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1. 向泛民说不 2012-01-04 11:32:06




2. 師奶仔 2012-01-04 11:45:08
本人十分贊成湯博士之言論, 只要簡單分析現在按揭利息超低, 業主持有物業根本就不存在壓力, 就算自住也好, 出租也好, 也是輕鬆自如, 供樓只當是儲蓄, 平過租樓, 這條數每個人都懂得計, 怎會輕易放手. 除非加息, 加重業主負擔, 這就難講了. 所以本人亦深信在低息環境下, 樓市只是出現短暫調整, 絕不會下跌30%...  
3. 王先生 2012-01-04 11:48:54

係 97年嗰陣啲發展商真係好勇,持貨過多、負債又重!   
拒地被銀行迫倉又好、真係資金乾塘又好,一手樓出貨價重低過 2手!  
加上做地產發展商幾拾年都未見過啲啲大場面,有啲實力唔夠嘅 中小型地產商真係爭啲執!
長實同新鴻基盤數靚仔到負債比率20多%,貨尾得幾千個…點同 97年比?

4. 扫把头 2012-01-04 11:56:00

香港地产股沽空比例越来越大, 这里的确有很多真理, 但是只要对冲基金要吃大茶饭, 他们能够启动中外传媒, 把你们的真理推翻, 楼市跌落3成, 有可难?

5. 外国工作港人 2012-01-04 12:13:36


之前一班在大叫楼价太贵,大跌30%或以上的小朋友,今年有什么计划 ?等或是再请求高贵的议员帮倒忙,叫政府再多加一把劲,推倒楼价 ?

6. DT 2012-01-04 13:58:35

Good Morning Everyone,

This year we have an extra day to live and 24 hours to think. Count more1,440 minutes a day and enjoy your life.

I share this idea as a gift of token. Hope you will find it practical.

Using the Newton first law to illustrate Market Mechanism


Newton Law of Motion – First Law


The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is acted upon by an external force.


By applying the first law on the Gold price, the range trading (Constant) between the symmetrical triangle of Gold Chart (range trading 1800 to 1670 in 6 months gold chart) was broken by an external force (Capital). We can view that the normal transactions based on the daily demand and supply during the range trading. All of a sudden, an enormous amount of Capital (An external force) is strong enough to break the supportive line of the symmetrical triangle at level 1675 along with a follow up selling (Hot Money by speculators) adding the fuel to break 1600 key support level and hit the temporary bottom 1530.


Where Capital comes from?


  1. The long term players in the structural bull cycle of Gold square their position. An

external force (primary cause) is released within.


  1. The speculators observe this significant movement. They jump in the market and add the fuel to accelerate the momentum.  We call this Hot Money (secondary cause). This money flows in and out for profit taking by speculation.

 Likewise, how can we forecast the HK property price in 2012?


  1. Do we observe any external force (Capital outflow)?
  2. Do we observe any speculators (Hot Money outflow)?

No enormous capital outflow is occured in the secondary market. Instead, new Capital flows in the primary market. SSD is the market punishment for those speculators lacking of money in the secondary market. This is their price!


As said before, HK Property Price hits the peak in June, 2011 and consolidation is being carried out till March 2012. What's next?


I expect that HK Property Price is going to touch the bottom before March 2012. Then it will have a rally and range trading in next couples of months.


Have a nice day.


See you all after the Lunar New Year.

7. 韋良 2012-01-04 15:13:31



8. Mad man 2012-01-04 15:30:27
  The housing market will be changing wlth time, government policy and  economomic conditions. Aa the government selling more lands , developer can no longer to wait and have to more eager to sell off their flats for cashing flowing and uptaking their land bank. Over last five months, land price level has dropped by say 30 - 40 % . I believe this will be a kind of drops we are looking for. More and more mainland china's citizens are selling  off their Hong Kong properties at all price level, it would be an extra blows for the downturn situations. 
9. 小學生 2012-01-04 16:05:22
博士及各位,請問大家都知樓市成交大減,地產代理揾食應該很難, 但為何代理人數不減反增?
10. DT 2012-01-04 16:33:22

1. As one of world class Financial Centre, we need to have third party Real Estate Professional to have an assessment otherwise Capital will not flow in the market without global benchmarking and national label.

2. The high commission is the source of life for Real Estate practitioners from the primary market.  Like Centraline, they reduce or consolidate their branch offices in the districts. Contrary to expectation, they make money in the primary market in terms of commission and revenue. So branch offices reduce but RE practioners increase. Simply speaking, more seats in the class!



