10:42:29 |
唔係唔俾人地玩地產叻過你呀...嗰陣時50万以下的單位大把大把..用5万做首期已夠...一路玩落去變500万係你這種以為有錢先代表有能力的人唔信啫.. |
17. ANDERS919 2012-04-30 02:55:51 |
果然係博將買樓投資比喻作過澳門賭大細, 邊間大學咁教過你, 我估你係全界第一個當買樓投資係賭大細博士. 以後你D讀者使乜睇你D言論啦, 睇完個標題跟住過澳門賭兩鋪得啦, 順便探埋阿三奶. 仲有阿博士, 我篇文章第一段已經話左俾所有讀者知, 我買所有屋都未做過按揭駕.第三你話宜家樓市無炒家, 你行出街是旦捉個師奶問下先啦, 樣樣野都段估, 博士, 博碩士你就有份 |
18. ANDERS919 2012-04-30 03:09:35 |
阿博士知吳知乜野係分契唐樓? 又知吳知分契樓同房分別呀? 博士. |
19. anders919 2012-04-30 04:04:31 |
仲有阿博士, 你無睇我篇文姐, 但都應該有睇報紙格, 報紙吳會亂登野駕, 人地東方日報查証過先登出我D歷駕, 你估好似你咁段估呀. |
20. anders919 2012-04-30 05:23:44 |
過路人同果位問02年深水唐樓$350尺仁兄, 我宜家問番你地, 你地信吳信東方日報一份咁大報紙, 會未經查証就將我 D 經歷登系港聞版, 用下你個腦分析啦. |
21. 寄生虫 2012-04-30 06:27:10 |
To:九一九 你俾全霉利用咗都吾知傻仔,過幾日佢地就會大条道理話,而家連市井之徒都去抄樓,又迫政府 推出第二輪SSD,咁就所有業主都俾你累死勒! |
22. anders919 2012-04-30 07:07:38 |
TO: 寄生蟲 你認為97果鑊真係居屋隊瓜樓市呀?80年代已經有居屋啦, 又吳見樓市瓜. 係樓出現超大泡沫呀, 傻仔. 個市再吳調整, 超大泡沫將會重現, 吳單止業主死, 係全港一齊死呀. 你睇下博碩士寫D野, 擺明幫緊大地產商盡快出貨, 咁你就知來緊係咩環境啦. 我俾傳媒利用? 我宜家話俾你知, 係我利用緊傳媒呀, 咁都睇吳出, 真係一條蟲. |
23. 寄生虫 2012-04-30 07:38:47 |
語無倫次九一九 問非所答正呆九 人地說東佢說西 自圓其說正儍仔 |
24. 寄生虫 2012-04-30 09:04:46 |
千古罪人九一九 全霉當佢係儍仔 人人見佢作嘔狀 自以為是大英雄 |
25. James 2012-04-30 09:22:23 |
You are right, always support you. |
26. 不義之財 2012-04-30 09:45:30 |
本人睇完編狗烚狗的發財行徑! 如果真有其事,簡直慨嘆港人落得如此道德淪亡!!稍有良知都明白此兄台所謂賺錢方式,就是專攻真基層户,或是問題家庭人士之最後悽身處!!需知道此類殘破唐樓,之所以能作價幾萬至十幾萬有交易,就正正反映其住戶購買力水平之低!!現實生活逼人之慘況!! 可恨就是竟然還有人從中取利,以轉手獲利,更自稱發達之路,賺幅近倍!!當然此君必以樓房皆炒心態去比較其他物業投資,嘗試簡單視為投資技巧與大眾分享。。。。。。! 但。。彷彿重回蠻荒時代,人吃人的景象,有人圍觀吶喊!!還有人以謂發達之路!!! |
27. 地產的走狗 2012-04-30 11:33:44 |
八萬賺五百萬很誇張?.. 我認識好幾個香港人早就賺到不只這個數目了 你賺錢就算了.. 還要寫文章來證明這件事情沒發生過 這就很怪 |
28. 新手 2012-04-30 11:36:11 |
說實話, 要對比1997 - 2012樓市並不能單看樓價, 要加上 : 1, 借貸比率 2, 租金回報 3, 人均收入 4, 個人存款比率 以上四點全部都比97時高, 所以樓價偏向輕微調整的機會為大 PS. 小弟並不完全相信博士的道理, 但絕對相信2011人口普查的報告 |
29. 小強 2012-04-30 11:44:56 |
我有幾個朋友這5年內以1個單位炒起,單炒新界二手樓,已經賺超過1000萬啦,賺得500萬,算少了,不過如果真的是以8萬起家,咁就算利害。 |
30. 知丰 2012-04-30 12:29:00 |
有幾奇呀, 我公屋買居屋, 再轉手都賺二佰幾個啦, 我d仔女都排緊公屋啦, 大鑊飯食唔到就太無水準了. |
31. 科比老人 2012-04-30 20:56:36 |
狗西亮:欠債還錢 |
32. JOC 2012-05-03 14:36:52 |
咩嘢都假,揾多D錢最實際;正研究兩個揾大錢項目有興趣Add我詳談,skype: joc0206 , QQ: 1736615307 |