1. XX 2012-10-05 12:15:39 |
Dr. Tong,
It seems that you under-estimated the English standard of HK people especial for those persons who work in the financial field. I believe that they can communicate with foreigner effectively. Such story will only happen in mainland China a few years ago. Today, even mainland China staffs in related field will not have such problem. |
2. 哈哈無聊鬼 2012-10-05 12:18:24 |
哈哈無聊鬼情未了 |
4. 80後中港兩地工作的港人 2012-10-05 13:45:40 |
本人2011年初買樓, agent幫我找按揭代理幫手, 提供6間銀行給的選擇做按揭, 我先將自己資料 及 已付訂金的單位資料, 給這些的銀行.
叫銀行報下自己的按揭利率, 發覺中銀, 永亨好遲才回覆, 東亞, 渣打 的息口又比較高, 建行的sales有誠意, 一開始已提供比其他銀行更低息,又不斷連絡我, 可幫我更快處理按揭事宜, 更可方便我, 可到我住的地區簽約, 及親自對我講解細節.
而匯豐由我交資料後, 過兩星期回覆已批按, 然後我回絕了, 匯豐職員問我為什麼不選匯豐, 我答匯豐的按揭利率 不比其他銀行吸引, 我說已口頭答應建行, 並約這星期簽約. 然後匯豐職員說, 匯豐可提供的 按揭利率 比 建行 可低 0.5%, 叫我未簽約前 可改變主意.
To 8: So the phrase "Good at Everything but Great at Nothing" is also Chinglish? Please correct me if I am wrong. |
6. admin 2012-10-05 14:17:02 |
謝謝4. 「哈」的提點,錯字已更改,謝謝! |
7. 10 2012-10-05 14:55:51 |
Your expression of course has no problem. You can say "good at everything" but the problem with 2/f is that he uses "not good at..." this is a negative expression and should follow with anything but not everything. Isn't it? |
8. to 13 2012-10-05 15:22:21 |
英文好, 好英文! |
9. 好好笑 2012-10-05 15:34:32 |
Really really funny! Can't agree more! It's true and I come across this kind of situation very often! Usually speaking English is a effective way to get the job done, quickly and quietly.
I have been lurking in here for a while because of those nonsense comments but can't help myself today after reading those great opinions about "Use of English". Can't people just say something get to the point! hahahahaha |
10. XX 2012-10-05 16:54:59 |
To: Ant
What is the meaning of this sentence? '調查員可能自己知道沒有辦法用英文將整個事件解釋清楚,在這情況下,批核是最簡單的解決方法。' |
11. Ant 2012-10-05 18:11:17 |
To XX:
On the surface, this sentence '調查員可能自己知道沒有辦法用英文將整個事件解釋清楚,在這情況下,批核是最簡單的解決方法。' means the english standard. But if you think deeper, if the investigator is facing a "Fillpino" who is also saying english, will he be so laid back?
I think most ppl who work in foreign company in HK face the same problem. They treat 鬼 and other ppl with double standard. |
12. 過來人 2012-10-05 18:47:54 |
匯豐夠靈活, 中銀死古古 遇到自顧人士(無論生意大小的老板 ), 匯豐的企業借貸夠進取, 中銀較保守, 大額按揭, 匯豐贏晒。 |
13. reply 1 XX 2012-10-05 20:13:28 |
"staffs in related field"
how about your English standard?
14. English standard 2012-10-05 20:34:43 |
I agree with Dr Tong's comments on Hongkongees' English standard. |
15. 路人 2012-10-05 20:44:27 |
咁講太睇小金管局調查員 |
16. 路人 2012-10-05 21:53:32 |
Staff 沒有眾數的,說出 staffs 很失禮,記住呀,不要說香港式英語。 |
17. 掹車邊80後 2012-10-05 22:06:49 |
唔好話港式英文, 係佢英文差啫 |
18. 掹車邊80後 2012-10-05 22:09:04 |
19. HKCEE loser 2012-10-06 11:55:14 |
一講英文邊個叻d,大家立即變曬英文老師,sigh... 英文留番同番鬼佬講 la。我地香港好特別,英文係學離同中國人講既。一句至尾,教育失敗(no native English speakers to interact during prime learning times),個個香港畢業生,大大話話學左,十九幾年英文(包括小人),英文都係咁屎,睇英文台都係明一兩成,人地讀國際學校就巴巴閉 ... sigh... 希望有朝一日,個個土炮學子都有良好英語水平,唔好比人地威曬 |
20. anggie T. 2012-10-06 18:10:14 |
It sounds totally hilarious the article at the beginning but here's our experience earlier when applying the loans from BOC, HSBC, Standard Chartered & Hang Seng in June. BOC rejected us even though we could have easily pass all kinds of stress tests & whatever measurements the monetary authority needs. But the other three have no problems letting us take the mortagage. The reasons for BOC to reject us is because we had already 4 loans with them, they're trying to minimize the risk & also you know they're very conservative in certain ways & when my husband complained to them(face of course, he already had three offers), no one understand what he wants!!! And please don't over-estimate the standard of English of HK people....... I don't wanna say I believe in what Dr. Tong says but in a way, it makes some sense because HSBC will surely hire some expat.s to deal; with issues like that but never in BOC!!! |
21. 明無聊。暗唱好。 2012-10-07 08:38:02 |
文章主要是想帶出一個托市訉息,唱好樓市,這就是"""香港物業整體來說,已經有6成沒有按揭,其餘4成借貸亦只不過是按業主買入時按的54%而已了"""。低裝! |
22. Mortgage 2012-10-08 13:35:10 |
我自認英文都好差,尤其日常寫作。 以個人經驗來說(在公也在私),只要你具有溝通的誠意,鬼佬是不會因此看低你,是看客觀事實。 以英語能力作為判斷事物的標準之一,多見於本地人之間。年輕時會覺得理所當然,工作後越來越多番鬼朋友,才驚覺自己的愚昧。當然,不足的就是要改進。 認同網友的論點--匯豐長年經營專門跟政府打交道的人員,而中資機構則較弱。 |
23. Mortgage 2012-10-08 13:35:10 |
我自認英文都好差,尤其日常寫作。 以個人經驗來說(在公也在私),只要你具有溝通的誠意,鬼佬是不會因此看低你,是看客觀事實。 以英語能力作為判斷事物的標準之一,多見於本地人之間。年輕時會覺得理所當然,工作後越來越多番鬼朋友,才驚覺自己的愚昧。當然,不足的就是要改進。 認同網友的論點--匯豐長年經營專門跟政府打交道的人員,而中資機構則較弱。 |
24. HKCEE loser 2012-10-08 15:48:23 |
我地要學Bruce Lee,好似佢咁叻,(英文)talk得,又打得 |