11. DT 2012-01-04 16:40:36

Market Sentiment Recap




Dec 7, 2011










Dec 14, 2011

世邦魏理仕(香港)預期本港房地市場的周期性調整明年將於加劇,樓價及寫字樓租金整體會下調約 10%








Dec 13, 2011



Dec 14, 2011




Dec 15, 2011

林奮強唱反調 料明年樓價升15%。樓市存在不少負面因素,市場普遍睇淡明年樓價走勢。不過,著名地股份析員林奮強卻預期,明年本港樓價仍會上漲15%


P.S. I am very upset to hear Mr. Sze's comments from early last year up till this moment, from very bullish to very bearish. His glory and reputation is dminishing. Today's Sze is not like Yesterday's Sze.

12. DT 2012-01-04 16:52:35

I reiterate my forecast of Dow in 2012 and post it last Nov 2011. Also, US economy is the morning star.


Wave 5             Mar 2, 2009                    6,627

                        Aug 24, 2012                 14,033               7,406         (1.618:1 ratio)

                        (1,271 days)

Advice for stock players :

1. Don't play the buy and hold strategy. It doesn't work for this year.

2. Buy and take profit if you get 15-20% and stop loss at 5% sharp.


13. 80後銀行從業員 2012-01-04 17:02:27

施生這麼認為樓市跌15%, 我與地產界朋友分析, 原因有二:

1) 施生自從患中風後, 分析力不及以前, 面對如此複雜的國際形勢亦難以看透前景;

2) 希望藉個人影響力向政府施壓, 希望盡早取消打壓樓市措施, 為代理謀點生路.

儘管如此, 施生的識見仍是十分值得我們後輩學習. C觀點我也一直在追看.

14. DT 2012-01-04 17:08:22

Dec 8, 2011 Spot Gold 1715, AUD/USD 1.026





Gold stop loss if touched 10% below purchase price (i.e. ~1450), AUD 3% (i.e. ~0.94).

Do you still hold this view or need to make some adjustment?

15. Johnny Tong 2012-01-04 17:37:23

Below is my views towards property market, which was published in HK Economic Times by 唐榮.

雖然依家樓市成交大跌,但我真係睇唔到有什麼原因導致一手、二手樓價大跌;同埋,由於已達1年期限,SSD 稅率由15% 降至5%,會令到供應大增、價格下跌。這個論點實在有一點保留。
由於於SSD宣佈實施時,在那時候,業主按揭息率大多為 H+0.65% ~ H+0.7%,利息支出低,一般來說,厘班業主持貨力強,唔會大幅劈價,除非坐左好多貨、或者過度借貸; 第二,過去1年租金升幅可觀,現時租金回報十分吸引,相對 0.8 – 0.9% 按揭息率及零息存款利率,厘班業主實無必要賣樓;假若賣樓後,係現今超波動的投資市場及零存款利息的環境下,如何安置資金都係一個十分頭痛的問題。收租可能係一條唔錯嘅出路; 第三,今天新造按揭息率為2.5 – 2.6%,厘班業主當佢地考慮賣樓時,佢地便要放棄H+0.65% ~ H+0.7%按揭計畫,再買另一層樓就係2.5 – 2.6%的按揭息率,如果您係厘班業主,考慮賣樓個時都會想多一想賣唔賣好呢,係唔係??
香港目前按揭 loan / Value ratio 為53% - 54%,要跌超過4成多,先開始有負資產壓力; 根據在今年3月份的最新銀行按揭數據,原來港人現時買樓,新做按揭只佔樓價的55.8%。如果計及那些港人買樓一次過付清樓款,以及內地人「現兜兜」來港買樓的交易,則平均新做按揭成數將會進一步被扯低。即是,依家D人拎到一大舊錢出嚟、好有錢,宏觀去睇,業主冇好似 97 – 2003 劈價出貨嘅壓力; 截至2010年12月,香港銀行體系總存款(港元 + 外幣)為HK$8萬億,總貸款為4萬3 – 5千億,淨存款為3萬幾億,係2010年GDP的2倍(2010年GDP為HK$18000億);1997年,香港銀行體系總貸款/總存款比率為160%;當日資不抵債,今日實力非凡。(註: HKMA 成日講HK$ 貸存比率由70%升到 82%,借貸增長好似好厲害,係有D 誤導,因為HK$ 存款利息為零,好多人將HK$ 轉為AUD、CAD、RMB、Singapore $等)
依加D人、甚至政府成日用家庭入息中位數去睇樓市,話D樓太貴,負擔唔起,根本就有問題,用埋D得個睇、冇$$買樓嘅塘邊鵝的收入去計算負擔比率,起錯。今日貧富懸殊,窮人越來越多,經濟個大餅越來越大,即係D錢去咗D 上層、中產手裹。但係邊個先去買樓?? 林奮強及林一鳴分別做咗2个超水準嘅分析去解釋買家負担比率
林一鳴 http://blog.yahoo.com/drlam/articles/56707/

