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1. 子龍 2012-08-22 11:38:04




2. 過客 2012-08-22 11:45:49



3. Hongkong People 2012-08-22 11:58:37
To No. 2,

I do agree with the blogger's point of view.
4. Mortgage 2012-08-22 12:01:47







5. 十三點 2012-08-22 13:28:12
受迫害的妄想,是永遠把自己當做弱者,形成一種「受害人心理文化」( Culture of Victimhood)─為什麼是一種「文化」呢?因為外在的環境,對於內在的意識,是會產生影響的。
當然,一條街上多樹木,跟街上的居民互助捉賊,其實全無關係,但對這個人來說,一條街上的片片綠蔭,在他的心頭,形成了幢幢鬼影。人家門前的一棵樹,成為了敵人,都變成了你的心理威脅。心理脆弱的人,容易把一片綠蔭,當做鬼影,所以中文有「風吹草動」這句傳神的成語。「風吹草動」,本來是自然的物理現象,但這句成語指的是內心的疑慮、猜忌、警惕、恐懼,這就是 Culture of Victimhood的例子。
6. HAHA 2012-08-22 13:41:00
7. 占卜師 2012-08-22 13:52:30
8. 小業主 2012-08-22 14:58:14



9. 心水清 2012-08-22 15:30:14
日本了斷機會大, 中國沒必要, 現在的問題是美國暗中支持一些所謂的壯士釣島, 攪民眾火,有點討厭.
10. 小甜甜 2012-08-22 16:58:22
11. 下台陳茂波 2012-08-22 21:36:33





12. 回8小業主 2012-08-22 22:43:49
你錯了,事實上樓價已經大升,不要扮檬蠢誤導人。 更正如下: [ 這次升浪已差不多完結,各位準買家要非常小心,在炒家散貨的市場裡,大中小型樓價要大幅下跌,不遠矣!]
13. 小業主 2012-08-23 02:53:36

回樓上: 本人並不認為樓價已大升,本人住在深井浪翠園,目前樓價仍然係97年嘅7成左右,點樣叫創新高?


14. 另一小業主 2012-08-23 03:08:40
15. 回13小業主 2012-08-23 07:28:55
16. PN 2012-08-23 09:06:06

when you make a loss, Indeed because  "證明你受誤導摸頂高位入市"

In case you make money?? Indeed because I am smart.

17. 亮劍 2012-08-23 10:41:24

講起浪翠園真係新愁舊恨湧上心頭,我同老婆由細到大都係住港島嘅,好日都唔過海睇新樓,點知在 97 年中行銅鑼灣,就喺世貿中心樓下上左架睇樓專車,本想去浪翠園遊車河兼運桔,點知見倒嗰個盤開價係 7 - 8 k,我同老婆講呢度都 7 - 8 k,咁西半山 2 手賣 6 - 7 k 咪超抵!

第 2 日立即嗱嗱聲落地產度放賣自住間屋,由 1 房轉 2 房,玩大一倍,點知中晒招!好彩我哋俾足一半首期同做盡 25 年分期,否則死十次都唔夠!

現在雨過天晴,我依家呢層樓神早返回家鄉,現在回頭一望,我嗰程車真係超貴,因為我同老婆原本係計劃 2000 年先換樓嘅,現在唔覺意提早左三年換,交多左成球幾學費都唔只!

18. hifi 2012-08-23 11:32:52

To : 小業主/亮劍。


19. 陳大春 2012-08-23 11:46:23


救世軍每年此項收入為:500個宿位 x 平均月租$4,500元 x 12月 = $27,000,000元

平均每日收入為:$27,000,000元 / 365日 = $73,973元

20. 馬錦祥 2012-08-23 11:56:08
現今是互聯網世代,只耍click入匯豐、中銀、恒生的網上估價網頁,輸入物業地址,銀行馬上可以告知你估值是多少,連這樣也不做或不會做,只信地產經紀口噏噏一面之詞 ,能怪誰?
21. 小業主 2012-08-23 12:17:57



還有澳門樓價,其升幅更大,達到5-10倍,香港未買樓者是否係井底之蛙? 誰說香港樓價升得最高?

22. 亮劍 2012-08-23 13:43:54

報章好多時報導指標屋苑又破97價云云!睇落好似好爆炸咁,但查實唔少地區已經神早破左97價好多,例如中西區同灣仔等區,唔少樓比 97 年最高價升足幾成!

如果俾啲記者知道,我想連續三日 A 1 都似!



23. to 楼上 2012-08-23 14:10:12
24. 刀回劍 2012-08-23 15:51:27
25. 60後港人 2012-08-24 04:34:51
26. 秋天 2012-08-24 04:49:20
27. 亮劍 2012-08-24 10:00:53

石鏡泉話幾拾年前一條油炸鬼加一碗白粥係一毫子,家係 13 元!

嗰時一個小學教師月薪係 300 銀,現在係 2 萬銀左右!

而金價由美金 35 每安士升到 16XX

咁樓價由拾幾萬上到 2XX 又有幾奇怪?


要是你係叮噹個朋友,可以用時光機回到 7- 8 拾年代,你會揸錢收息;定係買磚頭自住或收租?請俾個答覆我!

28. 掹車邊80後 2012-08-24 10:13:51
但我上星期去銀行估價, 發覺200幾萬樓, 竟然差左30萬, 真feel到d wok 味
29. 亮劍 2012-08-24 10:52:56









1)      減持非自住物業,直到安全水平,例如負債佔資產淨值叁成樓下!

