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1. 孫子 2011-12-03 16:41:06
2. 陈增涛复 2011-12-03 18:45:47
欧盟走到今天,殊不容易。近代史欧洲类似中国战国时代, 那时候中原也并非文字统一,语言各异,政制也不一样。美国的霸权慢慢的唤醒了欧洲有志人士的远见,企图缔造一个强大的欧洲。但民族思维,利益团体,语言和深厚文化差异一直是难以跨越的阻碍。只有在重大的危机面前,在一个强有力的领导推动下,抓住机遇向前走一大步。置之死地而后生是历史的必经之路。不像法国当今人才零落,默克尔中流砥柱,美英也耐她不了。 不过美英依然通过媒体 – 华尔街日报和金融时报 – 不停进行恐吓和造势。德意志到底不像当前的中国,相信不会有这么容易左右摇摆, 把持不定。
3. 讀書少的朋友 2011-12-03 23:50:36
4. 放眼看世界 2011-12-05 20:06:07

小弟重複 2011-11-27 13:31:44 的一段

US must be very pleased to see the world's current attention at her rivalry Europe's crisis. US's immediate benefits are:  a stronger dollar, and money inflow into their market. However, US's problems are both internal debts and external debts which are much bigger than Europe's problem which is a currency problem with the debts which are mainly internal.  

For Europe, it is not only a financial rivalry (with an united currency of Euro), but also a possible political rivalry to US.  Just look at the recent European discussions on strengthening of financial supervision (budget and deficits limits etc.)  on member states. It could be a possible lead to an united fiscal/financial system and a step towards the eventual goal of a United States of Europe 歐洲合眾國(UK, a US close ally, has been always very vigilant on this issue).

Of course we cannot predict how the Europe crisis would develop,  either a total Euro break up, an smaller Euro group with Germany or without Germany etc. But the United States of Europe is their dream and very long term goal because they know they cannot be great unless they are big in size.

For China, very few people realized that the 911 incident in 2001 gave us a golden 10 years period for tremendous industrial, economical and financial development. Remember Bush's aggressive foreign policy against China and the US spy airplane crash and grounded onto Hainan Island.

Of course China is also a rivalry to US and other powers, but we are a little stronger than before and know how to play in world politics now. Meanwhile we have to further develop ourselves to meet the future challenge. Therefore the forthcoming
十二五規劃 is very important to us as well as Hong Kong. I particularly like 林奮強先生 在今期信報月刊的文章. That also shows HK has a forward looking group of citizens trying to catch up and join China development. It is a very encouraging sign for HK.

5. 上善若水 2011-12-05 23:08:32