林奮強 http://www.hkgolden50.org/

需求方面,上面林奮強黃金50條 link,有佢嘅論點,我覺得寫得好好,有興趣 click 入去睇睇。
供應方面,我真係冇禁多分析資料。近幾年,保育意識抬頭,效野公園(占地 > 香港面積 30 – 40%) 不能動、海不能填、有DD特色嘅舊樓不能拆、唔起得屏風樓、新界鄉霸丁權問題、舊樓難收等等,我會覺得政府透過上述方法、岩洞、填海諮詢增大供應,口號大個實際。
過去1年,政府出SSD,以為可以迫業主長揸、租多D樓出去,壓低租金云云。加埋HKMA 收緊按揭、停加新造按息 (注意係新造按息,唔係原有舊按揭利息,有好大分別), 使到 D 人冇信心買樓 (唔係冇$$ 買),個個湧曬去租樓。理論上,如果樓宇供應充足,租盤需求上升租金唔會大幅上升。實際上,因為香港樓宇供應真係十分不足,市民唔買就要租,租金尤其係6月政府收緊樓按後,升得好急。好似沙田第一城尺租由$17升到$21-$22、太古城$27 升到$32-$33等等,亦都反映依加D人真係有$$涯貴租
正如上集所述,香港係低負債地方,加埋大陸條水,即係D人有錢,樓價跌、租金升、零存款息率,最終D 錢都會因為租金回報吸引流入樓市,支持樓市唔會大跌。不過要升就需等一D因素引發需求,譬如,QE3大量資金流入香港、阿爺放水等D內企還$$俾香港銀行等等 好多人講歐債會令到港樓大跌云云,其實佢地都係俾股市嚇親,唔好忘記香港冇借大咗,不過歐債對香港一定有D影響,應該唔會係好似97金融風暴致命性的影響,君不見香港自由行成日都1袋2袋,2008年海嘯,過半年轉頭就彈番上去,香港人有阿爺射住唔使禁驚青 wor ,哈哈
Last but not least,就係想講利息,要調控樓市,好多人話加息咪得囉,講對一半。要加息,唔該係要加新造按揭,同埋舊按揭利息,即係加 HIBOR 、PRIME rates。今日只加新造按揭,對舊業主根本冇影響、冇出貨壓力,舊業主日咪可以再坐一會,所以地产代理今日食西北風。另一方面,香港本身係好有$$ (本地人好似note 唔到),要引導資金從樓市撤出嚟,好簡單,加存款利息,試嚇3個月定期有3 – 4 厘息,揾阿水去買樓收租。不過,係偉大聯繫匯率制度下,香港冇咗自己匯率、利率政策 (唔似星架波,可以自己加息、貨幣升值),HIBOR、PRIME及存款息率唔可以話加就加,要跟美國走,FEDERAL RESERVE 講明2013年中前唔會加息,香港要通過金融手段調控樓市,談何容易??
綜合上述因素,真係揾唔到楼价大跌的理由,不過,以目前情況,應該只会轾微调整 5 - 10%左右

16. DT 2012-01-04 18:06:31


The loan and value ration is much stronger than the impact of SSD and interest rate increment. The underlying reason of sluggish secondard market is the potential buyers who don't have enough capital to pay the down payment.

Loan and Value ratio effect! Not SSD and interest rate.

I expect the Banks will release the loan and value ratio before March 2012. At that time, we will see the quick recovery of secondary market. And the rally starts.

Don't expect that there is a high peak of property price in the first half year. But bottom fishing will be no more!

17. 火卵滾 2012-01-04 18:31:09


18. 80後銀行從業員 2012-01-04 18:42:52
AUSI never touched 0.97 since Dec and Gold just briefly broke through 1600 and now bounced back. No adjustment is needed for the moment. I don't believe USD could be persistently strong.
19. Nostradamus 2012-01-04 20:20:10

如果唔係學咩人買樓?學咩人在高位中原指數100. o個陣入貨咁on9





呢度d樓市好友炒家同湯渾水有樣野唔好,就成日話乜x野地產係百業之母,地產一林就成個香港林, 真係on9!!香港唔係只係靠地產,唔係凈係靠地產代理架!樓市跌少少係到瓜瓜嘈!升個陣你地又印印腳覺得好應份!輸打贏要!



20. DT 2012-01-04 21:09:46

Michel de Nostredame passed away on July 2, 1566 aged 62.

From what you write, you like someone use different codes or names here. Same tune same style but only one view of HK property  price, heading to south plus shouting  to the property monopoly and its fans.

