1. DT 2012-01-27 13:17:33 |
To : Admin Please check the link because it auto relates to other article by 陳增濤, 乾旱的日子. It's time to review this old article again. |
2. 王先生-平時嗰個 2012-01-27 15:10:44 |
係 1955 年,每間新樓係 2 萬大元!但當時一個文員月入只係 200 元!!----霍英東傳提供。
係 1965 年,每間新樓係 3萬多!但當時一個警察月入只係 3百多元!!----陳欣健講過。
係 1975 年,每間新樓係 30萬左右(賽西湖大厦)!而當時一個大學畢業生月入係 千多貳千元!!----馬時亨講過。
咁請問 CY----香港樓價幾時係唔貴,係可負擔水平呢?
3. 向泛民说不 2012-01-27 15:41:17 |
因为香港有公屋,所以发展商的目标客户是4万元收入的家庭,因此香港的楼价偏高是有道理的。在加上有居屋,发展商是不可能起300万的楼,因为难以和居屋和公屋竞争。香港楼价贵,根本的原因就是政府干预市场的结果。 |
4. DT 2012-01-27 15:55:17 |
港人是狗 Professor Hung is not the only person who turns to Hong Kong people with a sarcastic smile. Liu Yang also looked down on Hong Kong people and its city when she was interviewed by Bloomberg on Jan 6, 2012. More Mainlanders will share this view sooner or later. This is a trend of prestige Mainlanders how they view Hong Kong people and this province recently. How they see the core value of Hong Kong? How they feel themselves more Chinese than Hong Kong Chinese? As the growing prominence of China on the World stage, Mainlanders, they feel a sense of pride. Now which countries don't bow before China. Bow before China means bow before money! Change global status creates Mainlanders more proud of being a member of the generation of Dragon. Suddenly, patriotism make them hatred of other lands that had been humiliated China in the old days. This is a human nature. It reflects from the intellectual (知識分子) amd spread it out to the community. Don't you believe it! P.S. Dr. Tong and other viewers, what is your viewpoint? |
5. 無名 2012-01-27 17:14:48 |
其實我到現在都唔明,樓價跌(不是正當調整)到底有咩好處?歷史已重覆話我們知,樓價跌影響經濟影響政府收入,絕大部份時候得益者都只是地產商和富有人士,多數只有他們有能力逢抵就吸納。何時候一般市民能成為大多數的利益者?一般市民在跌市中只會擔心經濟擔心工作前景,就算有錢在手都不輕言用之,莫說購買物業。 班尊貴既政客時常都說貧富懸殊、地產霸權。在外向型經濟主導體強行用行政手段令樓價下跌只會更加導致貧富不均,那到底為什麼還要樓價下跌?到底真唔識諗定假唔識諗? |
6. 無奈 2012-01-27 17:33:34 |
DT: 回應中所有陳述很有條理,深有同感,問題是怎樣才可化解這兩地矛盾的抗大化。財力的確有時令人有財大氣粗的感覺,但這不足以反映一個民族的真正崛起,財力是表面的,人的品質是內在的,如何由財力內化為人的高品質,這是中國政府需要着手研究的課題。倒是,孔慶東身爲中國一流學府之教授,對法治的理解仍停在二千多年前秦帝國的思維,的確震驚世界。兩個解釋,一是北大是一家九流學府,要不,孔是混入北大的不合資格的教授。還有一點令人費解的,就是他也罵北京人、上海人,天津人是狗,為何被罵之人不作抗議,這又反映了什麼?
7. DT 2012-01-27 17:53:08 |
To : 無奈 He uses a dog and master as illustration. Who is the master? |
8. 無奈 2012-01-27 20:43:36 |
DT: As far as I know, there isn't any master. In fact, that guy had modified the meaning of dog. However, more interesting to hear some one said that Hongkong housing market's trend is somewhat in the opposit direction of the US economy. Do you agree or can you show the data to us? thanks. |
9. mini 2012-01-28 15:20:15 |
As many people know, there are so many A goods in our country... Back to dog families, a professor dog is a real dog. It only serves us as a Watch Dog... |
10. mini 2012-01-28 15:37:42 |
Think about American have been printing money for over 40 years, japanese have been doing the similar activities, european and british have also started their printing machines. Do you believe in currencies in your hands ? Suppose the speed of printing / supplying currencies is faster than the rate of the increase in wages which are subject to market. What should we do ? |
11. 無明 2012-01-29 00:13:56 |
12. DT 2012-01-30 12:11:31 |
Are you able to understand the underlying reason why Professor Hung said such thing? Otherwise you are not able to reflect the majority of HK people’s innate disposition, probably including yourself. When you read the below extracted dialogue, please take out all the color word and only read the facts in a reasonable manner. 孔庆东:这个狗就是走狗的意思,就是给人家当奴才,假如说一个白种人、一个美国人、一个英国人,香港人会这么对待他们吗?如果你接触过香港人你就会看到很多香港人对待内地同胞有一种天然的、没来由的蔑视,这种心态我就不能好意的加以提醒吗?所以到底谁偏激我们是需要理性的来反思的。 孔庆东在采访中还阐明了自己对外地游客的见解。他说。“对待一个外地来的游客应该是一个什么样的态度?比如我在北京的公共汽车上看到售票员训斥一个外地人的时候,我就会批评这个售票员,我说你怎么能这么对待外地人呢,他如果哪一点做得不对你应该善意地给他指出,不应该有侮辱性的言论,不能说:你会不会坐车!人家还要上一门坐车课吗?这些都是在大城市有一些人会经常犯的毛病,现在有大量的内地人都去过香港旅游,有多少人会指出香港导游的素质问题,香港售票员的素质问题。” 孔庆东:我们是做新闻评论的,我并没有在地铁里面,前面一个小时的平心静气我没有看到,我也没有批评前面一个小时的平心静气。我们看到的是视频里面香港人非常粗暴无理地痛斥妇女儿童。我想如果这个事件发生在北京,北京人或是一个上海男人粗声恶气地训斥一个香港女孩子,香港媒体会怎么报道?为什么不能将心比心呢? “香港人素质高吗?我认为香港是中国各地里面素质比较差的地方之一。” |
13. DT 2012-01-30 18:02:18 |
To : 無奈 I extract the below two statements to answer your question. Hongkong housing market's trend is somewhat in the opposit direction of the US economy? 美元回軟 樓市受惠 (球2008年12月15日) 美元因資金回流美國而呈強,香港的經濟和樓市便開始受到明顯打擊。 資金流出美國,美元和港元匯價便也可能回軟,對香港的經濟和樓市或會構成有利作用。 The primary reason is the Capital flow in and out effect. If you plot the US dollar index against HK property price, it shows corelationship. Last year mainlanders shared about 20% of the HK property market in terms of US$400 millions. I can say we need to have another KPI for the HK property price against RMB. Simple rule, the stronger the RMB, the higher HK property price. The weaker US$, the higher HK property price. P.S. How do you view Professor Hung's saying on the topic of 港人是狗 now? |
14. 無奈 2012-01-30 20:36:17 |
DT: thanks for the informations you provided and I shared your point of view. I am certain the price of Hongkong properties will go up in a long run. Talking about Hung's dog statement, I think he is out of his mind and it is not appropriate for a prof. to say things like that. As the matter of fact, hatred towards Hongkongers are everywhere in mainland ever since 80's. Nothing cab be done to solve the problem. I may be wrong. By the way, Hung will pay for it one way or another and that is for sure. |
15. 金牌代理 2012-02-04 22:06:09 |
物業代理做一年已搵夠十年,現在多放假遊山玩水,快活過神仙! |