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1. XX 2012-10-05 12:15:39
Dr. Tong,

It seems that you under-estimated the English standard of HK people especial for those persons who work in the financial field. I believe that they can communicate with foreigner effectively. Such story will only happen in mainland China a few years ago. Today, even mainland China staffs in related field will not have such problem.
2. 哈哈無聊鬼 2012-10-05 12:18:24
3. 哈 2012-10-05 12:32:19
歌名應為unchained melody
4. 80後中港兩地工作的港人 2012-10-05 13:45:40
本人2011年初買樓, agent幫我找按揭代理幫手, 提供6間銀行給的選擇做按揭, 我先將自己資料 及 已付訂金的單位資料, 給這些的銀行.

叫銀行報下自己的按揭利率, 發覺中銀, 永亨好遲才回覆, 東亞, 渣打 的息口又比較高, 建行的sales有誠意, 一開始已提供比其他銀行更低息,又不斷連絡我, 可幫我更快處理按揭事宜, 更可方便我, 可到我住的地區簽約, 及親自對我講解細節.

而匯豐由我交資料後, 過兩星期回覆已批按, 然後我回絕了, 匯豐職員問我為什麼不選匯豐, 我答匯豐的按揭利率 不比其他銀行吸引, 我說已口頭答應建行, 並約這星期簽約. 然後匯豐職員說, 匯豐可提供的 按揭利率 比 建行 可低 0.5%, 叫我未簽約前 可改變主意.

5. 9 2012-10-05 13:49:18
To 8: So the phrase "Good at Everything but Great at Nothing" is also Chinglish?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
6. admin 2012-10-05 14:17:02
謝謝4. 「哈」的提點,錯字已更改,謝謝!
7. 10 2012-10-05 14:55:51
Your expression of course has no problem. You can say "good at everything" but the problem with 2/f is that he uses "not good at..." this is a negative expression and should follow with anything but not everything. Isn't it?
8. to 13 2012-10-05 15:22:21
英文好, 好英文!
9. 好好笑 2012-10-05 15:34:32
Really really funny! Can't agree more! It's true and I come across this kind of situation very often! Usually speaking English is a effective way to get the job done, quickly and quietly.

I have been lurking in here for a while because of those nonsense comments but can't help myself today after reading those great opinions about "Use of English". Can't people just say something get to the point! hahahahaha
10. XX 2012-10-05 16:54:59
To: Ant

What is the meaning of this sentence? '調查員可能自己知道沒有辦法用英文將整個事件解釋清楚,在這情況下,批核是最簡單的解決方法。'
11. Ant 2012-10-05 18:11:17
To XX:

On the surface, this sentence '調查員可能自己知道沒有辦法用英文將整個事件解釋清楚,在這情況下,批核是最簡單的解決方法。' means the english standard. But if you think deeper, if the investigator is facing a "Fillpino" who is also saying english, will he be so laid back? 

I think most ppl who work in foreign company in HK face the same problem. They treat 鬼 and other ppl with double standard.
12. 過來人 2012-10-05 18:47:54

匯豐夠靈活, 中銀死古古

遇到自顧人士(無論生意大小的老板 ), 匯豐的企業借貸夠進取, 中銀較保守, 大額按揭, 匯豐贏晒。

13. reply 1 XX 2012-10-05 20:13:28

"staffs in related field"

how about your English standard?
14. English standard 2012-10-05 20:34:43
I agree with Dr Tong's comments on Hongkongees' English standard.
15. 路人 2012-10-05 20:44:27
16. 路人 2012-10-05 21:53:32
Staff 沒有眾數的,說出 staffs 很失禮,記住呀,不要說香港式英語。
17. 掹車邊80後 2012-10-05 22:06:49
唔好話港式英文, 係佢英文差啫
18. 掹車邊80後 2012-10-05 22:09:04
19. HKCEE loser 2012-10-06 11:55:14
一講英文邊個叻d,大家立即變曬英文老師,sigh... 英文留番同番鬼佬講 la。我地香港好特別,英文係學離同中國人講既。一句至尾,教育失敗(no native English speakers to interact during prime learning times),個個香港畢業生,大大話話學左,十九幾年英文(包括小人),英文都係咁屎,睇英文台都係明一兩成,人地讀國際學校就巴巴閉 ... sigh... 希望有朝一日,個個土炮學子都有良好英語水平,唔好比人地威曬 
20. anggie T. 2012-10-06 18:10:14

It sounds totally hilarious the article at the beginning but here's our experience earlier when applying the loans from BOC, HSBC, Standard Chartered & Hang Seng in June.

BOC rejected us even though we could have easily pass all kinds of stress tests & whatever measurements the monetary authority needs.  But the other three have no problems letting us take the mortagage.  The reasons for BOC to reject us is because we had already 4 loans with them, they're trying to minimize the risk & also you know they're very conservative in certain ways & when my husband complained to them(face of course, he already had three offers), no one understand what he wants!!!  And please don't over-estimate the standard of English of HK people.......

I don't wanna say I believe in what Dr. Tong says but in a way, it makes some sense because HSBC will surely hire some expat.s to deal; with issues like that but never in BOC!!!

21. 明無聊。暗唱好。 2012-10-07 08:38:02
22. Mortgage 2012-10-08 13:35:10





23. Mortgage 2012-10-08 13:35:10





24. HKCEE loser 2012-10-08 15:48:23
我地要學Bruce Lee,好似佢咁叻,(英文)talk得,又打得