In the market dictionary, employment is equivalent to real estate or vice versa.

Probably you don't like to listen any advice, you better go back to your work and focus on your continual improvement and development of career.

Good night fair lady!

21. 陳小文 2012-01-05 01:42:40
17樓火x滾, 你依家發現呢班粉腸信唔過, 算好彩啦, 如果一年半載之後真系跌佐三成先發現, 湯湯湯企系度俾你鬧都冇用.

記住湯湯湯有大把物業, 佢既大宗旨系為物業界出聲, 所以連代理用假野佢都隱惡揚善, 你既物業系你既, 你覺得佢信得過丫!!!

佢話個市好地地, 背後有冇系咁出貨就佢先知, 不過我相信佢神早準備好晒, 就算樓市跌五成, 佢都一样風流快活, 唔好話三成...我地呢? 記得零二年我買樓時, 諗住未跌完都快到底啦, 點知可以兩成之後再來多兩成...人點算得過個天, 成日問跌三成既理由, 其實要跌三成洗乜理由, 要跌時自然會有大把理由
22. DT 2012-01-05 11:03:11

Caution : Bullish for Gold in 2012

KPI : 30 US Treasury and US dollar Index

I extract the comments from 金研究員肖磊 dated Dec 16, 2011




P.S. 17% gain in US 10 year note, 10% in Gold and 7% in oil as at Dec 31, 2011. Once stop loss at 1,450, it is heading to 900-1000 level. 

23. 只要相信 2012-01-05 13:08:05
24. 跌八成 2012-01-05 13:12:36

只要相信,人點算得過個天, 成日問跌既理由, 其實要跌八成洗乜理由, 要跌時自然會有大把理由。


25. 跌九成 2012-01-05 13:19:00

只要相信,人點算得過個天, 成日問跌既理由, 其實要跌九成洗乜理由, 要跌時自然會有大把理由。




26. DT 2012-01-05 13:21:57

其實要跌三成洗乜理由, 要跌時自然會有大把理由 (陳小文)


It tells us an universal true that theory and explanation follows the facts, it may not fully explain the fact per se. Take an example; the Sun is Earth’s primary source of light. From ancient time to nowadays, we still try to explain it from physical theory to particle theory and wave theory and now electromagnetic theory.


What is the truth? They cannot be all right or all of them are wrong.


The question is that do you have the power to choose which theory is the best explanation at the right time in the right place.


Like HK property price.


Will you bow down to Markets when the property price will not be falling to 30% or more in the year of the Pig?




27. 好好笑.. 2012-01-05 13:33:58




28. 小銅鈴 2012-01-05 13:48:15
房價只有向上和向下種可能性,多年來一直朝上,在未來數年向下是非常正常的,沒必要實質理據,無需博士學位. "If it is not up , then it goes down!" That is all you need to know.
29. DT 2012-01-05 13:57:04

It can be range trading, most likely in the year of the PIG.

Do you understand?

30. 向泛民说不 2012-01-05 14:13:51

今日去大X乐吃午饭,天啊,一个餐+1个饮品竟然要41元,97年的时候,是Under 30元啊。


31. a little copper bell 2012-01-05 14:14:37
In the short term,  yes, it is possible, the price would be up and down within a limited range,  but in the long term , it is still up and down. Do you understand  ?  professor : )
32. DT 2012-01-05 14:30:51


Do you agree that a mortgage is a very good saving plan?

Can you save $80,000 this year? Another $80,000 next year and next 10 years?

This is not the perfect solution for retirement but much better than nothing at hand when we get old.

What do you think? My fair lady.

33. 外国工作港人 2012-01-05 14:42:51
34. 向泛民说不 2012-01-05 21:04:18
35. 向泛民说不 2012-01-05 23:24:16



36. a little copper bell 2012-01-06 10:13:17
If you bring in inflation into consideration, Time would be a considerable factor . As a human being, we all have very limited time in hand because we are all dead in the long term.  Since we can only take things into consideration during short-term living time , long-term item such as inflation can be ignored in my "up and down theory" . My conclusion is that "we should only take "up and down" into consideration and ignore others. Nothing else but "up and down" ^.^
37. DT 2012-01-06 10:43:39

I have other view on the topic of purchasing a flat.

People buy flats for living or investment or showy glory. On second thought, we buy a flat not only for us but for our children and their next generations, for HK and the World. This flat is our legacy for them. This gift provides them a more competitive edge and advantage for them and their next generations. We spend our life for a flat but they can enjoy this reward in exchange of their time and resource.

This flat can provide them a free hand to do what they really want to do things, to pursue their dreams and make the world better.

This flat provide them a better enviornment and nurture their next generations to make their dream hapen.

Property price Up or Down means nothing!