1. 給 梁振英 先生一次機會 2012-12-12 18:22:56 |
2. middle middle class 2012-12-12 18:23:42 |
First class analysis. |
3. xx 2012-12-12 18:48:44 |
Good article |
4. New CEO 2012-12-12 19:24:35 |
Very good analysis. There is no way to lie to the public. The argument in HK will never stop. The only chance for HK to recover is a new CEO. |
5. 三T 2012-12-12 19:47:10 |
我們再給梁先生一次機會,這只是再次證明香港己死。大陸官場到民間一樣最令人覺得絶望的就是缺乏誠信,國民撒謊成性,相信會為此付上巨大的成本,就憑這一點,要成為一個被受尊重的強國根本是可望而不可即!回歸後我們己經好的學不來,壞的憑DNA之助而駕輕就熟!僭建不是什麼大問題,作為小巿民我也不覺得梁先生沒問題,甚至比唐先生更適合做特首,直至他上立法會的一天,佢唔係白x就係當全香港巿民係白痴!不認錯沒問題,企圖以所謂的語言藝術去說明自己沒誠信問題,這就真的是誠信問題,是人格問題(尤其是他當天以此攻擊對手)!誠信不是法律觀點,不是技巧,也不講事實,但可以是很簡單的一種感覺,我真的不知道是不是所有香港人看完梁先生在立法會的技巧表演後會有一種梁先生很有誠信的感覺!如果沒有而我們都還會原諒他,或不作為,這,實在是造孽! |
6. 行騙長官 2012-12-12 23:06:01 |
唐:你呃人!! 梁:又如何!! 行騙長官:事實上,我記憶中,我無講過我無呃人!! |
7. 70后 2012-12-13 00:27:09 |
回歸前我沒有和大部份香港人一樣去排BNO,只申請特區護照,因認同中國人身份,回歸以來,中國越來越強大,但羞恥之心也越大,這樣大一個國家,小小的反對聲音也容不下,四處是草菅人命,貪汚瀆職,越大越貪,越貪越狠, 經常將日人侵華掛在咀邊,中國人殺中國人,卻是事件,卻是自殺。一些香港人卻開始麻木了,往往說人已死了,事過境遷,要向前看,管這麼大的國家,要非常手段。要發展,要競爭,不然給坡人,上海趕過了云云......但是等價交換啊.......我們最重要的價值觀沒有了,自由的空氣開始稀薄,靈魂變得空洞!最近更見到膠論處處...... 某官員十八大時希望港人對國家感到自豪,不要說奥運會,完全是金堆玉砌媚俗不堪,一點感動也沒有,就是現在火箭能直上火星,飛出太陽系,我也找不到自豪感! |
8. observer 2012-12-13 09:34:52 |
1) Leung is questionable for the way that he handled things. I think he can be more honest and tactful for handling the problems. (However; violation of rules and laws are so popular in HK as widely practised by government officials, members of opposition parties and ordinary people. )Therefore what ground we have by accusing his integrity??? Let most of them first mediate for themselves to see their own problem before pointing finger to others. Are we looking for a SAINT or looking for a relatively honest politician? If he is bettter than Mr. Tong, then leave him alone to do the work for the government. ( people are tired to see the government spending too much time to resolve a variety of problems than to do things.) 2) Leung has covered up or block the entrance to the basement illegal construction. Therefore he fixed the problem and assumed there is no more problem. The question that people ask him would make a different for the answer that we get. DO YOU HAVE ANY ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION IN YOUR PREMISE RIGHT NOW OR IN THE PAST THAT YOU MAY AWARE OF? ANY CONSTRUCTION, REMOVAL AND ALTERNATION OF ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE BY YOU OR YOUR FAMILY IN YOUR CURRENT PREMISE? 3) I believe a lot of HK people know how to play "politics" by (1)degrading other people, (2)harshly criticize others, (3)unrealistic expectation, (4) lack of constructive criticism and provide no resolution to the issues. (5) self justification for their own behaviour (6) inflated ego and do not see their blind spots for hinderance the harmony of the society. (7) Double standard Those behaviour have done more damages to the society than Mr. Leung may intentionally or untentionally made misrepresentation to the public. The root