2)      只得一間屋自住者,睇下可否照上表咁由港島搬去九龍,或九龍搬去新界!

3)      如果因為唔想啲細路轉校,咁可否新轉舊,三房轉兩房?

4)      每月入息要強制性預 4成出來供樓,有多嘅話就儲起拒買盈富或 A50

5)      請你撫躬自問,你投資係唔係醒得過 80 %以上嘅港人?如果答案係否或唔肯定嘅話,咁你就千萬唔好賣出自住樓轉租,否則剩係買驚風散都買窮你!

6)      超過60歲嘅業主如果要賣出自住樓嘅話,除非你嘅細路孝順到寫包單,可以俾間房你長住,直致你百年歸老,記住拒嘅另一半要加簽為實,否則無業主會招呼你,除非你去住劏房!

30. 亮劍 2012-08-24 10:55:34




31. PN 2012-08-24 11:18:50

Just did a comp between HK CPI and Centaline housing index with findings as follow:

1 Period covered: Jan 1994 - Jun 2012
Property up 68% while CPI up 40%, on annualized  basis, property up 2.86% vs CPI up 1.86% on compound basis

2 Period covered: May 1997 - Jun 2012
Both up ~ 9.5% with annual compound rates 0.6% 

3 the 2 indices have very high correlation but property index indeed have a lot higher volatility

4. On CPI: annual compounded inflation rate of 8.1% between 1981 to June 1998, then annual compounded deflation rate of 3.2% to Sep 2003, then we have low inflation rate of 2.6% (annual compounded) till now.

32. 智者 2012-08-24 12:17:23
33. 叔叔 2012-08-24 12:18:36
34. 平常心 2012-08-24 13:19:22



35. BB+ 2012-08-24 14:47:35
36. kou 2012-08-24 14:58:48
同意楼上所言,事實上樓價已經大升,不要再誤導人, 因為這次升浪已差不多完結,所以各位準買家要非常小心,在炒家散貨的市場裡,大中小型樓價要大幅下跌的日子不遠矣!
37. 準業主 2012-08-24 15:04:12
to : 小業主/亮劍。 謝謝分享經驗。我決定不會現在用超癲價置業了。
38. TOM 2012-08-24 15:14:29

現在深圳樓幾$呎? 近關口的幾$呎?

上水屯門普通樓幾$呎? 人仔兌港幣得0.82


39. 平常心 2012-08-25 04:17:37

樓價難以大升,原因係經濟前景唔明朗,本地資金不足以令樓價大升,第4 季樓價將回順,港府有可能再出招,準買家冇需急於入市.


40. CK 2012-08-25 13:27:12
41. 平常心 2012-08-25 13:49:01



42. 小業主 2012-08-26 03:39:53
43. 晨鳥 2012-08-26 03:43:46




44. 寄生虫 2012-08-26 09:05:11
45. 過路者 2012-08-27 01:33:47



46. 中產A 2012-08-28 01:54:17
47. 唔識字充博士, 識少少做代表 2012-08-28 08:24:33
中小型樓價大幅上升了很多, D分析真是!
48. 回上 2012-08-28 10:52:59


49. 大業主 2012-08-28 19:20:31
50. 寄生虫 2012-08-28 20:58:16
Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout.y Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout. Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout. Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout. Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout. Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout. Catalonia seeks 5bn-euro bailout 2012年8月28日 19:35 The debt-ridden Spanish region of Catalonia has asked for a bailout of 5bn euros ($6.3bn; £4bn) from the central government. This summer, a 18bn-euro public fund was set up by Madrid to aid its 17 autonomous regions, which are in deep debt. Catalonia represents one-fifth of the Spanish economy. It comes as official figures showed that Spain's economy contracted further in the second quarter. The economy shrunk by 0.4% between April and June after a 0.3% drop in the previous three months, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The nation's struggling economy has now declined for three straight quarters. On an annual basis, Spain's economy contracted by 1.3% in the second quarter. Speculation has persisted that the country will have to request a full financial rescue. In June, Spain requested 100bn euros ($122bn; £79bn) of loans from the eurozone's bailout fund to help support its banks, which are struggling with bad debts from loans made in the property sector. Borrowing costs Despite this, the official figures show that Spain grew during 2011 as a whole despite earlier statements that it had shrunk for the year. But the economy contracted in 2010 more than had been stated. The European Central Bank has said it will come up with ways to help eurozone countries, leading to raised hopes that it will buy Spanish debt to push down the cost of borrowing. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he will do "what was best for the Spanish people" and is considering all options regarding a bailout, which has helped calm markets. On Tuesday, the interest that Spain pays to borrow for three months fell to 0.946%, from 2.434% at a similar auction in July. Six-month debt dropped to 2.026%, from 3.691%, at the sale. But the rate of interest Spain pays on longer-term borrowing has remained high because of investor concerns, making it difficult for the nation to service its debts. Troika in Lisbon Last month, Madrid announced additional spending cuts and tax rises worth 65bn euros. Meanwhile, the so-called troika - the International Monetary Fund, the ECB and the European Commission -are in Lisbon to monitor the progress that Portugal is making on its commitments under its bailout. Last week, official figures indicated that the government would probably miss its target of deficit target unless it found ways to tighten the budget further. This comes after the troika visited Greece last week. Greece's continued access to the bailout packages depends on a favourable report from the troika. Athens is trying to finalise a package of 11.5bn euros of spending cuts over the next two years to qualify for the next 33.5bn-euro instalment of its second 130bn-euro bailout.
51. 寄生虫 2012-08-28 22:41:09