1. 木婁 2012-04-02 12:40:08 |
還是怕黑 又怕死 又擔心街口有槍戰 怕失控的汽車 和驟降的隕石 同樣怕賊 又怕鬼 怕天氣突然地變壞 更怕撞見熟人 乜都怕, 番去啃老算啦 |
2. anggie T. 2012-04-02 13:17:29 |
It's good to go back to fundamental & clarify some myths & misunderstandings people have with the properties market. Sometimes I also ask myself, I try to persuade my friends & relatives to buy apartments because 1)they do not have one, propety prices are rising in the long-run....2)I bought lot already, I want more people to buy, prices keep going up....I'm a winner then...... No, actually the truth is more complicated than the listed 1 & 2. If I own some properties, there's no reason I do not want the prices to go up.....But I'm a 100% local Hongkie, I want my buddies being able to beat the odds in this twisted economic weather. As I have shared before, too many of my local friends that have stable jobs making over40-60K per month still rent. I ask my husband why, he said b'coz they do not want to lower their living standards(if you rent, you can go cheaper price for a bigger apartment) If you buy & assume you cannot afford all the best location & big sizes, you'll have to surrender from 3 bedroom ensuites to 2 bedrooms /3 bedroom nice area to a 3 bedroom not so nice district.......Agree with Dr. Tong, you need some guts to go & buy the 1st one, don't listen to too many bees & bugs.....Especially those that are not doing any better than you...... |
3. CY's Fans 2012-04-02 15:20:32 |
4. 亮劍----王先生 2012-04-02 15:52:22 |
前日睇電視,見倒 CY 落區,向班深水埗街坊話政府係赤柱起公屋及居屋係「德政」,住係嗰度嘅居民都無反對,咁樣 Mark 大眼講大話都得,真係唔揾你做特首都唔得! 我樓下之前有個女看更,就真係住赤柱馬坑邨,她說每日返工放工都要用成個幾两個鐘搭巴士,交通費講緊係每日幾拾元,而附近因為只得兩叁間學校,所以細路要出灣仔或東區讀書! 拒想問正苦係撥塊地起公屋馬坑邨,及两個居屋龍欣苑與龍德苑之前,有無想吓下列簡單問題:- 赤柱係咪只得單綫雙程行車? 有無可能整集體運輸? 而交通費咁貴,窮人點捱? 附近學校又貴又唔多間,啲細路去邊度返學? 醫院又遠在東區或薄扶林,有急病點死? 連拒都唔知正苦同啲議員係唔係用XX思想嘅! 但另一方面,嗰度明明係超靚豪宅地段,随時起倒上百間豪宅!每間起碼幾千萬計,地價以數拾億計,夠在西鐵沿綫起數千個公屋單位! 而嗰啲想係左近樓換樓嘅富豪好想話俾你 CY 知,真係俾你「吹脹」! |
5. Hongkong People 2012-04-02 18:39:41 |
If people are really as you said 「慷慨赴義」and buy their first people. After that, the property market turns, govn't push for control measures or another 85,000 (another wrong policy with good intention). The property price plummets, economy gets worse and lose job. Any good suggestion for them to bail themselves out from the hell situation?? |
6. Hongkong People 2012-04-02 18:40:36 |
I mean "buy their first property". |
7. anggie T. 2012-04-02 20:33:33 |
To No. 5) There're a couple of ways to avoid this: 1) Buy your 1st property when you're still young(latest before age 40, do not mean fresh graduates), no matter what happens, it's easier to get into another job or maximize your years of payment.(afterall if you don't buy it when you're young, you think it's gonna be easier when you get older & job security is even more a question(mid-life crisis)???) 2)Strengthen your ability to save & invest, this is not by accident, can be trained in a disciplined way. 3)Play low profile, don't target somewhere you can barely manage the downpayment & risk management should always include if you lose your job for 6 months or abit longer, are you/your spouse still able to support the family expenses & mortgage for awhile. e.g:: as 1st time buyer, if you could barely save enough, why buy a 3 bedroom, not two bedroom flat; why HK island side not N.T. new development area first; focus on the ability to finish the mortgage payment a.s.a.p. 20 yrs can turn out to be 10 yrs, then you can play with your 2nd, even 3rd one, welcome to the $$ making business then. |
8. 螢火虫 2012-04-02 20:50:33 |
I am a bit lucky because I can only get on the car in 2 low levels. Now I am looking for the 3rd low level. |
9. Hongkong People 2012-04-02 21:09:14 |
Thank you Anggie for your advice. But don't worry about me. I am doing ok and retired early at young age. I ask the question only on behalf of other people. I am a 70s and we were a group of sufferers from severe property depreciation and bad economy.
Your advice on No. 3 is good but a bit theoretical. In the time property uptrend, no matter how hard you save, how humble is your desire, sometimes, it is just a bit hard to play catch up with the downpayment. When you save enough for downpayment, you need to save another bit for extra 6 months mortgage payment and another sum for renovation. So, you can never buy a property unless you are really good in your professional and riding on a fast horse in earning money.
I agree with Dr. Tong that buying the first property really needs a bit of courage. But Dr. Tong in another blog saying that the property downfall has nothing to do with 85,000 which I can't agree with him. My deduction was....Asian Crisis triggered the fall of property price, 85,000 worsened the case and accelerated and deepened the fall and SARS accounted the final drop of around 10%. And, as compared to Singapore, it was reasonable guess that 85,000 accounted for around 30% of drop.
During the 97 to 03, quite a number of colleagues and friends experienced job loss, idle for a few months, find a new job with huge wage cut. And then, it was spouse's turn to repeat all these.
So, it is only a question directed to Dr. Tong, if people do as he said, buy the first property and the gov't also has the same believe as him that 85,000 won't hurt the property market and the economy and push out another 85,000. What can people do to avoid repeating the ill fate?? |
10. ABC 2012-04-02 22:45:15 |
To 9 If you admitted that the 85,000 contributed to 30% of the fall in prices in 1997-2003. So what is the problem if prices fell by 30% now if the existing government pushes another 85,000? (i.e if u buy now , you wont be holding negative asset). Beside, it's political suicide if the new government push another new 85,000. |
11. ABC 2012-04-02 22:47:01 |
To 7 Agreed! |
12. ABC 2012-04-02 22:51:01 |
To 9 You gave me the feeling that property as an asset class should only go up forever? Correct me if I am wrong. |
13. Hongkong People 2012-04-03 00:11:25 |
You are so wrong. I never say that and never think that the property price should only go up. That's why I said you can't get what I said/say. Go back to my previous posts, I said numerous times the property market has its own cycle and rhythm of up and down.
What I really against is the extreme govn't intervention on a free market. And looks like our govn't is not really that smart. It has a high chance that the extreme govn't intervention will clash with a natural property market correction. And it will deepen a market correction to a unbearable level. For instance, with a uptrend interest rate + USD appreciation, the natural market correction maybe around 20% to 30%. But with a extreme wrong policy, the correction may deep down to 50% or even more. With a negative wealth effect, it hurts HK economy and unemployment figures as well. That's something I don't want to see and also don't think HK deserves those suffering.
Do I make myself clear?? |
14. 炒商業物業 2012-04-03 10:46:52 |
15. sina 2015-03-25 15:07:23 |
我都等緊買樓, 樓價幾時回歸 2003年??? 現在好難買樓, 居屋, 公屋都超貴