cause of the problem is most of the HK people are discontented with their living standard and their life, living in a very stressful environment (growing gap getting wider betwen the poor and the rich) as I agree. They would project their anger to any new politician easily as nobody is PERFECT. I am 99% for sure a new leader who replaces Mr. Leung would encounter the same situation. GOOD LUCK! From a positive point of view, Mr. Leung should work harder to prove himself by learning from his mistake/mishandling. Let give him a chance. I quote your wording "政府將來如和管治香港呢?在一個充滿激烈競爭的世界,香港已經給新加坡和上海拋在了後頭。走出香港管治困境,誰能夠給香港一次機會呢? The problem is not Mr. Leung. The problem is already pre-existed for many years. It is absolutely unfair to mix the things up altogether. Should we appreciate and give some credit to Mr. Leung and his government officers for solving some problems properly? |
9. observer 2012-12-13 09:34:57 |
1) Leung is questionable for the way that he handled things. I think he can be more honest and tactful for handling the problems. (However; violation of rules and laws are so popular in HK as widely practised by government officials, members of opposition parties and ordinary people. )Therefore what ground we have by accusing his integrity??? Let most of them first mediate for themselves to see their own problem before pointing finger to others. Are we looking for a SAINT or looking for a relatively honest politician? If he is bettter than Mr. Tong, then leave him alone to do the work for the government. ( people are tired to see the government spending too much time to resolve a variety of problems than to do things.) 2) Leung has covered up or block the entrance to the basement illegal construction. Therefore he fixed the problem and assumed there is no more problem. The question that people ask him would make a different for the answer that we get. DO YOU HAVE ANY ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION IN YOUR PREMISE RIGHT NOW OR IN THE PAST THAT YOU MAY AWARE OF? ANY CONSTRUCTION, REMOVAL AND ALTERNATION OF ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE BY YOU OR YOUR FAMILY IN YOUR CURRENT PREMISE? 3) I believe a lot of HK people know how to play "politics" by (1)degrading other people, (2)harshly criticize others, (3)unrealistic expectation, (4) lack of constructive criticism and provide no resolution to the issues. (5) self justification for their own behaviour (6) inflated ego and do not see their blind spots for hinderance the harmony of the society. (7) Double standard Those behaviour have done more damages to the society than Mr. Leung may intentionally or untentionally made misrepresentation to the public. The root cause of the problem is most of the HK people are discontented with their living standard and their life, living in a very stressful environment (growing gap getting wider betwen the poor and the rich) as I agree. They would project their anger to any new politician easily as nobody is PERFECT. I am 99% for sure a new leader who replaces Mr. Leung would encounter the same situation. GOOD LUCK! From a positive point of view, Mr. Leung should work harder to prove himself by learning from his mistake/mishandling. Let give him a chance. I quote your wording "政府將來如和管治香港呢?