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1. DT 2012-01-05 12:28:04

HK Property Market Preview in first half of 2012

A total of 695 luxury flats worth HK$10million were sold in Nov, 2011. A record high is made so far. Why? Landlords offer good packages in terms of a second mortgage and a long transaction period plus competitive prices close in the secondary market.


Potential flat buyers focused on primary flats and paid less attention to the secondary market because of the second mortgage concern, not SSD or interest rate.


Once Banks release the water gate in coming months no later than March 2012, the quick recovery along with the volume will be made in the secondary market. A small rally will bring the temporary bottom CCI Mass from 90 level to 95. Then the property price will have a range trading in the first half year.


Neither new bottom or new height will be observed in CCI Mass.

P.S. Most likely no bottom fishing any more after Mar 2012.

2. DT 2012-01-05 13:31:36

Watch Out : The Stock Bear

The Golden Cross occurs when the 50-day moving average of the closing prices of the underlying index crosses above the 200-day moving average. This event is considered by some to indicate the end of a "down" trend and the start of the new "up" trend (i.e., a "good" market condition).

Jan 4, 2012

Dow closed at 12, 418. SMA 50 = 11,963 and SMA 250 11,965

Do you want to take a ride?

Don't miss it!


3. 向泛民说不 2012-01-05 13:52:05




4. 向泛民说不 2012-01-05 14:00:14



5. DT 2012-01-05 14:24:42

SSD = A knife with two edges.

One edge acts as market punishment for speculators lacking of money. The other acts as a control valve of demand and supply side.

If you are the first home buyers, who care SSD.

If you are the long term investors, it is expected you need to pay the premium for the game.

If you are the speculators, God Bless you and go to Hell.

If you are potential home buyers, SSD faciliates you have a lot of selection choice.

If you are none of above, work hard and work smart in your career.

Market never lies.

If you buy a flat anytime in 2011, the property valuation is only discounted less than 3-5% as at today.

If you buy a flat in the 1st day of last year, your savings (principal instalment) is almost 4% on the capital investment (mortgage loan). For example, you buy a flat $3mio, you paid $0.9mio and the loan $2.1mio at 2.5% for 20 years. The annual principal is $81,971.

Could you save $81,971 for last year?

Or looking for a sharp fall of property price in this year of the PIG?

Think Smart Work Hard!

6. 無名火 2012-01-05 15:35:41


7. HK人 2012-01-06 03:28:20

搞什麼SSD?! 害左本地人.

係就出限購令啦. 內地人黎香港炒貴使D生仔床位,都用配額限制佢地啦. 如果唔係,本地HK人冇錢去D炒到貴哂的私家醫院生, 公營的又冇位真係大鑊.

又或者打擊下D地下錢莊都好啦. 咁多唔知邊黎的錢都唔知點黎HK. 好似冇外匯管制咁.係HK係咁.

8. 王先生 2012-01-06 09:23:02
9. Miss 4 2012-01-06 11:17:43
if Hong Kong Governor still do not release the policy for SSD, many of the estate agent and solicitors firm clerk will be no job!  Please consider how to proceed
10. DT 2012-01-06 11:47:35

Did you cross check the Real Estate practitioners? How they survive?

Or are you one of them but begging for mercy?

In the selection process, no one has the safety net.

God help those self help.

SSD is the market punishment for speculators.

It works ans squeezes out of short term long positions.

What a lesson learnt!

11. O了 2012-01-06 11:50:10






12. 王先生 2012-01-06 11:53:56
13. DT 2012-01-06 12:03:54

This is a zero money game.

There is no free lunch.

Pay what you did! (原業主為新晉投資者,近年與「師奶兵團」關係密切,由2010年起開始入貨,至去年年初高峰期曾持有10個屋苑單位,並於去年陸續散貨,未計算是次易手單位,全部均獲利而回,變現逾3000萬元。他又稱,經是次平手沽貨後,現時尚餘4伙。)

SSD squeezes all the short term long positions now.

It will make the CCI Mass to touch the bottom before March 2012.

Market shows no mercy for greedy gamblers!

14. 香港人meme 2012-01-07 02:42:26






15. O了 2012-01-07 09:10:40






16. 向泛民说不 2012-01-07 11:12:55


1. 政府保证基层的福利开支。

2. 最低工资。

3. 在废材叫地产霸权之后,地产商可以高估低揸,变相保证了地产商无风险,变相将风险转嫁给了中产。

4. 将来如果出现所谓的老人退休计划,其风险一样转嫁比了中产。



17. 王先生-平時嗰個 2012-01-10 11:55:06


多謝 O 了咁心水清!!

18. 问泛民说不 2012-02-04 21:56:30