在一個充滿激烈競爭的世界,香港已經給新加坡和上海拋在了後頭。走出香港管治困境,誰能夠給香港一次機會呢? The problem is not Mr. Leung. The problem is already pre-existed for many years. It is absolutely unfair to mix the things up altogether. Should we appreciate and give some credit to Mr. Leung and his government officers for solving some problems properly? |
10. 永遠支持梁振英 2012-12-13 10:13:52 |
梁振英先生切勿重蹈覆轍,像老董般,中了幕後利益集團、外國勢力和港英餘孽的奸計,無論如何不要下台,僭建事小,中國整體利益事大,飯民議員也多有僭建,也不承認!可以預期,你不下台他們不會罷休,因為你的多項政策已觸動他們的根本利益。 現在要做的就係要交出政績,首要任務係清除多年來官商勾結的貪污腐敗,清理一批貪官和枉法的商人,予以嚴懲,還香港廉潔一個公道,令香港廉結指數世界第一。其次係要搞好民生工程,讓普羅大眾能有尊嚴地安居樂業。第三,嚴刑進法,打擊所有嚴重罪行,使香港成為最安全城市。第四,加強空氣質素管理,使港人能呼吸清新空氣,使香港成為世界宜居城市最前列。..... |
11. 夢 2012-12-13 13:17:14 |
若果認為梁振英在立法會老老實實的交待,就會嬴得反對派的寬恕,那真是太天真了."倒梁三部曲"劇本已定,梁振英只是一個"被導演"的演員吧了. |
12. To: 70后 2012-12-13 13:47:25 |
說得好. "就是現在火箭能直上火星,飛出太陽系,我也找不到自豪感!" |
13. mini 2012-12-13 14:06:55 |
Now, CY means Cheating You ! The Grace Period is Over ! Without integrity and strong coordination, we cannot expect we can have a better governance in HK. The last chance given to CY should be an independent investigation ! Good Luck to HK ! |
14. 陈增涛复 2012-12-13 23:40:43 |
回8楼observer先生:谢谢你有建设性的观察。坐特首的位子需要有领导政府和摆平社会不同声音的能力和方略。成功需要自己把握机会,如果需要他人给机会,正显示港府已经陷入了管治维艰的境况。僭建是一根导火线。梁振英没有处理好僭建风波,政府施政将继续受到抗争,吃大亏的是香港。同意香港许多社会问题是冰封三尺非一日之寒,却恰恰给梁振英一显身手的绝好机会! |
15. 回10樓 2012-12-14 01:17:13 |
16. 地產博客全力支持 梁振英 先生做政治家 2012-12-14 03:55:24 |
香港有二種價值要保存: 用廢紙印出的銀紙購買有價資產實物,是未來社會必然趨勢.市民購買有價實物資產保值思念是必然的,.... 香港政府官員不適宜胡亂錯誤施政,否則未來民怨將更大..........市場資金充斥,如何壓益樓價???阻礙市民發達........ 地產博客全力支持 梁振英 先生做政治家...... 假如: 梁振英想學習曾蔭權成為一位自命政治家,可以推出如下施政即可: 在: 東九龍新發展區,新界東北新發展區,新界西北新發展區,.....每年推出5000個均一定價出售新居屋,可以定名梁振英新居屋群. 例如:新界東北新發展區,新界西北新發展區,售價100萬一套,東九龍新發展區,售價200萬一套,面積400呎至600呎, 特別附加條款:沒有任何物業資產永久香港居民,申請者抽籤中奘,此物業袛可以自住,不準出租出售,不準留給下一代,死後政府原價回收. 梁振英新居屋群幸運兒/幸運女不用此居屋,政府原價收回,再推出抽籤,讓另一批幸運兒/幸運女申請者抽籤中奘, 同類持有幸運兒/幸運女結婚者,必須交回一套: 梁振英新居屋群給政府原價回收........ 而自由市場資產物業保存原有模式發展.............互不侵犯.......... |
17. 香港地產價值 2012-12-14 20:20:37 |
香港地產價值: 有人辭官歸故里,有人漏夜趕科埸. 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生. |
18. 支持CY 2012-12-14 20:51:33 |
19. 行騙長官,越揭越臭 2012-12-15 17:05:07 |
本年6月21日,本報揭露梁的山頂大宅有僭建物後,有傳媒報道梁舊居可能「挖空一個僭建密室」,面積介乎700至2000方呎,梁振英周一面對立法會議員質疑時,沒有正面回應。本周二,屋宇署再往梁舊居巡視1.5小時,但向在場傳媒簡報時,仍對密室隻字不提。直至昨晚7時15分,署方才正式發新聞稿證實梁舊居曾存在僭建密室 |
20. 香港地產價值值得探討 2012-12-16 01:08:37 |
香港地產價值: 有人辭官歸故里,有人漏夜趕科埸. 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生. 研究: 單程證入港定居人數對房屋需求影響: 每天150名 x 365天==54,750名 x 10年==547,500名, 建議120萬名全港小業主,當你們沒有生命危機時,無論如何都要堅守下去,勝利是屬於小業主的......
二○一一年內地來港定居未足七年人士的數目為十七萬一千三百二十二人,比○一年的逾二十八萬人顯著下降,佔全港人口的比例亦跌至百分之二點五,下降的主因是近年抵港的單程通行證持有人的數目減少。 同時,新移民 逾四成半人居公屋 在住屋方面,新移民過去十年無顯著大變,逾四成半人居住公屋,更超出全港有三成人口住公屋比例, 住私樓的新移民有四成四,當中有百分之二點一人是與人合租、屬二房東或三房客,但是否租住劏房板間房,則未有顯示。 |